heroes of our time

By DenizSara132

3.3K 101 31

world is big. bigger then what most humans think. but it is also close. really close. right in front of our n... More

a fateful encounter
meeting them.
a bigger world.
midoriya household
long term plan for disaster
entrance exam
first day

path of the shinigami

236 10 0
By DenizSara132



himiko: "YOU CAN DO IT YAOMOMO-CHAN!!!!!!"



momo couldnt finish her sentence as ochaco slammed a 50 ton wrecking ball right in front of her. and it landing on momo's soul chain caused her to be pulled to the front and slam to the ball.

yoruichi: "aww this brings back memories dont you think izuku?"

the group turned to see izuku curled up to a ball rocking back and forth mumbling.........

izuku: "first rule of urahara's training, dont alk about urahara's training. first rule of urarahara's training, dont talk about urarahara's training. first rule of urahara's training, dont alk about urahara's training. first rule of urarahara's training, dont talk about urarahara's training............"

nezumi: "yeah he remembers.'



on the mean time momo was still running away from ochaco in panic. 

momo: 'come on think momo think she must have a weak point....... her quirk is really strong damn it!!!!....... wait quirk........didnt izuku once said.'

izuku: "quirks are like muscles. they eventually tire out. "

ochaco: "dont lose focus!!!!!"

then ball slammed next to her once again. only thing momo could do was to scream.


ochaco: "you need to do a lot more than that!!!!"

kisuke: "ok that enough ochaco. give her some rest. we are not rushing like the last time."

she pulled the ball back and caught it like nothing. then walked back. momo on the other hand was on the ground. with her tail wiggling the wrong way and her eyes were swirling. ochaco, after returning to where the rest were  smiled at izuku.

ochaco: " *smirk* like the last time huh izuku?"

izuku only shivered. remembering far too well as how demonic ochaco could be when motivated.

izuku: "y-y-yeah......."

bakugo: "that pussy is still traumatized from what you did to him back then"

ochaco: "really.....*giggle*..... too bad."

days passed. one day momo was able to get really close to her before being smacked by the ball's chain. other time she was able to jump thanks to her cat instincts. but those were rality.

and as she was doing things she was getting more and more curious which resulted her getting distracted a lot more often and this didnt got unnoticed by urahara. so approached her about it.

kisuke: "so you seem dozing off a lot."

momo: "oh...... yeah .......sorry....."

nezumi: "is it about a certain green haired guy."

momo blushed hard and jumped back.


yoruichi: "oh he is cute then........ right now?....... how often do you think about him?"

momo: "........."

nezumi: "ahh youth.... anyways whats on your mind."

kisuke: "how is uraraka using her quirk and reatsu at the same time?oh sweetie...... to answer that. do you know where quirks came from? it is the greatest mystery in the world."

momo: "......... nobody does right? thats why it is a mystery."

kisuke: "oh but not to me. or to the soul society."

momo: ".........wait....."

yoruichi: "you guessed it kid."

she turned her head to see yoruichi looking at her. 

yoruichi: "both me and kisuke are centuries old. we know where quirks came from."

momo: "you do?"

nezumi: "yeah. remember the Quincy incident we talked about?"

momo: "yeah?"

yoruichi: "that time a lot of people die. both shinigami and quincy. and not regular ones either. I am talking about a lot of high class fighters from both groups. when they died in the living world. instead of all that reishi returning tot he soul society, they remained on earth. and they fused with humans. thus triggering quirks. sure not all humans were effected, but after 200 years, you can guess what happened."

kisuke: "it was like an infection. it started with some, and quickly spread to the others. 

momo: "wait........ then quirks came from reatsu?

kisuke: "yeah. all the reatsu remained on earth had to go somewhere. and it settled on humans. first example being that kid in china. you know the rest of the story."

momo: "so then how quirks work? or how is she able to do that?"

kisuke: "her body is special. new body at least. normally ochaco'chans quirk was a lot weaker. but her after sensing strong reatsu I decided to not waste that talent. so I made a new body to her and put her soun into that body which will utilized the reatsu better. that gigai allows people to channel their reatsu in a lot more direct and conscious way. allowing the person to utilize the reatsu better."

momo: "wait...... do we need special body to really do that? and that didnt really answer all of my questions."

kisuke: "yes and no. all quirks have a physical and a spiritual aspect to them. that spiritual part is reatsu. it is where they draw power from. but it is a bit of random process. from what I said it is easy for someone to think that those with strong quirks have a lot of reatsu."

momo: "yes......"

kisuke: "but thats not right...... despite drawing power from them, a quirk being strong or weak has nothing to do with the reatsu one has. just like how much reatsu you re born with doesnt make your quirk really strong either. there are 4 kinds of people. first group are people weak quirks and low reatsu. those are average people. next are people with a lot reatsu and really strong quirk. when thats the case, there is a good balance, allowing someone to utilize their quirks quite well. most top heroes are in this category. and I mean top heroes. like allmight stars and stripes. and so on. then there are those with strong quirks but low reatsu. those people will still have quirks but with a cost of their quirks having serious, and some cases lethal drawbacks."

while urahara was explaining, nezumi arrived to the scene to talk.

nezumi: "there is a stundent un the second year of UA. his name is mirio togota, his quirk is in this category. despite its power, due to his low levels of reatsu, he has serious backlash. in fact endeavor is also in this category. his fire quirk is indeed really powerful but his relatively low levels of reatsu is preventing him from utilizing its full power. it is sad really. kisuke thought about giving him a new body but we decided not to after he showed his true colors."

momo: "........what?"

nezumi: "not important. anyways. and then there is the last group. people with weak quirks but really high reatsu. that would mean people like you yaoyorozu. and people like ochaco-chan."

momo: "......... I see. I think I understand. "

nezumi: "oh you do?"

yoruichi: "please tell us."

momo: "uraraka-san has a weak quirk....... had a weak quirk. but you gave him a body that allowed her to channel her reatsu much better and therefore increased the power of her quirk by a lot. "

kisuke: "indeed I did. and in her spirit form she is also a lot stronger than most shinigami. right now she is a higher class shinigami. almost lieutenant rank. bur certainly below that. she is probably fifth to seventh seat if she were to be one. she can still be a shinigami if she wants but she rejected. form me at least. "

momo: "and what about me? why sometimes in my soul form, I still have my cat features? "

kisuke: "thats because you are born with it and it is printed to your soul. same way uraraka would still have her pads on her fingertips even as a soul. but them actually working is a different story. most of the time they are they dont function anymore, but people still retain them for looks and all. maybe someone with 4 arms could still use all of their arms but there would be nothing else. " 

momo: "I see. do you think I have shinigami potential."

at that moment they all looked at momo while giggling. 

yoruichi: "sweetie, you have no idea how strong you really are. you cant sense it but we can. "

at that moment momo's face lit up.

momo: "am I strong? really?"

yoruichi: "indeed. in fact your reatsu is amount the highest here. "

momo: "oh my gosh........ do you think I can be as awesome as izuku?"

after saying that she froze. the rest gave her smiled at her.

nezumi: "sweetie, lets not go that far. you have potential. but izuku is....... something else. "

momo: "........oh........"

kisuke: "trust me. you wouldnt believe it. anyways. you need to continue. ochaco is waiting."

momo shivered. she then turned to see ochaco smirking at her.

days passed as momo was getting better and better. and finally. she was able to touch uraraka on the shoulder. feeling the victory she jumped up and down a lot.

momo: "I DID IT!!!!!"

kisuke: "good. now the next step. warning this one will be a lot more stressful. first we will kill you."

momo looked at them horrifired.

momo: ".....p-p-pardon?

yoruichi: "kid remember dying is basically your soul chain severing from your body."

momo: "......oh."

kisuke: "then I I will give you some of shinigami reatsu and turn you into a shingami. the fused then take the reatsu back. afterwards you need to awaken your own shinigami powers. and in case you are wondering, once you become a shinigami that way, your soul will start to develop shinigami powers too. "

momo: "I see. "

kisuke: "good now izuku you do it."

izuku: "W-WHAT!?!?!?! OH HELL NO!!!!"

kisuke: "come one dont be a pussy now"

izuku: "it should be you."

momo: "wait how does this work?"

kisuke: "he will insert a magical metal stick inside you, then blow all of his loads to your insides."

momo froze, then blushed hard and steams came from her ears.

momo: "W-W-WHAAT!?!?!"

nezumi: "yeah dont worry it will only hurt for a split second."

momo: "B-B-But........."

kisuke: "but what? you want to become a shinigami right?"

momo: "ITS MY FIRST TIME!?!?!"

izuku: "WHAT THE FUCK!?........NOO!!!"

momo: "w-what?"

izuku: "I am going to stab you with my zanpakto. "

momo: "oh..........WAIT THAT SOUNDS WORSE!!!!"

izuku: "thats worked for me."

kisuke: "hahahahahahaahah now thats peak comedy. but dont worry. now come here I will give you some of my reatsu."

momo: "what about izuku?"

kisuke: "this is going to be delicate and we cant have an amateur do it."

izuku: "hey!!!"

nezumi: "he is right though."

izuku: "just dont hurt her "

himiko: "aww protective are we?"

izuku simply blushed and turned away. momo did too. afterwards urahara then pulled out his cane

momo: "wait...... is your cane your zanpakto?"

at that moment urahara smirked.

kisuke: "awake, benihime!"

at that moment his sword glowed and changed shape. now it was a few time thicker. and urarahara held it with a smile

kisuke: "oh I assure you she is a zanpacto. izuku did the same mistake. you can ask him."

he then stab momo. after a flash everyone felt a quite high level of reatsu coming out of her. this surprised all of them

yoruichi: "damn she has some power. once nurtured she will be powerful."

nezumi: "cant wait to watch."

momo: "so this is what it feels like to be a shinigami."

as things settled, izuku blushed instantly seeing her. in front of everyone there was momo wearing a black kimono with sandals and a katana on her belt. but her kimono was really lose and wasnt covering her shoulders. and from the bottom, her kimono was also shorter and her tail was behind her, wiggling. really it was more like a mini skirt. realizing this momo blushed and tried to cover her assets 

momo: "NYYAAAAHHH!!!??? DONT LOOK!!!!"

ochaco: "dont worry you look gorgeous in that outfit. ask izuku if you dont believe me."

himiko: "you are enjoying the view right i-zu-ku?"

izuku: "NO I DONT!!!!"

hitoshi: "when did you become a tsundere?"

izuku: "WHA.....ME.......SHUT THE HELL UP"


kisuke: "ok now I want you to stay this way for a few minutes. or an hour."

momo: "ok."

kisuke: "and I will handle your body. till then......"

momo: "w-w-wait what?!......."

kisuke: "what?"

momo: ".....what are you going to do with my body?"

kisuke: "hmm......*blush*......oh....*smirk*..... it is free real estate."

at that moment he was it with nezumi holding a fan.

nezumi: "relax honey he is kidding "

kisuke: "I am. my eyes are only for nezumi darling here."

nezumi: "anyways why dont you explore your new form dear?"

momo: "s-sure"

with that nezumi, urahara, and yoruichi left leaving the girls and the guys.

ochaco: "so how are you feeling?"

momo: "this is interesting."

himiko: "so yaomomo....."

momo: "yes himiko-chan?"

himiko: "can I drink your blood?"

momo: "H-HUUH?!"

himiko: "oh come on shinigami blood tastes different. and now that you are one, I want to taste a bit, come one please, PLEASE....... pretty please

momo: "izuku is also a shinigami."

himiko: "but he is a guy and and you are a girl. also he is too firm for my teeth to penetrate. same as katsuki ane the other boys."

hearing that momo blushed.

momo: 'firm......... I seen him in a tank top back when he hugged me back when I was........... and I was naked back then......... he saw me that way.......... his arms were so nice.........shit........'

ochaco: "yaomomo so how do you feel about izuku?"

momo: "h-huh?!"

himiko: "yeah we never had that girl talk........ wait the boys are......"

the 3 girls turned to see the 4 boys were far away. katsuki and izuku were fighting, all the while neito and hitoshi were trying to stop them.

ochako: ".......being silly. anyways. izuku huh?"

momo: "w-what!?!"

himiko: "dont lie to us girl, you know. we can see you are head over heels for the guy."

momo: "m-m-maybe?"

ochako: "ok listen. none of us here are in love with him. so be honest."

momo: "........yeah I like him ok!!"

both: "great, don worry we will help you."

momo: "w-what?!"

ochako: "yeah we will. we are not in love with him so we got you covered."

slightly annoyed momo thought about it and smirked.

momo: "what about you ochaco-san? is it aizawa or monoma?"

ochako: "frankly neither. hitoshi is too lazy and neito is a bit too narcissistic sometimes"

momo: "oh.......then"

ochako: "dont worry I am not gonna be the fifth wheel or something. even if I would there are two others that share the same fate with me."

momo: "thats somewhat relieving."

himiko: "good anyways. you should get ready the next stage of training will be hard."

momo: "how hard?"

ochako: "you dont wanna know. but this shit will be difficult especially if you lose your confidence. so be warned."

momo: "........."

a day passed and urahara took the power back. momo losing such a sudden amount of reatsu was bedridden and now she was in midoriya household. izuna and izuku took a great liking to her so they tried to help izuku heal her.

izuka: "momo-nee here are you medicine."

momo: "thanks izuka-chan. "

izuna: "I got you your water."

momo: "izuna-chan thanks"

hitoshi: "they really like you."

hisashi said leaning on the door.

momo: "feelings mutual."

she then grab them and hugged both of them while laying on the bed. with hisashi instantly taking pictures of this.

hisashi: "sadly izuku is sleeping on the couch next to hitoshi....... but you know boys. right?

hitoshi: "yeah.......... sad........"

hisashi: "and I was wishing for a grandchild!!! *crying* why life had to be so cruel!?!?!?!?"

momo: *blush*

izuna: "big sis does that mean we are going to aunties

the kids asking this question at the same time caused momo to blush even more

momo: "it is ....... well....... how do you know that?"

izuna: "daddy said that if big brother becomes a daddy we will be aunties. "

and at that moment momo was screaming internally.

momo: 'they are too innocent!!!!!!!!'

at that moment izuku smashed his father with a kick


time skip:

momo was healed and now was ready out side of her body wit hehr broken chain she was waiting with a bit worry.

kisuke: "now then"

???: "this is where I came in."

momo turned her face to see a new person. he was a man with a big moustache and relative bald hair. on the top at least. his remaining hair was well braided and he had glasses on. he also wore white shirt with brown pants and a purple apron. over all he also had a muscular bulit.

nezumi: "tessai-san good to see you are finally back."

ochako: "tessai sensei welcome back."

tessai: "good to see you too ochaco. urahara-san she is the new shinigami candidate?"

kisuke: "she is. you know the drill. "

and suddenly a hole opened up under her for momo to fell into the hole. urahara then jumped down with tessai.

kisuke: "now. tessai"

tessai: "of course."

 tessai used a binding kido to bind her arms behind her.

momo: "w-what the?"

kisuke: "your goal is to climb this hole after you activate your shinigami side. you currently have them but you just need to activate it."

momo: "ok......... but how am I gonna activate my powers?"

kisuke: "that is for you to figure out."

momo: "WHAAT!?"

kisuke: "oh dont worry. izuku pulled it off in a single day. well 20 hours to be honest."

with that urahara jumped back.

kisuke: "GOOD LUCK KID!!!"

girls: "WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!!"

urahara returned to the group.

kisuke: "so when should I start slowly decaying her chain away?"


kisuke: "it is a good motivation."


yoruichi: "well lets just wait and see."

meanwhile momo was still on the ground with her hands tied behind her.

momo: "this is so annoying."

several days have passed and there was so luck. momo literally tried to climb up without her hands but only to fall to the ground. her confidence wasnt faring any better either.

momo: "how did izuku pulled this off in single day?!"

izuku: "that would be a long story."

she turned to see izuku jumping down.

izuku: "so no luck?"

momo: "no.....how did you do it in less than a day?'

izuku: "oh....... "

hearing that izuku frowned. but then he sighed. 

izuku: "that would be a complicated story. back then I didnt have time."

momo: "what do you mean?"

izuku: "do you know how I become a shinigami?"

momo: "come to think of it no."

izuku: "it was before last summer honestly. back then dad was out working, leaving me to take care the girls. that night I met a shinigami. she was there because a hollow was about to attack us. and it did. but things happened and she lost. my quirk didnt work on the beast and I knew I had to do something. so I asked her what I can do. so she offered me to give her power to me. turning me into a shinigami. like we did to you."

momo: "oh......"

izuku: "and I did. with that I killed the hollow."

momo: "thats awesome."

izuku: "but I couldnt give her the power I took form her. so I had to work as a shinigami for a while. for some time I did. and then other shinigami from seireitei came. and turns out a shinigami giving their powers to a human, regardless of the situation was a serious crime and they were here to take her back for her trial. "

momo gasped. and felt slightly jealous.

izuku: "I tried to resist, defeated one guy but the other one defeated me instantly and destroyed my shinigami powers. at least the ones rukia gave me."

momo: "but you still had your own reatsu. "

izuku: "I did. I had to save her as soon as possible so I trained as much as possible. that would also mean becoming a shinigami as soon as possible."

momo: "I see. did you managed to save her?"

izuku: "we did. thats how our fight with aizen begun. a word of advice. something neito told me once. shinigami has red soul treads. "

momo: "red?"

izuku: "yeah. now good luck."

with that izuku jumped up.

momo's POV:

I was sitting on the ground with my legs crossed. trying to concentrate. I took a deep breath. and calmed all of my nerves. then I opened my eyes to see that I was in a forest. or more like a swamp. or both maybe.

???: "took you long enough."

I turned my face to see a woman sitting on a tree trunk. she was green skinned and had leaves for a hair. on her hair there were flowers decorating it. she had horns made out of tree branches and her tree barks covering her top like a dress. her arms and legs did seemed like they were made out of trees rather than covered with barks.

momo: "you.........."

???: "what brings you here?"

momo: "I need to activate my shinigami powers."

???: "really? it is quite simple. you need to find it."

then the land beneath us shook and the grass under my feet suddenly grew. it was keep growing until I couldnt see things around me. 

???: "out of the countless weed you see in front of you. only one of them will lead you to your powers. find it and dig it up."

I spent what felt like hours and hours. and my desperation was building up. and it started to rain. and it was raining faster and faster. 

momo: "come one think there has to be a lead........"

then I remembered what izuku told me. red soul treads....... could it be..... we were inside my soul so the speak...... so the these weed were......... I did my best to focus. focus for the red one. I closed my eyes to grab something. anything really. then I opened my eyes. only to see that I was holding a red weed. I pulled it as hard as possible only to pull out a root. and underneath that rood were my shinigami outfit and most importantly a sword covered in mud and rain water. no it is my zanpakuto. 

???: "what are you waiting for. pull me out."

momo: "what"

I turned to see the woman look at me.

???: "I dont like the mud. pull me out already. "

my eyes widened. she is my......."

third POV:

everyone were waiting outside only to sense momo's powers changing and there was a flash of light. everyone rushed to see who it belonged too. only for all of them to smile as momo stood in front of all of them as a shinigami.

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