fast lane - love island 2022

voidgrandex által

136K 3K 988

'my name might start with an L, but I only take W's' lilah hamilton's used to racing to the finish line. she'... Több

meet the bombshell - lilah
- day one -
- day one - (2)
- day two -
- day two (2) -
- day two (3) -
- day three -
- day three (2) -
- day four -
- day four (2) -
- day five? -
- day five (2) -
- day five (3) -
- day six -
- day six (2) -
- day six (4) -
- day seven -
gonna delete this part soon, but just a lil psa
hear me out... 😭😂🥴

- day six (3) -

4.4K 122 63
voidgrandex által

You know that meme of Michael Jackson in the thriller music video sat stuffing his face with popcorn.

Yeah, that one.

That was me and Ikenna right now.

Once we'd sat down, Paige was up.

And I couldn't help but try and study Gemma's face as Paige bangs on and on and on about how amazing Jacques was.

And about how she was always happy in his company.

Like she was telling him to fuck off last night.

Gemma was smiling, she looked unbothered. And I couldn't decipher whether from the way Paige was secretly glancing at Gemma every few seconds she was trying to make her uncomfortable.

Another thing noted in the ever growing book of red flags I had in my head on each of the islanders in here.

Ikenna's only one being that he didn't watch Formula One.

But we could fix that.

We'd probably have to if we made it out of here.

So it was more of an orange, slightly yellow flag if anything.

The lists were endless for some of the others though.

Next up is Tasha, who picks the love of her life Andrew, that she often slags off at the first chance she gets.

What a lovely couple.

Then was Indiyah. And then Gemma.

And it's then I wish I'd got popcorn in my lap.

'Here we goooo.' Ikenna rubbed his hands together as he whispered, widening his eyes as I giggled at him discreetly.

'You're rubbing off on me, I need to stop.' He groans as he laughs, throwing a hand on his head as I giggle.

Ekin stands up, and I stare with a slight smile, hanging on every single word she said.

And watching between Danica and Antigoni for a reaction from either of them.

'This has been one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. All three guys have given me a really great connection and I've had a really great time with all of them.' I try not to glare too hard jokingly.

Little shit had three guys she liked in here and it'd taken me two flights to and from Majorca, two weeks at home and four miserable initial few days in here to find just one.

Jammy little cow.

I giggled at myself as she continued, Ikenna frowning at me with a small smile.

Knowing I was off in my own little world.

'I didn't know whether to play it safe or take a risk.'

A few peoples eyes widened as I grinned, realising what she was going to do.

'I personally would like to give this person a chance, and I'm hoping he would too.'

Everyone else is still looking at Charlie, thinking it was going to be him.

But I knew her better than that.

My little shit stirrer.

'Therefore, the boy I want to couple up with is....Davide.'

I grin into Ikenna's shoulder as a couple of people gasp in shock.


And at least this time I'd be here to keep them both in fucking line and not let shit hit the fan like the last time the two chaotic idiots gave it a go.

Antigoni did not look happy.

But she had no idea what was gonna happen next.

'I've decided, I would like to couple up with this boy because he's quite easy on the eye and is really attractive. I feel like his personality is quite endearing, and I don't feel like we've had too many conversations so I'm intrigued to know a little bit more about him. Even if nothing comes from this romantically, I think a great friendship could be formed.' Danica starts and I widen my eyes.

Girl had already friend zoned whoever she was gonna choose lol.

'Thank fuck that's not me anymore.' Ikenna chuckles quietly and I have to cover my mouth to stop a laugh escaping.

I really was starting to rub off on him hehe.

'I think he shows and resembles qualities that I would look for on the outside, so the boy I would like to couple up with is....'

I think we all thought it was going to be Charlie. For the second time everyone was looking at him.

The poor guy.


My eyes widen as I purse my lips, watching Antigoni as Jay makes his way over to Danica.

Good on her to be honest, if she couldn't see things going anywhere with Charlie then she needed to give Jay a go.

At least Antigoni had admitted she quite liked Charlie, so she could still happily be coupled up with him and get to know Jay some more at the same time.

But as I see her whisper, 'I can't believe this shit.'

I take it she's not a happy bunny.

She stands up, and I mentally prepare myself for a muggy Mike situation.

Leaning back with a small smile as I watch between Danica, Antigoni, Jay and Charlie.

'We arrived in the villa on the same day, so I feel like we've kind of been in on this experience together. I've been fortunate enough that there's some amazing, really genuine people here who've welcomed me into the fold and made us both feel very at home.'

Uh oh. I didn't like where she chose to add the emphasis there.

I think she might've thought that she ate, but it just sounded petty and a bit whiny to be honest.

'So the boy I want to couple up with is, Charlie.'

Was that it?

That was boring as fuck.

I deflate a little as they sit down, Ikenna prodding me in the side and whispering.

'Stop looking so disappointed.' He chuckled at me and I sighed, pouting as I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

Antigoni stormed straight off, Paige running after her. 'Antigoni, I got you girl.'

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Yeah, couldn't be arsed with that situation.

She had no reason to be so butt hurt and bitchy about it.

I rolled my eyes as the two of them went to sit on the benches with a Tasha and Gemma.

And I went to grab a drink with Ikenna quick before I joined them.

Watching as Ekin and Danica tried to sit with them and talk.

'Girlies, do you mind if we have a quick catch up? And then we can all have a chat together.' Paige smiles sweetly, her tone condescending as she speaks to Danica.

'No that's fine.'

Danica, Indiyah and Ekin walk back away.

As my jaw literally hits the floor.

Ekin catches my eye, and seeing the look on my face, pulls the two other girls over to the two of us in the kitchen.

Ikenna's eyes wide too.

Even he knew that was bad.

'Is she fucking serious?' I raise my eyebrows, unamused as I stare at the group of them on the benches.

'Did you hear that?' Indiyah widen her eyes and I nod.

'Yeah I fucking heard it, who the fuck does she think she is speaking to Danica like that?' I furrow my eyebrows, Ikenna taking the hint as I turn to look at him.

'I'll be back in a bit. Don't get into any fights please ladies, thanks.' He nods at the other three girls and kisses my temple, briefly distracting me from my anger as the others coo.

And once he's gone over to the fire pit I'm already angry again.

'It's fine honestly, I don't care.' Danica shrugs and Indiyah nods. 'We don't know what they're talking about.'

'I don't give a shit what they're talking about.' I raise my eyebrows with a scoff as Ekin steals a sip of my wine.

'Why the fuck are they starting the cliquey shit. Who's she to tell you you can't go and sit with them?' Ekin nods as I finish.

'It's not so much what they're talking about, it's more the fact that she's excluding people and causing shit by making groups. That's never fucking good.' Ekin says and I nod, looking at the garden.

All the boys were stood together at the fire pit.

And here we were, the girls in two separate groups because Paige had effectively just told Danica, Ekin and Indiyah to go away.

'Nah that's pissed me right off. What the fuck is that.' I suck my teeth. 'That's playground shit.'

Indiyah nods sadly as I huff.

'I mean we don't know what they're saying exactly but it's obvious she's annoyed I picked Jay.' Danica gets a drink and Ekin nods.

'Yeah but that's not your problem.'

'Yeah. You've done nothing wrong. Don't be made to feel like you've done something wrong.' Indiyah adds and I shake my head.

'See this is why I'm pissed off, because they're over there bitching for no reason.' I raise my voice ever so slightly, Ekin shushing me with a giggle. 'And making it seem like Danicas done something horrific when there's fucking nothing wrong with it.'

Danica nods thankfully. 'Had Antigoni said her and Jay were like full on, only focused on each other then I'm not saying I wouldn't have done it but I would've been a bit more like ah, fuck.' She defends herself and we all nod.

'I overheard her saying she still wanted to get to know Davide earlier so she can't be too into Jay. And that probably means she's pissed at me as well lol.' Ekin shrugs, sipping more of my wine and I sigh.

Holding my hand out for a sip and then giving it back to her.

'Well all I know is that Jay said, at the moment romantically I am feeling her more in that respect. He didn't say, oh my god don't pick me it would be the worst thing ever.' Danica explains and I scoff.

'You know what, it really pisses me off when things like this happen. All you've done is pick a guy you might have a connection with, because he's gone off and told you one thing and her another thinking with his dick not his brain. Now she's pissed at you for no reason and Paige is acting like some fucking guard dog not letting you go and talk to her. Fuck sake I can't be arsed.' I roll my eyes, dropping my head on the counter as Indiyah giggled slightly at me.

'Fuck I missed you.'

She giggled, cuddling me lightly as I smiled briefly.

She goes to chat to Dami as I grab a jacket, heading back outside to find them on the sofas.

Danica and Ekin on their way to join them.

I run to try and catch up with them, almost falling over in the decking.

'Fucking hell.' I throw my arms out, wide eyed like that freaking standing raccoon meme as they all burst out laughing at me.

'I think I just had a heart attack.' I sit down, nodding at them to continue their conversation.

So I could finally try and get to the bottom of whatever the fuck had gotten Antigoni so butt hurt that she turned to Paige for help of all people.

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