Monster Anthology [MxM]

By lordmouri

24.9K 396 65

A creeping horror in the dark. An echoing howl in the forest. A spreading pool of ichor. Shadows stalking the... More

Mythic Introduction and Disclosure
Sunken Depths
Blood on the Moors
Sacrificial Lamb
Ravenous Hunger
Backroom Desires
Bloody Opal
Rhine Theatre
Spider's Web
Life Debt
Sheep's Clothing
The Light on the Moor
Season 2 Announcement
Once Upon a Dream
Ebony Woods
Any Other Night
Lady of the Lake
Courting the Manslayer
Strawberry Cheesecake
Cult of the River God


1K 16 14
By lordmouri

Story note: Inspired by and written for Madam Abel. If you haven't checked them out yet, you should!

Content Warnings: Spider monster, coercion, sexual content

"Your hair is as much of a weapon as your body," Old Vaeri instructed carefully as Elyon and Lierin tugged, braided, and plated Ashrynn's long, thick, rose-colored hair. Ashrynn sat still on the cushion as the women tugged and braided his hair, weaving jewels, flowers, and gold bands into the braid. The weight of it, he'd gotten used to during the preparation for this day.

"You must please the Lord," Old Vaeri went on, sitting a few feet in front of Ashrynn on another cushion, her walking stick on her lap. The old elf tugged her shawl tighter over her shoulders, her sharp green eyes as clear as someone centuries younger. "If you do not please him, the tribe will suffer... we must have his favor this year."

This year. Because last year, and for the last six in a row, the tribe failed to please the demon lord that ruled the lands they lived on. Instead, other tribes had won his favor and prospered.

This year, everything rode on Ashrynn's dusky, freckled shoulders.

Once the two women behind him were done with his hair, they lifted the long veil and settled it over his hair piece. They did not secure it in place; the veil was meant to be removed during the dance and used to mesmerize onlookers.

"I know," Ashrynn murmured, dropping his amethyst gaze to his lap. The many-layered rainbow skirt settled around him only gave the illusion of clothing. The sheer silk and chiffon layers, cut up to his hip on one side, would give enough of a show while hiding his groin. Or so he'd been told.

Honestly, he felt the skirt showed too much.

But the skirt revealed less of him than the top. The scrap of fabric used as the top draped across his chest and wrapped around the back. It exposed Ashrynn's shoulders, back, midsection, most of his pectorals, and the long expanse of his throat. The fabric hugged him close and hid little of his chest.

"Finishing touches. Stand up," Old Vaeri commanded, motioning with her hand.

Taking a steadying breath, Ashrynn stood from the cushion. Elyon pulled a layered belt with small gold disks dangling from every edge out of the trunk. While she secured it around Ashrynn's waist, Lierin retrieved the gold bangles and anklets. Each accessory jingled and clacked as the two women secured each piece.

"Last but not least...." Old Vaeri circled her face with one hand, and Elyon retrieved a small box from the trunk. She and Lierin crowded close to Ashrynn's face.

"Close your eyes, please," Elyon instructed. As soon as Ashrynn did, the two women began to mark his face. Powders, paints, tiny skin jewels - everything they'd prepared to ensure Ashrynn caught the demon lord's eye.

"Okay," Lierin said; the two women stepped back as Ashrynn opened his eyes for Vaeri's inspection.

The old elf hummed, then held up a finger and twirled it. Ashrynn obeyed, turning on his heel in a slow circle until he jingled back to face her. She hummed in approval and nodded.

"Good. Now remember to smile... and don't be shy about it. Act coy, catch his attention, and make sure you keep it," Old Vaeri commanded. "The tribe needs this. Think of your young sister and her fiance. If you wish for them to thrive, you must get Lord Abel's approval."

"I know," Ashrynn replied, lifting his head high. He would do this. But not for the tribe.

Ashrynn had his own reasons to volunteer for this.

A knock on the door, and one of the demon lord's cronies poked their horned head into the room. "Master calls for all the supplicants. You are to go to the antechamber. Your entourage must wait here for further instructions."

Swallowing down his trepidation, Ashrynn nodded. With one last glance at the three women, he murmured, "If I am chosen... please make sure my sister is taken care of."

"She will be," Old Vaeri replied.

Holding his head high, Ashrynn left the room and followed the directions to the throne room's antechamber. There, with five others dressed in layers of sheer fabrics and carefully placed gold, everyone stayed well away from each other.

A mirror caught Ashrynn's eyes, and he turned, inspecting himself. The sheer veil cascaded over his jeweled flower hairpiece and thick braid, making his long dark ears stand out. The pastels of the fabric and the glittering vibrancy of the jewels contrasted with his dusky skin. The powder on his cheeks did not hide his dark freckles, and the paint on his lips and around his eyes only enhanced his natural features.

He tried not to stare at the wine-red choker around his neck or the engraved spider on its front.

"Fasni Tribe," called a tall creature from the far doors. A young woman with long limbs in vibrant green quickly ran forward. From her looks, Ashrynn thought she might be a dryad or nymph. She disappeared through the doors, and moments later, music began.

The tall creature returned to the doors and called out, "Stigoh tribe." Another young woman, this one wearing white, darted forward. The creature stopped her at the door, waiting until the music died before restarting with a different tune. The creature motioned her forward.

Another tribe name, another dancer, until Ashrynn stood alone in the antechamber. The creature's eyes fell on Ashrynn, and finally, the beastly creature intoned, "Juspei tribe."

Ashrynn took a deep breath and straightened his back. He strode forward and waited at the door until the music died. The creature motioned him on, and Ashrynn flowed into the room.

The music began, and he had no time to meet the demon lord's eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the long, spindly legs covered in white fur sprawled on piles of cushions on the raised dais. As he spun and dipped, his arms wide and his legs flowing into each step, Ashrynn did his best to lose himself in the music rather than think about what would happen if the demon lord chose him.

Don't think, Ashrynn told himself, just move.

The bells and disks called attention to his hips, ankles, and wrists with each step. Then he slipped the veil free, and the fabric became a new tool of his dance. His thick braid spun with the veil, twirling with the music, creating a dancing partner for Ashrynn to time each step. Each twitch of his hips, each quick undulation of his midsection and waist, each flick of his chin and neck sent tinkling tones through the vast throne room.

When the music finally rolled to a stop, Ashrynn collapsed to his knees. His braid fell over his shoulder, the veil fluttered down in a semi-circle behind him, and his chest heaved from the effort.

A moment passed, and his stomach dropped. The lord said nothing. But then the sound of a door opening and the tinkling of ankle bells reached his ears. The other dancers hurried forward and knelt in front of the raised dais. They waited there, not daring to lift their eyes.

Finally, a silken voice purred, "Lovely. This year will be a hard choice...."

A shiver ran down Ashrynn's sweating spine as he caught sight of the end of a furry spider leg and the shadow of the enormous body. The creature made barely a sound as the demon lord began to move down the line of sacrifices.

"No," Lord Abel purred, knocking one dancer to the side with one of his spindly legs. Guards came forward and dragged the discarded dancer away.

"You have a nice face, but... you pant loudly, so no." The demon lord tossed another dancer aside to be carried away by the guards.

Those furry legs passed in front of Ashrynn, and he held his breath, not daring to look up.

"Hm," Abel hummed. Then the dancer to Ashrynn's left was pushed off her knees to her back. "Not you. I don't like your legs." The woman sobbed and curled on her side, even as the guards came forward to retrieve her.

"Take that one, too," the demon lord said, and for a moment, Ashrynn feared it was his turn - but no, it was another dancer the guards hauled away.

"You two... Stand," Lord Abel commanded.

Careful of his aching legs, Ashrynn stood; though he kept his head held high, he made sure to keep his eyes lowered. The demon lord's colossal body moved around them, examining the two dancers left.

After several moments of silence, Lord Abel grabbed Ashrynn's chin in a steel grip and tilted his head up, forcing the elf to meet the gaze of eight black scleras. Though he could not tear his eyes away from that gaze, Ashrynn took in the immense body of the demon lord.

The creature before him stood several feet taller than Ashrynn's own 5-foot-8; from his estimation, the demon was twice his size, maybe even three times. The huge rotund abdomen twitched behind the large carapace, where the long, spindly legs branched out. Every inch of the spider-like body was covered in thick, white fur.

The humanoid waist grew from the front of the carapace. Milk-white skin stretched over thick muscles. Long strands of silver-grey hair sprouted from the sides of the angular face, trailing down the demon's chest and framing pointed ears. However, the rest of his hair grew in short, wavy strands. Yellow markings lined each of the eight eyes that took him in.

"You," the demon lord purred.

Without taking his eyes off Ashrynn, Abel motioned for the remaining dancer to be taken away. Then, with one flick of his wrist, the demon lord tossed Ashrynn up onto the cushions of the raised dais.

"Inform his entourage," the demon lord purred with shooing motions of one hand, "give them my favor and send them on their way."

The guards bowed as Ashrynn tried to scramble free of the skirts that encumbered his legs. He'd been sure he would have time to at least get out of the cumbersome outfit-

But Abel gave him no time, and the spider crept up the stairs of the dais. Ashrynn managed to push himself up on his elbows as the creature overshadowed his legs. The doors of the throne room boomed shut, leaving them alone.

"What have you been told, little one?" came that silken purr, the voice skittering along his spine in a pleasurable dance. The demon lord began to circle Ashrynn, and the elf had to twist to keep him in his sight.

Ashrynn swallowed hard but forced his voice to work. "I - I've heard you eat your sacrifice."

Abel raised an eyebrow, a smirk showing off sharp fangs. "Do I? Then perhaps you should show more deference...."

But Ashrynn raised his chin, narrowing his eyes. "Deference is earned."

"My, my, my, I knew I spied an attitude in you...." the demon lord purred. One of those spindly legs suddenly knocked Ashrynn over, pushing him onto his stomach. Abel stepped onto the small of the elf's back, keeping him there, as the spider leaned down and murmured, "I don't eat my precious mortals... immediately...."

Another furry leg trailed down Ashrynn's side, following the curves of his dark flesh. Fingers traced the dip of his spine to his ass, causing Ashrynn to break out in pimply goosebumps. The gold disks clinked as the creature suddenly ripped the skirts and belt from his waist while the spider legs kept him from rising. The fabric tore readily and fell to the side, discarded.

"No, I like to play with what is given so willingly," that silken voice purred, breath ghosting over Ashrynn's pointed ear.

Heat flooded the elf, and his stomach sank. No.

Ashrynn suddenly snatched the nearest cushion and slammed it into the leg on his back. He twisted and rolled away from the demon, scrambling to his feet-

Only to be knocked down again as a furry leg swept his own out from under him. But he didn't land on the ground. Two solid, hairy legs wrapped around his middle and yanked him back until he pressed against the demon lord's chest. Long fingers trailed over his shoulders and down his front even as Ashrynn kicked and twisted in the grip.

"It's been so long since anyone's fought me," Abel purred. "I knew you would be fun."

Then, the demon moved, using his free six legs to climb from the dais up to a large opening in the wall. Even as Ashrynn struggled, the demon lord's grip did not budge - not until Abel dropped him face down onto the edge of a massive, raised bed. Ashrynn twisted on the bed, quickly focusing on Abel's looming form.

"You will find there are no stairs," the demon lord informed him, "the only way down is with me... and if you attempt to jump from here, you will not break your neck, but you will break other parts of you. I'd rather you remained whole, but if you insist, I will break your leg so you cannot run."

Ashrynn's eyes widened, and a panicked squeak came from his throat as a furry leg brushed up against his bare leg. The elf scrambled away onto the bed, trying to distance him from Abel, but strong fingers suddenly grabbed his braid and yanked him back.

"Already, you try to run from me... I shall have to break you if you persist... I do not wish to hurt you...." the demon purred, his free hand stroking Ashrynn's cheek as strong, furry legs held him in place. "Do not make me hurt you, little one...."

Abel forced Ashrynn to turn, to meet his eyes, and the black depths of eight eyes stared into his purple ones. A shudder ran down his spine as he tried to turn away, tried to look anywhere but at those eyes.

But no matter how hard he tried to move, tried to make his body lash out, he hung there limp, held by the spider's legs around his middle, the monstrous hand clutching his braid, and the steel trap on his cheeks.

"Shhh..." cooed the demon, "you will be treasured with me... safe from harm... well fed and draped in silks and jewels... the only one to receive my affections... so long as you do not fight... do not run... so long as you obey..."

The more he stared into the multitude of eyes, he felt like he floated on clouds, not held up by his braid and a harsh grip on his cheeks. Ashrynn shuddered and tried to pull away, tried to look away, but Abel cooed again.

"Shhh... you are safe with me... my little rose..." the demon cooed, and Ashrynn felt his body relax. His breathing evened out, and tension bled from his flesh. The demon's grip loosened, letting the elf kneel on the bed. Abel caressed Ashrynn's cheek, leaning in close. "Good boy..."

The demon's lips crashed into his while one of Abel's hands gripped the back of his head. Though Ashrynn could go nowhere, he didn't want to retreat or turn away. His mouth opened under the demon's insistent assault, and their tongues tangled. The prick of fangs along his tongue sent shivers running down his spine. A little moan slipped from Ashrynn's lips, swallowed greedily by the demon lord.

Then Abel pulled back, his fingers massaging the back of Ashrynn's head and along his nape. His colossal hands cradled his head and neck, strength radiating off of the flesh in waves. Strength enough to snap his neck. "You will be a good boy, won't you?"

Ashrynn drew in a shaking breath, feeling his mind fuzzy on the edges. Drifting along, a cloud on the wind. But then he found himself nodding and drifting towards the enormous demon lord.

"I... I want to be a good boy for you...." Ashrynn murmured, licking his lips.

Abel stroked the elf's dark cheeks, humming in pleasure. "I know you will be... but you will have to prove it, little rose...."

"How?" the elf asked, leaning into the demon's touch.

"You will start by calling me Master whenever we are not up here..." the demon purred, rubbing the elf's ear. "Here... when we are alone in this room... you will call me Daddy...."

A flush crept over the elf's cheeks, and Ashrynn leaned closer. "D-Daddy?"

The word felt odd to his lips as he said it, but the demon lord caressed his cheek and smiled.

"Yes, just like that...." Abel purred, "now open your mouth. It's time you got acquainted with my body...."

Ashrynn swallowed hard. He wanted to run, wanted to twist away from those caressing fingers, but his body acted on its own. With gentle insistence from the demon lord's thumb on his chin, the elf opened his mouth. As he did, a wet sound of parting flesh drew Ashrynn's eyes to the front of the carapace, where a spider's mandibles would be. Only, instead of mandibles, the flesh parted, and a large, stinger-like appendage slipped free, covered in a clear, dripping substance. Two smaller, thinner appendages with wicked barbs unfurled beside the larger one.

The large cock - for there was no other thing it could be - had a tip shaped like a stinger before it bulged after an inch. The thickness increased in ball-like increments until it ended in what appeared to be a six-inch diameter girth. The length of the immense cock was easily the size of Ashrynn's arm. Thick veins wrapped and twisted under the pale pink skin as the cock thickened with anticipation.

A purr slipped from Abel as he urged the elf forward. "Take me into your mouth. Show me how good you want to be for me."

Flushing still, Ashrynn scooted forward on his knees until the cock rubbed against his cheek and ear. Feeling his stomach twisting and wanting nothing more than to run the other way, he opened his mouth wider and licked the length. The odd dips and bulges enticed Ashrynn to explore every inch of the spider demon's cock. Salty musk mixed with a peculiar, sticky sweetness wrapped around his tongue. He lapped for more, tugged along by the spider's purring encouragement.

"Open your mouth wide... take me in...." Abel purred, his fingers massaging the elf's scalp. "Good boy... just like that...."

With each encouraging word, Ashrynn took in another inch of the thick cock. The stinger-like head brushed against the back of his throat, and his throat convulsed - but Abel didn't pull his cock back. Instead, the spider demon pushed on, sliding the huge cock down the elf's throat. With each push, Ashrynn's mouth stretched wider until he could not take anymore until he could not open his mouth any wider.

Abel hummed, rocking his cock in and out of Ashrynn's mouth. "Is that as wide as you can open, little rose? It will do, I suppose...."

The girth and length of the cock cut off his air supply as Abel thrust the monstrosity. Black spots began to fill his vision, and Ashrynn groaned with rising panic. No matter how much he wanted to pull back, the demon's firm hand on his head kept him still and left the elf no room to retreat. A shiver rolled through the elf as that cock slowly pulled free of Ashrynn's lips, letting him take in gulps of air. Abel stroked the elf's vibrant red hair and tilted Ashrynn's chin up.

"Good boy..." Abel purred, "now... turn around, on your hands and knees... present yourself to me...."

The flush on his cheeks crept over dark flesh, and Ashrynn tried to run or stay still, but he found himself twisting. He turned, flushed still, and propped himself on his hands and knees.

Deadly fingers dug into his bare ass, massaging and groping the flesh. Ashrynn shuddered and clutched desperately at the sheets. But then Abel's fingers massaged their way up Ashrynn's flesh, pushing the elf down so his cheek rubbed into the sheets. As Abel's fingers massaged their way back down Ashrynn, the elf felt the tension leaving his body. Two furry legs pushed his thighs apart, spreading his legs for him.

"There... just like that...." Abel purred. The huge cock rubbed against the elf's crack, spreading the mix of Ashrynn's saliva and the sticky, translucent fluid from the demon's own body. Sparks of heat spread from the contact, and Ashrynn rubbed his burning face into the mattress.

"Good boys get rewarded..." the demon purred, spreading Ashrynn's asscheeks to expose the trembling, clenching entrance. "Such a beautiful sight... I want you to prepare yourself for me. Spread your hole while I watch."

Ashrynn opened his mouth, intending to protest but what came out instead made his eyes widen. "Yes, Daddy..."

He reached back with one hand, the other shifting on the bed to give him a more comfortable position. Using the slick spread by Abel's cock, Ashrynn probed his hole with the pads of his fingers. While Abel kept his cheeks spread, Ashrynn sank a finger into his tight ring, pushing past the protective muscles. At first, the elf let out a slight mewl of discomfort, but Abel's massaging fingers on his ass encouraged him. Or the him in charge.

His finger slid in and out several times, circling the hole and rubbing at the tense muscles. Ashrynn pressed a second slick finger in beside the first and let out a breathy whine as he pumped his hole. Abel rumbled behind him, the thick hard cock a bar of heat on the elf's ass. Waiting.

Finally, Abel knocked his hand away. "Enough, little rose. You're ready for me, aren't you?"

Ashrynn wanted to tell the demon to go fuck himself, but the needy whine that escaped his lips told a wildly different story. "Please, Daddy..."

Another rumble of pleasure, and the demon lord rubbed his cock along the crack again. That was all the warning Ashrynn received before the stinger tip sank into his entrance. Ashrynn yelped, and his fingers twisted into the sheets, but his body pushed back towards Abel instead of pulling away. Inviting. Needy.

Abel's fingers trailed over the dark flesh and grabbed the elf's hips, dragging him closer to the edge of the raised bed. The demon rocked forward, sinking another inch and spreading him wider with the increasing girth. Ashrynn groaned, tears springing to his eyes as the huge cock split him open beyond what should have been physically possible as more and more of that cock sank into his hole. Abel rocked out and pushed forward, sinking inches more into the tight passage, until Ashrynn's ass rested snuggly against the furred carapace and the elf felt overly full. The skin of his abdomen bulged and distended with the over-large intrusion.

However, the demon did not give him time to adjust and suddenly pulled back until just the tip remained in his ass. One of the strong hands left his hip, and moments later, that girth pushed hard inside him. Only something else snuck in with the giant member and latched onto his insides.

Ashrynn shrieked at the sensation of barbs sinking into his sensitive passage on either side, but then Abel was fucking him in earnest. Each thrust shoved him into the mattress and drove a mix of cries from his frightened, shuddering lungs. Whatever cloud he'd been floating on seemed to have evaporated, and Ashrynn scrambled at the sheets for any kind of purchase.

But Abel held him fast, thrusting hard into him. The barbs clung to his insides and seemed to elongate with each thrust, giving the demon plenty of room to piston his cock into Ashrynn. The ends of furry legs rubbed at his shoulders and neck, but Ashrynn did his best to ignore them - ignore the shudder that ran through his body at each touch of that spider body.

Abel wrapped an arm around Ashrynn's waist and began to tug in time to his thrusts. With the enormous cock splitting him, hitting his prostate, and that gigantic hand playing with his prick, Ashrynn could not hold out long. His body spasmed and convulsed as he came, shrieking. Ashrynn's hole squeezed around the demon's monstrous cock as ropey, sticky cum shot from his cock.

Then thick, hot cum filled his insides, spreading through him, invading every inch of his flesh. More cum than should be possible flooded his insides and reached into the very center of him. The strange feeling of floating returned, and his body relaxed into the mattress, shuddering in pleasure and completion. Abel purred in pleasure and kissed his way up Ashrynn's spine until he kissed and nibbled at the elf's neck. He pulled aside Ashrynn's messy braid and kissed up the elf's long dark ears.

"Good boy..." Abel purred, rocking his hips forward once - twice - the wet squelches of Ashrynn's filled hole emphasizing his words. "Good boys get rewards...."

With a wet squelch, Abel withdrew his cock. Ashrynn shuddered, but he kept his ass in the air where Abel wanted it.

After all, Daddy hadn't said he could drop it.

Abel's fingers swiped over the elf's crack and hole, gathering thick globs of dripping cum. The demon leaned over the elf and held the cum-covered fingers against Ashrynn's gasping, gaping mouth.

"Here, little rose... your reward...." Abel purred, smiling.

Ashrynn let out a whine, but his tongue snaked out and lapped at the cum. Even as his hips shuddered and his ass trembled, he did not move positions. When the digits were clean, Abel gathered more of the leaking cum and repeated the process, his other hand stroking Ashrynn's voluminous red hair.

"Good boy... the rest you'll keep inside you...." Abel purred, his hand ghosting down Ashrynn's spine to grope and massage the raised ass. "You did so well, I wouldn't want to deny your ass its own reward...."

Ashrynn mewled and shivered, rubbing his cheek into the sheets.

Abel chuckled and said, "You can relax now... lay down and rest. When I'm sure you'll be a good boy down below, you can join me on the dais for my daily duties."

A shiver rolled through Ashrynn as Abel moved him on the bed, placing the elf's head on a pillow. Abel's fingers ran over the elf's flesh and removed the last pieces of his ruined outfit, tossing the cloth away. With agile fingers, Abel carefully undid Ashrynn's hair, setting aside each piece of jewelry and each decorative flower.

"You like flowers, don't you, little rose?" Abel asked, settling his huge, furred body beside Ashrynn. His legs draped over the elf's body, giving off a subtle warmth.

Ashrynn glanced at the demon spider over his shoulder, taking in the expanse of the creature beside him, before saying, "Yes, Daddy... I do like flowers...."

Abel nodded, teasing out Ashrynn's hair until it lay loose around the elf. "I thought so... but I dare say, no flower could hold up to your beauty, little rose...."

A flush darkened Ashrynn's cheeks, and he turned, rubbing his cheeks into the pillow.

"Your shyness pleases me," Abel purred, stroking Ashrynn's hair. "You will have eyes only for me, my pretty little rose... only for me... is that understood?"

"Yes, Daddy," Ashrynn replied, shifting closer to Abel. Slowly, he turned, purple eyes meeting Abel's black. "Only Daddy..."

A pleasured hum rumbled from the spider's chest, and Abel leaned in close. "Good boy. You are mine. You never have to look at anyone ever again. No one will touch you without permission. No one will speak to you without permission...."

Ashrynn nodded, his eyes never straying from Abel's gaze. "Yes, Daddy."

"Now sleep," Abel purred, "when you wake, I'll have something delicious for you to eat...."

Smiling, Ashrynn hummed and snuggled into the pillows. Abel crept from the bed and tugged the blankets over the elf's nude form. As sleep overtook Ashrynn, he vaguely remembered seeing Abel disappearing through the only exit.

When Ashrynn woke, his head throbbed painfully as if he'd drunk kegs upon kegs of cider or wine. Wincing, he groaned and twisted onto his side-

Only to hiss at the pain in his back and ass. His eyes widened, and his cheeks heated as memories flooded his senses. Ashrynn shoved himself up, biting back any groans as he sat up on the feather-stuffed mattress.

"I see you are awake," came the purr of the demon lord. Ashrynn barely managed to keep from jumping and forced himself to turn slowly. Abel stood at the entrance, a tray in his hands and a smile on his lips. "I promised you something good to eat when you woke... are you hungry, little rose?"

Swallowing around his constricting throat, Ashrynn crept backward on the bed until he reached the edge while keeping the demon spider in his sights. The demon lord hummed and strode forward, setting the tray on a table. Abel tilted his head as he turned toward the elf.

"I see you have quite the iron will... good... it would be a shame if you succumbed too quickly...."

"What... what did you do to me?" Ashrynn asked, his voice cracking and his mouth feeling dry.

"What I did," Abel purred, "and what I am going to do again... is make you mine... heart, body, mind, and soul... you are mine, little rose... you gave yourself to me when you danced before me. Your body entranced me. It is only fair I do the same to you."

As he spoke, the demon crept closer. Ashrynn's unsteady legs held him up for only the briefest of moments before he stumbled-

And Abel pounced.

The demon drew the elf into his arms, against his chest, and smiled. Ashrynn twisted and struggled, but the demon's hold did not loosen.

"Oh, little rose... I hope you keep fighting me... I would hate for your fire to die... but I cannot have you fighting me in front of others... oh no... so I will allow you to fight me up here... but down there...." Abel purred, leaning closer, "when you join me down below... you will be obedient... you will adore me... and you will be quiet as a rose."

The feel of floating returned in force, crashing over Ashrynn's senses. The elf uttered a strangled cry before he shuddered and stilled. A mewl parted the elf's lips, and he pressed his cheek into Abel's chest.

"I'm sorry, Daddy...."

Abel smiled and loosened his hold, petting the elf's hair. Carefully, he cradled Ashrynn in his arms and carried him to the table. "Shh, little rose, there is nothing for you to be sorry for... you are perfect. Ah, but I promised you something delicious...."

Ashrynn nodded and smiled as Abel set him down in the single chair at the table. Abel lifted the dome from the tray with a flick of his wrist, revealing a feast of fruits, vegetables, and sweets.

"I'm sure you haven't seen such things in some time, yes? Your tribe was out of favor for nearly a decade...." Abel murmured, his fingers trailing over Ashrynn's shoulders and neck. "You can eat all you want here, little rose... everything you desire will be provided... all you must do is ask...."

The elf swallowed, staring at the food in wonder. "I... I can eat this?"

"Yes. As much as you like."

With a grin on his lips, Ashrynn reached forward and plucked a winterberry from the tray. The tart juice flowed over his tongue and down his throat. Abel purred in pleasure and loomed over Ashrynn from behind. The demon kissed the top of Ashrynn's head, and a sensation of safety and home flowed through the elf. A shiver ran through Ashrynn, but he aimed a smile up at Abel.

"Thank you, Daddy."

Within the week, Ashrynn snuggled into the thick white fur covering the spider demon's body as Abel lounged on the raised dais in the throne room. Abel allowed Ashrynn only a thin, opaque wrap around his waist, and servants had braided his red hair and lightly perfumed his dark skin. Gold bangles decorated his limbs, and the large gold collar on his throat screamed who he belonged to.

Though supplicants came from the lands under the demon lord's rule, Ashrynn paid them no mind. It could have been his sister - or the elders - but his hazy purple eyes focused only on Abel, entranced.

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