Our free Moon {ZOMBIES 2}

By Lilster1232

48.4K 1.1K 339

Viola Wells was one of the most well known and well respected people in Seabrooke. She looked and Acted like... More



2.8K 70 31
By Lilster1232

~Once Upon A time there was a girl. With Long white hair and crystal blue eyes. She was destined to be someone great.
But how great was she suposed to be?~


"You guys take so much of my time up! I'm late to cheer!" I yelled out as I walked sith Zed, eloza and Bonzo. "Fakh exska!" Bonzo exclaimed with me.

"Hey! Don't blame it on me and my campaign. And why can't you two run along?" Zed said. I huffed. "My feet hurt because you basically burned holes in them when dragging me back to school" I explained. He gave me a sheepish smile.

"How about we talk about your embarrassing session with the Werewolves to get them to vote for you" I said, with a smile. Zed glared at me and gave a warning finger before walking along.

"Yeah, that went badly." Zed admitted. "No way Zed is getting the wolf vote." Eliza explained. "All right, what are zeds poll numbers?" I asked. Eliza and showed Mr and I cringed at how awful they were.

"Ugh. That's awful!" Zed yelled. "We just gotta make sure you deliver a killer speech tomorrow, okay?" Eliza told Zed, giving him that warning look she gives anyone and everyone.

"So the first step is... More glossy publicity shots." Zed said pointing to a poster of himself. I understand why Zed made it human like, not wanting to be a monster and all. We related on being scared to known as a monster.

"Rargazar!" Bonzo said in zombie tongue. "Yeah, I look a little human, but that's only because people are lumping werewolves and zombies together. I gotta show them that I'm nothing like those furballs." Zed muttered as we made our way to the gym.

I opened the doors and already saw them doing a cheer practice. I watched as wyatt catched Addison, holding her in his strong arms.

"Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Addison" Eliza said. My heart shattered. I dropped my pompoms. Why? Why again? I always come in second. First Zed and Now wyatt. I feel betrayed even.

Wyatt seemed into ME. Not Addison. I guess he just used me to get to her. Like most people do. I felt a hand tangle with mine and I instantly new it was zeds. He could obviously sense my feelings. Better than my sister.

"You know what? They're just cheering."He said, like he was trying to convince himself that nothing was going on between Addison and Wyatt.

"And laughing" Zed muttered. Eliza sighs. I watched as Addison stared at wyatt and wyatt stared at he ras they talked. Their stupid hands holding each other.

"But I'm sure she's just convincing the wolves to vote for me." Zed proclaimed, using up exuses to convince himself. I squeezed his hand to comfort him. That's I was best at. Comforting people with their problems instead of dealing with my own.

Eliza left but me and Zed continued watching Addison and Wyatt. I felt anger pulse inside me and I let go off zeds hand and grabbed my pompoms.

"Vi?" Zed asked I turned my back and started walking away. "Vi where are u going?!" He yelled but I ignored him as I walked around a corner and outside.

I was hurt. Hurt bad. My sister got everything. Acceptance. Love. Boys. Girls. I got nothing but silly respect. Sure i had my zombies and aceys but I knew that I was always gonna be a second choice to them and Addison the first.

I'm the one who's perfect! Who's been brought up to be perfect. To follow rules. Why did I have to be treated like this while Addison us treated liek a princess. Like a queen.

I shoved my pompoms in a bin next to my locker and grabs my clothes, as tears stroked my cheeks as they fell. At this moment I'd isn't care who saw me liked this. I was angry. I hated this uniform. I hated this wig and I hated those werewolves.

I got to the locker rooms and got dressed. Stupid pink. Why did I have to be so naive to wear this. Why did I have to be so naive with everything and everyone.

I grabbed my bags and headed out of school. I got down the steps and turned to get around the large plant pot when I smacked into someone.

I looked up hurriedly and saw wyatt there with A smile on his face. His smile soon dropped when he saw the tears rolling down my face. My hands flew to my cheeks to wipe them away but he grabbed my wrists.

"why are u crying? Did someone hurt you?" He asked. My miserable face turned to hatred. "You did you Mutt" I sneered out and walked away.


I hurt her? I hurt Viola? How could I? Was it when I touched and sniffed her hair? Surely she would be offended or hurt by that.

"Viola wait!" I called and ran after her. She kept walking, playing with the hem of her cardigan. "Viola please" I grabbed her hand but she yelled out and slapped it away.

"Stop it! Please! I'm not in the mood!" She snapped. I frowned at her broken face. It's like she turned on her acey switch.

"Viola hwo did I hurt you. If you tell me then I'll fix it I promise" She scoffed. "How can you fix a crush?! I know you have a crush on Addison! The way you look at her like she's some type of meat on bone. You looked at me like that but when I saw that you looked at her like that my heart shattered because i knew that i was always gonna be second pick."

I stayed quiet. I didn't like Addison. I liked Viola. Heck I would say like was an understatement. I was in LOVE with her.

"Viola I don't like Addison. I like YOU"

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