Reborn in the world of detect...

By Tantei-chanUwU

33.5K 1K 1.4K

Ayuna lin is a Japanese girl Was known as "Einstein".she was so intelligent. She is a mystery lover, And a de... More

im dead? I
about Ayuna II
life as a baby / Ayuna's parents III
a Nanny / primary school? IV
going to primary school pt2 V
kidnapping? VI
kidnapping pt2 VII
kidnapping pt3 / and the last VIII
nanny's revenge / meeting someone special IX
going to the kudo house X
im at America ?! XI
A/N 🌷
The LIN family... XII
Ayuna's life XIII
A Memory XVI
Hello again ... Tantei-kun XVII
You are not dying alone... XX
Behind the Locked Doors of a Celebrity's Apartment XXI

Ayuna's life last part XIV

568 25 58
By Tantei-chanUwU



~'•|3rd p/o/v|•'~

" Got you" the blonde woman said while picking her up .
She put her in the car and drove to an unknown place

(Just how many times Ayuna got kidnapped💔😘)

When they arrived she tied up Ayuna's hands and legs and carried her to the abandoned building .
" Your so light did you know that ?"
She said to the black haired girl .
" Yea i know that well " the detective said while opening her eyes .
"And how did you know that im awake ?"
" Your acting skills are not very good " the blonde answered while smirking then entered the building .

~'°^|Ayuna's p/o/v|^°'~

'holy mother in the cheese sandwich!
What am i supposed to do ?!'
I was literally panicking
This woman is insane !,well not completely...
But I don't know what she's going to do to me!.
'just why did she kidnap me in the first place ?...'

'was it because i mumbled her name back then?'

Flash back~ (for the ones who don't remember
Y/n pov:

I mumbled her name in shock that even she looked like she was shocked but kept her poker face .
"Well kid , how do you know my name?"
She asked .
I then slapped my mouth 'YOU STUPID

End of flashback ~

Well ... I dont think thats the reason...
Just what could the reason be?...
My Train of thoughts was cut of by vermouth putting me on a wooden chair.
"Well ... I think that you are thinking of a reason for kidnapping you , right?"
I nodded while searching for something behind my back but not seeming suspicious.

"Lets start from the beginning, shall we?"
I just nodded again .
" Do you remember when i first met you in the car?"she asked .
"Yes i remember clearly, and i thought that was the reason for kidnapping me..."
I muttered

She just chuckled and continued speaking
"Well, when your nanny told me to kidnap you and sell you i didnt think about much .. "
" But when i saw you i remembered your uncle ..."
"Wait! What uncle?!"
I exclaimed
I was confused and she looked surprised
"You dont know that you have an uncle ?..."

"No , my parents never mentioned him before ..."
" Hmm , i cant tell you much about him but he has black hair and blue eyes ...umm
Oh! And he looks exactly like you but with blue eyes "
She said.

" I cant believe that ... Can you continue your story ?"
I told her and she nodded .

(I cant think of how vermouth explained so i will write the explanation my way :] )


Ayuna's uncle was from the B.O
And he joined of an unknown reason .
Anyways, he was vermouth's partner .
When Ayuna got born Ronin at that time was mad at Ayuna's uncle so he didn't let Ayuna know that she had an uncle . Her uncle
Didn't care and cutted his connection with Ronin

After some time Rōn betrayed the B.O also for an unknown reason But before he did he made a deal with Vermouth that he has an niece and told her not to hurt her only after his death , she can do whatever she wants to her.

( no one knows about Rōn anything so everything is unknown btw his name is Rōn ... lol)

Vermouth didn't know why he wanted to make this deal but she agreed because she didn't know what's on his mind and thought that he was thinking that she was going to hurt Ayuna.


Do you guys remember Ayuna's evil nanny?
Yes , her
She was a member from the B.O .
But she had no position in the organization.
Just a regular member.

So, one day while Vermouth was doing a mission while wearing a little scary man disguise , she was about to rip her mask of but the nanny interrupted her before she can do it.

She made a deal with her with a good payment and vermouth agreed because she was bored and her mission was a little easy so she agreed just to kill time.


•''{[]} Y/N p/o/v {[]}''•

" Wow ... Thats a long story..." I said shocked that all of this happend .
"But i dont think thats the reason you kidnapped me for, right ?" I asked suspiciously because i know that vermouth wouldn't kidnap me for this stupid reason .

" Oh yeah! , I guess you figured out"
She said .
" Well i have two questions. First one :how did you know my name back then?"
She asked wile rising an eyebrow.
" That ... " I was panicking ' oh my gosh ! I dont have any lies in my brain !!'

But then i got a great lie but i will just hope that it works ." looked like a fictional character that i adored so much and i thought you were cosplaying it !" Not gonna lie i really adore vermouth very very much .

While praying that my lie worked vermouth looked a little confused to believe that but then she said " umm , well , lets not Worry about this "
" And the second question or lets say a request: do you want to join the B.O ?"

I looked at her then at the window at her back i responded while smirking" i guess you should have asked this earlier."
And then all the windows exploded .
She looked quite shocked actually, i think she didn't expect this .

The place was covered in dust after that and when it cleared there was no trace
Of her just a little blood on the ground.
Then i noticed mary entering the room that i was tied in . She came towards me and opened my tie.

" Are you okay mrs Ayuna ?"
She asked with a worried expression.
" Im fine i guess expect for the little scratches on my wrists"i said while looking at them .

'Whew today was a long day '


omg i just so happy that im done with this shit 🤧🤧

And i want to thank rei_tooru SO FRICKING MUCH
But she was a little annoying

And i want to thank every reader waited for me ✨✨💛💛

and for the late update...
my mom saw me again ...
On my phone...
24/7 on my phone 🙂✨✨✨😘💔
And when she saw me in wattpad she said " YOU ARE GOING TO DELETE WATTPAD RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW !"
And i was " okay , sure "
When i deleted it mom looked SATISFIED
After 2 days i wanted to go to wattpad bc i wanted to continue writing this shit and didn't find it
so i slapped my self 100 times- JK
I slapped my forehead and installed W
And continued writing and here i am!

So hope you like out idea


Not seeing you next chapter!
Bye ~💜💜✨😘


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