The Consequences of Coerced E...

By PembrokeSinclair

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Evi was born into high expectations, but she found herself unable to live up to the standards. Cast out, she... More

The Legend of Erosvold
Evi's Fall from Grace


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By PembrokeSinclair

Evi wasn't in any rush to get the Journey started, so when Byron said they would need some time to collect themselves and their things, she had to consciously keep the relief from showing in any way. Between the adrenaline draining out of her body and the antidote that counteracted the Wulanin poison racing through her veins, she was exhausted. She curled up on the recliner and attempted to get some sleep.

For a while, her mind raced with the events of the day, and she second-guessed whether or not she should have agreed to the Journey. Every time she thought about it, her stomach would tighten and tingle, making her feel like she wanted to throw up and hide away in a hole. She still wondered if they should take Liam to the hospital, knowing deep inside that it would be a wasted effort.

Eventually, the need for rest overtook her brain, and she drifted into a dark, dreamless sleep. It felt like she had been out for days when a soft clicking sound penetrated her skull and pulled her out of a REM cycle. She pulled the blanket over her head so that she could drift back into oblivion, but it was pointless. The clicking grew louder, and her curiosity got the best of her. Moving the blanket from her head and cracking open an eye, she noticed Liam sitting up on the couch. He stared across the room, at nothing in particular, and snapped his index finger over his thumbnail.

"You all right?" Evi asked.

He jumped slightly at the sound of her voice, then turned his gaze to look at her. "I don't know. Am I?"

Evi moved the blanket to her waist and sat up in the chair. Gray darkness had settled over the apartment, which indicated that it wasn't as late as she thought it was. Probably somewhere around two or three in the morning. Inwardly, she sighed. She was going to need a lot more sleep than that if she was going to be of any use to anyone—but she doubted she was going to get it any time soon.

"What do you remember?" She moved to the edge of the chair and placed her elbows on her knees. This put her within an inch of Liam.

His lips turned downward in a frown. "All of it. But especially the pain." The last part of his statement came out as a whisper.

She reached out and touched his knee. He put his hand over hers. "Do you feel any different?"

He sat silently for a moment, his eyes moving back and forth slightly as he scanned his body. "No. I mean, not really. Everything has a dull ache to it, like lava is running through my veins. But it's not much different than how I would feel after a tough day at work and all my muscles were sore." He tightened his grip around her fingers. "What do you think he did?"

Evi shook her head. "I honestly don't know. That's why we have to talk to someone who might have some answers."

Liam turned his head so that his gaze met hers. "Were you seriously thinking about hooking up with the creep?"

Evi leaned back in her chair, her hand sliding from Liam's knee and she let out a deep sigh. "Really? With everything else that's going on, that's where you want to take this conversation?"

"I have to know if you're going to abandon me, Evi. If so, let me know now. I'll find my own way through this. I'll figure this out on my own. I don't want to count on you only to have you let me down."

Evi sat back up in the chair, her jaw set and her eyes staring at him hard. "Well, that seems like an unfair statement to make."

"Does it? Because that seems like exactly what you were planning on doing. I don't know you very well."

"You're right. You don't." Her tone was hard. "But I wouldn't expect you to. It's not like we've known each other for that long. Only a few days, and most of that time wasn't spent talking and getting to know one another."

"So then answer my question."

Evi took a deep breath. Part of her really wanted to tell him that she was going to see her promise through. Her pride and ego flared at the moment, and she wanted him to see that she wasn't all talk without any action. But what would that prove—to her or anyone? She said she would go on this Journey to find answers about what was going on, but she didn't know if she would be able to complete it. She could probably take the first few steps, but after that, she had no idea if her resolve would stay intact. And with as much as he didn't know her, she didn't know him. It wasn't like she owed him any loyalty or had to make sure he was taken care of. She could let him head out and find his own answers, but that wouldn't take the target off her back.

She laced her fingers together and placed them on the top of her head. The two of them sat in silence for several long moments, each staring at one another. She knew what he wanted to hear, but she didn't think she could say it. She took another breath and dropped her hands into her lap.

"Honestly, Liam, I don't know. I don't exactly have the skill set and experience to deal with this type of situation. There's a reason I'm here."

Liam turned so that his knees touched hers, and he placed his hands on her legs. "What the hell is going on? I remember what happened, but I can't wrap my brain around what it was. I mean, did I really see lasers? And swords? And people turning into...I don't even know what."

"Sadly, yes, you did. It's a long story, but now isn't really the time to get into it. We need rest." She took another breath. "If nothing else, I have to try to find the answers for what happened to you, but know if I don't follow through, it's not because of you. It's me. And I'm not just saying that. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with me, which will make more sense when you know my background."

"Just tell me one thing: are you human?"

Evi shook her head. "No."

"Are you whatever those other things were?"

"Wulanin. And no."

Liam closed his eyes and let the information sink in for several moments. He nodded, then opened his eyes once again. "In the end, you still chose me, so I guess I can take that as a compliment. Though after seeing what that guy turned into, it doesn't really fill me with confidence."

Evi placed her hands on his forearms and leaned forward so that she was inches away from his face. "I may not be human, but I'm not a monster, either. I'm" She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't even know what that means. And I don't know if I'll ever find out, but..." She didn't know how to finish that sentence.

Liam closed the distance between the two of them and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. The warmth from his body traveled to the center of her chest and settled there, giving her a small sense of comfort and support.

"Looks like you and I are in the same boat right now. I guess all we can do is see where life takes us. Even if you don't see the journey all the way through, I'll relish the moments you were there with me."

Evi felt her throat tighten at his words, and she tightened her grip on his arms. Again, the desire to tell him that she was going to see the Journey until the end and make sure he was restored to his former glory coursed through her, but she couldn't get the words past her lips. Lying would have made the situation so much better, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Liam broke away and situated himself back on the couch. Evi pulled her legs under her and laid back down on the recliner. Placing her hand under her head, she watched until Liam's chest rose and fell with steady regularity, indicating he had fallen asleep. She then closed her eyes, but she never drifted back into the deep sleep she desperately needed.

By the time morning rolled around, Evi's body felt like it had gone through a meat grinder. The muscles in her arms and back burned from wielding the sword, and the scar on the inside of her arm tingled. Her body felt hot, with parts feeling disconnected from others. From experience, she knew that it was the effects of the Wulanin poison. During her younger years, as part of her training, she was injected with a small amount. The goal was to know what it felt like and to figure out how to keep fighting even when she was seriously wounded and practically incapacitated. She had failed that particular test as well. Her vision had blurred, so she couldn't see her opponent attack. She was supposed to hone her other senses and use them to stay in the battle, but her brain became fuzzy and she couldn't think straight. To keep from getting seriously injured, the lesson was cut short and she was given the antidote. It took her three days to fully recover—and those were spent in bed.

As much as she wanted to go back to her place and crawl into bed for a few days, she knew she didn't have that much time. With no idea what had been done to Liam, the sooner they got those answers, the better it would be for everyone—she hoped. She still believed that they were walking into a trap, and the one lesson she had learned and did her best to retain was avoiding traps at all costs. But with the way Conrad had set his plan in motion, they could either walk into the trap willingly or wait until the walls closed around them. Evi may not have a lot of choices, but the one thing she had control over was the decision to act. That felt better than sitting around and waiting—although not by much.

She rolled onto her back and stretched her arms and legs, instantly wishing she'd hadn't. The motion felt like she'd pulled every fiber in her body away from the joints. She wanted to curl back into a ball, but she didn't think she could. Instead, her body went limp and she stared at the ceiling.

"What time is it?" Liam's voice was gruff.

"I have no idea." Evi wasn't sure she would be able to get her mouth to work, and forming the words caused more pain to course through her body.

"It's about nine." Byron's voice came from behind Evi.

She thought about tilting her head back to look at him, but decided not to when it occurred to her that it might get stuck.

He stepped into the room and stood next to her chair. She moved her eyes to look at him.

"You need to get ready. I know you hurt, and there's a way to relieve most of the tension. But it requires home remedies." He raised both of his eyebrows.

Evi grimaced. After her banishment, she swore off using anything that had come from her past. She was kicked out of that life, and to prove that she could make it on her own, she shunned anything that came from there. But at that moment, she would take anything to relieve the pain. Besides, she'd already been given the antidote for the poison in her veins, her promise to herself had already been broken.

"Fine," she croaked. "Just give it to me."

"It's the Waters of Life."

She sighed. "Whatever. Get the bath ready."

Byron turned away and padded down the hall. She heard the water in the tub turn on, then closed her eyes and attempted to muster all her strength to get out of the chair.

"Waters of Life?" Liam asked. "What's that?"

"It's kind of a cure-all for whatever ails you. It works especially well for cleaning toxins out of the body."

"Do you think it could help me?"

"I have no idea. But I doubt it. If Byron had thought it would be beneficial, he would have suggested it last night."

"Can we try?"

Evi raised her hand as best as she could. "If you want. Go right ahead. You take the first dip. I'll stay right here."

"You know," Byron's said right behind her. "That tub is big enough for the both of you."

Evi attempted to turn her head to look at him, but she didn't succeed. She felt the heat rise into her cheeks.

"I'm down," Liam commented. "Maybe we won't have to go on this journey at all."

As much as Evi wanted that to be true, she was convinced the Waters of Life wouldn't touch whatever Conrad had done to Liam. He knew all about their healing powers, and he would have safeguarded himself against something so easy to use as the Waters. She was also more than a little uncomfortable with Byron helping her with her hookups. She wasn't opposed to being in the bath with Liam, but she was disconcerted that Byron had been the one to suggest it. Still, she wasn't in a position to argue, and if someone helped her into the bathroom, she would get in the tub with whoever.

She raised her arm from the chair. "Help me."

Liam got to his feet and gently helped her up. Her knees gave out when she put weight on them, but Liam wrapped his arm around her waist and kept her from going down. She pushed her eyebrows together. He seemed to have recovered well from whatever had been done to him. In fact, his color had returned and even had a golden glow about it. She wanted to say he felt stronger, but she couldn't be sure. After all, she was in a weakened state, so anything would seem more secure than she was. Still, nothing about the situation filled her with confidence.

As soon as she submerged her foot, she felt the rejuvenating power of the Waters. The farther in she sunk, the better her body felt. She was confident that by the time she got out, she would feel better than she had in a long time. For half a second, she wondered why she hadn't been using the Waters of Life to cure her hangovers. They would have made many a day much nicer to endure. But she knew the answer to that.

Liam climbed into the tub across from her. Evi couldn't stop the thought of why Byron had such a large tub in his apartment cross her mind. She decided she probably didn't want to know, and it would be best that they didn't talk about this particular moment in the future. Not that she was ashamed to be in there with Liam. On the contrary, as he climbed in and Evi was able to take in every inch of him, she remembered why she had decided to go home with him that first night they met.

He let out a sigh as he sank into the water. "Oh, wow. This feels amazing."

Evi slid forward and placed her hand on his cheek. She gently turned his head with one hand, and while cupping the other, scooped some water from the tub and sprinkled it onto his neck. The cut/burn that Conrad had inflicted was still visible, but it had faded quite a bit from the night before. If Evi didn't know what had happened, she would have accused Liam of burning himself with a curling iron. Yet another thing that caused her concern. But at the same time, he wasn't acting much different from the Liam she had met a few days ago, so she couldn't precisely say that anything "bad" was happening.

"Did it heal it?"

Evi pressed her lips together. "For the most part. Others probably won't notice that you've been...wounded." She leaned away from him and reclined against the far end of the tub.

Liam also positioned himself so he sat comfortably, placing his legs on the outside of hers and sliding his feet next to her body. She placed her feet on the tops of his thighs.

"So you don't think whatever toxins I have in me will be taken out by this soak?"

Evi moved her hands back and forth under the water and shook her head. "No, it's not going to be that easy. Conrad would be fully aware of our healing techniques, so he wouldn't create something that could be easily defeated."

"Any idea what he wants?"

Evi shrugged. "The same thing all Wulanin want. Death. Destruction. War. To be the superior race that rules everyone in the universe through fear and tyranny."

"Is this something that's been going on for a while...between them and...whatever you are?"

Evi took a deep breath. With the Waters flooding her with renewed strength, she had a brief moment of thinking that she might just be successful in the endeavor she had "agreed" to undertake. She didn't let it linger for long, she knew what she was up against, but the hope felt good. She also realized that sitting with Liam, no matter how uncomfortable Byron had made it feel, felt right. If there was any place in the world she was supposed to be at that moment, she was there. Their time alive could be cut short at any moment, so she felt she owed it to him to give him a better understanding of what was going on.

"Let me tell you the story of where I'm from."

Liam placed his hands on her knees and settled into the water, ready to hear whatever she had to say.

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