Deku the Infernal God in DxD

بواسطة RiquelmeRicky1

57.3K 688 108

I don't know what to put in the description المزيد

Academy Kuoh
Demons Movement
Unexpected Visit
Dragon God of Infinity
A Nun? A Ransom
Conversation with the Demons
The God of Destruction
Forest of the Relatives 1/2
Forest of the Relatives 2/2
The Phenex Heir
Gremory vs Phoenix
The Arrival of the Exorcists
Unexpected Visit

Gremory family

3.5K 36 16
بواسطة RiquelmeRicky1

In the Underworld:

After Deku leaves:

Rias Gremory sat at a long table with her family. His brother and his wife were seated at one end of the table, they sat opposite them, Millicas was near the door. The revelation of Izuku's lineage clearly stunned everyone.

Rias still couldn't believe that that boy who trained and helped her was actually the strongest existence in the world and also her nephew.

And worst of all, she was pretty sure she had a crush on him, and he was her nephew. Rias honestly didn't know what to think about it

After some time of silence, it was Venelana who decided to speak.

Venelana looks a lot like her daughter, with shorter brown hair and violet eyes. Due to her demonic bloodline, she appears to be around the same age as her daughter and son, who appears to be in his mid-twenties.

Venelana Gremory (née Bael) is the current mistress of Clan Gremory. She is the mother of Rias Gremory and Sirzechs Lucifer, the grandmother of Millicas Gremory and the wife of Zeoticus Gremory, as well as the half-sister of the current Clan Chief Bael, Lord Bael and also the grandmother of Izuku.

Venelana: Now... Wasn't that an interesting combination? I especially found the last part extremely…revealing.

Sirzechs cringed while Grayfia just started cringing

Venelana: Izuku Midoriya, that was the boy's name, wasn't it? He appears to be about seventeen, roughly born around the time you lost your first child, Grayfia.

Grayfia didn't react and Venelana's gaze hardened.

Venelana: What happened to my grandson?

Sirzechs: We had no choice! He was born without any trace of demonic energy. The pillars would have torn him to pieces.

He answered his mother in a desperate way

Venelana simply scoffed:

Venelana: No trace of demonic energy? So I must have gone blind in my old age, for I can swear I saw that boy spreading 24 wings and possessing more power than I've seen in any other child of that age, in fact, more demonic power than any demon in history. And what do you mean no choice? I would have taken care of that boy without hesitation.

Sirzechs: And don't you think the other demons wouldn't have figured it out? I couldn't risk it. I took him to the human world to keep him safe, mother!

Venelana: And what you left there for seventeen years!

She accused her son

Venelana: You didn't tell me or your father about him. And you clearly didn't take care of him. You couldn't even recognize your own son until he was forced to reveal his lineage!

Sirzechs sank into his chair

Sirzechs: I couldn't risk telling you, you all know it would be a risk to my son's safety. Every time I uttered words about his survival, there was a chance it might be answered. It is we do not hear. I don't ever intend to see him again, but when I went to check on him at the orphanage, the orphanage was gone and I thought he was too, we couldn't know where he went. So I thought it best if we didn't. I don't know where he was, and no one else could.

Venelana: Oh yeah, it worked too, didn't it? That's why Millicas informed me that he is apparently the God of Destruction's right hand man.

Millicas seemed to shrink as almost everyone looked at him.

Venelana: And what do you think about that? He is not only Shiva's right-hand man, but also the King of the Mad Dragons, and the strongest existence, surpassing the Red Dragon God, Great Red. Much stronger than you.

She accused, causing Sirzechs to cringe even further.

Akeno: ~That explains a lot.~

She whispered behind Rias, the pieces in her mind seemed to fall into place.

Rias: What do you mean, Akeno?

She asked turning her attention to Akeno along with everyone else.

Akeno: While I was training with Deku, he told me several things...

She paused while everyone looked at him expectantly.

Akeno: He told me that when he was born, his parents abandoned him because he was weak, and that he struggled to survive. Saying that he bathed in so much blood that it became a routine... But what scared me the most were his eyes... Those opaque and lifeless eyes...

She said bitterly, while everyone's eyes widened

Grayfia started to cry, Rias looked at her with a scared expression, after all it was the first time she saw her sister-in-law break like that. Sirzechs hugged his wife but she cried even harder

Rias let herself sink into her chair looking around the room. She had no idea what to do. Until she realized something...

Rias: Where is Millicas?

With Deku:

Izuku had just come out of his bathroom, he still had his "real" appearance, he put on a shirt and pants and went to the room where Ryu, Saphira and Mulan were.

Even though he didn't like to wear that look, Deku was wearing it at the request of Tiamat's daughters who said they wanted to continue to see her Crimson beauty.

Deku rarely used his appearance, even when he was with Shiva and Parvarti, the only person who always saw Izuku with his "true" appearance as he insisted was Selene

Right after the battle and the revelation, Izuku returned to his home as he didn't want to stay in the Underworld, and he knew the Gremory's would come after him.

Deku walked to the room where Mulan, Ryu and Saphira were who were looking at him as drool dripped from his mouth.

Both of Izuku's appearances were truly "divine", most notably his green hair with black. But his Crimson appearance was really amazing

To be honest, they didn't even know which one to choose.

Deku walked calmly towards them, until he heard the sound of the campaign playing and when he opened he saw a handsome boy with short Crimson red hair inherited from his father, Sirzechs, and blue-green eyes.

It was Millicas Gremory, younger son of Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge and younger brother of Deku

Millicas: Good morning, my name is Millicas Gremory. *Smile* Nice to meet you, Onii-sama.

Deku just looked at him with his neutral expression. He had no negative feelings against Gremory's especially against Millicas who were born after Sirzechs abandoned him.

He even thanked him for being abandoned as he didn't want to be spoiled.

Deku: Come in.

He said walking away letting Millicas in. After all, he wouldn't antagonize his little brother

Deku headed to the kitchen being followed by Millicas

Deku: So, may I ask what you're doing here, Millicas Gremory?

Millicas stirred a little and gathered all his determination

Millicas: You really are my big brother, aren't you?

Deku shook his head and then replied:

Deku: Yes, we have the same "parents".

He said calmly looking at Mulan and Saphira who were following them.

Deku expected a lot of things from Millicas at that moment, denial, questioning, anger. He expected any of these, but he didn't care

But he was taken by surprise when Millicas ran and hugged him suddenly.

Millicas: I'm glad you're alive, Onii-sama!

He said hugging Deku in a cheerful tone, while Izuku raised an eyebrow

Millicas: I always wanted an older brother!

Deku agreed that kids would like an older brother, but Millicas' reaction was a bit over the top.

Deku: We've never met before, you know?

Millicas: Oh...

He released Izuku and took a step back with a red face.

Millicas: It's just that I used to talk to you when I was lonely. I know it sounds silly, but I couldn't leave the house. I was younger and didn't have many friends because of it. So sometimes I would go to the little shrine my parents made for you and there I would tell you about my days. It really helped me back then.

Deku understood what Millicas meant. Millicas was a prime target for kidnapping or murder, he even received requests to kill him. So it was to be expected that he had to be in a safe place and with his parents working all the time, he didn't have that many people he could talk to. Instead of inventing an invisible friend, he would talk to the brother he really wanted, who he thought was dead.

Deku: Well, I don't really know you, Millicas.

He said calmly and Millicas looked at him with quivering lips, clearly some sort of rejection

Deku: But I'd like to meet my little brother.

Millicas gave a big smile and ran to Deku and hugged him, while Izuku ruffled his hair.

Deku might not be much of a fan of her parents, but that doesn't mean she's going to ignore a lonely boy who just found out his dead brother was actually dead.


Deku couldn't suppress a laugh

Deku: Are you hungry?

Millicas didn't look up, but his cheeks turned pink.

Millicas: I was nervous about Rias-nee-sama's game, so I didn't eat much.

Deku: Then I should prepare something for my little brother to eat.

He said making Millicas smile

Mulan, Saphira and Ryu when they heard him talking about food ran to the kitchen quickly

Scene Change.

Millicas: And then he blew up the entire arena with a single attack!

Izuku was chopping some vegetables, while making food for Millicas, Mulan, Saphira and Ryu.

Millicas told Izuku's three self-styled "girlfriends" about his battle against Riser.

Millicas: Onii-sama was really cool!

He said in awe

Ryu: It was to be expected from my husband.

She said with a proud tone in her voice, getting a drop of sweat from Deku and a bulging vein from Saphira and Mulan.

Mulan: He's not yours alone.

She said with anger plastered on her face

Saphira: But we expected something like this from the master.~

She said with a tone of desire and lust

Deku knew he had announced it to the entire Underworld and it probably wouldn't be long before the entire supernatural world knew of his identity.

Izuku just shrugged his shoulders, anyone who came to bother him he would kill

It was quite likely that the Underworld would try to do anything, since knowing that the one nicknamed "The Strongest Existence" was actually the son of Sirzechs Lucifer, the Crimson Satan and Grayfia Lucifuge, the Strongest Queen of the Underworld.

Especially the old men on the council who would think they had authority over him.

The Gremory Clan, when everyone (Underworld) knew that the King of the Mad Dragons was a Gremory, would receive many, many marriage proposals that, it is more than obvious, that he would refuse, since nothing and no one would rule in his life, especially nether worms

In the Underworld:

With Grayfia:

Grayfia Lucifuge had a bad day. It's really been a tough few weeks, but this day has surpassed them all.

It all started when Riser Phoenix started pressing the issue of his engagement to Rias. Sirzechs disapproved of the deal, but his hands were tied. His position as Satan did not allow him to get involved in the clan's personal affairs. The Phoenix Clan, knowing that Rias was against the marriage, agreed to let the two children settle the dispute in a ratings game. They had to be grateful they were given that option

The next meeting between the two nobles. But, what had caught the most attention was by far, Izuku Midoriya

Grayfia had been immensely surprised to learn that the Black Swordsman was in Kuoh and also very worried about her husband, but were surprised to learn that he is helping Rias.

The moment she looked at Izuku, she had felt something she only felt when she was with Millicas, a feeling that made her want to hug that boy and not let him go, especially after she had seen the heterochromatic eyes he possessed that for a moment looked like his son's eyes. Grayfia thought it was an illusion, the eyes she hadn't seen in over seventeen years, the eyes of her eldest son.

Her heart clenched when she thought of her son, Grayfia was overjoyed when she found out she was pregnant. Finally, she would have a child, a baby who wouldn't have to survive the terrible wars that nearly drove the demons to extinction. They prepared all the details before the birth. An entire wing she owned was redecorated and prepared to house the baby. Employees were hired, selected by Grayfia itself after rigorous background checks, they bought all the toys a child could want so their child wouldn't be left alone when the parents were at work.

All this for nothing. Her son, her beautiful little boy, was born without demonic power. She wouldn't have cared if she were anyone other than Sirzechs Lucifer's wife. So what if the child didn't have any demonic energy? It was her baby, the most beautiful thing she'd ever held in her arms. But she was the wife of the underworld leader and that made her son a target. He would be in danger if he were a demon, a demon without power would have been torn apart by the clans

Her husband had consulted Ajuka Beelzebub, their friendship ensuring his silence, but even the brightest mind in the underworld couldn't tell them what happened and he couldn't save him and with that, died his only hope of holding him back.

They couldn't protect him, not from his own kind. So her husband took her son and left him in front of a human orphanage. Grayfia didn't want to let him go, what choice did she have? And she could still see him after a while, at least that's what she told herself. Sirzechs announced that their baby had died, they buried an empty coffin, built a small shrine and waited for the day they could see their son again.

But the day has not yet come. Her son had disappeared from the orphanage along with the orphanage that had disappeared without a trace. She had no way of finding her beloved son again. Sirzechs still had the scars she inflicted on him the day she found out her firstborn was gone.

But, life went on, Grayfia became pregnant again and their little Millicas was born. He helped her close the hole in her heart and she gave him all the love she could. Gradually, she began to think less about the child she had lost. Even the days she saw Izuku Midoriya and those motherly feelings surged through her.

She denied back then, the boy she met could not be her son. His little boy didn't have green hair with black, his son had no reason to be in Kuoh, his son didn't have black eyes with pinkish red

No, Izuku Midoriya couldn't be her son, because that meant he was hiding right under her nose. That meant she could have hugged the puppy and told him how sorry she was and begged his forgiveness.

In fact, Grayfia was scared, scared of what would happen if Izuku were her son. Would he hate her for leaving him? Would he curse her? Yes, she was scared, because the only thing more terrible than not knowing where her son was is knowing that he rejected her.

So she hadn't told Sirzechs anything about the boy and stayed at work, too afraid to investigate the boy who could be her son. Then again, she really didn't need to, Deku managed to show off her heritage in a very impressive way after all...

She should be angry. Angry at Ajuka that she couldn't find her son's power and even angry at Sirzechs and herself for not waiting a few more days to see if her son's power would develop, as it clearly did. But she no longer felt anger, only pain. Her son knew who they were, knew about their family and didn't even try to contact them. Her son wanted nothing to do with her, and the thought broke her heart.

She couldn't think of anything else, not even or or truly what she was told until the [Queen] of Rias spoke. Until she told them how she thought she didn't want him, she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Her son thought she didn't want him. She should never have abandoned him, I should have taken her son and disappeared with him. But it was too late for that, she could only regret the mistakes she had made

And now, to make matters worse, Millicas was gone. She hadn't even thought about how her second child would react to her older brother being alive. Another mistake she now had to pay for. Millicas is gone and even when she sent her maids and butlers to search all her properties, they couldn't find him anywhere.


Grayfia's head spun at the sound of Deku's voice. She found Rias talking on the phone

Rias: Hi Deku, I wanted to thank you for what he did personally, but we're a little busy as my cousin disappeared.

Grayfia closed her eyes. As if Izuku needed more reason to believe she was a miserable mother

[Wait a minute, Rias.]

There was a short pause, before Deku continued out loud.

[Hi Millicas, didn't you tell anyone you were coming to visit?]

Grayfia froze. Millicas had followed her brother?

[Uhm, no Onii-sama.]

Grayfia felt relieved when she heard her youngest son's muffled voice on the phone. He hadn't run away, he wasn't kidnapped and he was safe

[I didn't think much about it.]

He continued

[Oh well, no problem. Rias, Millicas is here now. Tell them I'll bring him to the occult research club after he's finished eating. Sorry, but I have to disconnect the call or the eggs will start to burn.]

He told Rias that he agreed and hung up

Venelana: Good. This is perfect! We can take Millicas and meet our rebellious family member at the same time.

Her gaze hardened and she turned her attention to Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Venelana: And you will have the option of justifying your action to him, Sirzechs, Grayfia.

Sirzechs and Grayfia nodded a little apprehensively.

With Deku:


Deku raised his eyebrows as he heard the campaign play, it looked like he was quite popular for so many visits

Sighing, he got up from the table where he was reading a book with Millicas, Mulan, Saphira and Ryu eating, Ophis was still already Khaos Brigade and Tiamat was running some business in the underworld.

Deku: You four can keep eating, I'll just see who's at the door.

He said while Millicas happily ate

Deku walked to the door and opened it, closing his book he saw that in it was the entire Gremory Clan.

Deku: That was fast.

He said disinterestedly going back to opening his book

Venelana took a step forward

Venelana: Family problems must be resolved as soon as possible! *Smile* Good evening, my name is Venelana Gremory.

She gestured to the oldest redhead in the group.

Venelana: This is my husband, Zeoticus Gremory. We are the parents of Rias and Sirzechs. Nice to meet you, Izuku-san.

Deku didn't answer anything for a moment, just reading his book. Until he started to move

Deku: Millicas is in the kitchen, follow me.

He said as he walked to the kitchen with everyone following him.

In the kitchen:

Clan Gremory made a group inside the girl. Zeoticus, Venelana and Sirzechs sat at the table, while Grayfia stood behind her husband. Rias and Millicas retreated to a corner. Rias was having a conflict with his thoughts, and Millicas was still happily munching on a bowl of food. Behind Izuku were Mulan, Ryu and Saphira looking seriously at the people in front of them.

All eyes turned to Deku who was still reading his book peacefully in front of everyone.

Deku: What do you want?

he asked in his nonchalant tone, still reading his book. Not bothering to see Zeoticus, Venelana, Sirzechs and Grayfia in front of you

Zeoticus: We want to know if you will be with our family?

He asked calmly, though inside he was nervous at the look he got from Venelana.

Ryu, Saphira, and Mulan narrowed their eyes at the redhead's question.

Deku: That's a selfish wish.

He said now looking at Zeoticus

Nobody understood what he meant by that, but soon Deku continued:

Deku: Do you want me in your family after everything that's happened?

He asked causing Sirzechs and Grayfia to cringe.

Zeoticus: A Gremory...

He looked at Sirzechs with a stern face, before continuing:

Zeoticus: Don't abandon your family. You are my grandson, Izuku, so we want you in our family, you will have the full support of the clan.

Deku didn't answer, just remained silent. In fact, the entire room was in awkward silence.

Deku: Then why did you abandon me?

He asked in a playful tone, causing Sirzechs and Grayfia to back off. And Zeoticus and Venelana be silent

Deku: I have no interest in being a Gremory, I'm Izuku Midoriya, Shiva's right-hand man and nothing else.

He said with complete indifference, going back to reading his book

The demons widened their eyes, while Sirzechs and Grayfia looked down sadly.

Sirzechs: Do you hate us?

He weakly asked his son

Deku: I don't hate you, what I feel is something different, a feeling of indifference, to me, you're just a bunch of strangers.

He said making the Gremory Clan members look sadly

Deku: I don't feel hate, or anger for abandoning me. I don't feel a desire for revenge for what they did to me. In fact, I even like to bathe in blood, it's the only fun thing in my life. And it made me meet good people.

He said coldly, though in the last part his tone softened.

All the members of Clan Gremory looked fearfully at the ground, while Grayfia was one step away from crying.

Venelana: I understand, but even if you don't want to be part of the Gremory, you're still part of the family.

She said while trying to make conversation with Izuku, but Venelana's gaze turned playful

Venelana: So who is she.

Only by the tone Izuku used when he spoke of "good people". Venelana, thanks to centuries of experience, assumed she was a girl and even in that situation, she couldn't help but know

Deku turned his attention to Venelana, while a smile formed on his lips.

Deku: A special person.

He said causing all the demons to turn to him with curiosity

Venelana: Where is she?

She asked with a smile, for as a good grandmother she should know that.

Deku: Dead.

He said with no visible emotion in her voice, causing everyone to widen their eyes.

Sirzechs and Grayfia in particular as they couldn't believe what they heard

Deku went back to reading his book, while the silence made everyone uncomfortable

Deku: Although I don't care, I admit I'm curious as to why. So if you want to talk, I'm all ears.

He said turning his attention to Sirzechs and Grayfia. Both demons looked at him

Sirzechs: I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry we turned you in, we wouldn't have been able to protect you. There are still many demons who want the return of Satan's old families, who want to destroy our government and lead us to a new war. And there are still more demons who are happy with our government, but they would never accept a demon born powerless into a demon family, let alone a Satan's family, they would all have tried to end his life and we couldn't have stopped them all. One mistake, one hole in our security and you'd be dead!

He said expressing all his feelings

Deku: It's a plausible reason, but I don't really care...

He said before looking at Grayfia

Deku: And what do you want? You can't have come here to apologize and pretend we're a happy family, can you?

Grayfia: I...

She spoke in a shaky voice

Grayfia: I just wanted to meet you. You are my oldest son and I love you so much!

He said as tears formed in his eyes

Grayfia: The day I had to give up on you was the worst day of my life and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I wanted to watch your first steps, hear your first word and watch you grow. I understand if you want nothing to do with us, or if you hate us because we abandoned you, but I couldn't just walk away, not when I've just met you again!

Deku looked at her with his neutral expression, he really didn't care if she was going to cry or not. He had no feelings and seeing his "mother" crying was proof of that.

Sirzechs: You are my son.

He said after getting up and hugging his crying wife

Sirzechs: Giving up on you was the hardest decision I ever had to make. To find you disappeared into the orphanage I left you in...

He closed his eyes for a moment

Sirzechs: ...I've done terrible things in my life, but I never hated myself more than that day. I'll take it if you don't want anything to do with me, but I'd be happy enough to call you my son.

Deku put his hand on his chin and pulled Saphira closer, asking her to make some tea.

Deku: My parents are Shiva and Parvarti. The man who gave me a home and a family and always supported me when everyone else abandoned me, and the woman who reached out to me and always took care of me when I needed it. You will never replace them

*Author: I'll take Kali and Durga out of the story from this chapter*

He said seriously as he watched Saphira bring her tea

Well, there was also Ganesha, but Shiva's son was always irritating Deku. Ganesha was extremely attached to Deku to the point of being suffocating for the Mad King. Wherever Ganesha went, he was always bragging about "my little brother this" and "my little brother that", as well as being very clingy.

Sirzechs had a pained expression on her face as Grayfia continued to cry on her shoulder.

Deku simply looked at them sipping his tea, while one of his memories came back to his mind.


In his memory it was possible to see a large house in a forest, it was a simple wooden house that exuded an air of comfort, the forest was dense and surrounded by an immense amount of magic that remains hidden.

In one of the rooms of this house it was possible to see Izuku lying on the bed comfortably, he was with his true appearance and his Crimson hair extended and his heterochromatic eyes (blue-green and silver) looked at his ceiling

???: You woke up.

A voice said next to Izuku

Turning his gaze to the side, the Demon saw a beautiful girl hugging him, she had long hair as black as night and very light lilac eyes that shone.

Deku: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, Selene.

He calmly said to his girlfriend

Selene just smiled before approaching and kissing Izuku passionately and the Mad King responded with the same love.

After pulling away, they both looked at each other, while Izuku had a doubtful look.

Deku: What happened?

He asked looking into her eyes

He knew that when Selene was worried or thinking about something, she had a sad expression and he didn't like to see her sad, seeing her like that made him very worried and hurt.

Selene: It's nothing... Just that you remember what we talked about yesterday?

The God of Calamity turned his gaze to the ceiling and sighed, Selene always tried to convince him that he should go to his parents and forgive them.

Deku: Selene...

Selene: I know you're indifferent about this.

She said before looking deeply at Izuku

Deku: But give them a chance, I know they didn't abandon you like that, you don't need to forgive them, just give them a chance. Even if you don't do it for them, do it for me.

She said calmly as she looked into Deku's eyes

Selene looked at him with so much love and affection that Deku couldn't help but smile.

Deku: Okay, I'll give them a chance.

He spoke with a sigh, as he couldn't deny a request from her.

Selene smiled before straddling Deku and placing her hands around his neck.

Selene: I knew you would understand my point.

She said as she kissed Deku lightly

Deku: All for you, my ray of light.

He said as he caressed Selene's face that she blushed at the nickname

Selene: Haa you're like a big marshmallow inside.

She said smiling earning a snort from Deku who looked at her with a smile

Selene: But don't think you're going to get what you want, little boy.

He said with a negative sway

Deku huffed while pouting and a stray dog ​​look

Deku: Just a little.

He said as he moved his hand towards Selene's ass and squeezed it lightly, generating a moan from the girl.

Selene: What a pervert you, huh? Didn't you forget about last night? Honestly, the only one that surpasses your power is your lust.

She said while huffing cutely

Deku: Said the girl who chased me and took pictures of me, I saw that you even had one of mine in the bath and I never found out how you did it.

Selene: You're my boyfriend, I can admire you.

She said with a victorious smile

Deku: We weren't dating back then.

He said earning a raised eyebrow from Selene

Selene shook her head like what Deku said was stupid.

Selene: We were, but you didn't know that.

She said it like it was obvious

Deku just laughed because he knew he would never be able to oppose Selene.

End of Flashback.

Deku shook his head slightly as one of his memories came back to him, it looked like Selene had actually marked him even after death.

Deku sighed and turned his sinew to Sirzechs and Grayfia who were sad

Deku: Right.

He said getting everyone's attention

Deku: I don't have any feelings for you, but if you give a chance to earn my trust, it's good to waste it.

Sirzechs closed his eyes for a moment before smiling at him.

Sirzechs: I'm grateful that you're giving us this chance, Izuku, thank you!

Grayfia just stood there, her body slightly shaky. She fought the urge to hug Izuku

Deku: Maybe we should talk about the consequences my little stunt will have?

Sirzechs: We can no longer keep its existence a secret.

He replied after a moment, agreeing with the not-so-subtle change of subject.

Sirzechs: Many demons have seen it. We'll try to keep at least the other supernatural Factions in the dark, but it's only a matter of time before they find out.

Deku nodded, in fact he didn't really care that much if the news got out. He was kind of glad he didn't have to hide.

Sirzechs: There will be people sent to watch you, but they probably won't be too bold while you're in devil's territory.

Deku: And the demons.

Sirzechs: Well, you are the Mad Dragon King, the strongest existence. And demons respect strength, after all. However, there are many under pillars who felt affronted by their very existence. A demon so powerful that he is not an ally of the underworld will seem an insult of the highest order to them.

Zeoticus: We'll deal with them! I just got my oldest grandson back, I'm going to heaven before I let those ancient fossils take him!

Deku changed his expression to an amused one.

Deku: Well, you must have a lot of questions, right? The reason your didn't feel power from me when I was born.

He said making everyone look at him

Sirzechs nodded quickly to Grayfia, as they very much wanted to know

Deku: Well, it's true that the moment I was born I was weak. And for a moment my demonic power didn't circulate.

Everyone looked at him a little confused.

Sirzechs: And why wasn't power felt in you?

He asked shaking his wife's hand

Deku: My skill had seen my body as weak and so it decided to use its ability to change...

Venelana: The weakness of demons, light.

she said in understanding

Deku nodded his head

Deku: Exactly. My skill sucked all my demonic power to modify my body and that's why you didn't feel it.

Sirzechs and Grayfia widened their eyes upon hearing this, what they thought was Deku being weak was actually him becoming stronger.

Deku: If you had waited a few more hours my power would have returned.

He said causing Sirzechs and Grayfia to look down in regret.

Rias: So how strong are you?

She asked getting everyone's attention.

They turned their attention to Deku as they were also curious

Deku: Well, when I was born, my demonic power was compared to an Ultimate Class demon and I could vaporize an entire house without even wanting to.

He said making everyone's eyes widen.

If Izuku had all that power, he would be a Super Devil, in fact not even Sirzechs was born with that amount of power.

Deku: At five I beat Shiva and at seven I beat Great Red. And now I am considered the strongest existence.

He said calmly, which made the demons, not just the demons but Mulan, Ryu and Saphira look at him in disbelief.

At the age of five he could already face The God of Destruction, Shiva. With that alone he couldn't even be classified as a Super Devil, because his power went far beyond that, he was already at a totally outsized level.

But now, winning the Great Red when I was just seven?... It was... Surprising to say the least to anyone who would listen.

Deku noted that everyone was perplexed, with the exception of Grayfia who was still staring at the ground with a sad and tearful gaze.

Deku sighed and decided to do something Selene would probably approve of.

He got up, getting everyone's attention and walked over to stand in front of Grayfia.

Deku opened his arms and said:

Deku: You can hug, I know you want to.

He said while looking at Grayfia who had tears streaming from her eyes

No other word was needed when Grayfia threw herself against Deku hugging him crying to his chest, Sirzechs smiled and seeing Izuku's approving look joined the hug

Everyone smiled as they saw the interaction between parent and child.

Rias: If you're my brother's son... Does that mean I tried to sleep with my nephew?!

He shouted getting everyone's attention.

Even though Izuku was her nephew, she still had a crush on him but still felt baffled by it.

Everyone laughed at Rias' expression as Deku looked at her

Deku: Perverted.

He said making everyone laugh and Rias blushed and tried to say anything but stuttered

Deku: It wasn't enough for Saphira, Ryu and Mulan as perverts... And to think that I was almost abused by my own aunt, I couldn't marry like that.

He said with fake sadness as everyone laughed at Rias, Ryu, Saphira and Mulan.

They didn't even look like they were weird just now.

They looked like a family

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Ikki's Devil Life 4 بواسطة Jay Jay

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