Academy Kuoh

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A few days later:

Kuoh, Japan;

In a large mansion in the Japanese city of Kuoh, it was possible to see someone waking up in their room.

The light passed through the window and illuminated the young man's body.

A handsome young man who could only be described as handsome, his unearthly beauty capable of impressing any being, even the goddesses of Beauty would be shocked by his appearance and seeing him would make any woman, whether human or supernatural, have her body drowned in lust.

Deku: Another day.

It had been a few days since Deku had moved to Kuoh, but he still hadn't started his studies.

He had used those days to settle in Kuoh, as well as buy a house and enroll in Acamedy Kuoh.

His eyes roamed the room.

His house was large, having three floors of extremely luxurious furniture of the highest class.

Deku was considered one of the richest people in the world, not only for his extremely famous songs but also for having made several investments that make a lot of money to this day.

Though he can't use all that money due to being a minor and so it was necessary for him to be careful

Deku's guardian was the man who adopted him a few years ago, due to him needing a human law guardian.

Even though Deku considers these laws a waste of time, he still had to follow them, he didn't want to go to school either, but his guardian told him to go

Deku's adoptive father was none other than the God of Destruction, Shiva

Over the years, Deku has traveled all over the world and met many people.

And at the age of seven he was declared as the strongest existence, surpassing the Great Red and the Trihexa (666)

It was at age seven that Deku fought the Great Red and emerged victorious, bringing the dragon under his sway.

Along these trips, Deku found some "friends", friends for Deku would be a strong word, it would be more for "acquaintances, and also some enemies

And in this period, Deku had accepted to be Shiva's right hand man.

Deku helped Shiva whenever the God needed

Although Shiva was the God of Destruction, he didn't cause senseless chaos and destruction always preferring to find interesting things to do, and this usually ended with Deku trying to keep the God of Destruction in line.

Shiva even joked with Deku saying that, although he wasn't raised by Sirzechs and Grayfia, he has a personality very similar to his mother, what differentiated was that Deku was more cruel and merciless.

Being Shiva's right-hand man, Deku usually represented the God whenever he needed to, although the Trimurti didn't meddle much in the supernatural world, Deku had to participate in several wars.

But nothing that the ancient and ancient dragons wouldn't help him.

All the gods that saw all the dragons being controlled by a child, can't hide their surprise

And the worst, none were weak, all the dragons that Deku had at his disposal could face the God of Destruction and emerge victorious, even one was enough

Deku got into several fights against the Hindu God of War and had even invaded Indra's palace to kill him, but he was stopped by Shiva.

Shiva told Deku that the battle against Indra was necessary and it was also a way to get rid of his boredom.

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