The Safe House | Bonten [Toky...

By xccie_

90.8K 3.5K 1.2K

This house was more than just a house, it was a safe house. Their safe house. "Welcome Home" A story where Bo... More

Chapter 1 - The Girl on the Picture
Chapter 2 - The Silence and Stolen Glances
Chapter 3 - The Distant Look in Her Eyes
Chapter 4 - The Closure and Uncertainties
Chapter 5 - The Fear of Death
Chapter 6 - The Psycho and The Innocent
Chapter 7 - The Vacation
Chapter 7.5 - The Secret
Chapter 8 - The Blood that Stained the Innocent
Chapter 9 - The Different Meanings of Love
Chapter 10 - The Stupid Ideas of a Bored Mind
Chapter 11 - The Enchanted Water Fountain
Chapter 11.5 - The Dangers of Deep Waters
Chapter 12 - The Marriage and Divorce
Chapter 13 - The Danger that Lingers
Chapter 14: The Smell of White Roses
Chapter 15: The Many Changes in their Life
Chapter 16: The Forbidden Word
Chapter 17: The Love They Give
Chapter 18: The Competition of Gifts
Chapter 18.5 - The Lie He Believed
Chapter 19: The Weakness of The Invincible
Chapter 20: The Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 21: The Thrilling part about Awkwardness
Chapter 22: The Trip to Nostalgia
Chapter 23: The Karma of Running Away
Chapter 24: The Accident
Chapter 25: The Mean to Spill Blood
Chapter 26: The Boundary of Demise
Chapter 27: The Beginning of a Fire
Chapter 28: The Rage of Silence
Chapter 29: The Defenses of a Safe House
Chapter 30: The Rise and Fall
Chapter 31: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 32: The Traitor
Chapter 33: The Argument and Misunderstandings
Chapter 34 - The Deceived
Chapter 35 - The Deceiver
Chapter 36: The Fool's Play
Chapter 37: The Garden of Memories
The Safe House

Prologue - The Safe House

11.7K 268 75
By xccie_

It was a typical Saturday afternoon, the Bonten chief members are in their own spaces inside their headquarters.

Kokonoi Hajime was busy growing and monitoring Bonten's money. The Haitani brothers are busy finishing tasks such as interrogations.

Mochizuki Kanji was busy tracking down certain people. Akashi Takeomi was busy creating deals and finalizing negotiations.

Hitto Kakucho was busy managing documents and files; deleting some and cleaning most. Sanzu was busy doing who-knows-what.

And Sano Manjiro was sitting inside his office while talking to someone on the phone. And that someone was a person who Mikey holds dear in his heart.

"Is it really okay for you?" His tone is unusually gentle and lively. "You can refuse if it makes you uncomfortable"

"Of course it's fine, Mikey" The voice sounded quite muffled through the phone's speaker. "I'm not at home most of the time anyway, and I hate to let such a big and gorgeous house be so empty and collect dust." The voice continued to speak. "And plus, didn't you say you liked the scenery outside my home and it relaxes you?"

The blond smiled at her words. "Yes, it does" He replied. "So is that really it? You're not requesting or setting rules?"

"Heh, of course, there will be rules. First and foremost, keep everything clean and tidy, no smoking inside, do not ruin my plants, do not enter my room or my office, do not take books outside the library, and make sure the pantry and fridge are always stocked" They muttered in one breath. "But of course, I have more"

"I figured" He chuckled. "You wouldn't be you if you don't set up rules"

"I'll take that as a compliment that I'm just really organized. Well if you want I can have my assistant send the key card for the gate and the front door right now" The voice offered, he can hear the soft sounds of the keyboard on their line.

"Are you working right now?" He asked when he noticed how busy they sounded. "I'm not being a bother am I?"

"Never, remember that" The voice softened as they reassured the male. "Whenever you call, I will always answer. And I am never busy when it comes to you, so don't ever think that"

"I think you dote on me too much, you're only a year older than me" He deadpanned. "And about the key cards, I'll just send my subordinate to get it"

"Alright, uh, which of your subordinates are you going to send...?" They cautiously asked, worried if it was someone of the least tolerable one.

"Don't worry, I know how you like orderliness. I'm sending Kokonoi, he's pretty sophisticated" Mikey spun in his office chair as he talked. "Or maybe you'd like Kakucho instead? He's the most normal one out of us"

Their soft laughter made his phone vibrate. "As long as they can walk straight, then it's fine."

"Miss, the client for the 3 PM appointment is here" Another voice spoke from the phone, he knew it was their secretary.

"Are you busy now?" He raised a brow despite knowing that she wouldn't see his expression.

He meant that question as a tease but they seemed to have taken it seriously. "...Uh, No. I can keep talking. You don't have to hang up"

"Don't worry, it was supposed to be a tease." He reassured when he sensed the panic in their voice.

"I'm so sorry Mikey, I know I said I'll never be busy when it comes to you" They explained. "I'll make it up to you, alright?"

"You don't have to" He continued. "I understand, anyway, I'll send my subordinate now."

"Okay, take care Mikey" They reminded. "I love you, see you soon" He only replied with a hum before they hang up.

Mikey pushed a button on his table and a direct tone rang in Kakucho's office, indicating Mikey's asking for him to come to his office.

The black-haired male immediately stopped whatever he was doing and went directly to his boss' office.

As he was walking the halls of the headquarters, Kakucho crossed paths with the purple-haired brothers.

Usually, they just walk past each other, or in rare times they would even greet each other with smiles on their faces, but today was not that rare day.

Ran looked pissed about something, his clothing was stained with blood and his knuckles were also bleeding.

While Rindou was spotless and has a less sour expression. "Oh, Kaku." The younger Haitani called. "About the file we borrowed..."

"It got destroyed isn't it?" Kakucho replied almost automatically, after all, it happens too often. "It's fine, I'll take care of it"

"Right now?" Rindou asked. "You're really efficient"

"No. Mikey called me" He corrected. "Oh, by the way, try not to stain anything with blood" He sent a glance in Ran's direction before continuing on his way.

The door opened quietly after three consecutive knocks. Mikey watched the door as it opened and soon Kakucho entered.

"Kaku, I need you to go to Izanagi and say that you are there to fetch something for someone named Michael" Mikey ordered as soon as Kakucho had straightened his posture. "And use the name Hiroyuki."

Kakucho bowed his head as a response before leaving. The door closed with a satisfying click and once again, his office was quiet.

Mikey liked Kakucho as a subordinate since he doesn't ask questions and just go straight to do his task as exact as how it was ordered.

Meanwhile, the Izanagi building was a typical company, all just filled with work and no shady business.

Izanagi Corporation is one of the biggest companies in Japan, and it is the very first company to rise to the top in just under two years. And the owner is none other than Y/n, Mikey's half-sister.

Despite Y/n being Mikey's half-sister, she is not associated with his business whatsoever. The two keep their relationship to themselves, they don't mix their business together nor do they mention each other's names to their friends or subordinates.

Mikey liked it that way since she is the only family that remained alive for all these years. Let's just say Mikey had learned his lesson not to mix family with the gang, especially after what happened to his other siblings.

"Atsuko, someone named Hiroyuki will come and he's going to fetch a package for a guy named Michael" Y/n instructed as she and her secretary walked the lengthy hall of her corporation. "And another box of Dorayaki will arrive as well, make sure to hand it to Hiroyuki."

"Yes, Miss" Atsuko replied shortly. "You must really like Dorayaki, This is the 3rd box this week"

"Ah... yes" She replied with a slightly sheepish smile. "I like to keep it stocked in my home, it's a great midnight snack"

"Sorry to intrude but miss, I think it's unhealthy to consume so much of those sweet pastries" Atsuko muttered in a hesitant tone.

"I appreciate your concern," Y/n assured. "That's what I keep telling him..." She muttered the last sentence to herself.

Atsuko then opened the door toward another room and Y/n entered to attend to her business matters. Atsuko on the other hand walked back to finish the tasks that her boss gave her.

She held the rectangle velvety box, its contents unknown to her. Atsuko stood patiently with a large box of Dorayaki on the floor beside her.

"Excuse me, I'm Hiroyuki," Kakucho said as he approached the female. "I'm here to fetch a package for Michael"

"Of course, here you are" She then handed him the velvety box. "Oh and this box as well, here you go"

Kakucho dipped his head shallowly and muttered a short. "Thank you" Before he left the corporation.

He wondered what was Bonten's connection with the Izanagi company since there's no file that connects the two, at least, not that he knows of.

As much as it curious him, he knows better than to poke into Mikey's direct business. And so he keeps quiet and never asks questions about it.

Kakucho soon arrived at their headquarters once again and he went straight to Mikey's office to hand in the package.

"Mikey? It's Kakucho, I got the package" He said after knocking three times.

After a short silence, Mikey spoke. "Come in" And Kakucho obliged.

He placed the box of Dorayaki onto another table while he handed the velvety box directly to Mikey's desk.

"Kaku? What's that other box?" Mikey's gaze lingered on the ordinary-looking box.

Kakucho glanced at the box as well. "The label said it was a box of Dorayaki..." He answered as he looked back at Mikey.

"Ah, of course," Mikey's lips slightly tugged upwards into a soft smile, which surprised the black-haired male since this was the first time he had seen Mikey smile in a long time.

"If there isn't anything else, I'll take my leave," Kakucho said after composing himself.

"You may go, and can you call Sanz- wait, no actually call Takeomi instead" Mikey ordered and Kakucho nodded before exiting.

Mikey looked down at the rectangular box in his hands, he unlatched its lock before opening it, and inside are two (Fav/color) metal cards with a shiny finish, and in the bottom corner are her initials and on the top corner is an icon of a gate and a door.

He smiled at how personalized it looked, of course, it's Y/n's belongings after all, so it is bound to be personalized.

A knock then interrupted his silence and Takeomi entered. "You called?" The male said as he peeked inside.

The silver-haired male then closed the box as he stood. "Yes, I need you to drive me somewhere." He said as he and Takeomi exited his office.

It wasn't often that Mikey would ask for Takeomi to drive him to a location, usually, their boss would always order Sanzu do to everything.

So it interests Takeomi as to why Mikey didn't ask for Sanzu to drive him or to run the errand Mikey ordered Kakucho to do.

"Mikey? Is Sanzu alright?" Takeomi asked as he drove while taking a short glance at the rearview mirror to see his boss' expression. "He's not dead, is he?"

"Huh? You're suddenly worried about your little brother?" Mikey murmured while still looking out the window. "No, he's not dead."

"That's good to hear..." Takeomi let go of the breath he held. "It's just- usually, he's the one running your errands and driving you."

"Oh... I see" The short male sighed. "This matter is very delicate, and you know how Sanzu can be."

"Delicate? How?" Takeomi took another glance at the rearview mirror. "Did anyone mess up?" He asked referring to the other chief members.

"No, it's nothing like that" Mikey replied.

Takeomi sensed that Mikey wasn't in the mood for a long conversation and so he stopped talking and just focused on driving.

The surrounding area soon became open, there are no buildings that stood and no neighborhood, and little to no people.

It was just an open field with a perfectly designed landscape, and in the middle stood a tall wall with an elegantly designed gate.

The large gates opened on their own when the car neared since it sensed the key card and it closed when they got passed through it.

Takeomi thought the outside was impressive, but the inside was much more beautiful. Inside the walls is a mansion-like house, elegant and breathtaking.

He stopped the car by the front of the house, Takeomi couldn't stop gawking at how impressive the land and house were.

"Hey, Mikey? Is this house yours?" He asked as he opened the car door for Mikey.

"As of the moment, it is sort of mine" Mikey replied, concealing that the house belonged to his half-sister.

"For such a big house, it's pretty deserted," Takeomi commented. "I expected there would be house workers to maintain this place"

Mikey pushed the door and it automatically clicked open since it also sensed the key card in his pocket.

"Oh wow..." The older male roamed his eyes as the lights lit on their own. "This place really is impressive, I wonder how much it costs..."

"For the time being, I'll stay here" Mikey informed. "This place is not that known so it can serve as a secret meeting place and also a safe house."

"Hosting a party here would be so much fun-"

"No, this place is not going to be used in events like that." Mikey cut him off. "And by the way, smoking is not allowed inside the house."

Takeomi slowly placed the cigarette pack back in his pocket. "Oh..."

"This place comes with a lot of rules, so if any of the chief members want to stay here, they need to follow those rules strictly," He said as he continued to walk further into the house. "Or I will personally kill those who break it. Anyway, you may go"

"Yes, boss" Takeomi remained his head bowed until he heard Mikey entering a room, he then stood up straight. "Since when did Mikey care about such strict rules...?"

He then turned to leave but something caught his eye when he walked by the foyer again, there is a family portrait and many more photos.

Takeomi recognized most of them, there was Shinichiro, Emma, and Mikey. There was also Kurokawa Izana, and another girl with the same eyes as Izana but with (H/c) hair.

He crouched a bit to take a closer look at the unknown girl. There was a hint of familiarity the longer he looked. "Have I seen her somewhere before...?"

After a long while of trying to remember, he decided to let it go and just go drive back toward the headquarters to tell the others about Mikey's whereabouts.

"Takeomi, where were you?" Kokonoi asked when they crossed paths by the first floor of Bonten's headquarters. "And where is Mikey?"

"I need to talk to everyone, it's about Mikey" Takeomi replied.

"Huh? Did something happen?" Kokonoi furrowed his brows thinking of the worst scenario that could've happened to Mikey.

"Oh, I think you misinterpreted me"

"Why the fuck would you even use those words? It's like you're going to deliver bad news" His already sharp eyes turned even sharper when he glared.

Takeomi laughed. "Awe~ Hajime, you actually do care for someone and not just money~!"

"Shut up, don't call me that" Kokonoi crossed his arms. "And if Mikey were to disappear, then I'd lose control of so much fortune"

"Yeah, right" Takeomi continued to tease. "Anyway, 8th floor, 2nd room, in 10 minutes. Tell the others"

The others arrived at the right time except for Sanzu who was 20 minutes late. The pink-haired male basically crashed through the door and immediately fell to the floor.

Despite this, the meeting continued as if Sanzu did not just break his nose from falling. He then stumbled and wobbly found a seat.

Kokonoi silently handed him a handkerchief which Sanzu took and pressed on his bleeding nose. "So what's this meeting for...?" Sanzu asked.

"About a safe house of sorts" Kakucho answered him. "Takeomi's listing the rules that Mikey gave if we want to go or even stay there"

"Rules..? Since when did Mikey set out rules?" Sanzu asked rhetorically.

Takeomi was on the 48th and 49th rule. "No bitches, and no illegal substances allowed"

"What?! Is Mikey starting a catholic camp or some shit?" Sanzu exclaimed. "Is he planning to kill me of boredom?!"

"Sit your ass back down" Takeomi glared. "It's not like anyone's forcing you to come there."

Sanzu plopped back down to his seat with a grunt, the handkerchief stuck to his bleeding nostril. "Whatever, I bet it's a boring place anyway"

"It has a fully equipped gym, a pool, a theatre, a fruit shake bar, and even a trampoline room" Rindou listed, knowing Sanzu would definitely react.

"A trampoline room-?!" He muttered in a whisper-shout tone with wide eyes. "Dammit, if only drugs are allowed. It'd be so fun getting high in that room..."

"Ahem-! Anyway..." Takeomi cleared his throat as well as slammed his palm on the table to get everyone's attention. "There are many more rules, but I will not bore you anymore. If you really want to stay there, then just respect the place."

He continued to speak. "Mikey seemed to really care about that house so, don't do anything stupid, or else, Mikey will be the one to kill you. He said that himself." Takeomi informed. "But really, trust me, that house is really something else- it's really impressive and expensive"

"Hmm? More impressive and expensive than my house?" Kokonoi quirked a brow.

"Yes, when I say it's expensive looking- it's really expensive looking" Takeomi nodded.

"Huh, I'll be the judge of that" Kokonoi rolled his eyes. "How could that safe house be better than my house? It probably looks like a warehouse-"




Kokonoi's mouth hung open as his gaze remained glued at the huge structure in front of him. Takeomi lifted his chin for his mouth to close. "I told you"

"This place must've cost like 20 times of Kokonoi's house" Rindou commented.

"Probably more" Ran chimed in.

Kakucho walked forward and pushed the door open. "Let's go in, Mikey's waiting"

They all entered and despite just being in the foyer, they were already impressed at how pretty the place is.

All of them walked further in and explored on their own. Except for Kakucho who remained in the foyer while staring at the same pictures that Takeomi looked at the day before.

His gaze lingered on the photo where his childhood friend stared back at him with a neutral face, and beside him is a girl with a soft smile, their eyes were a complete replica of each other.

"It's Mikey's siblings" Kakucho turned to see Takeomi beside him. "Do you think this is his family's home?"

"Probably? Maybe that's why there are so many rules" Kakucho straightened his posture. "Maybe he's preserving this place."

"We better head on, the others are already seated" Takeomi placed a hand on Kakucho's shoulder before they walked toward the living room together.

"Is this place newly built?" Mochi asked, curious as to why this was the first time he had heard of this place.

"No, it's been standing for over fifteen years." He responded. "I often stay here when I need a break"

"Oh, so this is where you've been when you suddenly disappear" Sanzu inquired while chewing on a piece of gum; his substitute when he can't take drugs. "This place must be really important for you to feel safe here"

"Yes, and I would appreciate it if you keep this place a secret" Mikey looked at each and every one of them. "And to respect, and follow the rules."

"Of course, boss" They replied in unison.

"Well then, welcome to The Safe House"

A/N: Welcome to another Bonten X Reader story. Hope you're not sick of these yet hehe, I promise this one won't be as tragic as the other ones you've already read.

[Did I just start another fanfic without finishing my other ongoing one? Yes, yes I did. So, uh, yeah... happy reading ~] 

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