A Crystal Steeped In Darkness

By Jaxon_Writes

95 14 4

"Since The dawn of time darkness and light have fought in an endless war for dominance. In order for this war... More



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By Jaxon_Writes

                                             Exam Begins

Two days later and the day of the enrollment exams began. I was kind of nervous to be honest but instead of thinking negatively I pasted a smile on my face and prepared for the day ahead. After we had packed up our essentials like our sheel blades and note scrolls. Edwin called a carriage pulled by two Pegasus, one white one black. " These pegasi know exactly where the school is so don't fret." Edwin reassured us as he closed the door and slapped the Pegasus' rear end.

The carriage started moving slowly then began picking up speed eventually lifting up off the ground. " Whoah!" The twins exclaimed looking out at the clouds stretching before us. I looked back towards the manor as it slowly faded into a tiny speck behind us.

The journey went by seemingly quickly as we arrived at a magnificent castle looking structure nestled in a great mountain. As we edged closer I noticed two armored guards pulling down on two identical levers which opened what was the most massive door. Suddenly I felt a chill run right through me as we entered the school. Inside, the school was awe inspiring as giant spires that held glowing runes within them. It was as if the entire school was essence itself.

The room where the exam was hosted wasn't as incredibly massive as the entrance but it wasn't exactly small either. Thousands of children in their teens and younger sat in color coded seats waiting for the exam to begin. As we were separated into our respective colored groups a tall woman dressed in a white robe and a matching hat sitting atop of bright red curls started speaking immediately silencing the few students who were chatting amongst themselves.

" Hello young elites my name is Lara Elingale and today I'll be in charge of these exams. You will be addressing me as Mistress Lara. Failure to do so will have you immediately sent wherever you came from. Is that understood?!"

       There was a roar of " Yes Mistress Lara!" As the students answered. " I will be separating you all into different houses. In these houses your essence power will be tested then you will follow your fellow examinees onto the next 3 exams." Right before we were separated into those groups I spoke to everyone. " Guys this is a chance at finding the truth of our birth and a better life, be cautious and good luck." I patted them each on the shoulder and they nodded in turn.

During the first exam we were tasked to demonstrate our essence level by creating something interesting and useful . A rush of relief flooded through me as I remembered that I created a self sustaining plant two days prior. So I did by carving out the runes which I had memorized last night and the night before. I created the same plant but this time I carved another rune for poison causing the plant to turn a slight tinge of purple creating a self-sustaining poisonous plant. The proctors were almost speechless as they couldn't keep their eyes off of the plant. " I call this one Death Petal." I said showing them the rune combination. To help keep the plant contained I carved out the earth rune and the metal and alloy rune creating a pot. " Thank you miss Vara, you may continue onto the next exam.

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