Fools in Love

By bert3005

112K 5.3K 3.7K

[Third book in the Fools series] *Read Fools then Fools Fall before reading this book* Noah Wright is going i... More

Author's Note/Recap
1- Sam
2- Noah
3- Sam
4- Noah
5- Sam
6- Noah
7- Sam
8- Noah
9- Sam
10- Noah
11- Sam
13- Sam
14- Noah
15- Sam
16- Noah
17- Sam
18- Noah
20- Noah
21- Sam
22- Noah
23- Sam
24- Noah
26- Noah
27- Sam
28- Noah
29- Sam
Author's Note
30- Noah
31. Sam

25- Sam

4.5K 194 192
By bert3005


"I could drive you home," Noah offered after I patched up his hand and my heart dropped.

"Oh, um yeah, okay," I stood up, stepping back, but the disappointment I felt was unbearable.

I don't know why I was surprised, I was the one who told Kai that Noah would drive me home. But I just said that to say it. I didn't actually want that. Did I really have to spell it out for Noah that I wanted to stay?

But I knew I couldn't ask him to stay. I rejected him twice, it wouldn't be fair to ask.

So I turned towards the door, ready to walk out, until I was pulled to Noah, my hands going to his chest and I looked at him surprised. "Or you can stay the night, but if you do, it's going to be in bed with me. I'm not going to make the decision for you, so I'm taking you home or you're spending the night in my bed."

My heart was pounding out of my chest. This was it; Noah putting himself back on that platter and I wasn't going to make the mistake of not taking him this time. "Okay," I said then realized that wasn't an answer. "I mean, yes." Noah raised his eyebrows at me because I still didn't technically pick, "I mean, I'll sleep with you," I shook my head "Sleep in bed with you." Oh God.

My nerves were all over the place, my body trembling in anticipation. Anticipating laying next to him... and what laying next to him could lead to. My body ran hot as I watched Noah shuffle through his dresser, back in his bedroom, and pulled out a t-shirt of his for me and I tried not to show how badly my hands were shaking when he offered it to me.

"Thanks," I said casually but was screaming on the inside. "Umm," Stop being a pussy, Sam, I thought to myself and took a deep breath before taking my clothes off. Stripping in front Noah who I could feel shamelessly watching me.

Now only in his t-shirt and my boxers, I turned to him and asked, "Um, I'm gonna- you wouldn't happen to have a toothbrush I could use?" Why was I being to excruciatingly awkward?

"There might be one still in its package in one of the draws in the bathroom," he told me.

I nodded and walked out of his bedroom, passing Kaitlyn, "Is that Noah's shirt?" She asked like she didn't know considering it was bigger on me.

"Is that Ciera's room you're heading into? Don't be too loud tonight."

"Same to you," she told me before slipping into Ciera's bedroom.

In the bathroom, first thing I did was scrub the hell that was Jude off my lips with soap and hot water. I didn't want a single trace of him on me. I splashed water in my face and patted my face dry with the towel that laid on the counter.

I closed my eyes and took a beep breath, trying to calm my nerves which was a mix of what happened at the party and what would've happened had Noah not stop him, and also trying to calm my nerves of spending the night with Noah.

I shuffled through the drawers and found a two pack of toothbrushes, one already taken out leaving a baby blue one for me. After brushing my teeth, I scanned the counter top and found exactly what I knew Ciera would have. Face moisturizer. After rubbing the moisturizer into my skin, I used the lotion Ciera also had to rub on my arms, my legs, and neck so that I'd smell good for... what could happen or at least what my body wanted to happen with Noah.

I took a deep breath and went back into his bedroom. Noah got up from where he sat at the edge of his bed, seemingly waiting for me. He was shirtless, but wearing grey sweatpants. He informed me, "I'll be right back." And slipped out of his bedroom.

I laid down on the right side of his bed, setting my phone down, I realized I had three missed calls from Ben and five text messages.

Today 12:05 AM

I'm sorry about our
argument. You were
right, so can you call
me back?

please answer me.

I saw Noah at the party.
Are you with him?

Don't even bother talking
to me tomorrow if you're
with him.

I'm sorry, baby, I didn't
mean that. But text me or
call me.

I sighed, but owed him a response.

Today 1:11 AM

I'm home. We'll talk
to tomorrow.

I set my phone face down on the nightstand and laid back on Noah's pillow. I inhaled a deep breath, taking in his scent. Laying in Noah's all black, cool sheets brought me back a year ago. I wanted to stay there forever. Before everything went to hell.

Noah came back a minute or so later and stripped out of his sweatpants, leaving him in his briefs.

I looked up at the ceiling as Noah got in his bed. This was going to be hard, I didn't think I could refrain myself. Noah asked me to sleep in his bed with him. I'd be stupid to think that was all he wanted, but part of me was too nervous to make a move. Did I really have to be the one? I was literally in my underwear, under the covers with him, that was my move. Wasn't the ball in Noah's court now?

I turned over to lay on my side. Noah did the same so we were looking at each other. "Thank you for saving me tonight," I said softly.

"I'd save you everyday and every night if you'd let me," he spoke in a whisper, each word came out like he meant it with everything in him.

So I made the first move.

I leaned in to kiss him, but it backfired. "Don't," Noah turned his head away from me to block my kiss before looking back at me. "That's not fair. You know I want you, but you don't get to kiss me and go back to Ben. So if you kiss me, there's no going back." Noah said.

I opened my mouth to say that I didn't want Ben, but then hesitated. Not because I did want Ben, but because wanting Noah came with a lot.

Noah sighed and turned away from me. "Let's just go to sleep."

But I knew I wanted Noah and all that came with him. "I want you," I said with confidence.

Noah stilled. "What?" But he didn't look at me.

"I want you, Noah." My heart was beating out of my chest when Noah turned back over to face me. "I want you," I repeated.

"What about Ben?"

"I'll break up with him," I said firmly and he raised his eyebrows like he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"You want me?" He questioned and I nodded. "Don't just nod," he demanded like it was crucial.

I got on top of him, straddling his waist, his hands going on my thighs. "Yes, Noah, I want you. How much clearer can I be?"

"Kiss me. Like you fucking mean it," he demanded.

I smiled and leaned in, but Noah met me halfway until our lips were pressed together. His hands on my face and he kiss me with everything he had in him. And I did the same. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Like it was just us two in the world.

Noah sat up, his hands sliding to my lower back until he was gripping my sides and laying me down. He pulled back, "Say it again."

"I want you," I told him, looking into those beautiful brown eyes of his.

With Noah's fingers on my jaw, he tilted my head up, "That's not what I want you to repeat."

I couldn't help but grin, "I'm breaking up with Ben. For you," I added. And because I knew it would turn him on even more, "Ben means nothing to me. I want you so badly, Noah, so fucking take me." And his lips were back on mine except this time, he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

I knew it was wrong being with Noah while still with Ben and I should've felt guilty, but in that moment, it was only Noah and I in the world. No one else existed. I was lost in the world of Noah, fully consumed by his touch and his lips, wherever they traveled.


And we didn't waste any time; Noah sat up, my lips following his and only breaking apart for him to lift my shirt up and over my head. Back down, our lips returning to each other's, Noah's body grounded onto my pulsing erection.

As amazing has making out with Noah was, his tongue being lower on my body was where I craved for him to be. I was getting impatient and antsy when his hand started rubbing me through my boxers and I whined against his mouth when his hand slipped in, taking hold of me.

The excited anxiousness that I felt was unbearable once he started moving down my body. He kissed my hips as roughly as he knew I'd like it as his fingers teased me at the waistband of my boxers. I was out of breath, my hands in his hair encouraging him to go lower.

Noah slipped my boxers down, "ahhh," I moaned, feeling his warm, wet mouth go around my dick. My hand went to his that was squeezing my thigh and I interlocked our fingers while he continued to give me the pleasure I've been longing for. 

His tongue licked down my shaft and back up, past my tip with a trail of saliva attached until he engulfed me again, sucking up my precum like it was his favorite thing to taste.

His fingers slipped from mine so he could bring them between my legs and I let out another whine as he inserted a finger and began thrusting it in. He removed his mouth, but added a second finger. Which was good because if he continued to suck me off while fingering me, I knew I'd cum too quickly. And I wanted all the time in the world with Noah.

I squirmed under his touch while his free hand glided up and down my leg.

I needed him inside me. I leaned up, my hands capturing his face and he understood my want as he came back up to kiss me, but only briefly before he reached over to his nightstand. While grabbing the necessities, I took advantage of our position as my hands clutched his thighs and I took his hard dick into my mouth.

"Fuck," Noah groaned, seemingly forgetting about the condom as he dropped it on the bed and placed his hands in my hair instead. He pushed my head further down to deep throat him as he moaned again. I let Noah thrust himself to the back of my throat a few more times before I released him.

After taking the precautions, we continued feverishly. Noah's mouth ravished mine with his aggressive kisses that had me losing my mind, as he positioned himself then pushed slowly into me getting a loud moan out of me.

Noah's hand went to my throat, applying the right amount of pressure as he began moving faster, harsher bringing moans and whimpers out of me with each hit.

And God, I loved it so much. I loved his touch and his kiss, I loved the feeling of him deep inside me. I loved how Noah wasn't afraid to be rough with me because he knew me. I loved that he knew me. He knew exactly where his hands needed to caress my body to have shivers running down my spin. How he knew biting my ear had my eyes rolling back. How his fingers intertwined with mine had my heart beating so fast.

I had become undone under Noah in a matter of minutes. I started stroking myself a a quick pace, the hot pressure building inside me. "You're so beautiful," Noah told me with his lips against my ear and I moaned out with my release.

Noah didn't last much longer as he gripped my thighs and thrusted intently harder until he reached his climax.

Out of breath, Noah leaned in and kissed me, "I will never let you go again," he promised me.


Ahhhhhhhh thank you so much for your patients! I appreciate all of you!!

I want to burn this whole book, but I'm going to complete it before I decide whether or not I want to rewrite it or if I end up liking how it goes. Ugh.

Anyway, thank you for reading!

I will keep you updated on when the next chapter will be out <3 thank you so so much for reading. I love you all

-Xoxo, Bert

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