By mythozero0

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A new world, new things to experience, and new people to meet, that's the things zero knew the moment he alon... More

chapter 0
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (End of S1)
Chapter 1 S2
Chapter 2 S2
Chapter 3 S2
Chapter 4 S2
Chapter 5 S2
Chapter 6 S2
Chapter 7 S2
Ramdom note
Chapter 8 S2 (end of S2)
Just a Q&A
EX chapter 1: remnant of memories
Sliver Bullet
EX chapter 2: Christmas
Chapter 1 S3
Chapter 2 S3
Chapter 3 S3
Chapter 4 S3
Chapter 5 S3
Chapter 6 S3
Nothing here, just something i want to share
Chapter 7 S3
Chapter 8 S3 (end of S3)
EX chapter 3: the foundation
EX chapter 4: multiverse of craziness
Small announcement
Chapter 1 S4
Chapter 2 S4
Chapter 3 S4
Η αρχή ενός σπασμένου ήρωα
Chapter 6 S4 (end of S4)
EX CHAPTER 5: Hello world
EX chapter 6: red chocolate and white chocolate
EX chapter 0: Diary

Chapter 4 S4

173 5 3
By mythozero0

(issei POV)

Right now is near sun set now, So after finishing our 'little training' with riser, we're currently heading back our resting place while zero is carrying a half-dead riser on his shoulder, well that bastard sure deserve that, after dropping him near the campfire, i decided to ask him some stuff

Me: hey zero, got spare time to talk?

Zero: got something to ask? (Light the camp fire)

Me: yeah, what exactly do you actually do while going with koneko anyway?

Zero: um didn't i told you that we gone into a investigation?

Me: i have a feeling that there's more of that, i mean if it was just merely investigate, then you could just go by yourself

Zero:......alright you got me (sit down) yes there's more of that

Me: what's that?

Zero: remember when we got trapped in another world?

Me: like hell i forget how you guys make us freaking out that time? Something happened?

Zero: apparently, during the trip, koneko get a chance to meet with kuroka in that world and yeah they does get themselves into a fight, but don't worry about that much

Me: okay? So....

Zero: for what koneko told me, it seem that the incident that make kuroka a stray was more than that, and in true even i feel a bit doubtful with what they said about that, i mean i also using chi too and mind you i can fight toe to toe with sun wukong and yet i still remain sanity

Me: so basically after you done with the hero faction, you go on with that along with her huh?

Zero: serafall too, well let me tell back in detail

(Flashback, Zero POV, 2 days before kyoto incident)

Me: so this is the place huh?

Right now I'm standing in front of a ruined mansion that is covered in weed, who ever that person was must be someone got themselves quite a name

Serafall: yes is it, don't worry we still keep thing like how it was back there in case we have new evidence

Me: thank for that but why did you tag along with, anyway?

Serafall: you still need someone to prove your evidence, right? And i also came here in behalf of the naberius clan too

Me: alright i guess (look to koneko) you sure you want to go in koneko?, you could wait outside

Koneko:...no, i should go in as well, i was the one ask you after all

Me: no need to hide anything okay? Let's go in

All three of us then walk inside as i open the door and well damn! This place really give alot ghost vibe here, almost like back when me and croire join in with the guda during those Halloween event

Me: i feel like we should split up in this case, i go alone while you two go together, alright?

Serafall: alright, come koneko

Koneko: right...take care zero

Me: don't worry about that, i already deal with ghost stuff before but be careful to youuuuu~

Serafall: no need to scare us like that zero

Me: sorry sorry, well take care you two

After we separated, i walk around the mansion as i checking all the room i come across but so far nothing much, aside for few diary that i managed to find hidden on some place and after reading some of it, i found out about what some of his peerage had to gone through and to make it easier to imagine, think him like shou tucker from fullmetal alchemist

Me: ....this world sure still have something remain the same, too bad kuroka already killed him or i would have enjoyed torturing him myself......hmm base on what this diary said, the place they get experiment is....

Follow what it written, i walk to where the experiment occur possibly be, as i stumbled upon a door, something urgent me to open it which i found a lab with a large blood stains on the floor, must be when he was killed, i look around to noticed that there's indeed few stuff that the diary mentioned but i feel like something is still missing

Me: there's still more of it, i knew it......let's see(place hand on a wall)...trace on!

As i shout out, multiple blue line come out from my hand as it spread around the room which finally reveal a multi-layer magic circle that lie behind the closet in front of me

Me: so that's why they can't find that place (walk in front of it) the construction of it... it's too complicated even for someone like him, seem like this might be bigger that i thought

I move the closet away to see it myself and in true this will be really hard to break

Me: man i don't think i could break this kind of spell, well guess i just gonna - Sike!

With one single punch that covered in several spell, i shattered the magic circle right away as it reveal the stair that lead to somewhere below

Me: heh, you know despite how annoying merlin is, she is without a doubt a master in magic stuff, 'seeing a complicated magic seal?, just punch it' man i really love that one (look inside).....well death scent come alot down there so that must be the place

Well it's time to call them now, wonder what they're doing now?

i walk to where they head to which is on other side of the mansion and later....

me: huh sera why are standing at there and where is-

serafall: (finger on her mouth tell me to quite down which she point inside the room)

me:' huh? what's in there?'

i slowly walk next to sera and look in to find koneko who is sitting in middle of the room in which she is holding a small toy on her, base on the decoration this must be their room that they used to live, oh....

i guess that she must be remembering those good old times, i can't blame her though, even i also as well too

Serafall: (whisper) i think that we should left her alone-

Serafall ask me to leave her alone but knowing she is myself, i know for damn sure that i need to be with her, so i decided to ignore her word and walk next to koneko

Serafall: (whisper) mo! Why did you had to be so stubborn?!

Me: hey, you good?


Me: this must be the place that you two used to live right?

Koneko: (small nod)

Me:....look i understand that those pain, those nightmare it won't go away, even if we want to, it will continue to follow us as long as we still live...


Me: but it didn't mean that you have to facing it all by yourself (hugging her)

Koneko: zero....

Me: we all here koneko, i know that it won't go away that easy but we will face it together, so it's okay to fear, we will be there for you, i will be there for you...

Koneko: (turn back and hugging me) thank you, zero....

Me: no need to.... that's what i alway do after all (carry her up) let's go, i found something that you guys might need to see yourself

(Scene change)

Well after taking care of koneko's emotion, we are now standing in front of the stair that lead down to the true lab and honestly, i feel like we are going to throw up alot when we go down there

Serafall: ugh, so all this time we have missed this place and the scent of death....even i have a bit problem with it

me: can't blame ya, the magic that hide this place was really complicated but good thing i learn from the best

Serafall: heh? How did you break the spell anyway?

Me: easy, just punch it that's all
Koneko: (sweatdrop) um i don't think that's how it work, zero

Me: what? Merlin was the one told me that and mind you despite she seem so irresponsible she actually really good at teaching magic and trust me on that, left that beside i don't think you should be down there Koneko, i don't think you can handle the pressure down there

Koneko: then i guess i can wait up here

Me: thought so, let's go sera

Serafall: already on your back

Me and sera then walk down there with me go first and the more we gone down there more the aura of death being more denser, just like when i face xu fu's immortality killing mask back there, later when we gone down....

Me: holy shit......

Serafall: (almost throw up)

If there's any possible words i can told you right now i can very sure i would sleep with my mom alot because this place it just like it was ripped directly from that crazy doctoc's lab from human centipede movie (seriously if this the first time you heard it, never and ever and ever and EVER watch that shit, i almost dead for starving even since i watch that)

We really want to get out here right the fuck now but since we still have matter to settle, we can only keep on walking in, as we keep going, we get to see many tubes filled with green liquid that inside all of it, we could see many devil or what was remain of them floating inside all of it, we then walk through a huge cage which me and serafall were surprised from the huge amount of corpses piled up in mountain and in them i could see it, not just devil, even human and few other species are at there as well

Me: whatever that bastard has done, many people has to gone to pain worst than death itself, damn it kuroka you really save us a big one

Serafall: to think that all this time he had done all of this under our nose...

Me: there's no point to sorry anymore sera, what happened is happened, that bastard is dead mean there won't be more have to suffer anymore....look i think we could find something over there

I point to where a table with few monitor at there, which i think we might find something that explains all of this

Serafall: right, let's go-

Me: whoa whoa whoa hold your horse girl

Serafall: eh? Why?

Me: (leading her gloves) basic stuff you know, if there's a chance that there might be someone else here, we don't want to ruin all evidence

Serafall: oh (fake cough) sorry...(wearing the gloves)

when we reach it, me and sera start to search around it, in which we found feel note and diary on it, as we checking all of it....

Me: what do you know, there's someone that already been here before us

Serafall: huh?

Me: look (showing a a book was nearly lost most of it pages) whatever who was it they were after on what that bastard try to make, but I don't think they will find something useful and there's few page left, let's see......(looking to the remain one) wait, what the (look closer) creating super devil???

Serafall: wait what?!

Me: 'those fake devil, they think that they can sit on the throne just because they got super devil? Then i will create one on my own, to bring back the glory to the true maou' hey sera as far as i know there's only 2 super devil that's sirzech and ajuka right?

Serafall: it is, so all this madness was to creating a super devil? But to create one it will take more than that

Me: i know sera, i already experienced it myself but shit, this definitely can't be good, let's call them now and get the hell out of here


Me: so where will they come anyway sera?

Right now we're standing outside of the ruined mansion as we waiting for them to make a full investigation on this place once again but knowing thing these day i know for sure it will take time

Serafall: just be patient zero, we just got out of here, and she's asleep now huh?

Well she's right, koneko is now sleeping on me now, guess all of this make her tired now....man she look so cute while holding that toy on her, make me want to spoil her a lot but can't do that especially when this is supernatural world we're talking about

Me: seem so (hold her closer) sorry if this bothering you sera, it's just family being torn apart just because of mistake is just not my style you know?

Serafall: it's okay zero i mean i still own few debts with you after all, maybe i won't be standing here if not thank to you...

Me: you tell me, man they sure plan dirty huh? Kidnapped your parent and force you to surrender, if i wasn't there maybe sona won't be able to come to this world

Serafall: which i really thank you for that zero, as a devil king i must put the whole underworld about everything but even though we don't fond of each other due to how different i am to they, they're still my parent, my family.....

Me: i thought so too.....you still remember sera? At the end of the war, you, i, sirzech, ajuka and falbium sitting on gremory mansion's ruin as we look to what still remained of underworld, it sure was crazy back there was it?

Serafall: (smug) and i remember sirzech keep on hitting your head for destroyed his home for fighting with leviathan's daughter

Me: can't blame me okay? I admit i may have destroy a small part...

Serafall: (look that say you're lying)

Me:.... 1/3 of the underworld okay! You do realize how much they are and we're not talk about those evil dragon too!

Serafall: good thing you keep everyone from your fight so there wasn't no casualties but you're pretty much had to help us rebuild it

Me: yeah yeah whatever....

Serafall:...how ironically wasn't it, back there you were the one with a iron heart, we thought that you were just someone hold unstoppable power that we must be cautiou with but you're different now, i guess time had teach you alot of stuff wasn't it?

Me:....it is, back there before i fought with you guys, i was alone most of time and i feel like i would be best never get close with anyone but now not only i make my name being remembered all supernatural, but now I have a family to fight for too, just like you

Serafall: i thought so, it really make me happy that time zero when you runaway from me during the house day

Me: um shouldn't be something that you shouldn't be upset with???

Serafall: mo! You still can't understand everyone huh?

Me: how can i now what do you mean about that huh???!!! Anyway i think i should go now you can wait for them right?

Serafall: i can but why do you have to go now?

Me: i kind of promise koneko to go for a trip for only us so while she still sleeping now i plan to bring her to kyoto

Serafall: wait really? You plan to go kyoto?

Me: yeah? Something wrong?

Serafall: oh it's nothing, it's just i also have to come there to meet the leader of kyoto to form alliance with them that's all

Me: oh right i forgot that, but don't bother pull me in okay? Well i should go now take care

I then get up as i carry koneko on my back and start making portal that lend us to kyoto but before that

Serafall: take care to you too zero.....you really love her alot don't you?

Me:....a lot of stuff happened to me sera, even make me question that will i worthy to be loved knowing how truly different i am to them, but those day is gone now i already abandoned those thoughts behind, all i know right now it to give koneko what she should have received, i know those word really like a simp's move but hey love is blind, am i right?

Serafall: hehehehe and now you can make joke in this situation huh?

Me: yes, yes i am sera, but why you ask me about that anyway?

Serafall: it's nothing much, because of curiosity that's all

Me: well your word then take care

I move inside the portal as i arrived to kyoto, good thing i already book a room for us now, should i prepare anything...nah koneko still only 16, no way she already knew that, but still just in case...

(Flashback end, Issei POV)

Me: sound like you two was good friend back there

Zero: still on this day kid, sera was the first i meet when i decide to join their war, unlike the other who suspicious me, she was the only one decided to trust me, which later sirzech and ajuka also do the same too

Me: heh honestly i really want to know more about what happened back there but maybe next time, let's rest up so we can drop that chicken back tomorrow

Zero: thought so too


Right now all of us mean all three of us all walking back to phenex's mansion which i decided to have some talk to riser

Me: so what you're doing now riser? Now that we're finally bring back your sense i thought you might be plan for something

Riser: what do you think? Reclaim my peerage and this time i will improve my team to become stronger and next time we will have a rematch, Issei

Me: wait for you until then, and be sure to watch my match with sairaorg if you want to learn about how strong i am

Riser: as if you need to tell me!

Zero: good luck if you plan to win him, you might want to borrow power from your ancestor, well if they decide to give it to a chicken like you

Riser: tch!

Well sooner and later, we arrive back to the phenex's mansion in which riser just storm back into his home which me and zero can only shake our head in amuse

Ravel: welcome back you two! How was the training with my brother so far?

Me: well we could have come home yesterday until riser decided to become a horny chicken that in the end, you blast us up to the sky and ask us for one more day

Ravel: (flushed) y-y-y-y-you can't blame me for something like that you know! Ehem i really want to ask you to stay here a bit longer but apparently there's someone need your help

Me and zero: huh???

(Timeskip, Zero POV)

Me: i guess I'm back here now

After receiving the word from ravel, a car then show up as a person then address themselves as sairaorg's Butler as he then lend us to the car as he drive us to here

Issei: hey zero what do think it might be?

Me: honestly not sure but warning first, this place is one of sitri's healthcare industry that has a very good infrastructure, so whatever he ask us to must be something that only us can do

Issei: i see....say sairaorg is rias's cousin right?

Me: yes it is, sairaorg's mother Belong to vapula's house, which they held the symbol of lion

Issei: well atleast that explain his lion aura that came from him

Later we then arrived to a small house that he then lend us inside, in which he then bring us to a room that when we come in, i see her, misla...

Butler: this is lady misla bael, lord sairaorg's mother, this is the request from only me, please don't let this come out...

Issei: what happened to her?

Butler: let me tell you from beginning, it was back when lord sairaorg was born, everyone was cherish for having a new heir but it soon become a huge disappointed

Me: because he was born with no magic right?

Butler: yes it is

Issei: so that's why despite i can sense his aura I don't feel any magic in it, just like me...

Me: having a person that held no magic must be a insult to them, am i right?

Butler: it is, lady venelana want to help them, but lord bael refused to, they don't want anyone else know about them, both of them have to live at the isolated place of bael's territory

Me: knowing her myself, she must have raise him all by herself, that's how sairaorg can become to this day, but just as a ray of hope finally show up, life truly cruel wasn't it?

Issei: something happened to her?

Me: for what i know, this is some kind of rare disease that only devil can get, they fall into a deep sleep that they can't awake, they will soon become weaker and then death will knock their door

Butler: they have try everything they got but so far they can only keep her alive like this, red dragon emperor, you have the power to heard the voice from other's soul right?

Issei: that's true

Butler: then please, i beg you, please help lady misla...


All of us was in deep silent until i decide to trace out merlin's staff as i walk closer to misla

Issei: zero?

Me: misla was one of my friends back there, she must have been through alot all this time, so let's wake her up so she can see how grown up her son is now, shall we Issei?

Issei: you bet i am (bring out booster gear)

Butler: thank you very much red dragon emperor, crimson demon!

Me: no problem, but you might want to leave, what we're going to do now is something we don't want other to know, please excuse us

Butler: right, then i shall wait outside (walk out of the room)

Issei: so what we gonna-woah!

I interrupted Issei as i summon multiple magic circle that cover Issei which more then covered misla as well

Issei: zero???

Me: Issei listen to me, I'm enchanted your ability for now, use bilingual and reach to her soul, as for me, i will make sure your path won't happen any problem, but you will be alone in that path, make sure whatever it take, you have to reach her, no pressure okay?

Issei: you just make this even more pressure! But whatever balance breaker! Bilingual!

Issei change into his armor use bilingual as both issei and misla shine in red light, while he was reaching inside her soul, i waiting here, make sure that the connection will be stable for him to do his job


Well right now me and issei are sitting on a couch in a garden, taking a small rest before we go home

Issei: man that sure was intense, wasn't it?

Me: you tell me, you gone for like half an hour you know? What are you doing in there anyway?

Issei: you can't blame me okay? Listen voice from soul is one thing, reaching deep inside their soul is another story, good thing that i managed to do it though

Me: it is, for now all we can do is waiting for her awaken (phonecall) huh, it there's something, merlin

Merlin: you take my staff right zero?

Me: i did, did i do something that i shouldn't do?

Merlin: it's nothing much, just ask you that's all and next time i need to make one for you too

Me: okayyyyyyy well it there's anything then I'm off

???: You sure like to help people, don't you?

Issei: sairaorg?

Sairaorg who appear from behind us walk to us and sitting next to me as he continues

Sairaorg: and if you ask, i was outside of the room when i found out you two is trying to cure my mom, so do you succeed?

Me: as far as i can tell, maybe somewhere during your fight so expect surprise coming to you

Sairaorg: i shall take note for that, you understand that you and i are gonna fight sooner or later right? You don't plan to use this excuse to make me lose right, Issei?

Issei: hell no man, i do this because i want to help that's all, if there's anything i want to use, then it's telling you not to holding anything back

Sairaorg: great then, this is my last shot to prove myself, it's all or nothing now.....

Sairaorg.... that's right, he must have done all of this to prove to his own father that without power of destruction or not, he's still himself no matter what.... maybe i should help

Me: well I'm looking forward for you two's fight, but before that can you and i have a personal talk, sairaorg?

Sairaorg and Issei: huh?

Sairaorg: i guess i could?

Me: great, then follow me then, wait for me a bit okay Issei and Don't bother follow us

Issei: why the hell should i?

Me: just said

(Change scene)

After moving to something that no one can disturb us, i turn to look sairaorg with serious since after all, this is a big thing to talk with

Sairaorg: so it there's something you need me mr.zero?

Me: just zero, and what if i tell you that you can have your own power of destruction?

Sairaorg's face was filled with shocked and doubt on him, can't blame him though, he might have through few treatment to bring out his power

Sairaorg: you serious? But they told me that?

Me: they told what they see, i told what i see, for what i see myself, your magic lines of you are really messed up, to the point no magic can be generated inside you, and lucky for you i know how to fix this

Sairaorg: there's still a way?

Me: yes sairaorg but this is your choice, are you going to receive that power that you should hold or to remain oneself? Depend on your choice alot of things can go crazy


Me: so?

Sairaorg:.....i trained all this time, endure all those pain, not only to prove to that old man that without that power i still myself, but to become a worthy devil king as well, even though received that power will change thing in way i don't like, but i must get stronger in order to protect those i want to....

Me: depend on your answer, your choice is yes right?

Sairaorg: that's right, do whatever you want, give me back the power that resting in my body all this time

Me: that's the thing sairaorg, i already did it

Sairaorg: wait what-AHHHHHHHHH!

Sairaorg drop to the ground as he try to endure all the pain inside him, during the talk since i know he will choose yes i use trace on without him know and repairing all the leyline inside him, the process will be very painful though

Me: come on sairaorg, you want to protect your people, your family right? Then fight that pain, do not surrender to it, if you want to sit on the place that no one sit, then you must endure the pressure no one can!


Finally after minutes of constantly screaming, sairaorg finally stop as he started to take his breath back

Me: so you alright?

Sairaorg: hah hah hah hah, did...your brother...has to.... endure this?

Me: few times, most of them are not something we want to talk though, come on (lift him up) well maybe you should make a try?

Sairaorg: now here come the million dollar question, how?

Me: got some sense of humor too huh? Well imagine something like a ball of light, a dagger or......

Me and sairaorg are in deep silent right now

Because right now, instead of a ball of light that rias and sirzech make, what he just bring out is a brass knuckle that make solely from power of destruction, and unlike them he's purple

Me:....you really like to fight hand to hand huh?

Sairaorg: it work....my power is back....

Me: congratulations sairaorg but we still need to training you a bit, i will take care of that and before you complain, Rias, sona and all their peerage are all my students, so don't being too prideful and take my advice, got it?

Sairaorg: hah hah hah will do...

(Timeskip, 3rd POV)

So after settle everything done, they finally came back home as they drop themselves in the living room in which later asia and rias come out to see them

Issei: hey asia, buchou it there's anything that i miss?

Rias: it's nothing much Issei, currently kiba, koneko, xenovia, rossweisse and akeno are on their training in our underground station

Issei: wait we have that too?

Zero: yes we do kid, tell them we will go there too, just wait for us a bit

Rias: alright then, take your time you two

After taking a small break, both of them then walk to the training ground to see everyone are at there, with melusine is attacking nonstop to kiba and xenovia, Neptune having a fist fight with Koneko, enterprise shoot rain of arrows to akeno, nemo fighting with rossweisse, zero look around more to find hikaru and croire are helping gasper in his training too, both issei and zero also noticed that Azazel are also there as well

Issei: well everyone sure have spirit right now, aren't they?

Zero: you think, come on let's join them


Zero: it there's anything that i miss during our small payback?

Right now zero is having a talk with Azazel while Issei join in with the other, Azazel then reply

Azazel: nah nothing much, the kids are gonna have a interview tomorrow

Zero: yeah figured as much, i can tell that will happen soon (taking a water bottle near him and drink it)

Azazel: also it seem that the little bird ravel is planning to transfer to kuoh too, wonder what you two did down there

Zero: (choked) well I'll be dammed, so who do you think i would meet during the interview

Azazel: you're going too?

Zero: yep

Azazel: well better keep yourself then since there's a chance you might meet hades there and indra will also be there to watch the kid's match

Zero: tch...those two huh?

Azazel: still have problem with them, don't you?

Zero: you think? Believe me if one day zeus and shiva allowed me, i would have beat the shit out of them

Azazel: thought so too, so are you going to the interview with them

Zero: why not? But only i will go, who know what kind of thing will happen at there?

Azazel: well hope you and Poseidon don't kick each other's ass again since he will come here too

Zero:.....nah we're pretty much gonna punch our face when we meet, that's why he's one of best bud!

Azazel: best bud my ass


After everyone finished their training, they are currently taking rest and having small talk with each other while Azazel is now approaching Issei who just sit down on a chair

Azazel: hey Issei, got a minute?

Issei: huh? What do you what old crow?

Azazel: i have a name kid and it's nothing much, it seem your partner is really proud of you

Issei: wait what?

Azazel: basically, the sacred gear can communicate with each other if they want to, and for what Fafnir told me, everytime he and ddraig have a talk it alway filled with him show off you and all kind of stuff

Issei: (summon booster gear) you know it wasn't necessary right?

Ddraig: oh come on! The Dark king of knight, the red dragon emperor of crimson darkness! A lot of shit that really worth to tell him! Maybe most of them was involved zero's help but i would rather destroy myself than replacing you

Azazel: hahahaha, dragon are creatures of power and pride after all, no doubt that he really proud of how far you have gone

Issei: well whatever, don't overdo it, okay? Or i might reconsider about let you free from your sacred gear like vritra

Ddraig: duly noted

(Timeskip, tomorrow)

Right now the ORC plus zero are now in the room as they're waiting for their interview which they're checked their clothes and speaking of clothes

Zero: um are you supposed to be in a male's clothes, gasper?

Gasper: (poke himself out of the box) i feel more comfortable in this and do i really have to go

Kiba: we are have to gasper i know you hate crowded place but you have to bear it today

Gasper:no~(head back inside the box)

Zero: heh you still be like that don't you

Issei: come on cheer up gasper, beside Don't you want to showoff with Valerie?


Issei: i told you before right, if you got any problem just tell us

Gasper:(show himself again) then i-i guess i could try....

Issei: that's my best kouhai

Rias:....issei really good with everyone huh?

Issei: what do you say buchou?

Rias: it's nothing much, don't bother with it...

Even with what rias said, Issei can only make a silent sigh, right now he still have conflict inside him about his feeling to her, he want to said the true, but that also mean betraying her and all the effort to hide his relationship

Rias: it's time now, let's go everyone

All: right


All of them then walk into a hall when they then meet sona's peerage at there

Saji: oi Issei you're here too?

Issei: saji? You guy also having interview?

Saji: what are you talking about? Well i can understand i mean we're not really popular like you guys...

Issei: come on just tell me why you're here that's all, no need to be that desperate

Saji: you see, we're having a rating game with house agares today which happened with your interview too

Issei: wait really?! Why don't i hear any of that?

Zero: we're both on the mountain for a week remember?

Issei: oh right

Vritra: (appear behind saji) hey there ddraig~ having fun with your host?

Saji: oi! I told you to return to my sacred gear!

Vritra: mo~ can't i have a breath? It's suffocate inside it

Ddraig: i see you're having a good time huh vritra?

Vritra: of course, the world change so much last i saw, alot of stuff that really worth to explore like that bunny-

Saji: okay that's enough! See you guys soon!

Before vritra can finish her sentence, saji shout out as he drag vritra and say goodbye to them but Issei, zero and two other girls know what vritra is taking base on how red saji's face is

Issei and zero:'bunny suit huh?'

Akeno:(get close to Issei) i could wear it for you if you want

Issei: uhhhh at least not for now akeno?

Koneko: (pinch zero's cheeks hard)

Zero: owowowowowowowowow giwl came a hel dawr (girl calm the hell down)

Rias: ehem we still have a interview remember?

Issei, koneko, akeno and zero: sorry buchou/sorry~/sorry for that


Right now they are outside of the room as they wait for their turn to go in

???: And now i present you rias gremory and her peerage

Issei: all right, wish us luck zero

Zero: take care in there (thumb up)

All of them minus zero then walk inside as they greet with hundred of camera light on them, make Issei and gasper cover their eyes from it

Issei:'guess being too popular also have it downside as well, man i hated those light'

they then walk to where sairaorg and his peerage at as the interview start

???: Now we will start the interview with full representatives of the two families, started with two king, sairaorg bael and rias gremory, what is your word about the upcoming match?

Sairaorg: let's see... I can't contain my excitement for the upcoming battle, i will use all my power to defeat them, that's all

Rias: i feel pleasure to fight with Sairaorg bael, although he is the best of all young devil, but we won't lose to him, we will win no matter what

???: Thank for your comments, and now for the free talk, please

Issei: 'why am i feel like someone will aim at me first?'

And just as he said, a hand then held up as the journalist then look at Issei and asking him

???: I want to ask hyoudou Issei a question

Issei:'thought so' yes, it there's any thing you want to ask

???: It's true that you're the brother of crimson demon? Do you also the same just like him


Asia: Issei-

Issei: about that question, yes and no, yes i am his brother but we're not related by blood, you could say that our path was accidentally crossed to each other that's all, even though he was the one help me to this day but of that wouldn't stop me for become stronger, for i myself want to surpassed that demon and to do that, then i along with my friends and my master shall win sairaorg

Issei's statement make the ORC aside for rias feel relieved for him, in which the journalists started to question him, in which he can only sign at it


As for zero he's wandering around outside as he waiting for them to return

Zero: man I'm bored, i should have bought my phone with me.....huh?

Zero while wondering around stumbled upon a small group of kid in which one of them is holding

Zero: 'wait it that...me?!'

Yup, that kid is holding a toy version of zero's mytho armor that make him confused about where did it come from, which he soon came to a conclusion

Zero:'sirzech....so that bastard decided to use my image for profit huh? He and i gonna have a big talk!'

While zero are currently keep on cursing sirzech in his head, he didn't notice that the kid from before have noticed only until zero hear a gasp that he finally noticed that the kids have see him



Zero:'well i feel like this will coming, and good thing that i love kids, not the troublemaker one mind you' so (turn into his mytho form) who want a autograph?

Kids: WE WANT!


Right now both rias and sairaorg have finished their interview in which right now all of them are in a hallway resting while issei is having a talk with Sairaorg

Sairaorg: so this is the meaning of fight with the red dragon emperor, or should i call you the dark king of knight too?

Issei: nah it would be best not to call me that but don't think we will take this game lightly

Sairaorg: i know that, i wouldn't mind, it's the opposite, for you to declare that you will surpassed your brother, not even i dare to say that, next time we meet will be on battlefields, remember it

Issei: as i said, don't hold anything back

Sairaorg: that's what i expected!

Rias: let's go Issei, we should go home now

Issei: right, see you again sairaorg!

Issei after finish his talk come back to other not knowing that sairaorg is looking at his fist as it covered in a gauntlet make in power of destruction

Sairaorg: i won't hold anything back Issei so better give everything you got

Issei: well guess we should go home now right buchou?

Rias: yes we are Issei but before that we need to found your brother first

Issei:...(get close to akeno and whisper) um akeno it's just me or it there's something wrong with her?

Akeno: you're not the only one, i don't know much but just before she just got a talk with her mom about something

Issei: i see...hope that no something too serious

As they walking to where they will head back, suddenly the group stop on their track that make Issei collide with kiba

Issei: ouch! What was that for?!

Kiba: Issei...you might want to look at this

Issei: what are you talking about-

Issei look pass kiba in which he also dumbfounded when he see zero who in his armor is playing with a bunch of group which he is carrying three of them on him and speaking of him right now, he seem to be having a good time with them which the group was melt with all the sugar that throwing at them

Asia: aw~

Issei: i really want to say something but as someone have been raised by him for 17 years, i feel that

Xenovia: he seem to be like kid a lot

Akeno: mom told me that if he didn't told anyone, they will alway mistake him as her father and in true he really is a father figure

Rossweisse: well zero does like kid but for what he told me back there, his like for children was more of pity himself

Kiba: pity?

Rossweisse: he said that he never actual grown up like any being, when he was born, he already become like this

Gasper: hey, big bro also told me that too, he said that the moment he was born, he has to fight the whole world

Issei: why the hell he never told me that? I thought he and i agree that he will told everything that he can told to me first

Gasper: he was trying to cheer me up back there, that he told me that we will alway be by our side, helping each other....

Issei: i see, guess he forgot to told me that

Xenovia: but still to born without a childhood, even i feel a bit bad for him, but atleast he get a chance to experience it right?

Issei: yeah it is, but not for me! Wait until i told you all the stuff he done to me!

While everyone was still talking, koneko still keep looking at zero while remembering what he told her before

Koneko:'just one day....one day when everything is over.....you and i will make sure that our child won't have to gone what we been through right, zero?'

Issei: all right i think we should call him now, OI! Zero time to go home!

Zero: huh? Oh, sorry kids time for me to go now!

Kids: aw~ please stay longer

Zero: can't do, but don't worry we will meet again soon, promise

Kids: alright...bye zero!

Zero: well take care, see you kids again! (Run to the group) you guys see me for how long?

Issei: few minutes, you still like kid that much huh?

Zero: yeah, I'm their hero to them after all, but can i ask you something rias?

Rias: yes?

Zero: i noticed that some of the kids are holding some toys that resembles me, did your brother knew this?

Rias: (sweating) about that......

Zero:....he started it, didn't he?

Rias: yes, he is....

Zero: well i will talk to him later, come on let's go back

All: (nod)


Issei: you didn't plan to snap his head right?

Zero: nope, jussssstttttt talk, that's all


After stepping back to the magic circle, they're now back to their home which they found that it's empty left behind only enterprise who just open the door to go outside

Zero: heh? Where's everyone enterprise?

Enterprise: oh, they just go out for some work that's all, apparently it seem that merlin just got her self in trouble while experiment something, i was planning to shopping some stuff

Zero: (facepalm) and she told me nothing was wrong, i need to sorry to her

Enterprise: oh and croire told me that she want to talk to you a bit at the place that you know...

Zero: oh then i guess i should go talk to her then, see you

With that both of them then walk away, left behind only the ORC as they walk to the living room and meeting irina at there and doing what they usually do but rias seem to be thinking of something as she looking outside

Issei:...'i think i should talk to her' um it there's a problem? Buchou?

She just keep looking outside but she then start to ask him without look back

Rias:....can i ask you something, Issei?

Issei: please go on

Rias: what is akeno to you, Issei?

Issei: um akeno is akeno, why you ask then?

Rias: what is asia to you then, Issei?

Issei: 'something is wrong...' asia is asia...

Rias: then....

Rias who finally turn back and look at Issei directly to his eyes and asking him

Rias: who am i to you, issei?

Issei was take back from it, he knew that one day he will face this moment but he still can't make up his choice, to tell her as someone close or only a master-servant, he was dumbstruck at that moment as everyone waiting for his answer

Issei: to.......to me........

It's now or never.... Issei shut his eye as he answer it, knowing that will broke her heart

Issei: 'i'm sorry, rias......' to me, buchou is buchou.....

There was a deathly silent, when issei open his eyes, they only thing he see was rias's face as she start to breakdown

Rias: i-i-issei is a idiot! (Runaway)

Akeno: rias wait!

Rias then just runaway from them as Issei then drop to his knee while looking down

Irina: mo! Issei is a no no! Poor rias!

Xenovia: irina, it will be best if you not saying a word

Irina: heh?! But he-

Akeno: you don't know anything irina, there's a reason he can't respond to her feeling

Irina: then what is the reason that make him doing that?

While xenovia and akeno tell irina the truth, the rest then confront issei as sit down in front of him

Issei: asia? Am i a bad person?

Asia: no you're not Issei, i understand, so I won't judge you (hugging him) you afraid to hurt her more, right?

Issei: i thought that i just do what i think is right....

Kiba: it's okay Issei, you're not the one to be blame here, i mean in true even i might have to said that if i stuck in your situation too

Issei: kiba....

Rossweisse: honestly what you just did is really rude but knowing that you are having affair with rias's best friend, i feel you issei

Issei: rossweisse.....

Koneko: just give her time Issei, then one day when you tell her the true she will accept it, so don't be down like that, brother

Issei: heh, thank sis....i think that i should go somewhere, atleast to calm myself first

Asia: then you should go Issei, i will go talk out with rias, hoping that she will atleast listen to me

Issei: thank....

Gasper: anou....what do you mean about the true, big bro Issei?

Kiba: it's complicated gasper, but we will tell you, and make sure not saying a word to buchou after this okay?

Issei then slowly walk out of the house as he get a bit farther as he look through the window outside, he can saw Irina's shocked face as she drop down to her kneel like him which make him feel worse

Ddraig: partner....

Issei: it's okay ddraig, I'm fine, don't plan to go berserk and thinking about betraying them........i should find zero, i really need some word of advice of him right now

Ddraig: good, tell me when you feel something's wrong okay?

Issei: heh thank man

(Zero POV)

Well I'm arrive here, back to where it all began....our grand order, i walk further inside to see croire who is throwing rock to other side of the lake, as she seem sad for something....

Me: hey there girl you okay?

Croire: no error inside me so I'm good

Me: 'why did she using that tone?' so you got something to say

Croire: just stay with me here

I don't know why she act out like that but i decided to follow her word and sit next to her, which we are just there, throwing rock to other side for god know how long but sooner or later she finally talk

Croire: can i ask you a question, father?

Me: go on...

Croire: will i.........able to love again, father?


So it was 'that' huh? Even though she knew the consequences but she still decided to follow her heart and in the end even with all i can, she broke it

Me: you still love him, don't you croire?

Croire then started to tear up as she continues

Croire: when i was kyoto, i got a charm that said i will find love in the future but i afraid, afraid to move on, i....i love him so much.....

Me: croire.....but you know that Percival won't want you to be like this right?

That's right, during our battle against the alien god, a lot of thinf happened that make me and croire arrived to the Britain lostbelt sooner than everyone, as me and her prepare for the Chaldean to arrive, but one thing happened that was out of my plan, croire fall in love with Percival, even when she knew the inevitable end that will come, she still hold on to him as he also do the same as well, in the end when Percival sacrifice himself to take down the Red calamity, he turn to dust under croire's hand, not forget to tell her to move on but it seem she still can't, she even bring the lost Longinus back and ask me to keep it in which me and merlin modified it and give it back to her

Croire: i know that, even he told me to forget him and find new love but i just can't.......that idiot, even till the end, he still.......when i saw you with koneko, i was glad but the more i feel it, the more i questions myself, i just......


I know that there wasn't anything i could say so the only thing i could do to her was hug her, hold her tight in me which she started to cry louder, as i remember the last thing Percival told me before we go up facing albion

Percival: can i ask you something, mr zero?

Zero: it's about croire am i right?

Percival: as sharp as ever, yes it's about her, please take care of her for me, i know that she won't let go even if i told her

Me: that will be hard, you were her first love, and I'm very sure that you know what will happened right?

Percival:... that's right, and i understand as well, because i love her too so please look up for her, and help her to move on for me, can you do it mr zero?

Me:......she is my daughter after all so i will take you word..... it's pleasure to fight with you, Percival

Percival:.....(smile) i should said the same to you, O great hero from distant world

Me: I'm not hero but thank.....

Me: just lend it out croire, just lend it out

After few minutes pass, she finally calm down which i soon start to ask her

Me: you feel good?

Croire: (nod)

Me: it's alright girl, i know how you feel, i mean you and i have to say farewell to our world to come here remember, that also to our once family for theie sake too

Croire: it is

Me: and beside remember what romani told, the story of life is not just about pain and parting, but it's about joy and hope as well, you move on didn't mean you must forget him, alway remember him as he told you what it mean about love

Croire: thank, father.....

Me: it's alright, it's just something i should done after all.....so feel relieved now

Croire:.... A bit, but i will manage, thank again father

Me: no problem, and also can you go check merlin for me, something happened to her that i need to check a bit, who know what kind of calamity i might just unleashed

Croire: alright.....you know now that i wonder how are they now, i mean they must have achieved their peace now right?

Me: even i can't tell but let's just hope

Croire: well I'm going now

Croire then teleport to merlin's place which i just keep sitting there thinking something

Me: family huh? One day me and her will marry and having family together, this time i sure of myself they won't went through same thing like me and koneko, I'm sure of it

Suddenly, there was a sound of something snap that make me surprise from it

Me: who's there?!

I turn back to see nothing but tree but slowly a figure then walk out from a tree which when i see him, my face gone really and really pale from it
Me: Issei?

Issei: yeah it's me brother

Me:....how much?

Issei: about when you said farewell to your world to come to this world

Me:...... Issei, i-

Issei: it's okay brother, it's alright...

Me: huh?

Issei: i mean i kind of suspicious a bit about you so honestly you came from different world was actually not something i surprised but there's one thing i should ask you

Me:....go on

Issei:....why? I mean there have to be a reason why you have to go right, like your world get destroyed or something like that

Me:..... there is more of that though

I snap my fingers as me and issei are now in a dark zone which Issei was surprised from it

Issei: what the hell?!

Me: let's go brother, follow me

Issei: follow you??? To where?

Me: you ask the reason right? Then I'm giving you that, since word alone won't explain everything so i decided to show it to you

Issei: show me???

The zone then started to light up as around us, fragments of my memory start to show up

Issei: this....this is....

Me: let me tell you a story...about a weapon that try to find it answer and it salvation

Really really sorry for updates so late, a lot of shit happened to me that make me can't write a word, well see you next chapter

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