Carnells in another universe

By Chayma22chou07

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Let's imagine the Carnells in another universe when their mother didn't die, when they are actually brothers... More

Ch 1: Motherhood
Ch 2:
Ch 3:
Ch 4:
Ch 6:
Ch 7: Pets
ch 8: You are already a baby
ch 9: Playing inside
ch 10: Luke's birthday
ch 11: Fucking! Shit
Ch 12: Baby
ch 13: Just come fast
Ch 14: I can't stop his heartbeats
Ch 16: The bike
CH 17: Meow meow
Ch 18: Perfect baby

Ch 5: Tree house

315 30 21
By Chayma22chou07

Cole's pov

Mom, aunt and Grandma were out for some ladies outing and Dad and grandpa went out for some catch up with friends and stuff that we don't know.

Nicolas and I have our friends over today, they wanted to meet Vincent and Eric.

Eric and Lucas were playing in the living room when I heard the door bell rang and with that, Lucas just got up and ran to the door yelling, " Mama!! Linda!! Door!!!" and he stumbled on the carpet falling down

" Ohh, Lucas." I instantly picked him up and checked him, " Are you okay?"

" Yes!! Cole, Mama!! Linda!!" This kid said again and wiggled down my grip running again

I caught him and pinned him between my legs

" It's not Mama."

This kid is freaking cute. Every door ring he thinks it's his mom home.

" Then who?" He said frowning

" Lev, Dave and Sofie... You better don't run again, or you will be sitting on that seat in the corner."

" No papa said running helps grow!"

" And I said you will be there if you run." I pointed at the chair in the corner

" Okay! So serious!"

" I have to... We don't want you to get injured and cry."

" I won get hurt or cwy!" He said 

I ignored him and got the door. Sofia, Lev and Dave got in as Dave picked Lucas up while he kissed everyone cheeks. They walked with us to the living room and met Eric and Vincent.

They walked with us to the living room and met Eric and Vincent.

He really want to learn the hard way. We chatted then played cards as we gave Lucas and Eric a task which is who crawl for run around till we finish the game he will play with us

We all sat down with our zenga blocks and arranged them

" I done cwaling!!" Lucas said and got up running to us like a squirrel

" So that means, you lost chance to play this game, because we still didn't finish yet."

" You finished! You were pwaying cards and now pwaying bwocks! 1 game done!!"

He eats the trick!

" Okay, let's play." I gave him the blocks and called Eric to play too

We left them busy with their game and went to play in the garden with our bikes. We were riding our bikes when my eyes fell on the two babies who were running to the back yard. Lucas was holding Eric's hand and dragging him back there telling something so excitedly.

I rushed there." What are you doing?"

" Pwaying" Lucas shrugged

" Lucas, go inside please."

" No." He shrugged again

 He is started getting on my nerve

" Why no?" I asked calmly

" Because I wanna pway here with the marbles"

" Okay, play but don't put them in your mouth." I patted his head

" Okay!

I carried on driving but kept a close eye on them. I found Luke suddenly reaching to the spade as he tried picking it up

Malik went to him. " What are you doing?"

" I want to make a big pit!!" He said

" We pwaying pirates, am gonna hide the twea-zure under the gwound !!"

" Hmm, okay."

He put down the bike and went to watch him. Loulou again took the spade, higher than him and tried making the pit

" No not that way, look like this." Malik took it from him and showed him how to make it

He put the marbles in it with Eric and started covering it with the soil

" Good, no need for this anymore." Malik hid it away and carried on the race

He was busy hiding the 'treasure' and we carried on for a while and again, we found him doing another shenanigan. He was trying to climb the tree, I really want to get inside his mind and see how big this barely two year old think he is.

Eric is down there waiting him while he is flexing his non existent muscles and trying to climb the tree.

Here's Sofia Vincent stopped and took him away as he grabbed his brother's hand too

" You two no climbing trees or no playing outside."

" You are on the bike, we are together bored we want a bike too."

" Ugh! It's dangerous in this age."

" We are big enough to ride the bike! or we will go and make a tree house!" My lil one said

Ugh! This Lucas! I have to make him sleep.

I went there

" You want a ride with me?" I asked him

" Yeah! You sit on back and I drive you!!"

" OKAY."

I put him on the seat and sit on the back. His tiny legs couldn't reach the pedals

" Drive." I smirked

He held on the handles tightly and tried reaching on the left pedal, but of course he can't

" So? We still didn't move." I laughed

" Cole do one thing, you push the paddle from the back and I drive you!"

" What pedals."

" Okay, but can I put my hands on the handle just to not fall down? You want bubba to get hurt?"

" No no, you can keep the hand on the handles "

" Cole you can hold me!!" He said brightly out of a sudden

" Am so stwong! you won't fall!!"

" Look I will hold you."

I put my hands on his gently and started driving. Vincent did like me too

" Nino!! Sofiee!! Am dviving!!"

" Lev, Dave!!! See am fast than you!!"

" Wow, Lucaaaa! Teach me how to be fast too." Lev said

" I will!!"

" How you did that Lucas." Malik said

" I will tell you later, not good to talk while dviving"

We are done with the race, we got inside the house. We sat watching Konan which made Luke and Eric so bored and scared.

Luke slowly slid down with Eric as they walked away

" Eric, Lucas come back here." Vin called

" Just 5 mins!!" Eric said and they ran away

They didn't come back and we heard some movements in the kitchen so went to check there only to find Lucas climbing down the kitchen counter with a stool underneath and a pack of sugar candies in his hands while Eric was holding the stool tightly for him.

My goodness!

I walked there I took the pack of candy from him as Malik picked up Luca and swatted his butt. it's not even his butt... It's his diaper

" What we said about climbing the counter?"

Vin grabbed Eric's hand and threw the stool away, Taking him to scold him.

" We wanted candies" He said innocently

" You ask permission to take candy not climbing and trying to take it by yourself."

" I didn't want to ruin your telly time wif your friends bubbas" He reasoned

" But you did with this... Should I now put you in a time out?"

" No bubba, pwease. I will be good boy and eat only two candies wif Rickey."

" There is no candies for you two." I hid the candy away

" Pwease Cole pweaseee "

" No no candies."

" I want them!!" He started whining

" I don't care."

" Nino candies" He looked at Malik

" No candies." 

He sighed and didn't whine ahead but mumbled, " So cruel!"

He put his head on Malik's shoulder. Finally, this troublemaker gonna sleep

" Let's have a nap?" Malik asked him

" I want mik"

" Okay, Cole get him the bottle."

" Take him to the room, I'll come with it."

Malik nodded and I heated the milk a bit then went upstairs to his room. I gave him the bottle and we lay next to him. I played with his hair while Malik was reading a story

He slowly drifted of to sleep pulling the bottle out of his mouth

" He is too cute."

" Today he was so energetic!"

" Yep so much, didn't hesitate to do a single thing that strike his mind."

Malik laughed," He can't think twice... He will learn."

" Yesterday, yesterday a mansion and today he was about to build a tree house"

" Let's build it?"

" Idea isn't bad, he will get so happy."

" But what about mom?"

" We can worry about it later"

" make dad convince her like always."

" Yup! Easy peasy!"

" So let's tell the others." He picked up Luke and put him in the Crib, giving him a light kiss on the cheek

I kissed my baby brother too and we walked down stairs, Eric too was asleep so Vincent took him to his room. We told them about the tree house and they liked the idea.

I called dad by the house phone, " Hey daddy."

" Hey love, what's up?"

" Dad can we make a tree house for Luke?"

" Yeah but how you will make it? Wait till I come."

" No no... I'll buy everything from the net and make one of the guards help us. I want to surprise him when he wakes up."

" Okay, you have my password?"

" Yeah, don't worry daddy."

" Okay, take care and buy something strong and safe for you."

" We will buy something with elevator so Luke will be safe."

" Okay, thank you honey."

We hung up and I took the phone and order the stuff for him with Malik. I hung up and nodded at my twin

" Linda!!! Please come with the iPad." Malik called her

She came we sat in a circle as she looked for something good designed and safe. After 30 hours of looking, we find the dreaming house. She called them and ordered it to come instantly.

Our orders arrived and we went to the back yard and started assembling the home for him with the help of our guard.

We set up his home there and smiled happily

" He will love it!" Sofia said happily

" Yeah just some details" Malik said and we both rushed to his room and got all his paintings and, some of his favorite toys and a small jar for candies that we will fill later.

Malik took some pillows and extra sheets to make the place comfy for our baby brother while I made a nice name plate and a welcome sheet for him.

We went back there and decorated his tree house.

" Now perfect!" Me and my twin said together sharing a high five.

" So lucky having a nice house for himself." Sofie chuckled

" He is, look how cherished the prince is" Dave said

" Yep, cute like his big bros" Lev teased us

" Shut up." We said together

We went in trying the elevator and the home, if it can hold us with no problem then Luke won't be a big deal.

We got out satisfied with the result and then went in playing in peace as both the troublemakers were still asleep.

We played in the living room and ate cakes as Linda baked them for us.

All was going nice when we heard crying from Lucas' room, oh he must be up by now.

" I'll get him." Linda said as she went upstairs

He should be down by now and he isn't, Malik and I shared a look then went upstairs checking on him.

" Where are bubbas? I want them!!"

" And why you want them?" Linda teased as she helped him to wear another singlet

" I miss them!!" He pouted

" And why you missed them?" She teased more as she put on his shirt

He resist wearing his t shirt

" I haven't seen 'em for..." He said then slowly counted on his finger and said, " 10 BIG DAYS Linda, no... " He thought again and said, " 1000 big days Linda!!! "

She laughed, " Ohh, this is so long, let's wear our clothes to see them, hurry up."

" No call them!! or no clothes!!" He said as he sat down rebelliously with his small hand folded on his chest and lips turn into a pout while he was only wearing his vest and diaper.

She sighed and called, " Marco, Malik."

" We are here Linda" We said as he got up jumping

" Bubbas!!" He said making grabby hands to us

" Baby... Giving a hard time to Linda?" I took him into my embrace and kissed him

" No bubba" He said giving me many kisses on my cheeks

" C'mon go wear your clothes, we have a surprise for you."

" Okay lemme give Nino kissies"

" Okay." I handed his to Malik

He held him, gave him a kiss. Then Linda changed his clothes as he was literally dancing for the surprise and we took him downstairs to the back yard

" What supwise bubba??" He asked us

" Look up." I pointed at the tree

I could swear his eyes lit up as he looked up and he said, " WOW!!!! A TREE HOUSE!!!"

He turned to me and wrapped his hand around my shoulder kissing my cheeks

" I LOVE THE SURPRISE!!! My bubbas made the house on the trees?" He asked as he was looking at the home as if he was living some dream

" Yep, Malik, Dave, Sofia, Levio, Vincent and I."

" You wand to go inside?" Malik asked him

He nodded his head then said, " Pwease!!"

" Get in the elevator, your majesty." Malik opened the door for him as I put him down

He went ahead excitedly but stopped and came back hugging Malik's legs. " Thank you Nino!!"

He then said thanks to all I named along with me then went to his elevator

He entered his house then he looked at us from the window

" It's so pwetty!!!! " He said waving his hand

" Happy you like it."

He then got out down from the elevator and ran to the home without saying anything to us. We went behind him and finding him crawling the stairs up, he won't learn ever!

" Luke? Where are you going?" I picked him up

" My room!! pwease hurry!!"

I nodded, taking him to his room, I put him down and watched him

He took the lil ben 10 bag mom got for him and started stuffing his clothes from the lower shelf he could get and his slippers.

He took his sketch and pictorial story books al9ong with his sipper bottle and threw away the pack of diaper saying, " I'm a big boy"

He hung the bag on his shoulder, held the sketch book in hand and sipper around his neck. He walked out of the room

" You will live there?" Nick picked him up and walked downstairs

" Yes!!! I will live in my home!!"

" Okay." We let him be

He won't stay there forever, once it gets night or he feels hungry. He will come back

We took him to the tree house and he got down and said, " I will give my new home party!!!" Then got in his elevator and climbed up in his home doing god knows what in his home.

" Bye Luke." Vincent said to him

" Bye bye!!"

We all looked at each other but started to walk into the house

We got stopped by mom's voice," Boys? What are you doing?"  And then she saw the tree house. " My goodness you did that?" She asked

We looked at each other then Malik and I said together," Yes mommy."

" How did you do that, you are not hurt? Did your father know?"

" Yes mom, we asked dad"

" We are not hurt and we took guard's help"

Suddenly Luke looked out of the window and waved saying

" Mama!!! MY NEW HOME!!"

" Lucaaaasss!" She looked at him shocked as her eyes were about going out of her scall

" I missed you mama!! I will join you for dinner!! Go rest am woking haad!!!" He said happily from up there while blowing kisses to her mom

" Lucas! Get down baby, my goodness... How did he went up there... Suzy, .... Come help me." Mom called

" With the lift Mama!!" He said then he moved away from the window

He came back with a sheet he drew on. " Look mama am making this!! You get pwetty dwess and we will do a party in my new home!!"

" Pretty pretty, go away from the window honey!" Mom said worried

He yelled excited giggling and laughing. " Vin Vin, tell Rickey I called him up!"

My aunt and grandma came

" Look at him, he is there." Mom pointed at the tree

They looked at Luke

" How he got there? And from when you have that home?"

" They make it and now my baby stuck there." Mom said as her eyes started to water

" Calm down Mom, he is not stuck there"

" Yes mom, he can get down with the elevator, just like he went up."

" I'm not fine... Get him down."

" Calm down Jess? What's happening girl? He is fine and happy."

" Okay... Just give him back to me... Lucas, come down for mommy please, I need you."

I know she is so attached to us and so sensitive... She never wanted us to do anything dangerous even she did not let us ride the bikes but Dad convinced her... She is so overwhelmed about us and here she is about to lost her shits

He looked at her and instantly got down the elevator he ran to her and tapped her knees. " What's wong mama?" He asked worried, not understanding why his mama is sad and worried

" I missed you." She said as she picked him up and hugged him tightly

He leaned on mama circling his lil arms around her neck and kissed her. " I missed you too mama, why you sad? Anyone hurt you?"

" Jess, I know you are scared as giving birth to them not easy but Jess you shouldn't control it this way... Look how worried they are."

" Nothing baby... Nothing." She kissed his cheeks and wiped her tears.

He wiped her face and kissed her many times, as mentioned before in babies' world, hugs and kisses fix everything!

" Okay, can we get inside?"

" Yes mommy." We said 

We got inside all of us. We were watching TV and she was holding us tightly. An hour later, mom started to feel easy. My friends went to their houses as. Their parents came to take them.

Dad came with grandpa another hour later. Mom glared at him

" Hey, what's up?" He asked

Dad is gone today but he will convince her for us.

" How could you accept to let them build that house my baby was there alone... Anyone of them could have got hurt. He is almost two... Why Dominic why?"

" Jess calm down... Nothing happened to them and Luke in your embrace, you are just scaring them. They have to learn, they have to touch to see to try we can't put them in a bubble forever Jess."

" You just can't understand."

" I understand I swear."

" Okay fine." She said, closing it

To be continued...

A/N: I didn't edit it... I hope you like it

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