By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 37

2.8K 114 34
By Lancelot1864

Tessia Eralith POV

It was the day before school started and the entire student council was currently in the student council room. We were going over plans for future events, living assignments, and what to say at the assembly.

"So what can we do to make everyone feel welcome to Xyrus, and help everyone introduce themselves?" I asked. I looked around the room and saw as everyone was thinking about ideas.

"We could do an event, and invite everyone, a sort of get together." Jarrod suggested with a shrug.

"We are already getting everyone together for an assembly." Clive said flatly.

"No, I mean like a social event. Where people can talk and have fun, instead of just sitting there and listening to us." Jarrod replied.

"Did you have anything in mind?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe like a huge dinner or something?" Jarrod suggested in a questioning tone.

"That sounds dumb, so we just all sit down, eat and chat?" Clive said in a condescending tone.

"What about a dance!" Lilia suggested excitedly.

"Oh that's a good idea!" Jarrod replied, matching her excitement. Lilia and Jarrod locked eyes for a second, before Lilia looked away with a blush.

"Hmmmm, a dance does sound kind of nice." I said, placing my hand to my chin thinking. Plus this way, I could dance a little with Art. A smile graced my face at the thought.

"A dance? Why?" Clive asked, raising a brow.

"Why not? It's a good social interaction. Everyone can talk to each other, dance and have fun." Lilia said excitedly.

"We can also have food and drinks, and music since it is a dance after all." Jarrod stated.

"Hmmmm, I guess it's not the worst idea. Everyone would be invited I take it?" Clive asked.

"Of course, it's to let everyone meet each other after all." Lilia said with a shrug.

"Then it's settled, we will have a dance. We will need to start planning this now. We need to think of a good day." I said in a monotone voice.

"How about the first weekend? This way everyone can enjoy themselves after a week of introductions from staff and classes and just relax." Jarrod said matter of factly.

"Good idea, now the best place to hold the dance is probably the cafeteria. We will have all the tables put away, except for a few for the food and drinks." I said matter of factly.

"We will also need to get a band to play for us." Lilia said.

"That's true, Clive, I want you to start looking at bands, and see which ones are available. Preferably a nice one please. I will work on the food and drinks. Lilia, work on the decorations. Jarrod, I need you to go through the budget and make sure we can afford everything. After we have everything planned out, and we ensure we are good money wise, I'll bring it to the director for approval." I said matter of factly.

"What about apparel?" Lilia asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, is it going to be like a dance party, or a formal dance?" Lilia asked.

"Hmmmmm, I was thinking formal, what about all of you?" I asked.

"I'm good with formal." Jarrod said. Lilia nodded smiling.

"I'm fine with it." Clive said almost like he didn't care, while shrugging his shoulders.

"Good, I will speak with Captain Arthur about this so he can set up security plans, then we can have a joint meeting about it." I said.

"I can speak to him, you don't need to trouble yourself." Clive said, smiling at me. I just looked at him with a straight face.

"No, I will meet with him. I'm the President, he's the Captain. When the student council and disciplinary committee need to plan something together, I will always be the one to meet with him, understood?" I said matter of factly.

In truth it wasn't just because of our positions that I wanted to be the one to speak with him. But mainly because I wanted to spend more time with him.

Clive nodded at this, "Very well President."

I saw Lilia looking at me with a smirk. I looked away making sure to hide my blush and composed myself.

"Where is Captain Arthur now?" Jarrod asked curiously.

"He told me this morning that he, Claire, and Theo were going to walk around campus today, to make sure the patrol routes are reasonable. They're also checking the school buildings making sure everything is secure." I replied while looking at papers.

"This morning? When did you have time to see him. We met pretty early." Clive asked curiously while raising a brow staring at me.

'Crap.... How could I let that slip.' I mentally facepalmed trying to come up with an answer.

"The president and I saw him before he left the SC/DC building. We had a conversation with him before he left." Lilia said to Clive with a shrug.

Clive looked at her then me, then just shrugged looking back at his paperwork. I gave Lilia a nod and she nodded back. Lilia was the only one who knew I've been sleeping in Art's room almost everyday, except for when I had a lot of work to do and needed to concentrate. Art and I even put some of our clothes in each other's rooms, this way we didn't need to leave the room just to go to our original room to change.

We all just sat there at the table going over more paperwork, and coming up with more details for the dance. I wanted to make sure the dance was nice, mainly because I wanted to have a nice evening with Art. I smiled at the thought.

"Ok, why don't we take a short break, then we can come back to this." I said and everyone nodded.

Everyone stood up and stretched. I started to walk around the room to stretch my legs a little. They were a little stiff after sitting for so long.

"Excuse me, President?" I looked and saw Clive had approached me.

"What is it Clive?" I asked in a monotone voice.

He looked behind him and saw Jarrod and Lilia were both standing by a bookshelf on the other side of the room. Clive looked back to me and smiled. I don't know what it was about his smile, but I just found it arrogant and annoying. I saw Lilia glancing at us while also talking to Jarrod.

"So President, about the dance." Clive began.

"What about it? I think it's a good idea." I said crossing my arms and shrugging my shoulder.

"So do I, I was just wondering, would you like to go to the dance with me?" Clive asked smiling, but also giving off an arrogant tone.

I saw Lilia's face scrunch up a little, like she thought what he said was gross. I smirked a little at this.

Clive also saw my smirk and his smiled widened.

"So is that a yes?" Clive said confidently.

I looked at him with a straight face. "No." I said.

He raised a brow with a confused face. "Why not? We would be perfect together." He said with a hint of irritation.

I furrowed my brows at this. "Oh? And why is that?" I asked a little irritated at his insinuation.

"Simple. I'm the vice president, you're the president. I am from a high noble family, and you are a princess. We both have high standings and..."

"So you want to go to the dance with me because I'm a princess and the president?" I said with irritation evident in my voice, cutting off Clive. The mention of my position, and me being a princess caused my blood to boil. I had enough of people trying to use me for my royal status already.

"No president, I would like to take you because I like you." Clive said smiling. I just mentally scoffed at his statement.

"Tell me Clive, if I wasn't the Princess, would you still like me?" I said with a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

Clive just looked at me confused. "But you are the princess, and the president." Clive said confused.

"I meant, what if I wasn't?" I said trying to control my anger, narrowing my gaze at him.


"Let's get back to work, we still have some more stuff to go over." I said walking past Clive cutting him off.

I walked over to the table and everyone took their seats. I looked down at the paperwork and let out an irritated sigh. I looked up and saw Lilia looking at me a little worried.

She mouthed "you ok?" To me. I just nodded my head. She smiled and looked back down to her paperwork.

I sighed as I looked back at the paperwork. Even now, some people just see me as a princess. The only person who never saw me as such was Art. I smiled at the thought. I wish Art were here, I just want to see him already.


Arthur Leywin POV

I was currently walking around campus finishing up one of the patrol routes. I walked to the end of the route in the middle of campus. I lifted up the clipboard in my hand and started to make adjustments to the route. I noticed there were a couple of blind spots that needed to be addressed.

As I was writing on my clipboard, I noticed Theo approach me.

"Hey Theo, how'd everything go?" I asked.

"It went fine, I noticed some issues, like blind spots that needed to be checked." He said simply.

I nodded. "Ya, I noticed the same thing with mine, I guess I should've walked these beforehand." I said sighing.

"That's why we're doing it now, this way we are already to go for when we start patrolling." Claire said happily as she walked up to us.

"I can't thank either of you enough for this." I said smiling at them.

"Don't mention it, we are friends after all." Theo nodded at this and smiled at me.

"I know, it's just that I feel like I should've had it down already. It's supposed to be my job." I said sighing.

"Arthur, you have had a lot on your plate recently with getting everything ready. You have done great so far, don't beat yourself up." Claire said, putting her arm over my shoulder.

Theo then gave me a playful punch on my arm. "Besides, we are here whenever you need us, both as your friends, and as DC officers." I nodded and smiled at Theo's words.

"Thanks guys. Any problems with your route Claire?" I asked.

"No, my route was planned well, good job." Claire said as I smiled and nodded. I took the clipboards from Claire and Theo and placed them into my dimensional ring.

"Ok, now we have to check the buildings. I'll check the cafeteria and the auditorium." I said as I pulled out two more clipboards from my ring and gave them to Theo and Claire. "Can you two check the these buildings? Afterwards, we will meet at the team fighting mechanics area. We will look around there together since it's a large battlefield." I said. Theo and Claire nodded and walked off.

Alright, time to work some more. I walked over to the cafeteria and started to walk around the inside of the building. I was mainly looking to make sure there were any signs of sabotage, and blind spots that should be checked every now and then. When students start attending the academy, the disciplinary committee will need to check the buildings frequently to make sure there wasn't anyone causing any sort of disturbance.

I walked to the back of the kitchen, and was surprised at how clean everything was. There wasn't a grease stain in sight. I annotated the areas that needed to be checked more frequently on my clipboard.

After I checked the cafeteria, I walked over to the auditorium. I looked up and sighed. "Ugh... stairs." I sighed out loud. I wish I could be laying down in bed right now like Sylvie.

'You're fine papa. Besides, the bed isn't that comfortable anyways.' Sylvie said sensing my frustration.

'Ya? Then why don't you get out of bed, and come walk around with me.' I said.

'No thanks, I'm too comfortable.' Sylvie said snickering.

I just narrowed my eyes at her snickering and contradicting statements. I started to walk up the stairs, looking row to row making sure everything was fine. I then walked down to the stage in order to check the podium, then walked to the back of the stage. I looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"How is everything Arthur?" I turned around and saw Grandma walking to me.

"Grandma, welcome back!" I said excited to see her again. I walked over and gave her a hug which she returned. I broke the hug and smiled.

"Everything is going good. I have Theo and Claire checking other buildings right now, then we will go check the team fighting mechanics field together." I said.

Grandma gave me a warm smile and nodded. "That's good, and how is the new position?" She asked.

"It keeps me busy, that's for sure. But it's going well, I like being able to work with Tess on things." I said smiling.

"Good, I'm glad to see you two are doing well with your duties, and your relationship." She said.

"Ya, we decided to keep our relationship professional when we're dealing with administrative issues." I replied.

"That's good. By the way I've completed your and Tessia's syllabi for the school year." Grandma said as she pulled out one paper.

"Is this mine or hers?" I asked confused at just the one sheet of paper.

"Both, you have the same classes. You don't mind that do you?" She asked teasingly.

I smiled while blushing and shook my head. "No, I don't mind at all." I said.

I was actually hoping we'd have our classes together. Grandma noticed my blush and smiled. I then looked at her with a raised brow.

"Is Clive in any of these classes?" I asked with a little irritation in my voice.

"He's in one, I couldn't do anything about it since he is in the academy as a battle mage. Team fighting mechanics." Grandma said as I sighed.

"Alright, I'll deal with it I guess." I said.

I heard grandma laugh a little. "What is it?" I asked.

"Tessia spoke to me about Clive when she first met him. She's not a fan of him either." Grandma said with a shrug.

"Ya she told me, and our first meeting wasn't the best. I'll just deal with him since we have to work together." I said with a sigh.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Well I have to get going Arthur, I'll see you tonight." Grandma said.

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"Tessia said she needed something approved after you guys had a meeting." She said.

"What exactly?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, she didn't say." She said as I nodded.

"Ok, then I'll see you later Grandma." I said. Grandma smiled and we gave each other another hug before she walked off.

I walked to the team fighting mechanics field where I met Claire and Theo. "How'd everything go?" I asked both of them.

"Good, everything seems to be ready." Claire said. I nodded and smiled.

"Good, let's finish up here then head back, apparently the student council wants to meet with us." I said as Claire and Theo nodded.

We walked around the field and headed back to the SC/DC building after we checked everything. We walked into the disciplinary room, and placed the paperwork on the table.

"I'll see if they're in the common room." I said. Theo and Claire nodded.

I opened the door to the common room and saw it was empty. "They're not here yet, but we can wait for them." I said. Claire and Theo entered the room and sat at the table on the disciplinary committee side.

I walked over to to the door to the student council room and knocked.

"Come in." I heard Tess' familiar voice say.

I opened the door and walked in. "Good evening, I was advised you wanted to have a meeting with the disciplinary committee." I said in a monotone voice.

Jarrod and Lilia nodded. Clive just gave me a condescending look. My eyes fell on Tess, she gave a quick smile when we locked eyes, but quickly went back to a straight face.

"Yes we did, let's go everyone." Tess said as she stood up. Everyone else stood up following her. We walked into the common room as I and everyone else took our seats.

"So what did you want to talk about President?" I asked.

"She will get to it, be patient." Clive snapped.

I looked at Clive and narrowed my eyes. His tone and condescending attitude were beginning to make my blood boil.

"I wasn't talking to you. When I talk to the president, you don't interrupt me." I said with irritation clear in my voice. School year hasn't even started, and I already don't like this guy.

Clive was about to say something, but Tess raised his hand to him. Clive smiled probably thinking Tess was going to yell at me or something. Tess then looked up from her paperwork and looked at him.

"Clive, you don't speak to the captain that way. Don't forget, he is in charge of the disciplinary committee." Tess said in a commanding tone.

Clive just scowled at me but looked at Tess and smiled. "Yes, President." Seeing him smile at her irritated me, tempting me to toss him against the wall.

Tess just let out a sigh. "Thank you for meeting us on short notice Captain and the rest of the DC. We wanted to discuss the idea of hosting a welcoming dance at the academy." Tess said.

"Oh a dance, that sounds nice!" Claire said excitedly.

"We thought so too! We spent all day planning on it." Lilia said matching her excitement.

"May I see the plans?" I asked Tess. She nodded and gave me the plans, and I started looking it over.

"We were planning to host it on the first weekend. Lilia already came up with some decorations, and I have the snack and drinks planned. Clive is still looking at bands, and Jarrod has everything set with the budget." Tess said as I nodded.

"So the last thing you need is security plans then?" I asked.

"Yes, can you come up with something now? Or do you need to wait till the disciplinary committee is fully formed?" Tess asked.

"No, I can come up with a rough plan now President. I can then make adjustments if need be." I said with a shrug. Tess nodded at this.

"How much time do you need Captain?" Tess asked curiously.

"Hmmmm, I'll make a security plan based off of your plans you have done, so I can get it done within an hour." I said.

I looked up at Tess and she nodded at me. "Sounds good, then I'll wait for you to get everything done, and then we will meet with the director together." Tess said as I nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you soon." I said.

We all got up and went to our respective rooms.

"Do you need help Arthur?" Theo asked.

"Nah, this is actually pretty easy, I got it." I said.
Theo and Claire nodded. "Thanks for the help today guys, get some good sleep, and I'll see you tomorrow. We will meet in here in the morning before the assembly." I said.

"Alright, goodnight Arthur." Claire said waiving. Theo nodded and they both walked out. I sat down at the disciplinary committee table and got started on the paperwork. Using the student council plans, I was able to come up with security measures pretty easily.

After I was done, I walked over to the student council room through the common meeting room. I knocked on the student council room and heard Tess call out in an irritated tone, "Come in."

I walked in and saw Tess standing by the bookcase with her arms crossed with Clive standing in front of her.

"I'm just saying-"

"And I told you no, we are not doing that." Tess said interrupting Clive with irritation clear in her voice.

I looked over to Lilia who was sitting at the table. She saw me look at her, and stood up walking over to me and whispered in my ear.

"He wants to separate the people at the dance by their social status." Lilia said.

"Seriously?" I asked. Lilia just nodded.

I let out an irritated sigh, I didn't think Clive would be that much of a dick. But I guess I was wrong.

"President, the plans are ready, are you ready to go meet with the director?" I asked.

Clive looked at me and scowled. "We are having a conversation." He said in a condescending tone. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to keep my composure.

"No, we're not." Tess said as she walked past him. Clive stared at me with irritation, but I didn't care. Tess walked up to me and sighed. "Let's go." She said, and walked to the door.

I followed her and we walked out of the building towards the directors building. Once we were away from everyone, I brought Tess into a side hug. She sighed happily and laid her head against my shoulder.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Ya, just frustrated with Clive. I don't think I've met anyone so arrogant before." She said. I kissed her forehead, and she gave off a happy hum.

"If he ever becomes too much, let me know." I said.

"Hehe, and what are you planning to do?" Tess asked teasingly.

"I plan to protect my girl." I said. Tess stopped and I looked at her.

She suddenly lifted her head and hooked her hand around the back of my head pulling me down to her. We shared a deep kiss for a few seconds before we broke the kiss. We smiled at each other.

"Love you." Tess said.

"Love you too." I said. Tess smiled and hooked her arm around mine.

We then made our way to the directors office and discussed the plans with her.

"Seems like you two have everything in order. Do you two have dates yet?" Grandma asked teasingly.

I just smiled, "I don't know, do I Tess?" I asked her with a smirk.

Tess just giggled, "As if you need to ask." I pulled her into a side hug kissing her forehead, and the director smiled.

"Very good, get some good nights sleep, and I'll see you two tomorrow." Grandma said. We both nodded and left.

"Excited for the first day of school tomorrow?" I asked as we walked towards the SC/DC building.

"Ya, you?" Tess asked happily.

I stopped walking, as Tess stopped beside me. She turned to face me curiously as I gently grabbed her waist and pulled her close.

"More excited to experience it with you." I said.

Tess smiled as I leaned in, and pressed my lips to hers, as we shared a deep loving kiss.

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