Love Isn't Destined...Right?

De Skyla_Writes1

6.6K 185 41

A small town girl and the big bad wolf. Some say fairy tales are for children, ironic that we tend to out li... Mais

~ Art gallery ~
1. The beginning of it all
2. Mummy issues
3. Girls night
4. Her empire
5. Roses, Sunflowers, hibiscuses
6. The girl in the yellow dress
7. New faces
8. The secret life of Klaus Mikaelson
9. To build a friendship
11. Witch Juju
12. Love?
13. Welcome to Real life
14. The wedding
15. The hybrid saves the day
16. Passion, Pain and Promise
17. Leverage
18. You scream. I scream.
19. When death comes knocking on your door
20. Fresh start
21. Birthdays and Invitations
22. The Gala
23. Lesson 1: Be unregonisable
24. Lesson 2: To be better, is to be happy
25. Down in New Orleans...
26. Desperation
27. christmas dedications
28. Temptations
29. Friends?

10. The Luck of The Donovan's

214 6 0
De Skyla_Writes1

The Luck Of The Donovan's

Mystic falls~present day, 2012

Immediately, cold air rushed towards Brie making a bitter shiver follow across her spine. She gasped as it cut off her air supply like it was strangling her. What she found in that room scarred her brain forcing her eyes never to forget the graphic image. The image that will create a long long of ever lasting nightmares.


Vicki was led unconscious on the floors of her bed. Her mouth half opening but her eyes shut. No matter how much Brie screamed to try and wake her, nothing worked.

Before she raced over to her unconscious sister time stood still. In her eyes the world stopped. All for but a second everything was silent. No movement. Just the vibrations of her heart pulse out of her chest.

What do you do in this circumstance? She thought.

No child nor adult is trained it the fast reactions of something you'd never think would happen to yourself. And then it does. It comes to least expected something No one can predict.

Something clicked inside Bries brain making her fall to her knees in front of her sister brushing Vicki's hair out of the way from her face. Checking for a pulse. Which she did not find.

"Vicki!" She shouted tears streaming down her once blushed cheeks gently taping her face. "Vicki please wake up!"

"Mum! Matt! Anyone please...Help!" Brie cried as she pulled Vicki closer to her chest.

Mid tears, she heard a voice from the front of the door. "Bea?" It was Klaus. He had rushed back to the house after hearing the cries for help. "What wrong?" He asked with fear taking over his tone.

Tears fled from Brie face as if her eyes were a rain cloud in a storm. "It's Vicki. She's nots waking up." Brie responded as if she was asking herself a question. Waiting for the answer. "I-I don't know what to do..."

"Brie. I need you to trust me." Brie was unsure of where this was going, as klaus spoke holding both arms to the frame of the front door. "I can only help if you invite me in."

"Is she...?" She refused to believe she had lost her sister. She couldn't even bare thinking about it let alone admitting to it.

"I can still hear he heart beat but that will stop if you don't let me help her." Klaus' tone was growing more anxious. He knew what it was like to loose your sibling young, the same he had with Hendrick. "Do you trust me?"

"Come in." The second Brie breathed the last word Klaus was already in the room knelt in front of the two sisters.

Klaus diagnosed. "She has a anatomical airway obstruction."

"English Klaus."

"Her airways are blocked. My blood won't help." Klaus announced the savage truth. Before Brie could even engulf the words that were thrown at her Klaus buried his arms under Vicki's lifeless body picking her up making sure to support her head from flopping.

"Can you drive?"


"Grab the keys out of my pocket."


With Brie's manic driving they made it somewhat safely to the hospital where the doctors rushed Vicki away on a stretcher. Leaving Brie and Klaus alone.

Standing at the entrance of the hospital words wouldn't be enough to describe the solemn atmosphere that could be sensed through the entire building. Brie hated hospitals. Who doesn't. She has been in them so much due to her mother that every minute she spent there was another minute she wouldn't forget.

Not one of them breathed let along spoke a word until klaus suggested he parked the car while Brie found out what floor Vicki was taken on. Which she nodded agreeing it was the best idea for that particular time.

Klaus soon returned and that left himself and Brie waiting for the cause of the tragedy. Although vampire blood couldn't save her thanks to Klaus they arrived at the hospital before her condition could deteriorate further. Still though no one knew the details of her condition. No one knew if she was even still alive.

It was when Brie remembered something while pacing back and forth across the walls of the waiting room; "I need to call Matt. I need to call my mum. Wherever she is." Brie panicked her voice growing with exhaustion the more she continued.

Klaus now stood from one of the connected row of seats he was sat on. Klaus interrupted,"Brie." But she was too indulged in her worrying thoughts to hear.

"If I text Jeremy I'll have to text Elena. Maybe I should tell Stefan?"

"Brielle!" This time she heard. Brie stopped her pacing when Klaus held his hands to her shoulders keeping her in one position.

"I'm sorry." Brie sighed. "Mum was meant to be with her and seeing Vicki like that it just-"

Klaus reassured her before she could dig deeper in the hole of what ifs she was claiming. "She'll be ok."

"Will she though? Because it feels like all of it's happening to me for a reason. Have I done something wrong with her?" She cried softly that her voice broke in almost tears. Her faces was already red and her eyes puffy from where she cried previously.

She hated crying in front of people. Matt always told her she was a baby if she asked for help. So she would suffer in silence. She adjusted to that lifestyle. She became the happy friend. The never sad friend. The "therapist". Brie was always there for whoever even when they weren't.

Dismally, brie fell to the seat below her. Her head falling to her hands. Klaus sat next to her. "If you don't mind I'd like to stay with you. Until someone who can support you arrives."

Gratefully, she lifted her head nodding as she tried to smile. It was a small smile. Tiring but still a smile. Her rosy face made it better, more believable. Using his arm closest to her klaus wrapped his arm around her. Letting her head slowly at her own pace fall on his shoulder as her moved his arm closer around her side. It was comforting in a friendly way. In that moment they made a bond neither could break.

Cautiously, he shifted closer adjusting to make it comfortable as they both supported one another with their body heat. Klaus lifted his hand in gentle motion stroking the side of her head. Twirling strands of her hair as they intertwined with his fingers.

Neither knew that from that moment a strong yet surprising friendship occurred between the two. For now purely platonic. They hadn't looked at each other in that way, well not yet anyways. The pair had no idea where their futures would lead. So at present they were happy stopping the chaos in their lives, in the world, to just be held in the grasp of a new kind of warmth.


Only a couple of minutes later Jeremy and Elena had arrived. Still leaving no sign of Kelly nor Matt. Brie didn't even need to acknowledge them for her to jump from her seat running to the embrace of Jeremy.

With pace she jumped from her seat. Starting off as a brisk walk turned into a quick jog then a run. Running down the halls of the hospital as the visitors walked for the push doors. Brie ran straight into Jeremy's arms. Making him be taken back a little by the force forcing him to lift her slightly so her toes were just barely scrapping the floor.

After a couple of seconds Elena joined in on the embrace. No words were shed. No tears either. Brie simply just dove her head into the shoulders of the two as she was placed in the middle with a Gilbert either side of her. Glares we're given as both Gilbert's spotted an alone Klaus as he was now stood in the place where Brie was once sat.

As much as klaus and Elena, correction Klaus and everyone despised one another. Not one said anything. Not a word. Not a thought. They didn't do it for each other, why would they. They done it for Brie.

That's when it hit her that Klaus had stayed with her and now he was segregated in the corner by himself like he was a disease. She felt selfish. That he helped her with her needs and she practically brushed him away.

"Just give me one second." She discoursed in her usual humane tone. The Gilbert's nodded worriedly like they didn't mean it yet were complied to. Of course Brie was too oblivious to notice this as she stepped away walking towards the solitary hybrid.

They were stood only a few inches apart from each other. No one knew what the right words to say in a time like this. And klaus would only say the wrong thing so he choose to just display a sincere smile. Which Brie preferred.

Still stood gazing into his "average" piercing blue eyes the gaze grew comfortable. Leading for Brie to wrap her arms around his waist, ticking her head into his chest. At first Klaus didn't know how to react. To no surprise this didn't happen often in his long winded life.

Perching on her tip-toes,being 5'5 stood up against Klaus being 5'11, she whispered in his left ear; "Thank you."

Scrupulously, he pulled her down to his eye view. "Let me know when you have news." Which she nodded to in response. And with that he left.


Soon after, the doctor announced Vicki was breathing again and she had an overdose. Causing her airways to block. They had moved her to a different unit of the hospital so she could have her own room. Elena and Jeremy left as it was the middle of the night not long after Matt finally arrived after his shift as his phone was on silent.

Matt was now satin the ark chair closest to Vicki's hospital bed. Her still not awakening from her mild unconsciousness. She had hit her head badly as a result of her collapsing on the hard wooden floor.

"I'm going to go back home and get her some overnight clothes." Brie suggested raising from her seat but Matt ignored her. "Do you need anything?"

Matt sighed still not fully acknowledging his sister. "Brie just find mum." Which she simply just took in before leaving the room. Saying something would only cause an argument and she hated confrontation almost as much as she hated chocolate. Yes you read that right Brie hates chocolate.


Back at her home brie sat on the torn couch in the living room starring off into thin air. Stefan had popped by when she wasn't there so left a note explaining he'll come see her in the morning.

While she was surrounded by her thoughts she began to think back on her time in New Orleans and how time wasn't really a thing. And that being back she was still caught up with all her problems before.

Tired she rubbed her eyes. Her head slowly sinking into her lap as she collapsed in exhaustion. Brie really needed a good nights sleep but then again she was tasked with the job of finding her mother. Which was a task doomed In itself.

All brie wanted was a family that awed in each other's presence.

But even that was another one of her fantasies.

However, just when she brought out her phone to ring her missing mother Brie heard the sound of the door aggressively pushed open. It was seeping it way into early hours in the morning so whoever or whatever it was wasn't supposed to be there.

Standing up from her battered couch, Brie decided to investigate the culprit of the noise. Wearily, she crept round the corner of the hallway which leads to the front door. To her surprise to only find a staggering Kelly. To the looks of things looked liked to be having an argument with the coat rack.

Taking a deep breath, Brie prepared herself for interacting. As much as Kelly aggravates her, she was still Bries mom. Even if Brie had to remind herself of that everyday.

Kelly finished kicking off her heels to finally be met within the eye-line of her daughter. Squinting Kelly stumbled over to where Brie was leaning against a wall. "Maddy? Is that you?"

Brie sighed. "It's Brielle Mom." Patronisingly, Kelly cupped Bries face within her hands moving it from side to side. Examining her.

"Ah so it is." Kelly smiled patting the side of her cheek rather harshly.

Brie tucked her lips in small line before stating: "Where have you been? You were supposed to be looking after Vicki."

Kelly waved her hands contemplating with the importances of her statement. "Vicki-" she staggered over her words. "Vicki can handle herself she's 18! She's-she's fine."

"She's 17. 17! But you wouldn't know that!" Is what Brie wanted ever so badly to say. She would never and she knew that. Which is what irritated her more.

Brie shook her head thinning her lips once more. "Let's get you to bed mom."

Ironically, Kelly agrees falling into the arms of her daughter. She smelt like booze. Always. But tonight was more detected. Helping her mother into bed Brie chucked the sheets over her after tugging off Kelly's black leather heeled boots. She couldn't leave her like this. It was as if the tiles reversed, as she turned in her mom Brie sat on the edge of the bed stroking her mothers hair.

All she ever wanted was for her mother to do this to her.

"Night mom." Brie sweetly spoke as she stood by the half open door ready to turn the lights off.

"You've always been my favourite Maddy." Kelly yawned as she snuggled deeper into her bed. "Love you."

"I love you too..."

Shutting the door behind her Brie stood alone in the dimly lit home. Something inside always knew Matt was Kelly's favourite and Brie was always the side piece well except from her dad but that's another story.

She though to herself constantly, "Just the luck of the Donovan's."


The next morning, Brie rolled out of bed earlier than usual to say that she's an early riser most days. Mainly to do with the obvious fact that she didn't sleep at all. She couldn't close her eyes because every time she did she would witness Vicki unconscious. And that image taunted her brain.

Getting ready for the day she felt more relaxed. She wore her favourite colour which brightened her mood. Brie loved making her clothes colourful because boy only did it look pretty but it made her feel like she wasn't invisible.

Grabbing the overnight bag she packed for Vicki, Brie left the house ready to visit the hospital.

When she arrived Matt was still there. He must of sleep here. She thought. Starring from the behind the glass panel she gathered her thoughts before walking in. That morning she was reminded to take her calming drops that Freya had kindly made her. Making her feel less anxious to what the possible possibility's could potentially lead her with last nights event.

Brie braved a subtle smile. "Hi. I have some clothes." She said lifting the bag she had in her hand.

"My shift starts is an hour. Are you staying with her today?" Matt questioned as if it was an interrogation.

"Can do. I have to get to my missed lectures later but that won't take too long." Matt nodded as he rubbed the cold hands of Vicki. "Matt."

"What is its Brie?" Brie bit her bottom lip. "Did you find Mom?"

She laughed nervously. "The thing is-I did find her, in her messed up way."

Matt groaned. "The point Brie."

"Right." She shook her head trying to focus. "I made sure Mom got to bed but the thing is when I went to check on her this morning...she was gone."

Matt huffed rubbing his forehead. "I'll go look for her before I go to work. Just stay with Vick."

Brie took a deep breathe offering a small smile. Everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. She reminded herself.


Later that evening, all lectures were finished. Leaving the lecture room heading straight back to the hospital Brie stopped in her steps when she noticed something strange. Someone out of place.

A tall, dark, muscular man walked towards her with a casual cheeky smile. His teeth pearly white. Almost too white that the sun reflected off of them. "I told you we'd see one another again." Marcel's grin grew wider as he spoke.

Brie stepped a couple steps forward following his movement so they were only a meter apart. "MG?" She grinned eagerly.

Marcel chuckled astonished. "Clearly you've been snooping. You trying to flatter me?"

Sassily Brie stated. "I would hardly call it snooping when your names written in almost every building in New Orleans." She had a smug grin written on her face. Clearly he was impressed.

"Oh so it's like that then." He teased.

"I don't know what you mean I was just merrily stating facts." Brie also teased enticingly. His stare piecing the tension except Brie's normally awkwardness. "Sooo what brings you to the very famous town of Mystic Falls."

Marcel lifted his eyebrow tilting his face with his usual teethe smile. "Why do I hear a hint of sarcasm in your voice?" He quizzed intriguingly.

"Well tourists aren't really one for a small community like this. It doesn't have the same pop as others." Brie expressed truthfully.

"But you love it here so there must be a special pop." He mimicked.

Brie smirked. "That's because I know all the secret hideouts that no one else does."

Marcel copied her facial expression. "Well I guess I've found my perfect tour guide." He suggested. What brie didn't know that this was some types of flirting but she was too innocent to notice.

"Since you've asked nicely. But! I have to back in an hour." Brie demanded ponying her finger continuously at his chest.

He held out his hand which Brie placed her hand in. Intertwining there fingers in the palms of each other. An electrical signal pulsed around Brie's body making her feel shielded. Elated. She wanted to scream with all of her emotions. Obvious she couldn't so she did it mentally.

"Whatever you say, Cinderella."

"You've watched Cinderella?"

"Of course I've watched Cinderella."


An hour later, Brie was finishing her tour of the town she grew up in. Marcel now knew "all" of her secret hideouts which were really just deserted places in the quiet town. Her sanctuary of peace that will be known by only her.

"So I suppose that concludes my tour." Marcel noted walking alone a stone path leading to a painted white, circular gazebo that was placed in the centre of one of the gardens. Bries favourite place you view natural flowers. Like sunflowers.

"If I had more time I would of showed you more but I really should get back to my sister." Brie affirmed leaning over the fences that surround the gazebos pillars.

Evidently, Marcel stepped closer his eyes still focused on Brie. She turned to face him. He titled his head to angle examining her heaven crafted face further. A small strand of hair fell out of its place making the perfect opportunity for marcel to tuck it behind her eye. Touching her elegantly smooth face. His touch made her blush.

Naturally, nothing good stayed in Brie's life. Due to out of the corner of her eye she noticed Stefan. Why is it always Stefan?

Expeditiously, the moment was seized. "Oh my god." She whispered in a fast tone. "You have to leave." Marcel have her a blank expression. "Sorry that was rude but over there is my Dad/non dad."

Stefan caught glance of Brie and started to walk over. Of course you have to walk fast. Casually with a confused expression Stefan walked up the path to the gazebo. "Brie."

"And if you walk down that path, the first left is the famous Mystic Fall Clock Tower." Brie pointed directing Marcel, which when he turned around to follow her directions she patted hun on the back.

"Ah Stefan." She threw her arms up in the air in excitement, trying to act her casual self. His gave her the who was that look in which she responded, "Tourists." Turing whilst Rolling her eyes.

"I have been meaning to speak with you." Stefan voiced walking into the platform.

"Me?" She asked looking around as if there was anyone else.

"Yes about the whole klaus thing."

"Ohhh. Yeh." She remembered hitting her palm against her forehead.

Stefan drowned growing more concerned. "He didn't hurt you or nothing, did he?"

"Oh my gosh no. He just wanted to know what everyone was keeping from him." Brie explained slightly upset that Stefan has been the only one who has asked if she was okay. After getting kidnapped an all. "I'm guessing he didn't find out due to Elijah being no where to be seen. Not that I'm getting involved that's been them." She waved off.

"You've grown a-liking to him?" Stefan asked slightly impressed by how this girl could be friends with anyone no matter who they were.

"He's not all bad." Brie uttered staring off into space. "His house! I nearly forgot to tell you. It's like the biggest in New Orleans. I mean I wasn't in New Orleans. What?" She stumbled over her words. Stefan smiled at her stupidity, she wasn't stupid in the education terms just lacking on the common sense."I meant to say it's like triple the size of my house maybe even more."

"How about I walked you to the hospital and you can tell me all about it?" Stefan inquired holding out his hand in which Brie took.

As they walked back down the path Stefan heard all about the stories of Brie's New Orleans adventure. "And he has a massive room of books. A room just for books!"


Hi <3

I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter to the story. It was a sad one but I though the last bit was cute. As it brings out more of Brie's personality.

Love you always ♥️
Keep reading smutty book lovers
See you in chapter 11!
(Btw I haven't re-read it so there may be mistakes)


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