11. Witch Juju

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Witch Juju


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Life for the past couple of days have been the same old for Brie. A routine. Wake up. Get dressed. See what's for breakfast, usually nothing. Bills piling in. Take her medication. Walk to the hospital. Stay with Vicki while matts at work. Go to a few lectures. Walk back to the hospital. Stay there until late. Walk home. The same day repeating as if they were living Groundhog Day.

The famous Klaus Mikaelson had been ironically infamous. Brie knew it was probably because of family issue since she was the only one that knew he had a baby girl, plus, on top of the drama with Rebekah and then there was the drama with Elijah. Basically a shit tone of drama.

Although, she was quite annoyed she couldn't thank him for saving Vicki's life. She had no way of transport to New Orleans nor did she know where his house was actually located. Neither did she had his phone number. Meaning she would just have to wait until the next chaotic event that's oiled happens in Mystic Falls. She'd usually only have to wait a week for one of them.

Not to mention the terrible weird vibe that was filled between everyone. Stefan and Elena for example. Brie witnessed something different about them. Her idols. Whether it was just a bit of awkwardness, she didn't know. She chose not to bring it up in conversation though as she would only getting scolded for interfering.

She had felt a new sense of quiet. She hated quiet. It always meant a storm was on its way. The clear sky before the rain. She felt alone. More than usual. Obviously she
had still been hanging out with Jeremy. Well more like him hanging out with her at the hospital-but that still counts. So she believed.

Except for one morning, she arrived at the hospital for her usual visit where she was surrounded by doctors. What they told her was one of the best feelings she had ever felt since she was told she was going to be a big sister.

Vicki had awakened from her coma.

And although she wished she had someone with her to also her the jovial news, she was happy it was her. Since the day it happened she had always held a small amount of guilt. Before walking into the room to see her sister brie ran out the hospital, she needed something to give her. After a week of Vicki being in a coma Brie wanted a better welcome to the land of living present than just herself.

After what felt like a century of picking between balloons or flowers she got both, costing her whole wages she eating from working in the florist every so often. To be precise a yellow ballon that had written on it saying "Get well soon" and blue hydrangeas. After Vicki's favourite colour.

Walking into the room, where her sister has been sleeping incessantly for the past week, felt surreal to Vicki awake. Tears welled into Bries eyes though her smile was like a immediate beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. "Don't get all sappy on me." Vicki warned who too was smiling at the sight of her sister.

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