Naruko 10

By capzica28

1.1K 18 3

Naruko uzumaki finds a watch and a alien named azmath More

Chosen Heroine
Classic Ten part 1
classic aliens part 2
Additional Forms
all together
Never Back Down
hero time
A Hunter from Deep Space
The Alien Debut
New Sensei and New Aliens
day off
the finals

The Anodite Hyuga

43 0 0
By capzica28

After the events of the Chunin Preliminaries, Naruko left the building and was back in the village looking for Hinata.

"She can't have gone far," Naruko said to Azmuth, as the alien held onto her shirt's collar. She looked around a corner and saw the girl, "There she is." She hurried after her.

Hinata walked on home contemplating on what happened with her during the preliminaries, 'Anodite? What does that mean? What am I really?' she asked in her thoughts, until a familiar voice snapped her out of it.

"Hinata! Hinata, hey!" she turned around and saw Naruko running up to her, "Glad I caught up with you."

"Naruko?" she asked.

"Azmuth and I assume you're on your way to see your dad, just as Azmuth suggested?"

"Oh, yes. I am." she answered.

"Great. We'll join you." Naruko smiled.

"What?" she gasped.

"If this is a matter involving aliens, then I need to be present." Naruko explained.

"And being Naruko's mentor, I must accompany her as well." Azmuth added.

"Well, ok, but I'm not sure if my father will allow you entry of our home." Hinata said in worry.

Azmuth smirked, "Oh, don't worry about that, my dear. I think your father will make an exception."

Hinata was confused as to what Azmuth was getting at, but answered, "Ok, follow me." she led Naruko and Azmuth back to her home.

Upon reaching the Hyuga compound, Hinata opened the gates and showed the two inside. They walked through the yard, and the two genin could hear the sounds of sparing going on inside the compound. Hinata opened the sliding door and saw her father sparing with her younger sister Hanabi.

When the father and daughter felt another presence, they ceased their training and saw Hinata and Naruko in the doorway, "Hinata, you're back?" Hiashi asked, until he saw Naruko with her, "Why is this girl here?"

"Father, we need to talk." Hinata said ignoring his question.

"Can't you see Hanabi are in the middle of a lesson?" Hiashi asked, with his eyes narrowed at her.

Hinata not wanting to be intimidated stayed strong, "Father, this cannot wait!"

Hiashi wasn't liking Hinata raising her voice at him and spoke, "And what's so important that I must hear?"

Azmuth who had been hiding behind Naruko's  head, jumped onto Hinata's shoulder to make his presence known, "Because, Hiashi, your daughter has awakened what you spent a long time trying to do!" he snapped.

Hiashi and Hanabi were taken by surprise at the alien's appearance. Hiashi could only gasp, "Azmuth?"

"Nice to see you again too." Azmuth answered the head of the clan in sarcasm.

Hiashi losing his calm and firm demeanor approached and bowed his head, "Forgive me, but it's been so long since I or anyone else from the village has last seen you."

"Indeed," Azmuth agreed, "But I just had to return to Konoha for my own reasons, but now I've got another reason to why me and my protege have come to see you."

"Protoge? Naruko?" he asked.

"Correct. Now then, your daughter has something to talk with you about," Azmuth continued, "And the little one there should stay as well. She could learn something too." he motioned to Hanabi who was still in shock at what was on Hinata's shoulder.

Hanabi spoke, "Father, who is that?"

Hiashi answered, "This, Hanabi, is Azmuth. Leader of the planet Galvan Prime."

"Planet?" Hanabi asked puzzled.

"Yeah. He's an alien." Naruko answered.

Hinata spoke up to her father, "Father, how long have you known? How long did you know I was part alien or whatever?!" she cried.

Hiashi spoke up wondering, "Hinata, did you use mana?"

"Yes. I don't know what it is, but yes I did!" she cried, still wanting answers.

Hiashi sighed as a look of guilt washed over his face, "Then it's time I told you the truth. Everyone take a seat," he instructed, as he, his daughters, Naruko, and Azmuth sat down, "Hinata, Hanabi, I never told the both of you this, but your mother, my wife, Hitomi, is an Anodite."

"Anodite?" Hanabi asked.

"Yes," Hiashi continued, "An alien breed whose body is made entirely out of energy."

"Question," Naruko raised her hand, as all eyes fell on him, "How did you end up settling down with an alien?"

Hiashi answered, "This was years ago when I was an active Konoha shinobi. I was on patrol one night in the village, until I saw this strange phenomenon. A pink purple comet fell from the sky and landed into the village. I went to check it out and to my shocking discovery I found an out of this world sentient being inside it. I wasn't sure how to handle the situation, until two of the Hokage's Anbu instructed me to bring the life form to the Hokage. So I did."

"The Sandaime then told me the existence of alien life forms in the galaxy and some in the ninja lands itself. Azmuth was there at the time helping to improve on the secret plumbers faction in the village. We brought her to the bases healing ward where they were able to revitalize her. As she recuperated I felt compelled to stay by her side until she was fully healed. During that time I got to know about her and her species, and I told her multiple things about our very village. I guess that's what started our relationship."

Hinata and Hanabi were amazed to finally hear the real tale of how their parents met, as their father continued, "After she was released from the ward the Hokage left her under my care, seeing how much she grew attached to me. So I brought her to live here with me despite my family's objections to the matter. During our years both of us were trained to be plumbers, but unfortunately I could not remain a plumber forever for it was soon to be my time to take position as clan head. But Hitomi continued to train under the plumbers. When time came for me to be clan head she and I got married and soon enough Hinata came along," the three kids listened knowing this was were stuff was really going to get interesting, "Hitomi told me that there was a good chance the spark as the Anodites called it would be passed onto to any offspring she had. But it would not happen right away. Still she and I did always keep a close eye on you Hinata in case you were to ever show signs of having the spark. Then one day not too long after Hanabi was born, Hitomi was called away to some far away planet in the galaxy to deal with a crisis. She told me it was going to be a very long and treacherous mission. I pleaded with her to stay, but she said as a plumber her job had to come. When I wanted to go with her, she insisted I stayed here on earth because it was not only my job as head of the clan, but to protect you my daughters with care."

"Mother." Hinata and Hanabi said sorrowfully.

Hiashi continued again, "I was still determined to see if you had the spark Hinata, so that is why I pushed you so hard to not only see if you had what it takes to be a strong heir, but to see if you did inherit your mother's Anodite lineage as well. But I was too caught up in trying to force it out of you I lost sight of what was really important. Being a good father. Hitomi had always told me being a strong clan leader doesn't always mean you must be physically strong, but you must also have a strong heart as well to guide your clan and loved ones." the girls could see tears forming in their fathers eyes.

"Father." Hinata gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Hinata. I not only had forsaken you, but I had practically forsaken my own emotions to do so. If only Hitomi could've still been here, perhaps maybe I would've been a better man and a better father."

A new voice suddenly spoke up, "Very true, Hiashi. However, you always did have a stubborn side that was hard to crack."

The group looked up and saw appearing before them in a pinkish light was an Anodite woman with a seductive figure. Naruko marveled as the Anodite's pink tentacle hair pieces waved around, before the alien landed gracefully onto the floor. Suddenly the Anodite took on a human form that looked beautiful and appeared to look like an adult version of Hinata only with longer hair.

"Hello, Hiashi."

"Hitomi?" Hiashi gasped in shock, "But I- It's been so long, I felt like..."

"That something happened to me?" the Anodite Hitomi asked, before laughing, "You should've known that I don't fall that easily. Lest we forget our old plumber days?" Hiashi blushed, as he quickly got himself together.

"Uh, yes." he agreed.

"Mother?" Hinata and Hanabi asked, as tears were forming in their eyes.

Hitomi smiled and lowered herself down, "My babies." she held her arms out, as her two daughters ran to her and embraced her letting out cries of happiness.

Naruko watched in happiness that Hinata was reunited with her mother, and also felt a bit sad wishing she knew her own mother and father for that matter. Azmuth stood up and spoke, "Welcome back, Hitomi."

"Azmuth," she gasped, "I didn't expect you to still be here. I mean the Plumbers bases were shut down years ago."

"Yes. But I just had to return because of other threats I feel are on the move." he explained.

"I see," she answered, until her eyes fell on Naruko, "Oh, and who have we here?" she walked over.

Hinata spoke up, "Mother, this is Naruko, my... friend from the ninja academy."

"Friend, huh?" Hitomi asked, before looking back at the boy, "Nice to meet you, Naruko. I am Hitomi Hyuga."

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am," she answered, and thought, 'Get it together, Naruko. Don't act like a flustered child in front of these people. Besides she's Hinata's mother!'

"Hitomi, why have you suddenly returned after all this time?" Hiashi asked.

"The crisis on the other planet had passed years ago, but I stuck around to further broaden my knowledge of the planets in the galaxy," she explained, "Then moments ago I felt a strange sensation in my body. As if a spark had been ignited. I knew then it finally happened. So I traveled as fast as I could all the way back here. Hiashi has Hinata..."

Hiashi nodded with a smile, "Yes, Hitomi. Hinata has unlocked her Anodite power."

Hitomi turned to her eldest daughter with a smile, "Well done, Hinata. I knew you had it in you."

"Thank you, mother." Hinata smiled.

"Do I have the spark too, mother?" Hanabi inquired.

"It is unknown, Hanabi. Not every half human child born an anodite has the spark in them." Hitomi explained.

"It's true." Azmuth confirmed.

"How did you unlock it, Hinata?" Hiashi asked.

"I was paired off to fight Neji in the Chunin preliminaries." she began.

"What?" Hiashi and Hanabi gasped.

"You fought Neji, but he's..." Hanabi began.

"I know," Hinata cut her off, "I should've backed out, but I wasn't about to run away. I was determined to change and get stronger no matter who my opponent was. Neji had me near defeated, but when he tried to go for the final blow I unleashed what I believe you call mana on him. That's how I was able to win the match. Though for some reason I almost lost control of myself while using it."

Hitomi crossed her arms and nodded, "I see. Well, we're going to have to do something about it."

"Like what?" Hinata asked.

"I'm going to teach you how to use your anodite abilities to your advantage so that the power does not control you. Follow my guidance and you will become a strong anodite and shinobi."

"Really?" the girl gasped, and her mother nodded.


Naruko smiled, as Azmuth spoke up to Hiashi, "I suggest you all head for the hospital so you can see Neji. And I think it's about time you told him the truth."

Hiashi hearing that felt guilt stricken, but nodded in agreement, "Yes. You're right."

"Truth?" his daughters wondered.

"Truth about what, sir?" Naruto asked the clan head.

Hiashi answered, "There are other things that went on in the Hyuga clan that I am not so proud of. One of which is something I was asked to withhold from Neji until the time was right. And I feel that time is now."

"Agreed." Hitomi agreed.

Azmuth nodded, before looking at Naruto, "We also better get going to see the Sandaime as well, Naruto."

"Right." Naruko agreed, as she rolled up his sleeve revealing the Omnitrix.

Hiashi, Hanabi, and Hitomi saw it, as Hanabi asked, "What's that?"

"That's the Omnitrix," Hitomi answered, "Azmuth, did you?"

"Yes. I have passed on my most greatest creation to Naruto in hopes he will succeed it's former wielder. So far he's surprised me with how he uses it, and I look forward to seeing him to it again." the Galvan explained. He climbed back onto Naruko's shoulder.

"Right, well, Hinata I guess I'll see you around. And good luck to you when we fight in the Chunin Exam finals. Until then..." Naruto said, as he activated the Omnitrix and became XLR8, "Gotta run!" he took off at the speed of lightning with Azmuth holding onto him.

Hinata watched as Naruko zipped off, knowing she would have to face her in the Chunin Exam finals opening in a month. But with her mother back and offering to train her to use her new powers, she felt more confident she would be able to fight and get stronger. Even if it did mean she'd be facing the girl she had grown to admire since their academy days.

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