I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 26
CH. 27
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW β€ΌοΈπŸ’šπŸŒˆ

CH. 14

413 16 17
By BeckySmolder


Tuesday, December 25th
3:30 PM

I was wincing as I watched Freya throw up. She had channeled Finn. It didn't work. She still wasn't strong enough. "Ugh! I can't do it. I can't focus," she gasped for breath for a moment.

She moved away front the trash can as Jackson entered the room. "Everything okay?" He asked.

I shook my head, crouching down next to Freya while Elijah who had given Freya his jacket was now putting it back on. Jackson came to the other side of the witch, placing a hand to her forehead. "She's burning up!" He exclaimed. He looked between Elijah and I, who didn't immediately jump at his observational "I guess a hospital's out of the question?"

"A hospital won't help her," Elijah answered. "What I was trying to say, before Danielle, I reached Klaus. He knows what's going on. He was out with Camille handling a situation with that detective. Lucien compelled him—"

"He's with Cami?" I interrupted.

Elijah nodded, "they're headed to Lucien's to raid his condo for an antidote for both Freya and Rebekah. Let's hope he finds something."

"I got the muskroot," Jackson stated. "Did Hayley get the—?" A large crash from downstairs came suddenly, alarming all four of us. "Where's Hayley?"

"She went to check on Hope," I answered. "Who is with Rebekah."

Both men shared a look. Before either could chase after Hayley, Freya began coughing again. I grabbed the trash can just in time for her to spit up a mouthful of blood. I covered my mouth, holding back a gag. She was dying and this was disgusting. Klaus better find the antidote.

"You two stay with her, please," Elijah said.

Jackson nodded for the both of us. Elijah was gone in a flash. "What do we do?" Jackson asked me.

I shrugged, "wait for Klaus. There's nothing we can do if he doesn't find the cure for Freya. She's too weak in this condition to save Rebekah."

Freya continued to throw up blood and after a moment, I told Jackson I was going to check on Hope. I could hear a commotion outside the study and was sure the adults were preoccupied. I stepped out onto the balcony, glancing down to see Rebekah fighting Hayley and Elijah. The blonde winning somehow as she snapped her brother's neck.

"Rebekah!" A roar came just as Rebekah shoved her hand in Hayley's chest. Klaus was walking through the courtyard with Cami behind him. In a blink of an eye he was in front of his sister and baby mama. "Not her."

I held my breath as he carefully forced Rebekah's arm down, releasing Hayley who was gasping for breath. I sighed in relief. Cami rushed to Hayley's side, tugging her away to put distance between the girls. But that seemed to be a bad idea as it got Rebekah's attention and she lunged for the fellow blonde.

"Not her either!" He shouted, annoyed, grabbing his sister by the arm and yanking her away. He then slammed Rebekah onto the table.

"The cure?" I called out.

Klaus spared me a glance, as did the women below. He made a hand gesture at Cami who held up a black briefcase. Hayley took it from her before running up the stairs towards me. "Aah! Dear, sweet Cami. You're so afraid that you'll ruin her, you keep her behind glass like some breakable object," Rebekah spat, finding the strength to jump up from the table with Klaus struggling to hold her back. "She's not precious, Nik. Every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison."

Rebekah stopped only to laugh as Cami ran out of the courtyard. "She'll grow toxic, too," Rebekah said before her eyes landed on me. "Just like Danielle."

I narrowed my eyes, "don't lump me in with their exes who never even lived this long. Nonetheless put up with Klaus' bullshit."

"But you are damaged, Dani. You used to have so much potential. Now look at you. Stress alone has clearly aged you. My brother whom you claim to love, cares for another. And that has pushed you so far away, you're flirting with Jackson who is married! You're relationship with Klaus is going nowhere and you know it. He hasn't turned you, hasn't knocked you up, hasn't married you... Face it, you're another play thing who got played by Niklaus Mikaelson. You're not even special in that way. And I feel sorry for you, because this life is going to get you killed. I've only ever been mean to you, for your sake. I hoped to run you out of town so you wouldn't end up heartbroken or dead. I liked you. But you're just too stupid for your own good—"

Elijah was suddenly awake, tackling Rebekah to the table. Klaus glanced up at me. "Don't listen to her, love. She's out of her mind," he told me and I nodded. "I'm in love with you. Irrevocably. Infinitely."

I nodded again, "I love you too."

Klaus smiled at me before moving to help Elijah keep Rebekah pinned to the table. I stopped leaning against the railing and went to Hayley's room to check on Hope who was on the floor, gnawing on the wooden knight that was centuries old. A toy Klaus carved for his psycho sister downstairs.

"Hi, Princess," I cooed, picking Hope up.


I smiled, "yes, da-da is here."

"Da-da! Da-da! Da-da!" She yelled, bouncing in my arms impatiently. I frowned trying to sooth her. Now was not a good time and she couldn't have her father. He was preoccupied with something she shouldn't see.

"Babe, you need to settle down," I sighed. "Daddy's busy. He'll be up here soon. Why don't we get you changed into a pretty dress?"

Hope cried loudly as I carried her to her nursery. It would be dinner time soon. The Mikaelson sisters would be fine, I'm sure. Therefore it was time to celebrate Christmas.


Tuesday, December 25th
4:51 PM

I pursed my lips as I heard the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing. I continued to do my makeup with the few things I had in my purse. "Love?" Klaus called out.

I rolled my eyes, "In here." A couple second later he was leaning in the doorframe of the en suite. I finished applying my mascara before looking at him through the mirror. "What do you want?" I asked him. "How's Camille? Did you run and check on her after Rebekah hurt her feelings?"

"You're mad," he stated. I shook my head in disbelief. Of course I was mad! I grabbed my blush and used my fingers to apply it. "I had to go. She could have been—"

"Could have? So she didn't call you because she was in danger? You just chased after her the minute I was gone,  because you were worried, huh?"

Klaus sighed. "Yes."

"I can't do this anymore, Klaus," I stated, turning to face him now. "I'm sick of you telling me what I want to hear and making promises you don't intend to keep."

"I do," he retorted. "Today was the last day. She's going home tonight. I swear to you."

"I don't believe you."

Klaus frowned, "why would I lie about that?"

"Because that's what you do," I snapped. "You lie to me. All the time. You withhold information to get away with doing things I don't like. I'm sure Camille is leaving tonight. But I'm also sure you'll see her tomorrow. Because you can't leave her alone. You've made that abundantly clear."

"What happened to giving me the benefit of the doubt?"

"I gave up," I answered. "The moment I realized you put her first. And again, she had you when the rest of us needed you here."

"I saved my sisters didn't I?" Klaus retorted.

"Freya saved Rebekah. You saved Freya. After Jackson saved her this morning when you were playing good cop, bad cop with Cami."

"Oh, I forgot, Jackson's a saint," Klaus snorted. "Like he didn't cheat on his wife—"

"He cheated with me!" I yelled.

"How could I forget?!" He screamed back. "You want to talk about my faults? How about yours? What was Rebekah talking about? You two were flirting?"

I scoffed, "no."

"I don't believe you," he quipped, using my words against me. I wasn't sure if he meant it or not. Or if he was just saying that because he was mad.

"Fine. Don't. I don't care."

Klaus raised his eyebrows, "you don't care?"

"No. Be mad. Be jealous. I don't give a shit."

"You don't mean that."

"I do," I sighed, exasperated. "Maybe Jackson and I were flirting. I don't care about that either. Why not? Because it doesn't matter. I told you, this was your last chance with me. And I warned you that you were screwing it up. But you didn't care. You would risk everything for Cami. Wouldn't you?"

"No. I wouldn't risk you."

"But you did," I said. "You knew there was a chance I'd leave you when you went after her. Didn't you?" He remained silent. "You told me you didn't think I would break up with you and that's why you were fine with your secret therapy sessions. Then I did dump you. And when I gave you another chance I made it clear you couldn't have both of us in your life. Yet you continue to test me. You continue to push the envelope because you either don't love me, don't respect me, or you don't care about my feelings. Which one is it?" He still didn't speak. "Doesn't matter really. All of them indicate the same thing. You don't value our relationship. You want to have your cake and eat it too. You think that you can fuck up again and again and somehow always manage to make me forgive you. Not this time."

"So that's it?" He asked. "You're leaving me?"

"Give me one reason to stay."

"Because we love each other."

I scoffed, "do you love me? Or am I just some possession to you? Because you can't seem to let me go even when it's clear I'm not what you want."

"You are what I want!" He snapped.

"Prove it," I snorted, rolling my eyes and turning back to the mirror to put on my lipstick. "I'm not leaving you. I gave you a deadline. You moved it up. And you said she'd be out of here tonight. That better happen or it is over between us, Klaus. I won't be second place anymore. Today was the last time you chase after her. I won't keep living in fear."

Klaus frowned, slipping behind me and grabbing hold of my hips. "Fear of what?" He asked, turning me around.

"That you won't be around and I end up dead."

Klaus' of concern changed immediately to one of instant protectiveness. "Aya will pay with her life for laying a hand on you. I'll make an example out of her. No one will dare touch you," he declared.

"You don't know that," I retorted. "What happened to the safest place for me being by your side?"

Klaus sighed, cupping my face in one hand, "usually. But sometimes that's the most dangerous place for you to be. I'm a target. Especially now."

"But I feel safest with you. And you know that," I said, fisting his shirt in my left hand. "Everyone else is more concerned with my safety than you are. And I'm scared, Klaus. Did you ever think of that?"

Klaus shook his head, "I would never let anything happen to you."

"You're never around to stop it. I live alone—"

"Which you wanted."

"I live alone," I repeated. "I'm back together with you which is very public. Aurora is bound to know. Tristan is bound to figure out I was using him. And the Strix is in town. Any one of them could use me to get to you. Marcel has two vampires trail me everyday. He has four guard the house every night. Not you. And I don't make a big deal about it because I don't want to be scared. I pretend everything is okay. But it's not. Every time you and I fight, I worry someone is going to kill me and you're not going to be there or you're too mad to care."

Klaus was brushing away my tears, "baby girl, I care. Who do you think told Marcel to put his vampires on you? He put them at the house to guard you, but I said that wasn't good enough. That's why you're followed to and from school, to yoga, to the nail salon, and home. And for the record, I stop at your house every night to check on you and watch you sleep. There's a protection spell on you and a clocking spell. If someone tries to kill you, you'll revive. If someone is trying to track you down, they will fail and I will know about it. There's a gps in your car that I check a dozen times a day. You and I continue to share location through our phones and as a precaution I have a tracking device on your keys, your usual purse, and on your dog."

"What?" I frowned. "You did all that?"

"Yes," he answered me with a 'duh' tone. "You're the love of my life. If anything were to happen to you, I would literally die. I would burn down the entire world and kill myself. Because there is no life after you or without you. You want proof?"

"I want you," I retorted, placing both my hands on his face. "Why don't you ever tell me about these sweet, crazy things? You just allow me to feel insecure and lonely and sad. I want to feel safe and loved."

"You are, love. You are safe and very loved," he said, kissing me softly. It didn't last long as we pulled apart when someone decided to squeeze between our legs. We both stared down at Penny, my little doggie. Klaus bent down, petting her head before picking her up. "Finish getting ready. And change your dress. I bought you one. It's on the bed. Put it on, please."

"Wait," I frowned. "That's it?"

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't want to fight, love. I just want to celebrate with my family. So let's get dressed, baby girl."

I nodded slowly, trying to decipher how I felt at the moment. I went from irritated with him to melting like putty in his hands. Maybe it was the Christmas spirit, or the fact that he has been pretty great the past few weeks, helping around the house and being a little romantic every time we saw each other. Things were going good besides the elephant in the compound. I didn't want to fight anymore either.

"Let's see this dress," I replied then, leading the way out the en suite. Klaus continued pass me, grabbing a dry cleaning bag of the the closet. I guess that was his outfit. And mine was—"Oh, my god!" I gasped as I looked at the dress on the bed. It was white, floor length with a slit that went high. It had beaded silver jewels for the middle with white feathers across the waist and across the chest and over my shoulder to make a sleeve. "It's gorgeous."

I heard a soft chuckle and I looked up to see Klaus about to slip out the bedroom. "Klaus?" I called out to stop him. When he did, he looked over at me, questioningly, but I didn't need anything. "I love you, Klausy-kins."

A smile slowly spread across his lips, his eyes softening in adoration, "I love you more."

I bit my lip, fighting a grin while my face flushed. Ugh. He still gave me butterflies. And that's the feeling I wanted. Not any irritation or frustration. Especially not during the holidays.

I waited, watching Klaus leave with my little doggie tucked into his chest. So cute! Once he was gone, I hurried and slipped off my simple green dress I was planning to wear, to pull on this fabulous white one. I twirled around the bedroom feeling like a princess the moment it was on. It fit perfectly. The last time Klaus bought me a dress for an occasion was our very first official date the summer we met. It was yellow and stunning as well. I needed to see this on me so I rushed back into the en suite to look at myself in the mirror. It was more beautiful than I imagined. God, I was in love with this dress.

I finished my makeup before rushing to put on the black heels I wore yesterday because I had like nothing left in this building. I should probably remedy that if Klaus and I were going to continue living separately. I mean, we've spent a couple nights together in the last month since we made up. If that's what I should even call it. It's not like I forgave him for lying for months but... he was promising to do better and so far, it's just beginning to show despite his current house guest.

I finally started to make my way downstairs. I slowed on the staircase as I looked over who was already dressed. I guess I was the last one ready. Everyone else was gathered in the courtyard. Elijah was approaching Hayley who held Hope while Jackson and Freya were accepting wine glasses from Cami, and Klaus was laughing with his other sister. The whole gang here for Christmas. All we were missing was Marcel. I invited him, of course, but he turned me down.

A wolf whistle came as I approached the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, best friend!" Hayley shouted and I blushed, waving her off. All eyes were on me. Klaus moved quickly to join me, taking my good hand. I gave his a squeeze and let him lead the way into the crowd. My eyes wandering over him in his simple dress clothes. All black. Black dress pants, black shoes, black button down and black blazer on top. Everything but a tie was missing. He looked really good, really hot.

"That's one hell of a dress," Jackson commented, catching my attention before I drooled.

"Give me a twirl, love. Let me see how the dress fits," Klaus said. I didn't have much of a choice as he tugged my arm up in the air and gave me a push in my lower back. I spun around under our arms, twirling for him and everyone else to see. My dress blew dramatically, which I actually adored. And before I knew it, Klaus had twirled me right into his chest, both his arms coming to wrap tightly around my waist so I was crushed against him. "Merry Christmas, lover," he grinned, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Merry Christmas, baby," I smiled, raising my hands to his handsome face. "And hey... I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier today. Or all day. I wasn't trying to ruin our holiday. It's my second favorite time of the year."

Klaus chuckled, "I'm sorry for leaving earlier. I wanted today to be perfect and so far, I'm failing. But I was hoping I could try to make it up to you this evening."

"You can try," I answered his unasked question.

"Well, can you tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how happy and in love with me you're feeling? I want to give you the right gift tonight."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "On a scale of 1 to 10...Hmmm, let's see. I'm in your arms, wearing this beautiful dress, and I found out you've been secretly playing secret super hero to keep me safe? I'd say I'm almost a 7, but I am really hungry so... feed me soon and I'll be a full 7 or starve me and deal with a cranky 5."

Klaus laughed loudly, "Well, I need you at an 11. I have something important to ask you."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "Like what?"

"You'll know when or if I ask," he smirked. Then he reached into his pocket. "Look, mistletoe."

I scoffed in amusement as he held the little shrub of a plant over our heads. I would have said something smart about how he changed the subject or how carrying mistletoe in his pocket didn't count for a kiss. But I wanted to kiss him. So I did. Our lips locked in a long kiss that blew me away. Oh, he hasn't kissed me like that in awhile. Maybe I haven't given him the chance.

I moaned lightly, as I reluctantly pulled away from Klaus and his seductive mouth. "Okay, I think I'm at an eight out of ten now," I said breathlessly. He chuckled softly, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. Oh, he had that romantic look on his face. I was sure this evening he would surely make up for being MIA this afternoon. "I want you to kiss me like that everyday."

"We should really make a contract for this relationship," he joked.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, smiling now. "Anything you want to add?"

"If I say sex, will you hit me?"

"We have sex," I gasped, smacking him lightly on the shoulder. "What are you saying?"

"You've been holding out."

I laughed, "you've been a jerk."

"Wouldn't I seem like less of a jerk if I put my head between your legs every night?"

"Niklaus?" Elijah called.

I blushed bright red, shoving my face in Klaus' neck. Oh, this felt familiar. I missed laughing with him, talking and flirting with my man. "You're so embarrassing," I whispered in Klaus' ear as Elijah approached.

"Answer me before I really embarrass you," Klaus mumbled quietly to me.

"Fine. The answer is yes," I hissed. "Maybe your seductions skills are rusty and that's why I haven't let you... do that thing."

"You're so sexy when you're embarrassed," Klaus grinned deviously, his hand slipping to grope my bottom. Then he pulled back from me. "Yes, brother? Can we help you?"

Elijah looked us both over, giving us a disapproving glare. "Some decorum, please," Elijah said.

"No," Klaus replied. "This is the first time in months it's felt natural to be with the love of my life. We're having fun, brother. She's flirting with me like she's finally decided I'm not scum anymore. So bugger off."

Elijah cracked a smile, "I'm happy for you both."

Then he turned and walked away. I looked at Klaus, slightly amazed. I didn't expect Elijah to go nor for my man to say that at all. But it was clear we were on the same page tonight.

"You're totally getting some tonight," I winked at Klaus, sliding my hand down his arm and taking his hand in mine to tug him away. Klaus groaned, his other hand swatting my bottom and I was too giddy to be embarrassed. This family has dealt with a lot worse from us. "Hey," I greeted, Hayley and Jackson.

"Hey," they both replied.

"Thank you for helping Freya," Klaus said to Jackson. The other man nodded, his face showing surprise. Klaus then turned his attention to Hope in her mother's arms. Hayley passed her over without either of them saying a word. "Merry Christmas, princess."

"Well, Nik, you are positively merry tonight!" Rebekah grinned as she joined us. She then clasped her brother on the shoulder, "All that therapy must be paying off."

Klaus grimaced while Hayley forced a cough. "Hey, what's that?" Jackson asked, pointing at something behind where Klaus, Rebekah, and I stood.

I looked to see burning wood in a humongous metal bowl. "A makeshift bonfire," I said.

"Yes, I improvised," Rebekah said.

"Must we do this?" Klaus groaned.

"Come on. It's tradition!" Rebekah shouted, tugging her brother and niece over to the bonfire. The rest of us following suit.

"Tradition?" Cami asked.

"We write our wishes and then burn them for luck," Klaus explained. "Strangely, I don't recall wishing for an influx of enemies, and yet year after year..."

"How odd. Forever on Santa's naughty-list," Elijah smirked teasingly.

"I know what I'm wishing for," I said, giving Klaus my most seductive look.

"Don't waste a wish," he replied. "I'm going to do that tonight, anyways."

I giggled, sliding up beside him to come between him and Rebekah. "What are you going to wish for?" I asked him. "Hopefully something good for both us, right?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true," he smirked.

I pouted, "tell me."

"No," he chuckled.

Rebekah then handed our little slips of paper and pencils to everyone. Klaus walked off with his, Hope still in his arms. "What are you going to wish for?" A voice came from beside me, I glanced up at Jackson then.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "Part of me feels like I have everything I want at the moment. And the other part of me feels like wishing for world peace would be a waste."

Jackson chuckled, "Maybe world peace is a stretch. But try inner peace. I think that could do you some good."

I smiled softly, "it would."

He smiled, clasping my shoulder for a second and then walking away back to Hayley who was discussing her wish with Freya. I sighed softly, looking around. Elijah and Rebekah both grinning as they spoke, clearly done with their wish. I glanced over at Klaus who sat at the table, Hope on his lap. Beside them was Cami who was leaning down to whisper to him.

I rolled my eyes, turning away. I didn't want to be upset or ruin today. It was the last hours of Christmas. I was ready for dinner and the nice family time for Hope. This was her first Christmas with everyone, not just on the run with Rebekah like last year. This was supposed to be a beautiful day of joy and cheer, peace and love. And as I looked around, I felt like the only one not feeling any of those things.

I looked down at the blank slip of paper in my hand, wondering what to wish for. I bit my lip, my heart heavy. I just wanted to feel good, to feel happy again. Yes, things have been better but nowhere close to how happy I was just a few months ago.

"More love," I wrote down. I wish for more love to provide more compassion, more forgiveness. To get back what Klaus and I had and then some. I just wanted my happy ever after with the man I loved. Sometimes that felt impossible. But since we're finally getting on the same page. Maybe, just maybe. Soon we'll be there.

Soon I'll let him move in. Soon I'll be done with school. And then maybe we can begin a family. He wants kids now, between me wanting to wait and our break up, that was on the back burner. But of course I still wanted children. And I wanted them with him. So please, dear lord, send that woman away. He swore she would be out today. And that would mean a Christmas miracle. I was ready to move on from this heartbreak and this mess.

I wanted my man. That's it.

"Everyone done with their wishes?" Rebekah called out.

Everyone gathered together, Klaus slipping next to me and grumbling, "she wants you." I laughed taking the one year old out of his arms.

"Aaani," she grinned.

"Hi, gorgeous," I smiled, kissing her on the nose.

"Alright, throw your wishes in the fire," Rebekah instructed. One by one we all went. Rebekah, Elijah, Cami, Jackson, Hayley and I passed mine to Hope to throw. Which she did after slobbering on it because she thought it was something she could eat.

"Wait, Klaus, you didn't throw yours in," I said as people started to walk away. Klaus smirked at me and Haley came up beside me to take Hope. I frowned in confusion as Elijah tugged a reluctant Rebekah to our side of the fire, Freya closing in as well. "What's happening?" I asked all of them, looking around suspiciously.

"You wanted to read my wish," Klaus said, stepping up close to me so we faced each other. I stared into his dark blue eyes as he grinned lovingly at me.

"You're up to something," I mumbled, taking the folded piece of paper from his hands. I then opened it up to read what he had written down: "Finally ask Danielle to marry me." My brows furrowed in confusion as I read it again. I was sure I was seeing things. What did he mean by finally? Like when—?

My left hand was gently taken into Klaus' and I looked up to question him, but the words caught in my throat as he began to lower down onto one knee. Oh. My. God. "Klaus," I whispered, tears already filling my eyes. "Klaus, stand up," I whispered, my chest tightening at the prospect.

"I know this isn't perfect timing, but I've been carrying this ring box since before we left for the Bahamas," he said with a light chuckle.

The Bahamas?! That was for my birthday. In April! Before my birthday?! No way! "Klaus, baby, what are you doing?" I asked quietly, but everyone was standing around watching us not that I could bare to look at their expressions. I was between mortified and disbelief. Not exactly the feeling you should have when the love of your life gets on one knee and starts talking about a ring box.

"What does it look like, love?" He smiled, dropping my hand to reach into his jacket pocket. I stared on, biting my lip. The longer this went on, the more real it felt. He was... he was... he was proposing. And I had no idea if I wanted him to.

"Klaus—" I tried to stop him again. But this time I was shushed by Hayley who slipped up beside me. I dared to look at her. She was grinning, kind of anxiously. I slowly looked at everyone else. Elijah and Freya, in awe of this moment as well, both with hesitant smiles. Maybe no one knew if this was the right time. Rebekah was in utter shock as if she couldn't believe her brother would ever do such a thing, otherwise I'm sure there would be a look of contempt or something to show she was appalled by the idea that I would officially be a part of her family. Jackson stared on, waiting for this to play out. And... Cami. She was a few feet away, mouth agape and a suitcase in hand. She was leaving.

"Baby girl, I've been waiting for a long time to do this," Klaus stated, pulling my attention back to him. "I was waiting for a perfect moment, but all I ever did was lose my nerve. I thought about proposing in the Bahamas. I thought about it in a dozen other scenarios, but it didn't feel right. And then I realized, it didn't matter when or how I did it. Because at the end of the day, it would be perfect just because I did and you would make me the happiest person in the world when you accepted. I know, presumptuous of me."

He paused as I laughed, happy tears starting to fill my eyes. Uncertainty still filled my mind and stomach. I was terrified of this moment. This isn't how I wanted to feel. I shouldn't feel like this. I should be sure. I should be excited, ecstatic and kissing him to stop the rambling because the answer would be yes, a million times yes.

"Danielle Rodriguez, I know I've hurt you. I understand things between us are far from perfect or ideal at the moment and that he timing doesn't seem right. I promise to spend the rest of eternity making up for all the wrong I've done, but right now I can't wait another second," he said, pausing again as he opened up the red ring box and my breath caught. "You told me within months of dating that your dream proposal would be on a white Christmas and you'd be wearing a gorgeous white dress. Your nails would have to be done and the ring would have to be from Cartier. Well, baby girl, I made sure you got your nails done this week, I got the ring, I gave you the dress and last I checked, it started snowing an hour ago. How's the timing feel now?" He asked with a teasing smirk.

I let out a shaky laugh, tears running down my face. The pit in my stomach swarming with butterflies now. In my head I still wasn't 100% sure if this was the right time. Or what answer would be a mistake. But my heart was beating loudly in my chest, in my ears, in every inch of my body where I could feel pulsating under my skin.

"It feels like fate to me. So with a pounding heart, and the first time a woman has ever made me feel nervous, I'm asking you, the woman I love, will you marry me?" Klaus asked.

I stared into his eyes as he took my hand in his again. I waited a moment, looking around again. I think everyone thought there was a 50/50 chance on my answer. Including myself a couple minutes ago. But as I looked into Hope's identical eyes, I knew what I wanted. This future with him. Nothing in our relationship has ever been perfect. But it was ours and he made me feel things I was sure I would never feel with anyone else.

I nodded slowly, "Yes," I whispered.

"Yes?" Klaus rasped out, shocked and like he was holding his breath.

"A million times yes," I said louder, more sure. Klaus let out a sigh of relief and with shaky hands took my ring out of the box. I suddenly felt nervous too. I knew this was the right answer. Perfect timing or not, I knew I wanted to marry him one day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but when we were over this rough patch, I was sure to be Mrs. Klaus Mikaelson. And suddenly, I couldn't think of anything I could want more.

The diamond ring was slipped onto my finger and clapping and cheers surrounded us. As did a string quartet. I laughed softly as the violins filled my ears instead of the sounds of my blood rushing. I pulled Klaus to his feet, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply with everything I had in me. I know it took him a lot of courage to ask. And I knew that this didn't change much of predicament of our current relationship. But we were engaged and I was in love, and for this moment I was going to be the happiest woman in the entire universe.

"Let's eat!" Elijah suggested.

With taps and half hugs to us, everyone cleared out, leaving the two of us alone as they went to the dining room. I couldn't take my eyes off Klaus. And the smiles didn't leave either of our faces as the quartet continued to play a John Mayer song I loved. "Are you sure you want to marry me?" Klaus questioned, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close again.

"I've been sure since the first time I said 'I love you'. The only thing I'm sure of is that I want to be with you, forever. I want to be your wife one day."

"One day soon?" He smirked.

"Don't push your luck," I retorted, pecking his lips.

"I love you, Danielle. With all my heart."

"I know," I whispered.


"But we still have issues to work out."

"I know," he said this time. "And I'm working on it. I am. I hope this proves to you how serious I am about you, about a life together. I always wanted it to lead us here. I always planned to marry you. I meant it since the very first time we talked about it. I knew you were it for me. The second you agreed to stay in New Orleans, I knew you were the one. Because you'd do anything for me. And every day that goes by, I learn that I can't live without you. I tried. I was miserable before you, I was miserable all the times we broke up. You are the only thing in this world that makes me happy."

"And Hope."

"And Hope," he chuckled. "But mainly you. I don't want to know what type of dad I would be if I didn't have you standing right by my side."

"You mean that?" I asked.

Klaus pressed his forehead to mine, "I do. And I don't ever want you to question me or my feelings or my intentions with you. I will never, ever lie to you again. I won't keep any more secrets. I will annoy you to death with every thought, feeling, and devious plan I have from now till the end of time."

"Sounds annoying," I giggled.

He cupped my chin in one hand, "I'm serious, love."

"Good," I said. "I want open communication."

"Want to know what I'm thinking right now?" He smirked at me.

I raised a brow, "I think I have an idea."

"I want to make love to my fiancée."

I giggled, "okay, I love the sound of that. Fiancée. I'm a fiancée. Sound so cute and fancy. I should start drinking tea and holding my pinky up when I drink it."

"You don't like tea," he snorted. "I have it everyday. You never even try it."

"I prefer iced coffee."

He rolled his eyes, "Jury still out on if I'm getting laid?"

"You're so romantic," I scoffed.

He grinned, his hands slipping down to my ass, "we can do it outside in the snow."

I gasped, "what? We'll freeze."

"Maybe you will," he quipped. "Cold blooded."

"This dress would look perfect in the snow."

"Then let's go."

"Uh, for pictures!" I said. "We just got engaged."

"Come on then."

"What about dinner?"

"It'll be there after I take pictures of my beautiful fiancée."

"And my ring," I added, glancing at my hand and the huge, beautiful rock. "I love it by the way."

"I love you," Klaus said, tugging my face to his for a long kiss. One that made my toes curl. The type of kiss that made it feel like we were the only two people in the world. A kiss that told me I made the right choice. Yes. I'd marry him. Today, tomorrow, this week, next year, a century from now, or in another lifetime. But my answer would always be yes. Because the matter of fact is, I can't live without him either.

~Picture: Danielle on Christmas Day 🎄

SO?! I'm yelling!!!! Give me your thoughts. Christmas Day isn't over but OMG, our favorite crazy couple is engaged!! Can you believe it? Do you think Danielle made the right choice? Did anyone expect THAT from Klaus?

On the non-controversial side it looks like Cami left/leaving. FINALLY. Hope this means good things for Klaus and Dani... but we'll see... Next chapter has the rest of the Christmas drama.

I couldn't wait to give you this chapter... It took me awhile to decide to go through with it or not but I got set on a Christmas proposal. I mean we know how this season ends... and an engagement was a part of my secret plans for how I want this book to end (way before I made Cami an issue and then made Dani and Klaus break up) 🤐🙈 I know how I want all my books to end for this series but when I first start I get carried away and my imagination pulls in things I randomly get inspired to include. Like the pregnancy in book 1 — not part of the plan so there was the abortion cause it felt like season 3/pure evil Klaus right? Hell, most of book 1 was just go with the flow. Then book 2, I needed conflict to keep things interesting and then the jealousy with Cami stirred. Now here we are in the midst of all that with more relationship dynamics to come as well as the originals drama. So stay tuned!

If you liked this chapter leave some white emojis for Dani's extravagant dress 🕊👰🏻‍♀️🧾

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