A Free Prisoner

By Lynx_48

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A story of forbidden love between a student and a teacher *just had an idea about teacher naruto disciplining... More

Reading Break


298 8 8
By Lynx_48

Most things went on as usual, but what Naruto noticed was that in The past week Sasuke had gotten obsessed with video calls,

They still spent every day together, or at least tried to.. or at least Naruto did.

At first Naruto felt a little hurt, maybe even jealous,
Was this how Sasuke felt when I ignored him..

But after a few days he noticed that he was able to do his work in a quietness that he hadn't experience in a while.

Its not that he was grateful that Sasuke was out doing other things and he got some peace and quiet almost every day,
He missed his lover, dearly, but he liked doing his work in silence. Even though over time it would become incredibly boring.

Sasuke seemed to be spending more time doing something else, hanging out with his friends, walking outside more often, but every day, even a few times Naruto would get an unexpected video call.

It would almost always end up in them doing their own thing, just being on cameras, in front of each other.

Usually it would be that Naruto would continue with his work and Sasuke would watch him intently from the other side of the screen

It really wasn't anything important or serious, Sasuke simply enjoyed watching Naruto work
Or at least that's what Naruto believed this was all about

At first the man tried to address this new habit, saying that it wasn't good, and Sasuke should stop being stubborn and just come home, to him.

But all his words went trough deaf ears

So when Naruto received another phone call today he was not surprised.

The man was finishing up a report and didn't pay attention to the raven haired boy.

The phone was put in its regular place where it would be tilted in such a degree that Sasuke would be able to see Naruto perfectly.

After a few sweet but the same sentences of 'how are you doing' and 'what are you doing' Sasuke gave a small pout for not receiving an answer and went into comfortable silence watching the man

Naruto wasn't paying attention to the time, it must've been only a few minutes but he was already almost done with the work

Just a quick read to make sure he made no mistakes, and then

He heard a weird wet, sucking like noise and Sasuke's giggle that was followed by a panty moan.

For a second he believed that the boy was watching porn and he misheard something,
His eyes had shot up so quickly and started into the screen,

No.. it wasn't his imagination, and worse, it wasn't fake porn,

He could clearly see Sasuke;
Sat in someones lap, his hands around the other's neck, while two bigger arms wrapped around his waist

The others face wasn't quite visible, but by the white hair he recognized Suigetsu Hoozuki

The guy was practically completely taking over Sasuke,
The two were patiently making out, as if Naruto didn't exist at all

Though he still couldn't entirely process what was happening a part of him was starting to burn out of anger,
To see what belonged to him be taken by someone else, it was infuriating

Naruto hadn't even realized when that angry heat was slowly pooling in his lower abdomen, the usual flutter was more noticeable, as if angry too, and he soon felt his pants growing tight

The two adolescents drifted apart for a few seconds to catch their breath, only to be back at it again.

Sasukes moans slowly grew louder as the others mouth fell lower, to his neck, leaving wet, redish spot.

Naruto couldn't explain what this feeling was, but to see Sasuke be taken by another.. be pleasured by him

It made Naruto grow big with want,
He knew that he couldn't do anything about it, as if he wasn't even there, as if invisible, completely ignored.
Powerless to do anything

He could only watch in awe as another had the privilege to take his raven apart, feel him, use him

More quite words were spoken, or rather they were saying something, but do to their mouths not being free, Naruto couldn't exactly hear everything, but from what he heard..

"...gonna fuck you.."
"...So Hard..."
"...Missed this..."
"...Then show me..."

It was surreal how angry and yet horny Naruto was at the same time,

He hated what was about to happen but couldn't bring himself to speak up and say something

Was this Sasukes way of punishing Naruto?

That sly fox..
Naruto thought.
While the boy always received physical punishments, it looked as if he himself enjoyed mentally torturing people.

And he proved that many times.

Whenever he had the chance.. he always loved to play mind games, talk in riddles,

in other words,

he always had clever ways to torture people

Naruto just never expected that this would be his 'punishment' most likely for ignoring the boy that past few weeks.

Seeing Sasuke get down on his knees in between Suigetsu's legs made the warm flutter in his abdomen grow even hotter, Naruto didn't even notice that when his pants started becoming uncomfortable tight his hand naturally, almost on instinct went down there.

He loved it so much and yet hated it like nothing before.

And suddenly Suigetsus gaze traveled to the screen,
His clouded lavender eyes stared at Naruto
As if saying 'gotcha'

Naruto wasn't pleased with the look as it seemed as if the boy was laughing at him, rubbing it in his face how, now he was the one getting special treatment

As if he knew everything

Naruto was sure that for a second there he could see a smirk on the teens face but before anything could happen The white haired boy's hand went over to the phone and ended the call

Naruto was left with his reflection staring back at him

Confused, not really understanding what had just happened, not realizing what was about to happen

His own eyes looked so blank and hazy

It took a few second but Naruto felt as if he just gained consciousness, regained control over his body and was taking in what just happened

It felt as if he was under a hypnosis, or rather, some sort of drug
He didn't even realize how he was acting
His mind still a little cloudy, he felt like he was bitten by some snake and put completely under its control

For a moment Naruto shivered

Naruto couldn't contain himself, as if some wild beast had awoken in him during the time he watched Sasuke be with another man

The tightness in his pants was almost painful now,

But he forced himself to concentrate and not do anything about it,
It was almost like he felt guilty about it,
Jacking off to such a thing

The blond couldn't gather his thoughts
He didn't

The man slowly sat down on the couch, hands clasped together

And he sat there not really thinking about anything but being completely lost in his mind.

Naruto didn't notice how the time went by and soon Sasuke was back in the apartment

Next to Naruto

The man didn't even think,
The moment he saw his raven he immediately went to him,

Hugging the younger tightly as if he were to let go the boy would dissapear

They both sat on the couch, holding each other close,

Naruto's face almost hidden between the boys neck and shoulders,

Rough, Heavy with desire panting tickled Sasuke's ear

The boy didn't complain when Narutos strong arms squeezed him even closer, if anything he looked as if he was enjoying the warmth and was incredibly pleased by the way how his actions affected Naruto.

While Naruto on the other hand was overflowing with emotion he didn't even notice how Sasuke's eyes shined with such clear feelings, Naruto had never seen it like that

"Why would you ever do something like that to me? Hm?"

Narutos voice left tickling vibrations on the side of Sasuke neck

And a soft, mischevious smile was plastered on the boy's face

Sasuke wished to say

'Why the reaction? We're not even dating.'

But decided against it as he thought that this was enough torture for Naruto for one day.

It was a first that he saw the man so clingy and Sasuke was enjoying it, but he wasn't planning on pulling a trick like that ever again.

In the mean time, his soft hands gently held the sides of Narutos face, pulling them a part for a bit

The boy looked at Naruto with such love and admiration,
It was the first time when Naruto saw the raven looking at him like that

"Don't worry" The younger said "all of this belongs to you, and you only"

And soft lips met with Naruto's,
The kiss wasn't what either of them were used to,
It was soft, slow and calm

Trying to enjoy every moment of it, as if it were their last

It was full of emotion and Naruto could feel it
The love that Sasuke barely ever expressed, it felt as if it was being transfer from one pair of lips to another

When Sasuke finally pulled away he was silently gasping for air,
He looked so vulnerable and beautiful in Narutos eyes.

The blond wanted to continue their little session but it seemed like Sasuke had other plans in mind.

"With us graduating soon you've been buried in work.. I knew how busy you were and I still felt hurt for the lack of attention. I guess it was cruel of me to do that.."

"So you're apologising?"

Naruto concluded, knowing that he would never hear the words 'I'm sorry' from Sasuke

The boy nodded

"And I know a great way to make it up to you"

Naruto sighed inwardly

"You could make it up to me by not pulling away from the kiss again"

But Sasukes eyes shined in a tint that made it clear that he was not backing down

This time Naruto let out a tired sigh,

"Sure, what are you planning, hm?"

Sasuke let a little smile slip and Naruto was already beginning to regret this.

Naruto was told to strip naked and lay down on his bed

"So what, now you're being dominant?"

"Be quite and do as you're told."

Sasuke closed the blinds, making the room go into gentle darkness

Naruto snickered at the boy's command, while taking off his clothes the man noticed that a few Candles were already burning.

In a few moments Naruto was laying in bed,

His face hidden in his pillow
And his back muscles and delts flexing as he hid his hands under the pillow trying to find a comfortable way to lay like that, on his stomach.

Soon a sweet smell filled his senses.

It took a few seconds but he recognised the smell of vanilla and a lighter being used as a few more Candles were lit.

"Candles, huh. When did you become such a Mr romantic?"

Sasuke ignored his comment and a moment later the boy was sitting on top of Naruto and he could feel that the younger was completely nude too

"You've been working so Hard for us.. let this be your little award.."

Naruto suddenly felt a luke warm liquid being poured from his trapezius to the middle of his back
It took a second for Naruto to realise that it was some sort of oil

Then Sasuke's gentle hands wandered all over Narutos back, spreading the oil
Making his touches feel much softer.

Naruto moans as the hands rub his back, squeezing and pressing the muscles.

It feels good, such a romantic and even sensual moment.

"Enjoying yourself?" Sasuke asks and receives a relaxed hum as an answer.

Naruto didn't realise how much time had passed, it could've been just a few minutes but he was completely relaxed and very happy of the outcome of today.

After sitting at his desk for many hours every day he could feel the tension leaving his body.

This was pure bliss.

When he felt warm breath on his neck and Sasuke nudging him he turned his head to the side letting the boy kiss him it was slow, hot and sensual
When Sasuke pulled away Nauto could see how his lips were coated in saliva and his eyes glistening

"Turn around."

Normally Naruto would've said something about the 'command' but Sasuke's voice was so sweet and he felt so nice at the moment that he did as he was told

 When he layed down on his back Sasuke resumed the kiss and then Naruto felt his warm slick hands, coated in oil, stroking his dick in to hardness

Naruto chuckled as he realised what was going to happen now

Since Narutos dick was covered in the oil it worked perfectly as lube so when Sasuke guided it to his rim and slowly pushed in the head it went in smoothly and quickly,

Naruto didn't waste any time waiting for the Uchiha to lower himself as he grabbed Sasuke by the hips and slammed him down, thrusting deep in him

And the younger let out one of the prettiest moans he'd ever heard

Moving up and the lowering himself down again Sasuke quickly found a comfortable rhythm but Naruto didn't let him move on his own want as the man quickened the pase holding Sasuke by his hips up and down and thrusting

Sasuke was usully quiet or at least tried to be but seems like in this new positioned Naruto went in deeper then usual and Sasuke let himself moan freely 

Almost every thrust Naruto managed to hit Sasukes prostate and with every electric feeling going through his body he could feel his orgasm coming close

With the way Narutos breathing was becoming deeper Sasuke understood that he was also close to his relief

It only took a few more thrusts when Naruto said that he's about to finish, Sasuke agreed informing about his own close relies

With one final thrust Naruto buried deep inside of Sasuke and the younger could feel hot cum pooling in his abdomen
Just about that time Sasuke came, it sticking to his upper abdomen and Naruto could feel his hole tightening around his dick

It almost made him go hard again but Naruto pulled out thinking that for now, coming together once was enough.

He let the boy collapse on top of him and they both layed there trying to catch their breath, Naruto held Sasuke close, cuddling as they came down from their high

Being hot and sticky Naruto only let it continue for a few more minutes until he urged Sasuke to go take a shower with him

Feeling warm, clean and relaxed they sat on their couch, Naruto was watching some cooking show that Sasuke didn't really pay attention to

"Hey, Naruto.."
Sasuke mummbled


"I'll be going out with my friends today. I'm not sure when I'll come back. Don't wait."

"Telling me in advance so that you wouldn't get punished again"

Naruto chuckled lightly

It made Sasuke pout remembering the pain when he angered Naruto last time

"Where will you be going?"

When Sasuke took a second to answer Naruto grew suspicious,
What were they doing that Sasuke didn't immediately feel comfortable telling him about?

"Oh.. I'm not sure. Just out.. probably will go on a walk."

"A walk and you have to tell me not to wait up? What are you actually doing. And you better not be doing anything illegal. Remember, you're still way to young to drink and don't even get me started on smoking,"

"My birthdays in two months so i'll be considered an adult quite soon."
Sasuke cut him off
"And we're not gonna be doing anything bad. Do you really not trust me that much?"

Naruto sighed looking down at the raven haired boy in his lap

"Of course I trust you, I'm just worried."

After a moment of thinking Naruto gave a defeated sigh and kissed the top of Sasukes head

"Okay. Have fun."

The gentle tone of Naruto made Sasuke give a barely visible smile.


The team sat in silence all lost in their own worlds,

Suigetsu and juugo sat in front of karin and sasuke

They never really talked on the bus, it was loud and too many people

Over time more and more people exited the vehicle and soon it was just their team and some old lady who none of them paid attention to.

From what sasuke could see Karin was going from Google maps to looking up things on the internet,
She must be trying to find stuff out about Orochimaru that would be useful to them,

Sasuke turned his music up louder and focused out the window again when Karin nudged him

Looking over he saw she managed to find and write down a few thing about the place they were going to

There wasn't much information about it, but anything was useful.
It used to be a hotel it was quite popular at one point, but being practically in the middle of nowhere the luck didn't last long and it closed down in 1923
After that there really wasn't anything known about the place

The girl even managed to find an inside map

It could make things a bit less difficult

It was so secluded that there were no pictures that showed how it looked like now But the inside must've stayed the same

And Sasuke was pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to find a huge building in the middle of nowhere

He took out his phone

Which stop are we getting off?
Remind me

He texted in their group chat, he was addressing suigetsu but didn't have to say anything about it,
The albino was the one who found how to get there and didn't have to be addressed personally to respond

Shark boy
We're getting off at the very last stop on this route
Then we'll get in no.3
And go to the very last stop
We'll walk the rest of the way
No buses go further than that.

Sasuke could see 'DJ anxiety' and 'lava girl' went online

He didn't respond and focused on the window again.

They had to walk for quite a bit down the old town road when they turned to the right

The road there looked like it hasn't been used for a few years, or at least the surrounding outside of the road

Sasuke noticed that the dry grass that was growing on the middle of the road looked to be trampled on not to long ago

He didn't Inform his teammates about it as it was most likely nothing serious but it made him go on edge

When they came up to the building They took in its appearance

Old walls that had a few holes in them from where the cement broke off

When they made up their way on the porch a few boards made noises that made it sound like they were rotting from moisture

They looked at the building for a few seconds when Karin went to open the door and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't locked and they made their way in

The moment Sasuke stepped in he was hit with the old dust smell,

Not one that old library's had, but rather an old abandoned, forgotten by everyone, old smell,

Immediately, familiar old walls made a bunch of memories come back to him


Sasuke had forgotten what it was like to sleep in a warm and safe place. This was his reality now.

Wandering the streets looking for food and shelter during the day and trying not to freeze at night.

Its been almost a month since he left the police station but he remembered like it was yesterday

It must've been a few hours since he got the news that his brother was no longer here to take  care of him. He sat on one of the chairs in the hallway for what felt like forever, no one came to pick him up, no one asked or said anything to him.

After some time Sasuke wasn't sure what happened but he felt like he couldn't stay in this building any longer.

As he passed the police officers in the halls and at the exit, no one stopped him, no one asked what he was doing

As if he were invisible. Abandoned by the world, not needed by anyone.

As he passed the people on the street they acted as if he was some stray animal, completely ignoring him, at time even looking irritated when he came too close to them.

At this point Sasuke grew familiar with the streets and the best places to find some food.
But He didn't yet know why some kids never entered some places in city. He knew that there were more older kids at that part of town but he never realized, when he passed them, that the way they had their legs up on some kids or the way they held them, not letting wander off too far was a sign of ownership.

He never understood it, but there was never a reason for him to do so. He was wary of the scary looking teenagers and kept to himself.

While scavenging for food he would always see a few familiar faces between the other vagrants.

He could never call them his friends, some showed him a few good dumpsters behind restaurants but that was it. Here everyone was for themselves.

He knew that a few other kids had other ways of survival, ways that he didn't yet understand.

Some kids had learned to beg, though it was quite rare to see it as simply most of their human self respect wouldn't let them do it.

Some had fallen as 'pets' or rather workers for the teenagers at the other part of town..

And the third way most would earn money was by selling their bodies.

Sometimes Sasuke would overhear them saying how someone took it up the ass or someone sucked some old man off and got 50 bucks out of it

He never understood what it actually meant and when a young man came up to him asking about his parents and why he was alone, Sasuke didn't think much of it. He was sitting on the edge of the park fountain fishing for coins when he spotted a white haired man coming his way
He was about to make a run for it but stopped when the man said that he wasn't gonna scold him for doing so and wasn't gonna take his 'hard earned money' he even gave Sasuke a coin and that was enough for Sasuke to let the man come close and sit next to him as he continued his 'work'

Sasuke soon almost forgot the man was here as all his attention was how the cold water stung his hands but he couldn't stop now.
he cleaned out the fountain floor completely, or at least the side that he was on and as he fished out the last little coin a silky voice caught his attention

"What's your name?" The man next to him asked with a smile

Sasuke finally took a good look at the man, round glasses, white hair in a pony tail.. he didn't seem threatening and Sasukes guard slowly lowered

"Sasuke.." He said quietly, barely above a whisper

"Sasuke.." He repeated as if trying out how it sound. "Such a beautiful name."

The boys hearth fluttered at that, it was so long since anyone had told him anything nice

"My name is Kabuto, it's quite cold today.. wouldn't your parents be worried if you're out for so long?"

"My parents aren't with me anymore.." Sasuke mummbled, at the mention of his parents he felt sadness taking over but he forced himself not to show it.. He has to be strong now.

"Oh.. My parents aren't with me anymore either." The other man said sadness coating his voice

The strange coincidence made Sasukes small mind suddenly trust the man even more. They shared something similar.. he could understand how Sasuke felt.

"Really?.." It felt like the only thing Sasuke could say as he stepped closer to the man

Kabuto only nodded his head sadly but suddenly smiled fondly again

"So i can help you."He said "im sure you're quite hungry. Would you like to come with me home? I'd make you some tea and i'll make you something really delicious to eat. And i have a nice warm bed.."

Sasuke eyes widened in excitement as the man continued to speak

All the  rants on how not to trust strangers were completely forgotten in the past month and Sasuke felt as if he finally had someone familiar again.. someone he could relate to. Someone who would take care of him

"Lets go?" He asked in a kind smile as he stood up "My car is just over there" He pointed behind the parks gate

The boy quickly got up and started following the man feeling happy, finally, after a really long time

But the happiness soon turned into confusion as The man drove trough the city and then into the outskirts until they were driving through a large empty field

Sasuke had asked answers about the mans house, why were they driving trough here;

None of his questions were answered, he wasn't even spared a glance and he could feel tears starting to stings his eyes

It soon turned into fear as Sasukes instincts kicked in and he no longer wanted to be in the same vehicle as the man

Not much later the car came to a stop and Sasuke could see a large building out the window.

"Y-you live here?" Sasuke asked, hoping that the man would answer with the same kind smile as earlier

But instead of an answer he was grabbed by the hand and let out of the car and into the building. It was much bigger up close and when they entered Sasuke was hit with a strange unrecognizable smell as if  a few expensive colognes were mixed together

He noticed many big men the reminded him of the guards at the supermarkets, it made him go on edge

And soon he was faced with a pale man with long black hair that remined him of his mother

But the way the man smiled at him.. it felt wrong not kind and warm like his mothers smile.

And his eyes.. those terrifying amber eyes they kept him paralyzed in place

He couldn't even listen to what the two were talking about.

Soon his clothes were gone and the man was touching him all over his body,
He felt so scared at the moment and he wished to be back home in his safe and warm bedroom where it wasn't cold and he wasn't hungry.

"You've done well today, Kabuto"The man said as he held Sasuke close, surprisingly it wasn't as horrible as when he was being touched and looked over,

The man was warm and smelled nice..

But something that didn't let him relax was the strange feeling of something hard touching him

A few moments later the man had carried him out of the room which Sasuke would later recognize as Orochimarus office.


"C'mon, let's go"

Karin urged them as they walked down the halls of the second floor

Sasuke could feel that all of them were tense

Walking down the creepy building each one of them remembering their own stories

"I remember wishing for every one of those guards to die.." Karin whispered
"But now looking at this abandoned place, it really feels like they're dead.. it's fucking creepy. Its like there's ghost here.."

"Yeah.." Suigetsu huffed
He was strangely quiet but Sasuke didn't blame him for acting weird

Then a sudden loud bang down the hall made all of them freeze.

"Shit. Don't tell me that there's actually a ghost here."

Suigetsu whispered

Sasuke could hear his hearthbeat in his ears

His breathing quickened and he almost felt faint but managed to keep it together

All of his friends friends looked at him with frighten confused faces when he started walking forwards towards the sound,

He wasn't sure what was going on and he was about to find out.

Hell, he'll fight a ghost if he'll have to

His friends exchanged a few looks before going after Sasuke

No matter how terrified or uncertain they were they would not let Sasuke go alone

The raven haired boy stood in front of Orochimaru's old office door his breaths came out deep and uneven

He took in one last deep breath ad pushed open the door

It felt like time froze

Sasuke stared in front of him and it felt like he actually traveled to the past this time

Two figures stood in the old man's office but Sasuke focused only on one

The long haired man had his back turned but Sasuke felt the mood shift in the air

The pale man looked back with a smile on his face

"My, my.. isn't this interesting.."
He spoke in a soft slow tone that made Sasuke feel sick
"I was thinking of getting you back.. but to think that you would come to me all by yourself.."

His predatory eyes scanned the teenagers and came back to Sasuke

A grin on his face

"Well, aren't you gonna give your old master a hug?"

He chuckled
And it made a shiver run down Sasukes spine

"Kabuto.." Orochimaru referred to the other figure in the room who looked just as shocked as the teenagers did

"Leave. I want to talk to my pet. Alone"

His tone, as always, was commanding and left no room for disobedience

That seemed to bring Sasuke out of his trance.

"You too, guys."
He could feel his friends confused gazes on him but didn't acknowledge it
"Wait for me outside."

He could hear them gulping and slowly walking back, away from Sasuke,
Kabuto followed soon after and closed the door behind him,
Or rather, the door swung closed and another loud bang echoed

It made Sasukes flight or fight instinct kick in even more

Orochimaru's unreadable eyes scanned him up and down

He didn't change at all..

"It's good to see you, dear."


Suigetsu sat on the porch.

Karin and Juugo were on his left.

They couldn't see much as it was already a late night

The stars were beautiful here but he couldn't bring himself to focus as he looked at the figure on his right

Kabuto was close enough for Suigetsu to keep an eye on him.

He huffed out another puff of smoke as he looked at the man with murderous intent.

Suigetsu had lost count how many cig's he already finished but he couldn't bring himself to care about that

The pocket knife felt heavy and he was way too focused on its presence

If he would take it now..

It wouldn't even take two minutes..

He could be over with this right here right now..

Sasuke still did not come out and it was beginning to be way too much for Suigetsu to handle

But Kabuto was still here too..

Which meant everything should be fine..

Orochimaru was still in the office

Or at least that's what Suigetsu thought

And Sasuke is fine too.

Suigetsu tried to convince himself

The worried expression on Kabutos face kept Sui preoccupied

Then suddenly the front door opened and out stepped Sasuke, Orochimaru after him

The boy's face was unreadable but Suigetsu could tell he was deep in thought and at the moment, it couldn't mean anything good

"Let's go"

He said quietly walking down the steps

His team immediately followed, not wanting to be left there alone

"It's quiet late, how are you gonna get home? Wouldn't you like a ride back?"

Orochimaru said with a sickly sweet tone

"It's fine we're by bus."

Suigetsu answered quickly with a bitter expression

He absolutely dispaised the older man and did not want to stay there for any longer than necessary

After Suigetsus words Sasuke turned around and started walking down the path that that led them here in the first place.

"So.. uh. I guess we'll not longer need to look for police files.."

Suigetsu broke the uncomfortably long silence

Orochimarus black car drove past them not long ago and they once again fell into silence the only noise being their footsteps and bugs singing somewhere in the distance.

Not getting a response he looked back at Karin,

It was dark but they were close enough to see their teams silhouettes

It was silent,
Too silent for Suigetsus liking

"So.." Karin started "what now?.. what happened?"

Sasuke did not answer at first
They already began believing that they won't get an answer and were coming to terms with the silence around them

They reached the bus stop and after a moment Sasuke turned back to them

The moonlight above them made it look like his eyes were blood red

It made Suigetsu flinch and Sasukes strange, cold tone didn't make it ant better

Suigetsu only remembered something like this happening many years back..

This only happened when Sasuke was making a plan.

A wonderfully horrible plan

And Suigetsus intuition never failed him

"I have a plan.."

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