By soqwn_

12.9K 190 95

⏳ ─── i'll love you until i become dust saving the world back in the 60's then traveling back just to find ou... More



1.7K 49 53
By soqwn_

IT was only a blink of an eye when they realized they came back to the academy, "oh, good God" Luther groaned whole touching his lower back.

"wha- what day is it?" he asked, pointing over at the newspaper on the table "April second, 2019" both Five and Ashley answered.

"day after the apocalypse" Five added "wait, so we stopped it" said Allison "my God, it's over?" Ashley said rubbing her forehead.

"did we..actually succeed at something? that's incredible!" Klaus exclaimed, Ashley laughed at Klaus wrapping her arm around his waist.

it was no secret that Ashley and Klaus were super duper close, they both share the same interest, and they both were super super close with Ben. they're the trio you could never pull apart.

"i don't know about you guys, but i need a drink" Klaus hugged Ashley then Vanya, "yes!" Ashley exclaimed as Klaus hand his arm around her shoulder walking over to the liquor part of their living room.

"here!" Ashley exclaimed happily, grabbing a bottle of liquor, "oh here! ice" said Klaus and grabbed two liquor glass.

Ashley poured in for the both of them, "cheers!" they said laughing after. not noticing a figure on the other side of the room.

"why is there a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?" Diego suddenly spoke made everyone's eyes fall on him, "what?" Ashley replied leaving Klaus and walking over to Diego, "holy shit.." she muttered.

and by that the figure stood up and spoke, his old voice making everyone, or Ashley jump at the surprise "holy shit!" she exclaimed her right hand on her chest.

"dad" "dad?" she walked closer, "you're alive" Luther whispered, "why shouldn't i be?" Reginald asked. Ashley scoffed rolling her eyes and crossed her arms.

"yeah, right and I'm just happy that we're home and together again" Luther smiled "home? this isn't your home" Reginald furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you talking about?" said Allison.

"this is the umbrella academy" she added, "wrong again" "this old bitch" Ashley muttered wanting to punch the freaking life out of him.

"this is the sparrow academy" Reginald said and footsteps were heard, Ashley turned around to see four silhouettes and a floating square "yo Klaus, look at that square" Ashley pointed over at it, squinting her eyes.

"dad, who the hell are these assholes" a voice said, "who the fuck.." she shivers, her face scrunched up when she saw a familiar looking guy but only with longer hair and a scar.

"shit." was all that could fell out of their lips, "Ben" Klaus smiled "Ben.." Luther walked closer "is that really you?" he added. Ashley was over the moon happy when she saw him. "i can't believe it!" she mumbles excitedly, a vivid smile placed on her face.

which Ben will remember, always.

but Ben on the other hand, he furrowed his eyebrows, thinking who the hell are they and why are they asking me if i'm really me.

"and who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Diego shouted, their attention moved over to the weirdoes on the balcony.

"they, are the sparrows" Reniald said with slight proudness in his voice, "sparrows like the bird?" Ashley chuckled "oh God, this is what i get from traveling from the 60's to 2019. Klaus give me drugs" she opened her hand, Klaus didn't waste time and gave her the drugs. she smiled.

"my children" Reginald finished his sentence "i'm sorry?" Ashley turned to look at her 'dad' "what do you mean, your children?" Five says stepping closer "that's not possible, old man" "yea you old piece of shit!" Ashley exclaimed, the drugs getting the better of her.

"hey, stop calling my dad that" Ben grunted, pulling her arm. "oh shut up Ben. you're dead" she shooed him away, rolling her eyes. "of course it is! i think i'd know, wouldn't i?" Ashley couldn't even comprehend what their dear old father was saying.

instead she looked over to where the sparrows are now with Ben, "oh wow" she mumbles her eyes falling at Marcus, she smirked "ooh la la" she said before turning her head over at Sloane.

"oh! what a sight" she mumbles, before turning back to Reginald. "everyone else can see Ben, Right?" Klaus said while smiling and pointing at Ben, "cute hat, Sundance." Ben replied "he said cute hat! oh thanks i bought for him" Ashley smiled innocently and hi fives Klaus who was laughing.

"they call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents" "now! this old bitch is getting on my nerves" Ashley exclaimed wanting to get closer to her dad, but Klaus is stopping her from doing so.

"Ash!" he whispered holding both of her arms. "try not to make a scene" Klaus whispered in her ear. "who accosted me in the fall of 1963" "what?" "quiet ash" Diego told his sister.

"when i was away on business in Dallas. be warned, they claim to be my spawn" Reginald looked at the umbrella academy, each and every one of them "bitch, you were better dead" Ashley rolls her eyes walking closer to him, receiving glares by Ben.

"claim? look, Five, what the hell is going on?" Allison spoke up, turning to look at Five. "i don't know yet, but it's concerning." Five replied. "Five i fucking left my boyfriend in the 60's just to be back here but oh no we were probably never even born" Ashley squinted her eyes at Five.

"is he telling the truth?" Marcus spoke "not the part about us being perfidious," Vanya replied. Ashley nodded, teleporting to the liquor side of the living room and grabbed the glass she left, she grabbed the liquor and poured more in her glass.

"no, we're amateur-fidious, at best" Klaus said trying to make things better, or not "Klaus! come on shut up" Ashley slurred from the liquor section making everyone's eyes fall on her.

"but we are his children. this is our house" Ashley added, "yeah, yeah. we, uh... we grew up here." Luther added to Ashley sentence.

"yeah, we grew up here" Alphonso mocked Luther making Ashley pissed, she scoffs and raised her hand to the side grabbing an empty glass and making it hit the back of Alphonso's head.

"shit" he groans looking back at Ashley who smiled sheepishly at him and waved before drinking.

"i kind of think we would have noticed you." Sloane finally spoke looking directly at Luther "hi. I'm Luther" his appearance change, a smile plastering on his lips. Ashley sighed, "Lutherrrr," she walked over to him, swaying her hips side to side making the room her runway. "stop fucking flirting with the enemy" she slapped the older's arm.

Luther hissed looking at her, she looked back, squinting her eyes. "okay, none of you belong here" Allison says "oh! well, then. i guess we'll just pack our bags and move out." Fei says with a chuckle "yea, that's great i can help you with it" Ashley replied grinning at Fei.

Christopher then spoke "what the fuck" Ashley furrowed her eyebrows, "they're weirder than us" she chuckles at Diego, the sparrows chuckling at what Christopher said, "you slay me, Chris" Ben said.

"how do they???" Ashley furrowed her eyebrows "you guys are sooo fucking weird" she said laughing to herself, Grace, her mother then walked in, "i wasn't expecting company" she sighs "mom.." Ashley's eyes were in awe stepping closer to her. "mom" Diego said right after her.

"mom? she's a robot, you perv" Jayme fired at Diego "i will walk out of this shithole if one of them shitty birds speak again" Ashley pointed at all of them.

"hey, don't you call him that" Luther said at Jayme, meanwhile, Ashley was over there leaning on the wall with her arms crossed and yawning.

"or what?" Ben asked "come closer and find out" Ashley smirked. "Luther! guys, chill!" Vanya tried to stop them, "think i'm afraid?" Ben stepped closer. "yea" Ashley rolled her eyes.

"stand down, Ben" Marcus stopped him "no. don't stop him," Ashley walked closer now holding a lollipop on her hand "Ash, how did you?" Vanya pointed at the lollipop "stole it from someone's room" she shrugged.

"look at that! she's got a voice!" Luther said to Jayme probably, "how about i hide that big rubik's cube up your ass?" Diego looked over at Marcus. and Jayme hissed at him, black ink spitting out her mouth.

"holy shit. that's so fucking disgusting" Ashley gagged in front of them, "well right now, it's so obvious who's better" she laughs out loud.

"i don't know what circus you escaped from" Marcus spoke making everyone stop talking "or how you got past our security" he added "i could break that security in 10 seconds" Ashley scoffs blowing a piece of hair out of her face.

"but we're done here. you got 30 seconds to get out of our house." "i could kill you in 30 seconds or less" Ashley fired at him glaring at Marcus.

"and if we don't?" Allison glared at him, "then we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way" Marcus replied "look, i don't wanna fight. i'm too tired to fight, at this point i just wanna get back to the 60's with my rich boyfriend and grow old being old money rich" Ashley sighed imagining her boyfriend— Steve, that's his name. Steve he was probably the best boyfriend Ashley could have.

he's rich— old money rich, but he's humble, he also knows how to cook, and he loves kids. he loves taking care of kids, and most importantly, he said that Ashley's the best thing to ever happen to him.

but no one, and i mean no one could ever compare to Ben, her first love.

"and we just fought a literal army" Vanya added, "this doesn't need to get ugly, let's all just calm down, and let's talk." Vanya added nodding to her siblings.

meanwhile Klaus on the other hand, "psst. Ben-er-ino" Ben turned to Klaus with an annoyed face, "you look so much better alive than you do dead," he said "right ash?" he nudged his best friend. "wha-? what? oh yea! yea! i missed you" Ashley said looking straight at Ben with a lovely smile.

"except that haircut" Klaus said gesturing it, Ashley laughs agreeing with Klaus, "what the hell did you just say?" Ben gritted, "come on, come on. stop with all the hostility, Mr grumpy pants." Klaus stepped closer to him "mr grumpy pants" Ashley laughed very loud.

making Ben glare at her and back at Klaus "oh wow. nice scar" he said "can i seeee?" she peeked through Klaus' shoulder "oh yea. you look hotter" she grinned.

"muy macho" Klaus said looking at him up and down "Klaus what the hell!!" Ashley laughed at him so loudly that it was probably heard all around the house, "shut your mouth!" Ben exclaimed at him "hey! no one can tell him to shut up other than me and our Ben!" Ashley walked in front of Klaus glaring at Ben.

"and what are you gonna do about it?" Ben smirked, looking down at the female "i can kill you" she replied. "you shut your mouth and hug your bother-!" Klaus opening his arms wide and Ashley stepped aside, but it wasn't a hug he revived, it was a punch which sent Klaus flying, rolling over the coffee table.

"Klaus!" Ashley ran up to him, "you didn't have to do that!" Luther exclaimed at him "oh, i'm pretty sure i did!" Ben shouted "Ben fucking Hargreeves. you fucking bitch!" Ashley walked to him, she was fuming. Ben raised his eyebrow smirking at the female.

Ashley raised her hand to the ceiling which Ben followed, his whole body up there. "get me down you bitch!" Ben screamed "get him down!" Marcus exclaimed, Ashley moved her hand to the right which made Ben flying to the wall and slipped down to the floor. "shit. ow" he groaned, "you're a fucking asshole!" Ashley walked closer to him, but to her surprise Ben's octopus tentacles wrapped around her and moved her closer to Ben.

"now what?" Ben smirked at her, his breath hitting her face, her skin. Ashley being Ashley, she let the drugs and alcohol take the best of her and she kissed Ben on the lips.

after few seconds she pulled away smiling at him, her red lipsticks making a mark on his lips, "you're hot" she said before kicking him in the groin making the tentacles disappear.

she turned to see Luther getting kicked and flying, "Klaus! watch out!" she screamed Klaus was confused but when he saw Luther flying to him he didn't have much time to duck and flew with Luther.

"oh shit!" Klaus screamed and they both went flying to where Reginald was, "holy shit!" Ashley screamed, and now the fight begins, whilst Reginald being the pussy he is, he left them.

Marcus walked over to Luther, he pulled him up and punched him, "peace and love! peace and love!" "come at me litter box!" Diego screamed, Christopher replied but no one understood what he said "hey! listen, i have amazing hair, all right" Diego replied pointing at his hair "this was era-appropriate" ohh it was probably about Diego's hair, alright we get it now.

Five and Ben on the other hand, doing the same thing Marcus and Luther was doing, "shit!" Ashley yelled after throwing Alphonso to the ground from the ceiling "i could get used to this pain in no time" she said to herself before running to Five and Ben.

she saw Five being choked by Ben but he teleported away making Ben confused, "stupid" she chuckles, "you're alive." Five said "that's... great. or possibly horrible i'm not really sure yet." "is that some kind of weird smack talk?" Ben replied.

"ugh this is boringgg!" she said licking and sucking on her strawberry lollipop, she sighed and teleported somewhere, to a room specifically.

"now, i need money" she said looking everywhere, she stopped and thought for a second, hold up this is what Klaus was doing 20 days ago. Ashley shrugged "i don't give a shit. i need something to soothe my mind later" she said as she kept on looking. it has been minutes and she found loads of money.

"x marks the spot" she smirked putting it in her pocket, she turned back to the room before leaving thinking if it was the right thing to do, "eh, their father's a billionaire anyways," she said before closing the door, "while i could've been rich and happy with Steve but no. we needed to go back, now. is this back?" she ranted to herself leaning in the railing that overlooks the living room.

she smiled, the stick of the lollipop resting on her lips, she walked over to the other side seeing Vanya, Jayme, Allison, Sloane, Alphonso and Fei. "aw did you wanna be best friends?" Jayme said looking at Vanya who was on the ground.

Ashley on the other hand, she quietly threw a piece of anything she found and quietly threw it down where the girls we're. "Allison! Vanya! run!" she screamed and they ran leaving Sloane, Jayme, Fei and Alphonso there looking at her smirking, "it's four to one." Alphonso smirked.

she smirked back focusing on the item she threw down, "boom." she said, her lips smacking and the item literally went boom, like a grenade making the four sparrows fly to the walls, "remember. i'm always the better fighter" she smiled at them before skipping away, leaving them there groaning on the ground.

after some time of fighting and Ashley being all happy and roaming around she saw the sparrows, Ben, Alphonso and Fei in the living room, surrounding poor Luther as Marcus made him his punching bag.

she frowned seeing their number one being thrown around like that, they weren't really close but she still loves him. "bigger isn't always better." Marcus said waiting for Luther to stand up "is that what you tell your girlfriends?" Luther replied, before receiving a kick on his face, making Ashley flinch.

"thai food for dinner?" Fei spoke changing the subject "i could go for pad see ew" Ben replied walking, "i'm in. Marcus, thai?" Alphonso asked to a busy Marcus.

"why are you even asking him? he hates thai" Ben replied, "what? since when?" "fine. italian?" Fei asked, Ashley jumped down from the balcony "how are you gonna buy Fei when you have no money?" Ashley said being mockingly sad. "what?" Fei looked at her, "are you slow? i stole your money" Ashley rolled her eyes walking closer.

everyone stopped to look at her, even Marcus stopped making Luther stand up, "you asshole, how did you" Fei tried to take the money but Ashley made it disappear, "you see it! now you don't, you see it! now you don't" she made fun of Fei.

"you know, i could kill you guys if i want to" she said looking at her nails and back at the four sparrows, "bullshit!" Ben yelled "you kiss girls with that mouth?" Ashley raised her eyebrow at Ben.

Fei got pissed and decided to call her little birdies, Ashley laughed as they tried to get close to her but they couldn't, "uh oh..." she said with a shock face when she made one of the birds float, "i could kill it" "you wouldn't" "really?" Ashley tilted her head to the side and the bird snapped falling to the ground, Fei groaned out of pain.

"oops!" she covered her mouth and laughed, "i might be drunk and be in drugs but i can fight." Marcus and Luther then continued fighting and punching, when Luther went to the floor, and Marcus walking over stepping one foot to Luther's chest, "are we done here?" "nope" Luther groans. "let's end this"

Marcus repeatedly stomped on Luther's chest, making everyone's face in shock, he stopped when Luther spat out blood, "that's it. no one can ever, and i say ever touch my siblings" Ashley said and she made Marcus float, her hand twisting making Marcus twist around to face her.

she focused on him and only him, but when Alphonso tried to get to her she moved her other hand away and Alphonso went flying, so as Ben and Fei. it was useless, no one can ever get her.

no one could get in her way, she's number eight but she's one hell of a girl.

"Ashley!" Vanya screamed from the balcony, "Vanya!" Ashley turned to look at her, she noticed Sloane right behind Vanya.

"you again" Sloane said making Vanya float, Ashley turned back to Marcus making him choke and threw him to the other side of the room. "Ashley! Ashley! help!" Vanya screamed, Ashley looked at Vanya who was in literal pain.

"do it! do the pain thingy!" Vanya screamed "b-but i can't! i haven't perfected it!" Ashley screamed back "just try!" and with that she put all her focus and energy to Sloane.

"pain." she mumbles, and just like a snap. Sloane began kneeling from the pain Ashley was giving.

(if u know this ilu)

"vanya, run" she yelled still focusing on Sloane, "ah!" Sloane groaned, after few seconds, Ashley stoped and Sloane sighed in relief.

────── -ˋˏ ✉︎ ˎˊ- ──────

"i thought you killed her!" Allison screamed at Ashley while they were running away from Fei's shitty birds "well, i killed one of her birds" Ashley replied, "but isn't that the same thing?!" Luther yelled in front of them.

"it isn't dumbass!!" Allison, Ashley and Five screamed at Luther, they hid in a room and locked the door, but the birds started pecking on the wooden door, "shit!" Ashley panicked. Five teleported back to where they arrived to look for the briefcase, but to his surprise. it was gone, long gone.

"wait, Vanya!" Ashley said and teleported to the balcony seeing Vanya being surrounded by the sparrows.

her panic got over her and she didn't know what to do, "Vanya! get out of there!" she heard Five yell. Vanya tried to do her power but she was too tired and vulnerable to do so, Five noticed Ashley and went to her, "shit! what am i supposed to do?!" Ashley said obviously panicking.

"do the boom thingy!" Five replied "i can't! i can't do it!" "but you just did it earlier!" "but i can't make it bigger, fuck. holy fuck" she paced back and forth.

"you know, you can do unbelievable things if you just believe. Ash" she remembers those words, those words coming from Steve when she first told him about her and her powers.

she jumped down but to her surprise Ben got her and threw her beside Vanya, she groaned to the pain "well, well, well" Jayme smirked at her, "oh Ben, hope you liked the kiss" Ashley said to him making his siblings look at him.

"Ash, i can't do it" Vanya whispered to her, "now- shit!" she yelled when Ben's tentacles slapped her, "now it's just six against two, or maybe one" they all intimidated her, Ashley was tired.

"boom." was all that could leave her lips when she laid on the floor with her eyes closed, but after a few second a large wave from her made the sparrows flew all around the room.

"again, one is always better" she smiled and laid on the floor holding hand in hand with Vanya, "you're just like me!" Vanya said with proudness in her voice. "well, i kinda have lots of powers...?" Ashley said unsure then laughs.

"it's over, go!" they heard, they looked to the side and saw Marcus, now where the hell has he been "don't come back" he added, "it's not like we would want to anyway" Ashley shrugged and Vanya agreed.

Vanya left first while Ashley was having a really hard time trying to stand up, but when she did sat up she looked around and saw all the sparrows looking disappointed.

"ugh" Ashley groaned when she tried to stand, when she did she fixed her skirt and top. "au revoir" she blew them a kiss before helping Vanya.

not realizing she left something.

A/N: yay!! chapter one is out!!!

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