The Titan of The Paths (AOT x...

By CaigerCascade10

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Y/n is awoken after years of his isolation. He awakens to a modernised but more clueless world. Theirs three... More

Chapter 2: 104th Cadet Corps
Chapter 3: Facing the Past
Chapter 4: Graduation
Chapter 5: Battle for Trost
Part 6: Trost Reclamation
Part 7: Time before the Expedition
Part 8: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls
Part 9: Raid on Stohess
Part 10: Resurgence
Chapter 11: Experiments

Chapter 1: The Awakening

1K 30 2
By CaigerCascade10

Y/n: "How long has it been? Where am I? Oh, I remember where I am. This crystal shell is what I've called home for all these years. I must go and see the world I have been awoken to." The crystal shell that had surrounded Y/n for years finally cracked open. Y/n opened his weakened eyes and looked at the cave he was in. "This cave hasn't changed after all this time. I must leave, however, and see why I have been awoken."

Y/n walked through the darkness of the cave and looked for the beams of the outside world. However, the lights of old were far gone and were replaced with the emptiness of the present. Y/n looked over the baron wasteland and stared at the night sky.

Y/n: "This world is not the one I remember. The town that resided not too far away is long gone, or at least it seems that way. Something is off. The Paths do not seem to be balanced and have been taken out of order. The nine paths seem to only be eight now. Hmm, that's possibly the reason I awoke, or I was awoken." Y/n walked into the open fields surrounding the cave. "There should be horses nearby. This island is practically untouched from what I remember."

Y/n whistled out and saw a horse run in his direction. The horse had a full saddle on which greatly confused Y/n. He checked the pockets on the Sadler and saw spare clothes. Y/n quickly placed on the white, buttoned t-shirt and the black trousers. He also placed on some brown boots, which were attached to a separate hook, and had a knife stashed in a separate pocket on the side of the boot.

Y/n: "Huh, that's odd. This horse doesn't just have a saddle but appears to be military-grade. The spare clothes and the size of this thing are a big giveaway. Still, strikes me as odd. The military tends to love their horses. So why would one be here by itself?" Y/n climbed onto the horse's back, which he quickly set off. Y/n rode in silence while he observed his surroundings.

Time skip:


Y/n: "So this is the strange presence I felt from the paths. These walls must be 50 meters or so. Impressive. Hmm, the gate has been destroyed, however. What the hell happened?" Y/n entered Shiganshina but was quickly taken off guard by an abnormal Titan sprinting his way. "What the?! Why the hell are there pure Titans?! Ahhh, whatever! I suppose I have no choice but to Transform."

Y/n jumped off his horse and bit his hand. He transformed into the Path Titan, showing its sharp and serrated teeth, its jagged jaw, and a cold, white, scaly skin around its nape and shoulders.  The Path Titan stood at 15 metres, overlooking the small wooden structured houses. The Path Titan let out a screeching scream, which temporarily paralysed the abnormal Titan. The abnormal Titan fell in front of the Path Titan, making it easy for its nape to the crushed by a stomp.

Y/n: "Filthy...still, how the hell are there Pure Titans about? This makes little sense to me." Y/n moved his Path Titan through the long stretch of road in the middle of the Shiganshina district. Y/n, reluctantly, killed any Pure Titan that crossed his path. Y/n reached the gate that led into Wall Maria and observed the gate. "This looks more like it was crashed into than smashed through like the front gate. Hmmm, there are 6 paths beyond these walls but only 5 people. If I had to take a guess, I'd say the outermost gate was destroyed by the Colossal Titan. The explosive-like shape of its destruction is the biggest giveaway. However, the inner gate is more Titan-shaped. Like someone ran through it. I guess that it must be the Armoured Titan that caused this. Well, it's no point staying here for much longer. There has to be more beyond these walls. How long is that journey, however? I guess I'll have to find out."

Y/n walked through the gate and set Path Titan running to Wall Rose. As he ran closer and closer to Wall Rose, he saw more and more blood scattered on the ground.

Y/n: "What in the hell happened here? Why's there so much blood and bodies?" Y/n stopped the Path Titan and exited the nape. He lowered himself down to the ground and assessed a man with half his body missing. "He got bit in half. Most likely by a Titan. All these people were sent out here to fight? Most likely they were sent out here to die. *sigh* I must move on, however. I wish you all sleep in peace. I'm sure the Paths will make for a happy afterlife."

Y/n reentered his Path Titan through the nape and continued his march to Wall Rose.

Time skip:

Y/n reached the gate at Trost but decided it would be better to enter into a less populated area. Y/n moved the Path Titan to a quiet bit of wall Rose close to the Trost district. Y/n climbed the Titan onto the top of the wall overlooking Trost.

Y/n: "It looks like everyone is based in the centre. However, I doubt I'll go unnoticed going down the wall. To avoid suspicion, I'll sneak through the gate. If I scale down the wall at a place which has nobody around, then I won't have to get my hands dirty to keep this secret." Y/n scaled the Path Titan down the wall and to the ground. He left the nape of the Titan, making it disappear. Y/n stayed by the wall until he reached the gate. "Good, it looks like they've left the gates open. Most likely to let transport of food and resources in."

Y/n saw a group of Garrison soldiers marking in the transportation into Trost. Y/n approached the soldier who gave him a curious look.

Garrison Soldier: "Can we help you?"

Y/n: "Yeah, can I ask, what is going on?"

Garrison Soldier: "Huh, I'm surprised you haven't heard. The gate in Shiganshina was kicked down by the Colossal Titan. Unlucky for us, the Armoured Titan then decided to break the inner gate to Wall Maria." The man gritted his teeth and clenched his hand, but calmed himself down to his previous mood.

Hannes: "Names Hannes, and if you can't tell by my badge, I'm a member of the Garrison regiment."

Y/n: "Names Y/n L/n."

Hannes: "Nice to meet you Y/n. I've gotta say, where are you from? You have a very odd accent."

Y/n: "Oh I do? I suppose I never realised. Well, I'm from a town nearby. To be exact, I've kinda been all over the place. I suppose I don't have a home."

Hannes: "Sounds like a lot of people nowadays." Y/n looked down at Hannes's waist and saw the ODM gear he had on.

Y/n: "What is that on your waist?"

Hannes: "Oh, this. It's ODM gear. It's an anti-Titan weapon. I thought everyone would know that by now."

Y/n: "Haha yeah I suppose. May I ask, what year is it?" Hannes gave Y/n an odd stare but decided to ignore the oddness of the question.

Hannes: "The year is 845." Y/n's face went pale and his eyes seemed to blacken. He stared at Hannes lifeless. Not a single blink came from his eyes. Hannes waved his hand in front of Y/n's face, bringing him back to reality.

Hannes: "You alright there?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I suppose. I'm just surprised it's been so long. Well, whatever, that doesn't matter right now. I guess I should be on my way." Y/n walked past Hannes and began to walk through the gate. Hannes watched as Y/n walked through into Trost.

Hannes thoughts: "What an odd guy." Y/n walked into Trost with little emotion. He began to think about what Hannes had told him. Y/n looked up to the sky and realised it was night.

Y/n: "It's night already. I suppose it makes it easier for the people with the Paths. I don't know a lot about this world but I may as well do something. I think the military is the best option for me. It's the most logical as I have no real influence myself." Y/n looked around and went into the largest area of people. There were lines of people waiting for their food to be given to them. "I suppose I should get something to eat. It's been a pretty long time since I've eaten."

Y/n walked up to one of the lines and waited for his ration.

Time skip:

Y/n: "This food isn't the best but it's better than nothing." Y/n sat down in a warehouse and ate his food. He looked around at the many displaced families with curiosity. "It's been so long but yet I feel like I haven't moved in time. Everyone here is wearing the same clothes and equipment. The only noticeable difference is the Military. They don't look standardised as they used to. They also have this so-called 'ODM' gear now. I suppose I have to find out more about the world I'm in."

Y/n finished his food and placed it down on the plate. He closed his eyes and attempted to enter the Paths.

Y/n: "Let's see if I can still enter the Paths, even with the changes it's gone through recently." Y/n entered the depths of his mind as time slowed around him. Y/n tapped into his Path Titans abilities, which sent his subconscious to the Paths. " appears I still have the hang of my abilities."

Y/n looked around and saw the long open plains of clay used to make the Titans. Y/n walked up to the Source in the centre of the dimensional plain.

Y/n: "This place has stayed the same, but has also changed drastically. I don't get this place. I suppose no one truly can. I'm sure even Lady Ymir struggles to know what this place is." Y/n reached out his arm to touch the Source but stopped as he heard footsteps from behind him. "I wonder when you were going to show up. Lady Ymir. Tell me, why was I awoken?"

Lady Ymir didn't say anything and just stared blankly. Y/n turned and looked at her with a saddened expression.

Y/n: "Fine, you don't have to tell me that but please tell me this. How am I still alive? I should be dead but I'm not. Does the curse of Ymir not affect me?"

Lady Ymir: "That's something you should know Y/n. Your father did create the 'Thing' you weald."

Y/n: "It's not a 'Thing' Lady Ymir. It's a Titan, just like the rest. I had to turn into a Titan to gain this power did I not?"

Lady Ymir: "Yes but my Titan was just a tool to transfer the power. This Titan wasn't created by one of my children. Your Farther created this 'Thing' by mixing the other 9 into one. It's an abomination that shouldn't exist."

Y/n: "But yet it does. I'm surprised that you're speaking. I thought you'd only show your voice to someone of royal blood."

Lady Ymir: "Normally, yes. But that's only because they are the only ones that come into here. You also don't show up on the paths like the others. If I like it or not, you're a representation of the path as an entity."

Y/n: "But I thought that was the Founder's purpose?"

Lady Ymir: "No, the Founder is a representation of my power, not the Paths themselves."

Y/n: "I see. So, it uses its overwhelming power to effect the Paths."

Lady Ymir: "Not necessarily. It's more like their 'power' is me. But tell me Y/n, why did you come here? I thought I'd never see you again."

Y/n: "I thought you were meant to be kind. You must truly hate me if you're so harsh."

Lady Ymir: "I don't hate you exactly. I hate the power you carry."

Y/n: "I suppose that's responsible. Well, I'm here to find those connected to the Paths. When I crystallised myself in that shell, I left a world that is years in the past."

Lady Ymir: "103 years in the past to be exact."

Y/n: "Doesn't feel like it tho. I still have the appearance of an 18-year-old. The reality is, that I was born in the year 724. I'm still not as old as you, but I'm still, technically, 121 years old. I must be the oldest living human being on earth."

Lady Ymir: "I don't know about Marleyans, but you are amongst us Eldians."

Y/n: "So tell me, how in the world am I still alive? I should be dead and there's no denying that."

Lady Ymir: "You should be dead, but I believe that as long as the Paths exist, you cannot die. At least by old age."

Y/n: "So, this is more of a curse if anything."

Lady Ymir: "Your Farther made this curse for you."

Y/n: "I suppose he did, but he's dead now so it doesn't matter what he has done."

Lady Ymir: "Does it not matter? What about the family you were going to have? Did your Farther's action not matter then?" Y/n clenched his fist and gave Lady Ymir a death glare.

Y/n: "She died because I couldn't protect her in time."

Lady Ymir: "But your Farther put you and your family in harm's way, all because he disagreed. You're not just cursed by his creation, but you've suffered because of it too."

Y/n: "I know what my Father has put upon me, but he did not intend for it to happen."

Lady Ymir: "And yet he still caused it." Y/n unclenched his hand and turned around back to the Source.

Y/n: "I will not speak of this matter much longer. I must go." Lady Ymir nodded and walked away while Y/n stuck his hands into the Source. Y/n looked around and quickly found the paths for each holder. "That was a lot easier than expected. I suppose it's pretty easy to know which ones hold Titan powers, as they're the biggest."

Y/n pulled out the paths from the Source and infused them with his subconscious. As he did this, a large piercing pain went through his body.

Y/n: "Ahhhhh! I didn't expect this to hurt so damn much! I suppose I am installing paths into my psyche!" Y/n pulled himself out of the paths by temporarily disconnecting his connection to the paths. Y/n opened his eyes and realised that time had barely passed since he entered the Source. "I know that dimensional plain is weird and all, but the time correlation to reality is so odd. Well, there's no time to waste. Let's just hope there is not too much trouble to find."

Y/n stood up and followed a blue faint line(This line is somewhat like a guide to the location of a member Y/n is trying to track). Y/n walked around the massive refugee area, eventually walking into a warehouse.

Y/n "Hmmm, these people must be suffering. Like me, they've probably lost loved ones too." Y/n looked around the warehouse at the multiple families sleeping and living there. Y/n continued to follow the faint blue line but was surprised when he saw it end. "They're just kids...who would send 3 kids to enact genocide on a population?! *sigh* I've truly given up on trying to explain to people anymore."

Y/n leaned up against a wall and discreetly observed the group. The first person he took notice of was a blonde-haired boy with a green hoodie on. The boy had dark eyes and a worn-out expression on his face. He sat next to a boy with dark black hair and a nervous stature. He looked the most shaken and scared of all the three. Finally, there was a blonde-haired girl with icy blue eyes. She sat with no emotion whatsoever, and even when she spoke, she stayed stoic.

Y/n: "What an odd group. They don't look the soldier types, but that's probably because there are still kids. *sigh* well, I may as well introduce myself." Y/n leaned off the wall and walked over to the group. The three gave Y/n a blank expression as he went on his knee down to their level.

Y/n: "You kid's alright?" The group gave a silent nod. "Where are your parents?"

Blonde-haired Boy: "We don't have parents. When we awoke that morning, the Titans were entering our village. We were just barely able to escape in time." Y/n was fascinated that kids at their age made up such a believable story.

Y/n: "If you don't mind me asking, what are your names?"

Blonde-haired Boy: "My name is Reiner Braun."

Black-haired Boy: "My name is Bertholdt Hoover."

Blonde-haired Girl: "Annie Leonhart." Annie gave a harsh reply to Y/n's question.

Y/n: "Annie Leonhart. Hmmm, that's a nice name. So, what are you guys thinking about doing?"

Reiner: "We're not too sure yet. I suppose we'll have to see where we're put."

Y/n: "I see. If you don't mind me asking how old are the three of you?"

Bertholdt: "We're 10."

Y/n: "I'm sorry you guys had to go through this at such a young age. Well, I should get going, I hope to see you around." Y/n stood up and gave the group a reassuring smile. "Ah yes, one last thing. I plan to join the military so if you guys decide to join yourselves, I can put a good word in for you." Y/n walked away and out of the warehouse.

Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie POV:

Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie all looked at each other in confusion.

Annie: "I don't like how overly trusting he was. Somethings off about him."

Bertholdt: "Yeah I guess."

Reiner: "He may be odd but he's undeniably given us an opportunity."

Annie: "The military?"

Reiner: "It may be the easiest way to get any information and power. We also have previous military experience, so I doubt it'll be too hard to accomplish."

Annie: "We're only in this position because of you Reiner. This better work."

Bertholdt: "Calm down Annie. Reiners right. We don't have many more options right now. It's better than breaking our backs in the fields." Annie crossed her arms and silently nodded.

Reiner: "Alright then, it's decided. We'll join the military when we're eligible too."

Y/n POV:

Y/n continued to walk through the crowds of people until he reached a dark and quiet area. The path he was following to get the next Titan holder led him to this location. Y/n stopped as he heard a group of kids talking.

??: "It's all because of those Titans. If we destroy them, we can retake our home! Armin, I'm enlisting next year. I'll gain the power to fight Titans." Y/n listened closely and was subtly moved by the boy's words.

??: "Me too!"

??: "Armin..."

Armin: "Me too!"

??: "I'll go too."

??: "Mikasa, you don't have to. Didn't you say that it's important to survive?"

Mikasa: "That's right. So I'll go, to keep you from dying."

??: "Alright. The three of us."

Y/n:*sigh* "Kids." Y/n walked around the corner and looked at the group.

Y/n: "So, you want to join the military huh?"

??: "Yeah, what of it?!"

Y/n: "Wow, you're a feisty one aren't you? What's your name son?"

??: "Eren Yeager."

Y/n: "Yeager. That's a powerful name. It means hunter. I take it then that your blonde friend is Armin and the girl is Mikasa?"

Eren: "Yeah they are. How do you know?"

Y/n: "I was listening to your conversation. So, tell me, do you want to go out there and kill those Titans?"

Eren: "Yes! They've come here, trapped us in these walls, and killed my mom! I won't stop until they're all dead!"

Y/n thoughts: "Have they forgotten what Titans are? I'm surprised people feel only anger toward them. They are people after all. I may as well ask what they know."

Y/n: "Tell me, what do you guys know about the Titans and the world outside the walls."

Eren: "Hey, Armin! Show him the book you've got!"

Armin: "But know it's not allowed."

Y/n: "Haha don't worry. I won't say anything. I'm fascinated by history too." Armin nervously stood up and walked over to Y/n. Y/n got on his knee again and looked at the book Armin gave him. "Wow, this book is very impressive!"

Armin's face went a bright red and a smile came across his face.

Armin: "You think so too?!"

Y/n: "Yeah I do! Rivers that were made of fire, wide open spaces of sand, and pools of water filled with so much water that merchants could never extract it all. Tell me, where do you most want to see?"

Eren: "Mine and Armin's wish is to see the sea!"

Y/n: "That's a very good goal. Is that your sister over there?" Y/n looked at Mikasa who slowly made her way over.

Mikasa: "Hi, I'm Mikasa Ackerman."

Eren: "She's my adopted sister."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n L/n. You'll most likely see me a lot in the future."

Eren: "Are you planning on joining the military too?!"

Y/n: "Haha yes I am. I may as well do my bit in this world. So, Armin, tell me what you know about the history of the walls."

Armin: "Well if you want to hear! 100 years ago the race of Titans appeared one day. To combat the threat, the king of the walls constructed 3 walls that would eventually become Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. The majority of the population was then placed in enclaves outside of the main walls. These would be called districts. The three of us are from the Shiganshina district just outside of Wall Maria."

Eren: "Not too long ago the Colossal and Armoured broke through the gates in Shiganshina. That's forced all of us into Wall Rose."

Y/n: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Eren: "The government set up a massive group of survivors to reclaim Wall Maria."

Y/n thoughts: "So that's why there were bodies and blood when I was making my way here. But how do Ackermans still exist? I thought they would all have been killed as the Founder doesn't have full control over them. I know they were made by the royal family but if everyone has forgotten the past, then the Ackermans would be the only ones that remember it."

Y/n: "Well I hope I can work alongside you guys when I'm in the military."

Armin: "You won't be able to join straight away, however."

Y/n: "Why is that?"

Armin: "The cadet's corps works in years of three so you'll have to wait till 847."

Y/n: "Well, I suppose I'll have to look after you guys until then. If you don't mind that is."

Armin: "It's nice to meet someone who shares the same interests as us. Most people find us odd or inappropriate to the reality of the world."

Y/n: "Well I think they're missing out on the characters you guys possess. What regiments are there after I do my training?"

Eren: "Well there's my personal favourite the Scouts! They go outside the walls and fight for us to get our world back!"

Y/n: "Wow, that sounds very brave."

Eren: "Yes they are and that is what I want to become!"

Armin: "Well the most popular is the Garrison regiment. That's for those who can't get into the Military Police."

Eren: "My family friend Hannes is in the  Garrison regiment."

Y/n: "You know Hannes?"

Eren: "Yeah he was friends with my dad for a very long time."

Y/n: "Well it's good to know I'm not the only adult looking after you guys. So, what's the Military Police about?"

Armin: "They live in the interior and are made up of the top 10 of a cadet branch."

Eren: "They don't do anything, however. Unlike the Garrison and Scout regiments, they just sit on their asses, comfortably in the interior."

Y/n: "Sounds easygoing compared to the other two."

Eren: "But what help are they?! There nothing but lazy slouchers that act all high and mighty!"

Y/n: "Well, I'll see what to do closer to the time. I have a couple of years until I even get into the military in the first place. I should get going. It's nice talking to you three and I hope to see you guys around. Any issues then you can always get me or Hannes." Y/n gave the group a reassuring smile and stood back up. He waved the group goodbye before heading back to one of the warehouses.

Y/n thoughts: "How are all the current holder's kids? Something about this is overly convenient to the time. I hope if I group them all in the military it will be easier to keep an eye on them. At least to keep them under check. *sigh* What a long couple of years it's going to be."

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