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Melody is a cousin of the braxtons what happens when she comes to visit? Is Brax just her cousin or is there... More

Years after

Almost there

530 12 0


"And where were you yesterday" Cory questioned Skye as she walked up to him

"Home. It was my birthday" She explained

"What's with the sunnies?"

"Sleep deprived, majorly"

"What did you get up to last night" He asked putting his hands on her shoulders

"I had to work"

"On your birthday, gee your dad is evil"

"It was either take mum's shift or I couldn't go to the party"

"So you finally told them, and are you allowed to go?"
"Why else am I sleep deprived"

Cory laughed

"After school, I am going to go home and sleep for the rest of eternity"

"Awww thought you could come surfing with us this arvo"

"Tempting" She said "How do you know I surf"

"Two reasons, your a Braxton and I saw you trying yesterday"

"So I'm guessing you took the day off school also"

"I guess you could call wagging taking the day off" He joked

Skye sat at her desk getting closer and closer to falling asleep. She looked back down at her Human Biology textbook and began to read the chapter. When she got halfway through the chapter she heard people begin to put everything back in their pencil cases so she closed her book and put her notes in her file.

"You've still got a few minutes left guys, don't pack up just yet" The new principal Ms Taylor announced to the class

The class moaned but kept packing their stuff away but even slower.

"But miss it's a Friday and it's the last period" Ben moaned

"When there's 30 seconds left and I'll think about it"

"That's universal code for never" Skye whispered to Ben
Hang on. I've go an idea" He said getting his phone out of his pocket
"What are you doing" She whispered louder

He opened a video file and pressing play. What seemed to be the school bell went off and everyone got up and began to go out the door.

"Hang on everyone. back here" Ms Taylor said

"But miss the bell just went"

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" She said "I know that wasn't the real bell and it was obviously on someones phone, so who was it"

The class was quiet

"If no-one owes up to it then it's an after school for all of you and I'm sure that's not how you want to start your weekend"

Skye secretly looked at Ben. The real bell rang.

"It was me miss" Ben owed up

"Thank you Ben, everyone can go now but you stay behind please"

"So what'd you get" She said waiting out near the door of the Biology class

"A lunch time on Monday"

"Sucker" She said handing him his school bag
"You packed my bag?" He questioned

"Your in the exact same classes as me an your locker's next to mine, so i just shoved all your files in there"

"Trying to break my back or something?"

"No, trying to make you do your work"

"That'll never happen"

"Tell me about it" She said walking out the door

"You coming surfing this arvo?" He asked

"Yeah, I might be a bit late though" She explained


"Well I gotta go home first. don't think I can surf on my flie and in my school uniform"

"You never know if you never try" He joked

"Your are so wrong"

"You ready" Casey asked as Skye walked through the door

"I only just got home case"

"Well hurry up then"

"Fine" She said walking to her room
"Remember what Brax said about your board"

"Yeah I know, can't use it till I learn" She mimicked

"But what board will you use then?"

"Well I still have the first board I got when I was 10 so you can use that"

"I'm surprised that's still intact"

"Yeah, just don't you break it"

"No pressure" She said talking it out of he shed

"So where you two going?" Ricky asked

"Surfing" Skye replied

"I can see that, but where?"

"Wilson's" Casey replied

"Wilson's. But Skye's only a learner"

"She'll be fine"

"I'm not sure about this Case"

"She'll be fine, I promise"

"I'll be fine mum" Skye replied

"OK, be careful then" She said as Casey and Skye walked out the back gate
"You're late, you're late, for a very important date!" Cory mimicked

"I'm not late, I told you I wouldn't be on time"

"Not being on time and late, what's the difference" Casey said

"I didn't say what time I would be here so that's not late"

"fair enough"

Ben, Cory and Casey looked out at the water while Skye waxed her board and put the ankle strap on.

"What about there" Cory asked pointing out at the corner

"Looks a bit choppy" He said

"What about there where the face is really far out?" Ben asked

"Too close to the rocks"

"Can you guys speak English please" Skye said getting up behind them

"Come on you grommet" Casey said

"What's a grommet?" She asked

"Learner surfer" Cory expained

"Your a grommet" Skye teased Casey with
"No i'm a grey belly, just with out the belly"

"Why can't we go out to Wilson's peak?" Ben asked
"Cause someone's mum is too scared and it's a bit choppy" He sad looking at Skye

"Hey I'm not the chicken"

"No your just clucked" Cory said

"ha. ha. ha. I know that one stupid. dad says it all the time"

"OK then what does it mean?"

"Scared of waves"

"Wow she does listen"

"Very funny" Skye said "Are we gonna go surfing or just stand here"

"Fine, lets go" Casey said running out to the water.

"It's all mush" Casey said sitting up on his board

"Can we go over to the peak?" Skye asked pointing at the rocks

Casey thought for a second "Yeah alright, just be careful" He said paddling over

"Yes mother" She said following him

"Get ready to catch this next wave" Casey said

Yeah, just don't wipe out"
"Thanks for the vote of confidence guys"

"And avoid the rocks" Casey yelled as Skye caught the waves
When the got back to shore Skye hobbled back to their towels with Cory

"Here you go" He said handing her a towel

"Thanks" She said wrapping it around her knee

"You guys alright" Casey asked as he and Ben came out of the water

"Yeah were fine, Skye just nicked her knee"

"What?!" Casey exclaimed

"Casey it's fine. it's just a little cut"

"But I promised your mum, let me have a look at it" He said

Skye took the towel off to show Casey

"OK maybe it's not that small" She said looking at the gash that went across half of her knee

"Ric's gonna kill me"

"You don't have to tell her I did it surfing"

"Tell her what then"

"I caught it on the boards fin when I tripped over on the sand"

He looked at her "That might actually work" He said

"You don't think it need's stitches do you? Ben asked
Skye slowly lifted herself up on to her knees then tried to stand on her feet.

"I got it!" Skye yelled as she stood up on the board

Casey and Cory cheered as she rode the wave in. Not long later Skye lost her balance and fell off her board towards the rocks

"SKYE!" Cory yelled as he paddled towards her

When he got closer he could see her attempting to get back on her board

"You alright" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine just nicked my knee on the rocks" She said sitting on the board

Cory looked at the blood rundown her leg

"We better get out before the men in grey suits show up" He said

Skye looked at him

"The sharks" He corrected "You right to paddle back in?"

"It's my leg not my arms" She said laying back down on her board
"I hope not, then mum will really kill me"

"You should be fine. Your a Braxton remember, we don't break" Casey said

"Just hang here for a sec" Casey said leaving Skye at the back door

Casey snuck inside and got another towel and some bandaids

"Are mum and dad their?" She asked

"No, it's empty"

"Why do we have to sit out here then?" Skye asked

"Sun's still out, why not"

Casey took the old towel off Skye's leg and began to wipe away the blood

"Doe's it hurt" Casey asked

"No" She replied biting her lip

He raised an eyebrow at her

"OK, a little"

"Sorry" He replied

"Not your fault"

After Casey had cleaned Skye's cut and put a band-aid on it they both sat on the bench's talking

"So why were you so reluctant to come home the other day" Skye asked

"Kyle" He said

"What about him"

"He's supposedly our half brother but the half of us he cam from isn't part of me"

"What do you mean"

"what I mean is he's not my brother, we have different dads"

"Who is your dad"

"Johnny Barrett, Danny's Kyle's along with Brax and Heath"

"But why did you pull yourself away from Dad and Heath, their still your family?"

"It didn't feel like they were"

"Do you remember what you told me when I found the truth out about Dad?" She asked


"You said that we don't give up on family, and dad never gave up on you, you just couldn't see that"

Casey managed to show a little smile
"There's more to family than blood case"

"Thanks Skye"

"Thought I could hear voices" Brax said coming out the back

Skye quickly moved the towel to cover her knee

"How was the surf?"

"It was pumping" Casey said

"Did grommet wipe out?" Ricky wiped out

"Yeah" Skye replied

"Shove over" Ricky said sitting next to her

Skye went to turn around but forgot to hold the towel and it fell to the ground

"What happened?" Ricky asked looking at the big white band-aid on Skye's knee

"I tripped and fell on my board" Skye lied


"My board was on the ground and the fins were up and I tripped in the sand"

"Is this true Casey" Brax asked

"Yeah 100%"

"So this has nothing to do with wilson's peak"

"No, i didn't go near it Ben, Case and Cory did though"

"You promise"

"Promise my life on it"

Later that night Skye and Casey sat in her room watching youtube.

"Gone on your Facebook yet?" Casey asked

"Nope, probably got spammed yesterday"

"You should look"

"Have you seen it?"

"Yep" Casey said

"12 notifications" She said logging on

"What are they"

"Ava Williams and 47 other people posted on your timeline"

"48 people, what?" Casey exclaimed

"City girl"

"What's on there"

"Just photo's and videos"

"Are these some of your dance photos"

"Yeah and some videos"

Casey clicked on one of the videos of Skye and her friend doing some acro moves

"What's this?" He asked

"Just when me and my friend were messing around"

He clicked on another video below it

"When was this

"My solo at nationals last year"

"You went to nationals"

"Yeah, I have for the past 4 years"

"Your amazing Skye" He said watching the video

"I was and even then I wasn't the best"

"You gotta be kidding I've never seen anything like it"

Skye looked at Casey

"I've never seen you so happy before" Skye said to him

"It's you" He said "You bring joy, you make it seem brighter"

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