The Emerald Viscountess

By supremexx381

100K 2K 175

Eleanora Fitzwilliam had known Anthony Bridgerton since they were both merely three and ten years of age. Ele... More

(S2) ~10~


2.6K 67 16
By supremexx381

Eleanora looked longingly into the crowd, thankfully hidden away in some of the rose bushes. She tightened her shawl around herself and shivering in the chilling night air, wishing for Anthony's touch to warm her up. At the thought of him, he approached her, rustling the gardens.

"Are you still planning to leave for the Americas?" he asked after the two exchanged a longing gaze.

"Yes," she answered quietly. "I believe it is what would be best for me. No matter what, my parents will always be with me in spirit no matter where I venture."

"You love your family," Anthony noted, making quiet steps towards her.

"As much as you love yours," Eleanora responded with a small smile as her eyes watered.

Anthony let out a shaky breath, his speech planned out in his mind that he had concocted on his walk to Eleanora through the gardens. "I was fearful of losing you," he confessed, voice quivering. "It is why I could not visit you after your accident. I could not bring myself to . . ."

He trailed off, attempting to recompose himself so that he didn't just breakdown then and there.

"I love you," Anthony finally said, making Eleanora's heart explode.

She had to refrain every fiber of her being from throwing herself at the viscount and slamming her lips against his.

Anthony continued making determined steps towards her as to not confess his love from so far away. "I've loved you from the moment we met at three and ten years of age, I've loved you when you were married off, I loved you when we didn't speak for ten years. I loved you when you reunited with my family, when you helped Daphne with her season. I loved you when I was sleeping with Miss Rosso, I loved you when you finally debuted. I loved you in that emerald dress. I loved you when we first danced. I loved you when I was courting Miss Edwina. I loved you at every dance, everytime we've been together and when we've been apart.

"I have loved you every moment of every day for the past five and ten years, and it has never ceased. You do not have to accept it, you do not have to embrace it, or even allow it. Knowing you, you probably will not - but you must know it . . . in your heart. You must feel it, because I do."

The viscount put a hand to his chest. He felt his heart beat in strength through his clothes after confessing his feelings after what felt like an infinity of keeping his words to himself. Finally, all cards were on the table. Anthony Bridgerton loved Eleanora Fitzwilliam. He felt that if he hesitated another moment of telling her, he would combust.

Finally, he had said it.

Eleanora's eyes watered and she beamed, seeing in Anthony's eyes from the nearby torchlight that he meant what he said with every cell in his body. Oh, his eyes . . .

"Anthony . . ." Eleanora struggled, her chin quivering and tears falling down from joy. "There seem to be no words with the ability to form from my mouth, except . . ." She raised her voice louder than a previous whisper, "I love you, Anthony Bridgerton!"

He smiled at her enthusiasm, grateful for her reaction to his words. "I want a life that suits us both," Anthony said, shortening the proximity between the two. "I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you, because I cannot imagine my life without you, and that is why I wish to marry you."

Eleanora could read in Anthony's eyes that he meant every word he said. Not once in Anthony's life had he felt the need to humble himself before anyone, but without ever realizing it, he met his match. And his match was standing before him, accentuated in mint green.

Eleanora let more tears fall down, and Anthony wiped them from her cheeks with the pad of his thumb, and she recomposed herself. "You would be rather foolish to think that I wouldn't say yes to your proposal."

Anthony smirked, wishing for her to say the three lettered word out loud.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, laughing with joy.

Fireworks exploded, causing Eleanora to yelp and lean into Anthony, who put his arms around her.
She gazed into the viscount's eyes, before pressing her lips to his and he wrapped his arms around her as if his life depended on his grasp. He adored how Eleanora's hands ran through his hair. The two separated momentarily to watch the fireworks, giving Anthony the opportunity to press a gentle kiss to Eleanora's nose, causing her to blush. She snuggled into his embrace, feeling the safest she'd ever felt.

Anthony Bridgerton made her feel safe.


That night after the Featherington Ball, the two snuck into Anthony's bedroom and made passionate love the whole night. Bodies in harmony, let's just say the fireworks hadn't ceased since the ball.

Once the two finished, Anthony fetched the bethrothal ring in its box as Eleanora kept the sheets up to her chest. When he returned, he crawled back into bed and showed Eleanora the box.

"I suppose I should make this official, then," he smirked, earning an incredulous look from Eleanora.

"Suppose?" she teased.

"Eleanora Fitzwilliam," the viscount began, slowly opening the box. "I would never dream of changing a thing about you, flaws and perfections and all, but I must ask you to change one thing."

"Oh?" Eleanora beamed, the suspense killing her.

"Your surname. Nora, will you do me the honor and-"

"YES!" Eleanora exclaimed, not worried if the rest of Bridgerton House heard. She pulled Anthony towards him and kissed him deeply, as he struggled to separate in order to put the ring on her finger. She looked down at her hand joyfully.

They kissed again, and Anthony layed on top of Eleanora, earning a satisfied hum from her, grateful for the sight of Anthony acting dominant.

"What happened to humbling yourself in front of me?" she teased in between kisses.

When they finished for the fourth time (or fifth, but who was counting), Eleanora snuggled into Anthony's chest and began snoring softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Before, Anthony felt protective for Eleanora, but now, he wished he had the capability to absorb all of her pain, put himself in the path of a bullet, or anything and everything to take all her pain away.

The pain of losing her parents, her first marriage, he wanted to ball it all up, and throw it with all his might as far away from her as possible. Anthony would do all that for the woman he truly loved.

Whom he had loved the whole time, but either denied it in order to not ruin their friendship, or was too oblivious to acknowledge his affections, or too busy with his duties and responsibilities to really absorb those feelings. He would trade his duties, wealth, and all other materialistic possessions if it would reward him in being able to adore Eleanora's peaceful expression, as he did that moment as she slept.


The morning after, when all Bridgertons were gathered in the drawing room to break their fasts, Eleanora and Anthony were anxious to share their big news.

That was, until Hyacinth practically told the news for them.

"Nora, why is Mother's betrothal ring on your finger?" she asked, pointing at Eleanora's hand with no discretion.

Eleanora's face turned red at the room's reactions, and before she could process it, everyone was congratulating and embracing Anthony and Eleanora; Violet was the most joyful and ecstatic out of all of them, so much so, she might just faint.

"When did he propose, Nora?" Colin asked the soon-to-be Bridgerton.

"Last night," she answered, before Benedict walked up behind her and Anthony as they sat on the couch.

"I was wondering why I heard someone yell 'yes' rather loudly. That, or you two were up to something else," the second eldest muttered, making Eleanora choke on her tea and Anthony wind up to smack his brother upside the head before he fled.

"Moving onto another topic of discussion," Eleanora said rather loudly, hoping no one else heard Benedict's comment.

She walked over and sat next to Eloise, leaning in towards the sister to purposefully spite her.

"I have an important question for you," Eleanora drawled, earning a groan from Eloise.

"Eloise Bridgerton!" Violet chastised.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would appreciate if you were to be one of my bridesmaids," Eleanora proposed, earning a grimace from her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

"That depends, must I wear a tight ugly dress in order to be a bridesmaid?" Eloise asked.

She turned to Eleanora for an answer, who only pursued out her lower lip and batted her eyelashes mockingly.

Eloise groaned. "Fine! You're lucky you are my favorite person in this household, sister-in-law or not."

Eleanora hugged Eloise tightly, deciding she should invite Daphne over and ask her the same dire question later on.

Anthony had chosen Colin as a groomsman and Benedict as the best man.

After receiving the news, Benedict muttered, "Second time's the charm, I suppose," earning a swat to his arm from Violet.

Gradually, the plans for the wedding went into action over the next few weeks. They picked the chapel, made the guestlist, and Eleanora found the wedding gown that she fell in love with, thanks to Madame Delacroix.


The night of the bachelor and bachelorette parties. The night before the wedding.

The bride and her bridesmaids decided to stay in the drawing room and avoid the chilly night, opening a bottle of fine wine.

"Daphne, I have a bone to pick with you," Eleanora teased as she poured a glass for each of the two women and herself.

"Oh?" Daphne asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Simon," Eleanora began, taking a long sip of her wine. "I've added him to the guestlist, will he be able to join us?"

Daphne pursed her lips, knowing Eleanora wasn't going to like the duchess's answer. "Unfortunately not, he'll be away on business. You know how busy His Dukeship can be."

"Damn," Eleanora said, not monitoring her language. "Not once have I seen him at all this season. Huh." She turned to Eloise. "How do you fancy the wine?"

Eloise took a slow sip before grimacing from the taste and spitting it back out into her glass.

Meanwhile, to celebrate Anthony's last day as an uncommitted man (for the second time), he and his brothers did just the same as they did before: many rounds of pool and drinking till they were rather dizzy. When the viscount told his soon-to-be viscountess of his plans prior, she simply responded with, "Well that isn't very creative."

"Finally, Brother, you're marrying the one person we're actually excited to have in the family," Benedict commented, while concentrating on the game of pool with Colin.

Instead of sitting lazily in a chair, Anthony was up and about, walking around and watching the game.

"Very funny, Benedict," Anthony retorted, rolling his eyes.

"When Nora began living with us the previous year, I was absolutely sure you two were to be married mere hours after you reunited with her," Colin smirked, receiving another eyeroll from Anthony.

"I propose a toast!" Benedict suggested loudly, holding up his glass. "To the new addition to the Bridgerton family! To the new viscountess, and her husband Anthony. May god help Nora."

"Hear, hear," Colin agreed, widening his eyes at the prospect that Eleanora might need all the help she could get if she were to tolerate Anthony without ripping his head off. He took a sip of his drink.

"You two are playing this off as if she is marrying the devil," Anthony said, putting his hands on his hips.


The day of the wedding. Eleanora assumed she was experiencing deja vu because one morning, she woke up with that same thought in the past. But this time it was her wedding. Her's and Anthony's. This day was meant for them, and only them.

The bride and groom made their final touches in their respectable rooms of the chapel, rooms off to the side and inconspicuous.

Once Eleanora managed to get her bridal dress on, she couldn't separate her eyes from her reflection.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, dear," Violet said, off to the side. She pulled out a handkerchief to press against her eyes gently to prevent tears from falling.

Just watching Violet tear up in the mirror made Eleanora want to bawl. She never imagined she could feel so much joy in a single moment. All this emotion made her feel like she was going to combust in any second. With the emotional wall she put up for so many years, Eleanora expected herself to feel numb for the rest of her life, but all the emotions that she experienced the past two years or so felt like she was consuming ecstasy.

Daphne came up behind Eleanora to assist in putting the veil and tiara in her hair, before beaming at the bride.

"Trust that I will tell Simon of the wedding once he returns," Daphne assured, patting Eleanora's arm.

"Like hell you should!" Eleanora laughed. "This is the wedding of the season! In my book, anyway." She cleared her throat loudly, eyeing Eloise, who had her nose in a book, as usual. "Speaking of."

All women in the room turned to Eloise, who finally felt their gazes. "What?" she asked, before her eyes caught Eleanora's appearance. "Wonderful, Nora, you look splendid," she commented absently, reverting her eyes back to her book.

At this point, Eleanora wouldn't have been surprised if Eloise snuck her book to the altar and read it during the vows.

Daphne and Violet had to help Eleanora put her gloves on, for her hands were too shaken from the nuptial nerves. The bride attempted to take in deep breaths, which only made her more shaky, like an earthquake was erupting within herself.

"Are you getting nervous, dear?" Violet asked, eyes with concern as she approached Eleanora.

"Maybe it's joy and excitement, boiling over for it has nowhere else to go," Eleanora answered, the corners of her mouth lifting. "I must say, I've never experienced so much feeling before in my life. Is this normal?" Eleanora began fanning herself with her hand.

Violet smiled at Eleanora's answer, content that in her own unique way, the bride was excited to marry Anthony.

Meanwhile, Anthony and his brothers got ready in their respected room. Ever since they reached the chapel, Benedict had been making teasing remarks regarding "Second time's the charm" repeatedly.

"You seem very collected, Brother," Colin noted to the groom. "I don't know whether to be scared or impressed."

"I just know what to expect," Anthony answered simply, focusing on his reflection. "My last wedding, I expected a marriage to Miss Edwina, instead caused scandal . . . but this time, I know I am marrying Nora, and all scandal shall be avoided."

"God forbid Eloise walks down the aisle missing a shoe," Benedict smirked. "The scandal of the season!"

The two younger brothers decided to check in on Eleanora. As they entered the room, both jaws dropped, earning a nudging elbow from Violet.

"Wow, Nora," Benedict said, smiling. "I cannot wait until Anthony sees you."

"Absolutely amazing," Colin commented.
"You look better than the queen, even!"

Eleanora pursed her lips mockingly. "Now you're pushing it too far." She turned back to her reflection, putting her earrings in. "How is Anthony?" she asked softly.

"Pretty well, actually," Benedict said, which took Eleanora somewhat by surprise.

After Eleanora, Colin, and Benedict talked for a few more minutes, the brothers hugged the bride and wished her luck, and Eleanora teared up again.

"Can you come here for a second?" Eleanora asked Violet, voice quivering slightly.

"Of course," Violet said. "Is something the matter?"

Eleanora shook her head. "I just want to say how grateful I am for you as a mother figure. And for walking me down the aisle. You've been my moral compass, and I couldn't find the perfect way to express my gratitude. I'm grateful for your children, too." Eleanora let out a small laugh. "I feel like I'm part of the family. You all have accepted me during a time when I didn't feel like I would be accepted, and I've managed to connect to everyone in the family in one way or another, and it's very rare for something like that to happen."

As Violet watched Eleanora's chin quiver, she pulled her into a hug, placing a hand against her head soothingly. "Dearest, you know you were always part of this family. We love you immensely, and don't you ever forget that."

Daphne and Eloise smiled a little from the side at the sight. They were ever grateful to the new addition to the family, but no vows and marital papers needed to signify in the first place that Eleanora was a Bridgerton all along.

As Anthony made his final touches in his room, (or so he'd been saying for five times now as a way of procrastinating), Benedict and Colin watched Anthony in amusement as the viscount grew increasingly flustered.

"I cannot wait to see your reaction as Nora walks down the aisle," Benedict smirked. "We might have to catch you when you swoon."

Colin laughed. "Surely nothing can beat your reaction when Nora showcased her gown before the Danbury Ball."

Anthony narrowed his eyes at his brother. "You were still on your travels then. How could you possibly know about that?"

Benedict, at that moment, coughed rather loudly to signal that it was him that told Colin.

"We mustn't be late. Are you ready?" Benedict asked the groom.

Anthony smiled a little at the thought that once he walked out of the room, he would walk down the aisle and Eleanora would meet with him. How they were going to exchange vows, and celebrate their matrimony afterwards. In more ways than one. And it was one hell of a ride to reach that point, to say the least. But it was all worth it. It was worth it for his bride.

He turned to his brothers. "Of course I'm ready. I'm going to be marrying the love of my life."

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