By TokyoRevengers1189

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Fem Takemichi. (Kanashii Yaku) x Mikey (Yuuto Kei/ Manjiro Sano) '... More



39 1 0
By TokyoRevengers1189


Chapter 15

I woke up with a headache again. Man... do I get headaches every time I time leap or something? I clenched my teeth. It took a moment for me to see, due to my vision being foggy. I rubbed my eyes, and squinted.

I must have been in some karaoke room or something. I was laying down on one of the couches, and I could tell I must've been cross dressing due to the tightness around my chest. I looked to my right, and there was this girl about my age, with beautiful long, dyed yellow hair, who was dressed rather skimpily... what the heck was my past self doing?! The phone rang, and she went to pick it up. Okay, now's my chance to escape. I stood up quietly, and tiptoed to the door. I opened it very subtly, as I fit my body through it narrowly. I made it to the hallway, and subtly closed the door back up. As soon as I closed the door, I bolted for the exit. Thankfully it was the first floor.

I made it out, and leaned up against the building wall for a minute. "I am genuinely curious as to what my past self was doing." I sighed, and face palmed.

It was nighttime, and the sky was black, and the glow of streetlights, and few buildings were the only thing lighting the place. Along with a few occasional cars passing by.

I was about to jog home, when I heard a voice.

"Kanashii-chan! Hey!" I heard a familiar voice call. I turned my head around thuggishly, and narrowed my eyes.

"Oh, it's just you Kokoro." I eased back a little, and turned around fully as I smiled at her. She ran up to me and hugged me. I blushed a little, turned my head a little and smiled bashfully. But then I remembered the suspicious situation I was just in.

"K-Kokoro, what are you doing here?" I said nervously. She pulled away and then looked at me suspiciously.

"I was just on a walk... what were you doing though?" She said. Crap! I don't know how to explain the situation without it coming off seriously wrong!

"N-nothing..." I replied quickly. I cringed at myself, from how obvious it was that I was hiding something. And just as I feared, she narrowed her eyes, and raised one eyebrow. Meanwhile she crossed her arms, shifted her weight onto the other leg, and tilted her head to the right a little.

"Kanashii-chan," she said mildly. I shivered.

"I'll ask you again. What were you doing?" She asked menacingly. I stammered.

"It's nothing, I swear." My forehead started sweating. She stared at me for a minute longer, before finally relenting.

"Fine. Anyway, it's only 7:30, so wanna hangout?" She grinned at me. "Sure-"

Buzz... buzz... buzz...

I reached in my pocket, pulled the phone out. "Oh, it's Kenny." I said nonchalantly, and then answered the call.

"Hello?" I said, changing my voice to be masculine. "Kanashy? What are you doing right now?" Kenny asked through the phone.

"Huh? Well, I'm-" I said before getting interrupted]. "Head over to Musashi Shrine, we're all gathering there." He said.

'Uh... how's not the best-" I sighed, and turned to Kokoro. "Kokoro, sorry. Kenny wants to see me." I smiled apologetically.

"Then I guess I'm going with you." She smiled. "For real?" I gawked a little. "Yep, no 'buts.'" She said, and I submitted.


We walked together, side by side. It was still dark, with only streetlights to light the way. The air was nice, it breezy, but slightly humid as well. We were pretty silent the whole way, occasionally Kokoro asking questions about Mikey and Kenny, which not many of them I could answer. I could tell she was secretly skeptical of them, but I knew she was trying her best to believe in me. It was currently quiet again, and I just enjoyed the weather.

"What do you consider important?" Kokoro asked, still looking ahead. Kind of random, okay...

"Huh? Important?" I thought about it. "For me, it's times like this. We don't even need to do anything." She added.

"Just the two of us walking together, talking about nothing important, and just being able to spend time with you." She said genuinely.

"I hope I get to spend even more time with you in the future." She stopped and turned to me, with a gentle smile glowing from her face. I couldn't help but smiling. Time, that's right. What's important to me is saving Kokoro. To save Kokoro from Toyuu is what's important to me!

We were by the steps to the shrine.

"You guys are meeting here?" She asked. "Yeah..." I said hesitantly, and continued up the steps.

Suddenly we saw the growing glow of a light, including sounds of motors. I looked to my right, and several motorcycles were approaching.

"Are you sure it's here?" She asked, and I stepped in front of her, and slightly smiled nervously.

"Y-yeah..." I answered, only giving half of my attention. The motorcycles were now here, not more than twenty feet away from me. there were roughly a hundred to two hundred delinquents, judging by the amount of motorcycles and silhouettes.

"They look really scary..." She muttered. "Don't worry, I'm here... just don't stare at them." I said, in a poor attempt to sound comforting. In all honesty, I knew I wouldn't be able to do a thing if some delinquent suddenly decides that he wants to pick a fight with me.

Man, who wears biker gang outfits nowadays? Especially so many of them... the voice in my head said unconfidently.

To my demise, a delinquent took notice to me.

"Who d'you think you're staring at, huh? Scram?" He said, with thuggish behavior. I was internally screaming. Crap what do I do...

"What's yer problem? I'm gonna murder you!" He scoffed, in an obnoxiously loud tone.

"E-er... I was just invited here, and-" I started, but I was cut off.

"Huh?! Do you have any idea where you are, punk!?" He practically screamed in my ear.

"M-Musashi shrine..." I stammered. " who would invite a throwback like you into a Toyuu gathering, huh?!" He shouted, drawing attention to himself. I smiled apologetically.

"Violence is wrong!" Kokoro stepped out from behind me, and shouted. NO! YOU IDIOT... I LOVE YOU KOKORO BUT NOT NOW-! The voice in my head screamed. The delinquent clutched the front of my collar, practically lifting me off my feet.

"Hold on... are you Kanashii Yaku?" I heard a new voice coming from my right diagonally.

"Y-yes," I started, and the man who called my voice soon came over to me.

"What are you scaring the commander's guest for?" He said mildly, his comment being directed toward the delinquent grabbing my collar.

Let me go into detail of what he looked like. He was wearing a Toyuu uniform. His hair was a very light blue-ish purple. His hair was extremely short, and his eyes grey, and slanted. His expression was calm, along with his whole demeanor. He wore one distinct earring on his left ear. His voice was slightly raspy, but kind of pleasing to listen to. Meanwhile his height wasn't very impressive, he was tall, but not that tall. His build seemed about average, which was only my interpretation because the Toyuu uniform had long sleeves.

The delinquent immediately let go of his grip on me, and stepped back.

"Terribly sorry sir!" He sounded almost fearful. "Are you okay, Kanashii-kun?" Kokoro looked at me concerned. I nodded and smiled.

"Come with me." The man with the strange earring said. "Uh- sure." I replied sheepishly, and followed. The walk wasn't long, but I saw two familiar figures.

"Hey Kanashy." Mikey said, as he turned his head and smiled at me. He was sitting up against a motorcycle, hands in pockets."Sorry for inviting you here out of the blue." He added.

"Why'd you bring your wifey here?" Kenny asked. His tone was chill, and his demeanor was weirdly admirable.

"Sorry, I didn't think it'd be like this." I smiled apologetically, and reached my hand to the back of my neck.

"Kokoro-chan, sorry for scaring you the other day." Kenny turned to Kokoro, and smiled respectfully.

"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Kokoro replied, and smiled kindly. "Also, I'm sorry too." She smiled apologetically as she turned to Mikey, who only smiled and nodded in reply.

Suddenly Kenny turned to his left. "Oy, Emma-chan," he called. "Yeah," I heard a nonchalant girls voice answer.

"This is Kanashy's wifey, so make sure you protect her." Kenny said. "Roger." I heard her sigh. I turned to my right, and I cringed so hard.

It was the same girl I was with at that sketchy karaoke place. The one who was dressing really skimpily. Her long, thick yellow hair was tied almost like a side ponytail, except the ponytail was near the end of her hair. Her eyes were yellow, and she looked to the left reluctantly. She finally turned to me, and her eyes widened. I mentally prepared myself.

"Heya, wussy boy." She said, suddenly very enthusiastic. "What? You know Emma?" Kenny asked. I turned to Kokoro, dreading her expression.

"Y-you got the wrong idea Kokoro!" I stammered. I turned to Kenny.

"Kenny! I don't remember a thing that happened!" I said nervously.

"You ran away after you got me-" I hushed her. "Oh, so that happened?" Kokoro replied menacingly, and cracked her neck.

"Uh, you know, I really don't remember!" I said, sweating like a pig at this point. She cracked her knuckles. "Huh? Kokoro-chan!?" I stepped back, fearing for my life.


My face was bruised, and my eye was black. I sat traditionally on my knees, hands folded together as I tilted my head down a little.

"I'm so sorry!" I said respectfully. "Jerk." She said nonchalantly, as she walked away. I stood up.

"Man, I'm surprised you went with me when you've got a girl like that," Emma started. "Don't get the wrong idea though, I don't like you or anything." She sighed. And turned to the direction Kenny had went.

"I just wanted to grow up faster, that's all." She said, and then stared at Kenny's figure.

"He won't even look at me. All he ever cares about is Mikey, gangs, and fighting,"

She started, but then tilted her head down. "I thought he would at least be a little angry." She muttered, as she walked over to Kokoro, and walked off with her to who knows where.

She likes Kenny, doesn't she. I looked at her fading figure. She was trying to make him jealous. I sighed. Man, I don't even understand my own gender. I shrugged.

"Kanashy, you done?" Kenny called out. "Uh yeah, sorry to keep you waiting." I jogged up to him and the others.

"Alright, get over here everybody. We're starting our meeting!" Kenny yelled in a loud voice, and everyone immediately shut up and focused on him.

"Good evening commander!" The crowd of delinquents said simultaneously, as they bowed down, all in a row.


The atmosphere had tensed, and everyone was dead silent, as they all stared at the figure of Mikey, who was elevated on a different pair of steps. Finally, Mikey turned around, and faced everyone with a serious look. Whoah... the whole atmosphere changes when Mikey faces them.

So this really is the commander of Toyuu? I looked at his admirable figure, and stared at his face with respect, and a little bit of something else...

"We're gathered here today to talk about the gang, the Baller Boyz," Mikey started in a strong and confident voice."If they go Against us, it'll turn into a huge conflict."

Baller Boyz?! What's this about a 'conflict'...

"So tell me what you all think?" Mikey continued. Suddenly I felt something on my back, and I soon realized it was a foot when I felt the pressure force me forward. I stumbled, barely saving myself from falling.

"Hey- what's the big deal?" I managed to say, and then a tall but lanky figure bent down, inches from my face.

"You got a problem? You're Kanashii Yaku, aren't you?" He said. "Heard you took real good care of our Chisuke," he said with an overly obnoxious tone.

"How are you gonna pay for that?" Another man appeared behind him. "P-pay for it?" I asked.

"Knock it off, Pah. We're supposed to drop the whole thing about Chisuke using Toyuu's name, and for him to use his own little fight club." The taller one said.

"Huh?! I'm stupid, so I don't get what that means. Pah-chin has the brain of a water flea." Pah said, half insulting himself as he waved his hand.

"If you don't get it, then keep your mouth shut." The lanky tall one said.

"Hey, Pah, keep your mouth shut." Kenny turned his head toward him, and ordered. Pah grumbled.

"Sorry Kenny." He said. Kenny turned his head to me this time.

"Don't hold his temper against him Kanashy. Pah's pretty ticked right now." Kenny said. I turned to Pah, who seemed to be talking with the tall lanky one.

"He's out of control, huh... I wonder why." I muttered to myself. "His bud got into it with Baller Boyz." The other guy from earlier, with the strange earring stood beside me.

"The name is Keisyuu Machi." He said, as he watched Pah as well. "His fight with Baller Boyz was what ignited this conflict." He turned to me.

"Huh? What's happened?" I asked. "Baller Boyz leader, a guys named Werner, got into it with his friend over something stupid." He started, and his serious started growing serious.

"Pah's bud got beaten senseless, then they abused his girlfriend right in front of him. And to top it off, they took all his money." Keisyuu said, and narrowed his eyes. "Then they killed his parents, and siblings." He added. That's kind of overkill... I shivered.

"That's awful..." I muttered. "That's just how Baller Boyz runs, they're two generations above our gang, and they run Shinjuku." He said.

"Huh? You mean Toyuu's not running the area?" I asked. "Toyuu run's Shibuya, Shinjuku is separate. And our gang is still pretty new." He answered. I see...around this time, there was an even bigger gang then Toyuu.

"What do you want to do Pah?" Mikey asked, as he looked in his direction. "We gonna fight?" Mikey added. Pah lifted his head, and turned to Mikey.

"They're two generations above our gang, Toyuu's not gonna walk away unscathed." Pah started. "I'd end up making trouble for all you guys." He added. It was silent for a minute, nobody spoke. Everyone listened.

"But I'm so ticked off, Mikey..." Pah then said, his voice growing in anguish.

"That's not what I asked. Are we gonna fight, or what?!" Mikey asked, and Pah lifted his head.

"I wanna fight! I wanna murder all of them!!" Pah shouted. Mikey smiled a little. "Yeah, I figured." He said.

"Anyone here think that Pah's bud getting kicked is too much trouble to deal with?" Mikey then turned to the crowd of delinquents, which were silent. I heard Mikey chuckle a little, as I smile crept up his face.

"Anyone scared because Pah's bud got beat up?" He shouted, and his chuckling became clearer.

"See? There's no one!" Mikey said. I turned to the crowd, and every face I saw smiled up at Mikey. Kenny grinned, with a confidence that scared me.

"We're gonna crush Ballwr Boyz!!" Mikey shouted. The whole crowd of delinquents cheered, many of them raising there arms high.

"March 22nd, at the festival is where it's all gonna go down!" Mikey added. The wind blew his long layered blonde hair, and the moonlight hit his face just right, where I could see his eyes glimmer with fury. I couldn't help but smile.


March 22nd... Naoki's words suddenly appeared in my head. "Kenny's death happens on the fight with Baller Boyz." March 22nd is the day Kenny dies! I laid in my bed, and stared at the ceiling as I grimaced.

Conflict between Toyuu and Baller Boyz... which means...

"Ugh, I'm not smart enough to figure this out!" I ruffled my hair. Point is, I gotta save Kenny. And the time to save him is in the fight between the Baller Boyz and Toyuu.

"But then again I don't know who is gonna kill him..." I muttered. Solving problems like these really weren't my forte. But, I don't have a choice. I guess I just gotta keep my eye on him.

Granted, I am ridiculously weak. My fighting skills are not impressive. I can cross, uppercut, all those kinds of punches. I can take out your average delinquent, with obviously a bloody nose or a black eye. But other than that, I wouldn't consider myself able to do anything more.

I laid there quietly in my bed, just waiting to fall asleep. My mind wandered off to everywhere as I laid there. I thought about Keisyuu, Kenny, Kokoro's adorable comeback, and the homies. I chuckled at Goro and his humorous personality, Akio and his sweetness. Arata and his loyalty, Isamu and his mischievous smiles...

And then when I thought my mind would finally calm down, Mikey had suddenly appeared in my thoughts. His face appeared in rather better detail then all my other thoughts. His pretty face, his charming black eyes, his soft lips, and his long blonde hair... I blushed. What am I thinking!? I covered my face with my hands, cringing at how warm my cheeks were. Then his soothing voice saying my name appeared in my head this time. Ugh, why does my chest feel this tight!? He is literally just like any other person. I smacked my cheeks. Stop it! I said to myself, and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow,

After fifteen minutes, I was finally able to fall asleep. I fell asleep, hugging my pillow tightly, and smiling for some reason. 

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