21 jump street Tom Hanson X r...

By shy_pickle123

2.3K 35 13

! Female y/n.! May have spoilers (sorry) I'm slow so my writing may be bad More

Coffee /1
Jump Street /2
Case? /3
What's Up With Them? /4
oh..OH /5
Party /7
Watch your attitude /8

Caught /6

251 4 0
By shy_pickle123

You woke up in the pasenger seat of Robins car. "huh" you say opening your eyes slowly. "oh hey y/n" Robin said continuing to drive down a steep road. "how did I?" you say looking around the car. "relax y/n!" Robin says calming you down. You yawn "where are we going?" you ask looking at your surroundings. "last night you said I could bring you to some clubs and get you drunk so that's what we're doing!" she said happily. "I uh-what about jumpstreet!?" you panic. "it's okay they think you're still sick" you sit back down and relax and enjoy the car ride. You get to a bar and you have a few drinks, Robin agreed to stay sober and take care of you. She had never seen you drunk and wanted to experience it. Boy would she regret that. After a lot of drinking and a few bars you were wasted. You could barely walk. Robin was linking your arm and she used your state to make you do reckless things like getting a bellybutton piercing, a tattoo and convincing you to dance horribly on a huge dance floor. You slurred and wobbled your way around all day until you gave up on walking and sat beside a dumpster with Robin beside you. "Robbie" you say turning to look at her,she looks back at you "yeah y/n" she says. "why can't I find love?" you ask looking into her eyes. Robin frowned "I'm sure you will some day" she said holding your hand. "one second" you slowly stood up and wobbled to the dumpster and threw up into it. "let's get you home" Robin says linking your arm with hers and walking to her car and driving you back to her place. You fell asleep in your clothes and makeup, it wasn't comfortable but you still slept well.


"ROBIN!" you shout from the bed you were laying on. Robin ran into the room, "what is it?" she says. You look at your piercing and tattoo and the bruises on your legs. "what you were drunk" she shrugged. "oh my god" you whisper. "I'm a police officer, I can't do this" you say, Robin walks over to you. "you said you needed a break" she said kneeling infront of you. "remember, him?" she said. Oh. You thought about the kiss. "yeah" you whisper. "oh and get dressed we have another party to go to" she said as she got up and practically ran away. You rolled your eyes and got ready. You had your hair down and you were wearing a red dress and black boots. You had on a bit of make up and you looked very formal. Robin borrowed your black dress from last time and styled her hair into a ponytail. She looked amazing. The two of you left and made your way to the party. It was in a big house and it was full of fancy men, most of them tried to hit on you but you kindly turned them down. You played with your glass a bit as you looked around the room from the kitchen stool you were sitting on. You spotted Robin feeling up some rich guy, she was definitely flirting with him. You sighed and turned back to your glass tracing circles over the top of it. You were lost in thought until your head began to hurt. The only solution at the party was alcohol and your head was really sore. After a few drinks you tried to stumble over to Robin but a tall guy stood infront of you. "sorry" you hiccuped and tried to walk around him but he blocked you again. "hey" you pushed him but he wouldn't budge. You look up and it was Doug. "oh hellooooo" you said smiling at him. Doug leaned down to you, "Are you drunk?!" he asked surprised. "whatt??me? noo."you said very unconvincingly. Doug rolled his eyes and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder."hey" you started punching his back. "put me dowwnnn" you whined. "Robin!" you called out. She looked at you and stood up and ran after you and Doug. Doug made it to a car and he placed you down. You folded your arms, trying to look angry. Robin came to your side. "so you're the crazy friend" Doug said putting his hands in his pockets. Robin linked your arm with hers. "still a friend" she said looking at you. "we're taking y/n home" Doug said. "we?" Both you and Robin said at the same time. Just then somebody ran out of the next house down and continued running until they reached Robin, you and Doug. It was somebody you couldn't really see. Robin just looked at you waiting for your reaction but she was surprised when you didn't have a reaction. "y/n are you okay?" he asked. "who?you know what I dont care" you said ignoring his question. "leave me alone" you said to the two of them and you tried to walk away but Doug pulls you back. A tall man in a fancy suit then opened the door and called for Robin. She looked at you and whispered in your ear "call me when you get home " before running off with the man. You turned and watched  her leave then turned to Doug. "why?" he asked. "stupid problems" you said walking and getting in the back of the car. Doug was driving the car while the other guy sat in the back with you. You looked out of the window and slowly reality came back to you. You finally turned and seen that the guy was Tom. Great. You continued looking out the window trying to distract yourself. Doug pulled up infront of Hanson's apartment and said that you would be staying there so he could take care of you and make sure you don't do anything stupid. You didn't say anything, you just walked to his apartment. He opened the door and you walked and sat down on the couch. Tom sat beside you. "y/n, why did you run away?" he asked. You just looked at him as if he should know. "we didn't have to try that hard to find out where you were" he said. "Judy told us your family pet died and I know that's hard" he said looking sympathetic. He doesn't know. You relaxed a bit. "yeah" you said looking away from him. "why did you look for me away? I'm an adult and I can take care of myself" you ask, acting mad. "we were worried" he said looking down. "as police officers we had to ensure your safety, last time you went missing.." Tom trailed off. Oh yeah, Damien. "I'm going to sleep" you say, realising how tired you were. "goodnight" Tom said as he got up and walked away into his bedroom. You sighed and fell into an uncomfortable sleep. You woke up to the sounds of someone walking around. You sat up and stretched. You turned towards the kitchen and seen Tom sitting at a counter reading. You got up and walked towards him. You sat beside him but he didn't seem to notice you. You spun on the chair and peered at what he was reading. "hello Mr Hanson" you say getting his attention, he looked at you and smiled. He's adorable you think to yourself. "good morning" he said. "I'm going out to get coffee" you said getting up from the stool. "y/n" Tom called as you were about to leave. "mhm" you walked back to him. "You sure you want to go wearing that?" he asked looking you up and down. You were wearing the clothes from last night. "oh" you said looking at the dress that looked worse for wear. "you can borrow something of mine if you'd like" Tom said getting up and leading you to his bedroom. He gave you a pair of leggings he just had in his closet, you wondered what one night stand they belonged to. Tom gave you a band shirt he had that was kinda big on you but you didn't mind. The two of you left to go get coffee at your sisters café. She had been on a holiday since the last time you came here so she didn't know about the whole Damien thing but that's okay. The two of you made it to the café but it wasn't open yet. You then seen your sister walk to the door to open it. You and Tom got out of the car. "hey Anne" you said walking towards her. "hey y/n" Anne pulled you into a hug. "who is this?" she turned to face Tom, "Tom Hanson" he shook her hand. She smiled at him. "you opening up?" you ask Anne. "oh sorry sis, closing" she said. You became a bit upset as the coffee here was truely great. "why?" you ask. "gas leak" she says. "but" she says sensing your sadness. "there's a new coffee shop somewhere in the mall" she said. "I hear its pretty good" she finishes. You smile and say goodbye to her and you and Tom go to the mall. You walk around and find the coffee shop and you and Tom sit down and drink your coffee. "your sister doesn't seem to upset about the family pet" Tom said. You nodded "maybe she's hiding it" you suggest. Tom shrugs and the two of you have a normal conversation for a while, you try and hide why you ran away while asking "how is Hailey?". Tom said "she's great, we're planning on moving together soon. I really like her" You were able to hide your sadness but that one hurt. You finished your drinks and you asked if Tom could drive you home. He said that he had to go see Hailey and that you'd have to walk, you told him it was fine and that you didn't mind so you set off on your journey. It was a 15 minute walk so it wasn't to bad. Until, you felt a few drops of water on your head. of course. The rain got really bad when you were a few minutes away from your house. Suddenly you felt the rain stop and something or rather someone beside you. You looked beside you and seen a man with dirty blonde hair, glasses and  freckles, he was wearing a suit and he was holding and umbrella over your head. "oh thank you" you said to the man. "no problem y/n, I'm Edward" the beautiful man said in a deep velvet voice. "uhm how do you know my name?" you ask him, the man stopped as you had made it back to your house at that point. "we're neighbours" he said with a smile. You returned the smile and offered him to come in, which he accepted. You both sat down and began talking. When you were with him the whole world felt like it melted around him. It felt like it was just you and Edward. You told Edward about the whole Tom situation and he was very understanding. Edward seemed to know everything. After what felt like not enough time Edward left and went home. You went to sleep not to long later thinking about how work is going to be tomorrow.

Y/n pov

sigh, I didn't miss desk work but It has to be done, apparently the whole office is on desk work so this should be fun. I keep my head low as I walk to my desk and begin working. After about an hour Doug gives me a piece of paper. It says employee party! All Jumpstreet employees have been invited to a get together hosted by Mr&Mrs Cook. I turn to Doug "why?" you ask. "I guess its a thank you since we are all just amazing" he says. "oh and there's a +1, who you bringing y/n" Doug asks.

I know just the guy

Holy moly this one took a while. I'm working on another book so chapters may be slower. What do you think of Edward? Hope you enjoyed


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