The Fu Family

By StarvirgoBK

10K 301 49

Nanda Parbat, somewhere in the Arabia home of the League of Assassins , and home to three very important chil... More

A/N and Character ages
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

569 18 8
By StarvirgoBK

"Before I let you explain why you are so angry that you had to cuss, I want you take three deep breaths. Ready in, and let it out." Nino did this two more times, before he burst out into a explanation.

"Hi waqaft li, for the forth time this month! Then on my way home, I find her kissing Jordan. That's not even the worst part. She says it's my fault. How is it my fault when she was the one that was cheating.

I can't say I'm surprised. She's been hanging out with Lila. No doubt that lying viper had a hand in it. 'Aetadhir liwalidi alnaatiq bilughat kariha, it won't happen again. Now who are they?" Nino asked as he finished his rant.

"You're apology is excepted. The three are your cousins, the older gentle man is your grandfather and my uncle. As for your punishment, you get to watch Chris for the rest of your holiday, and the week before we move." Jamal stated in a tone that left no room for argument.

"It's nice to meet you Nino. My name is Marinette, over here in my arms is Damian and that over there is Jason. Our grandfathers name is Wang Fu. Sorry about your break up." 

"Lovely to meet you everyone, and thanks. I should take Chris for a nap, before he starts annoying everyone. Before I forget baba, Ma said she's coming home early."

"Why is she coming home early?"

"Something about the workshop having a gas leak, and her almost strangling her boss. She sounded angry, I didn't want to question her. You of all people know how scary she is when she's angry." He said as he made his way down the hall with a sleepy Chris in his arms.

Jamal just sighed. It was going to be a long night. "How about a friendly spar. Nino and I would love some new opponents, then maybe if your willing, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"That would be lovely." Master Fu answered just as Nino returned from Chris' room.


Marinette set Damian on the couch, and Jamal put a blanket over him. After that, the five made their way to the back yard. It was quit big so they had enough space to spar.

"Uncle, will you be joining us or watching."

"I'll be watching. My fighting days have long passed. So Zahra, who is your opponent?"

"I'll go against Nino. Are you okay with that?" Nino just smirked. This was going to be fun. Don't take that smirk the wrong way. He learnt to never underestimate someone.

The two made their way to Master Fu, who held two katanas out, then made their way to the center of the yard. 

"On my mark, ready. Yabda." With that the fight commenced. Both very good. Both swift and quick. While fighting Jason and Master Fu notice something in Ninos' fighting.

"Do you see it grandfather?" Jason asked, he had to make sure his not the only one.

"Yes. He is using the way of the Order. Well done Jamal, but I must ask. Where did you learn to fight in the ways of the Order?"

Jamal just smirked, "Do you remember your old pal. Pennyworth was his surname. He comes every six months, just for tea. He trains Nino a little bit, then he makes his way to England."

Master Fu was surprised, then his surprised expression turned into a smirk. "Oh that wise old snake. Do tell him to pop around the next time." All Jamal did was nod, then continued to watch the fight. A minute later, Nino and Marinette had their katanas at each others necks. The fight ended in a draw.

"Well done both of you. Jamal, Jason your up." Marinette and Nino bowed to each other then handed their katanas to the next fighters. "On my mark, ready. Yabda."

This fight didn't last five minutes. Jamal had his sword at Jason's heart and Jason had is sword at Jamal's neck. Well that's one way to end of the spar session.

"That fight didn't last five minutes. It was all to quick, I swear I got whiplash." They all turned to the new voice. Standing by the door, stood an average height African women. 

"Habeebi." Jamal said as he went to go kiss him wife, while Nino made a puking motion and Marinette and Jason snickered at their cousin. "Kali, meet Marinette, Jason and-"

"Master Fu. Lovely to see you again after eighteen years." Kali finished for her husband, and Master Fu nodded in greeting and in conformation.

"You know my uncle?"

"He was my fathers friend. He visited a lot. I didn't know he was your uncle. Well I guess it can be discussed over dinner. Excuse me while I go change." With that she left.

"There's something called PDA baba." Nino said as turned to walk in the house.

"Oi! Don't give me that Zain" A warning to his son, but the tiny blush evident on his face.

"I'm I wrong?" The amusement clear in Nino's voice. It was all too easy to make his father blush. Marinette and Jason trying and failing to hold in their laughter, while Master Fu just shook his head in amusement. This was his life now.

"Jason, go check on your brother before you lose your breath." All Jason could do was nod his head, and made his way the the living room, all while trying to catch his breath.


Damian and Chris had woken up an hour later, while Jason helped his aunt in the kitchen. Kali was happy to finally share her recipes with someone. The other four played a game of cards while Master Fu watched. Marinette had seen her brother wake up, so she put her cards down and went to kneel in front of him so she was eye level with him.

"I'm so sorry we didn't tell you. We thought we did you a favor by not telling you. That was also one of the reasons why we had to get you out of there. Can you forgive us. You get to punch Jason in the face."

"HEY!" Jason shouted from the kitchen offended, and Nino chuckled at their dynamic.

"You had your reasons, but I can't be mad. In the end you saved me from a horrible fate. I should be saying thank you, both of you. I will take you up on that offer to punch Jason." Damian said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh come on! Why me! Knowing you Adil, you're going to do it whit more force then necessary." Jason complained making the whole family chuckle.

"Well meet our cousins Nino and Chris, and our aunt Kali." Marinette introduced the people Damian hadn't meet yet. All Damian did was wave his hand as he scooted closer to his sister, not liking the sudden attention.

"He'll get used to you." Jason said with a found smile. Even if these people were family, his little brother also was got so scared to talk to people. A big part to why he was so scared to talk to people, was because he thought they might be like their mother. Harsh, cruel, and heartless. No one could blame him.

"Diners ready." Kail said as she broke the small silence. Diner was eventful. Story's were shared, and everyone had an overall good time. This was the start of a beautiful relationship between this lovely family.


1215 words.


 Hi waqaft li - She stood me up (Arabic)

'Aetadhir liwalidi alnaatiq bilughat kariha - Apologies for my foul language father (Arabic)

Yabda - Begin (Arabic)

Habeebi - Beloved (Arabic)


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