Why don't you try and leave m...

By Oshi_Oshi_Oshi

45.1K 1.7K 553

"I hate you Kiyotaka. Why are you doing this?" Kei screamed, with her ocean blue eyes brimming with fresh tea... More

A Reality To Be Tolerated
Please Don't Fake It
Dreams Of The Past
Some Things Never Change
Criminial Ambitions
Teaser II
Cry me a river
Author Note
Poison in my veins
Carnivorous Flowers
Venomous Affection
Kill Me Now
Disguise Of Disinterest
Terrible Temptations

Irrevocable Damage

2.4K 104 7
By Oshi_Oshi_Oshi

After high school, life had been treating Kei reasonably well. She decided not to go to college and managed to a land a job in the sales department as a supervisor with a surprising ease. Although it had been difficult to pass the requirement tests which had taken her an whole year of studying and waitressing, she was truly content to bag a job at a famous multi-national co-operation, which specialized in fashion, something she really liked.

It made life feel a lot more tolerable now that she possessed the financial freedom to do things the way she liked to. Sure it took lots of fake smiling but the control over her life was worth it.

But no control is invincible under the mysterious hands of nature.

One thing lead to another and Aoi ended up residing with her for the last three years.

She could tell moment she saw Aoi again at her doorstep. Those half-dead eyes gazing back at hers had been all too familiar, awakening something in her that she had barely managed to suppress in two years' time. It was not a battle she could win.

While Kei did not want to associate herself with anyone during this period, something about Aoi's situation resonated with the broken shell she called her heart. As a victim of abuse, she couldn't bring herself to abandon another victim just like her. Especially when it was her lovely cousin who had been the singular existence she could call her family.

Somehow, now Aoi was not here trying to take care of her. She was the one who needed the care.

Aoi was forsaken by her family and society. Much like her. Even though it was no responsibility of hers to take Aoi in, she couldn't leave her behind. With time, Aoi slowly seemed to get better.

A lot had happened in these five years since school. Slowly but surely, as the seasons passed, the remnants of the past began to fade away with it, bringing in new spring breeze.

The past tormented Kei much lesser now. In fact, she had moments where she began to forgot its existence. New changes arouse deep within her, covering the gaps left in the wake of the heartbreaking betrayal. She was beginning to feel what some people called "fine". Sure she was still not ready to trust anyone but she had untangled herself from the dreadful past and finally had a clean slate to work with.

That was all she had ever wanted.

The ability to break past the shackles of her past.


"That bastard he is making us wait on purpose, isn't he?" 

The newly appointed Minister of Defense, Ryuuen Kakeru, spoke harshly, having had enough of waiting. Somehow, the act of waiting with the other ministers resembled a scene of little children waiting outside the principal's office. It was needless to say that it irked him extremely.

"Impatient as always, aren't you? I sometimes wonder how a blockhead like you ended up graduating from Class A." Sakayanagi Arisu commented nonchalantly, sipping her tea like she didn't just drop a bomb on the goddamn floor.

This of course in all its essence was a provocation. And it was not left unanswered.

"Kukuku. I thought only your legs were useless. It appears your brain doesn't function either. Don't you remember your pathetic loss to me in the Final Special Exam?" Ryuuen uttered, his magenta eyes glinting with an invitation of a challenge which Arisu profusely refused, retreating as if she didn't start this in first place.

Ryuuen was not pleased.

Just when things reached the boiling point, Ichinose interrupted the nasty flow of the conversation.

"Now, let's not fight against ourselves. We are the ministers of this great nation. We cannot fight amongst ourselves now, can we?" 

Ichinose's words were pretty convincing for anyone who did not wish create trouble. Anyone who wished to not complicate things more than they already are. Her charisma as the former student council president did help her case immensely.

"Yes. I agree. Let's not fight amongst ourselves." Hirata politely added, before swiftly returning to his unnatural silence.

Ichinose smiled gently at Hirata for supporting her but Hirata did not smile back.

"My my. I didn't realise my juniors were so vulgar and immature. Ichinose being the student council president was the correct choice after all." Nagumo spat out, as if intending to piss off Ryuuen.

The man could never give up the chance to escalate an already tense situation.

Ryuuen snorted. He and Arisu had never been in interested in being the student council president in the first place. But calling him immature was not something Ryuuen took lightly, especially from someone like Nagumo.

"It seems your nose still has that scar, Nagumo-senpai ? It seems having the shit beaten out of you still didn't make you any less arrogant." Ryuuen taunted, having never liked Nagumo, whose methods he found despicable. The fairness in the school exams had plummeted around the second half of their second year. He was sure Nagumo had played a significant role in it even though he knew that external forces were at play.

"Well I don't want to hear it from someone who barely managed to graduate as Class A because his opponent was expelled and brags about it like an idiot." Nagumo retaliated, grinning mockingly.

"Please. Just stop." Hirata intervened, speaking with an urgency in his voice. He looked visibly shaken, disturbed by the talk regarding that expulsion.

Silence conquered the room. It was well known that the topic of Ayanokouji's expulsion was a taboo subject. Class D members had never uttered a word on the matter even when the other class leaders had demanded to know why.

The methods used by other class leaders ranged from bribing to even a threat of violence but it yielded no results. All mouths were shut tight. The school had given out no reason as to why the expulsion took place. The hospitalization of Karuizawa Kei certainly rose suspicions regarding the matter but nothing was confirmed. 

"It appears all of you went to the same school. I am not sure what is going on but I would like to introduce myself. I am Akira Yuuma. The newly appointed Minister Of Education. Pleased to meet you all."

The black-haired man with steel blue eyes assertively announced with a tiny bow out of respect. He didn't look any older than any of the ANHS students, yet there was a mysterious aura of maturity surrounding him.


Arisu who had appeared to be uninterested in the conversation since the beginning, now directed her eyes towards the stranger, inspecting him out of curiosity. She had heard rumours that white room students had entered the competition. While she doubted the truth behind such rumours, it was highly likely that the outsiders belonged to the white room, given their ability to keep up with them.

"Sorry. I want to introduce myself too. I am sorry for waiting for so long... I was not sure know how to break in.... I am Fujiwara Hikari...... I am the Minister Of Health.....  Ahhh... Pleased to make your acquaintance." Hikari rambled nervously, losing all sense of control.

The girl was barely old enough to be identified as an adult. Her silk smooth orange hair, contrasted against the forest green of her eyes. She genuinely looked like a deer caught in the headlights, endlessly scared and petrified.

Others in the room ignored her, wondering how in the world she survived and managed to be among the top 10 in the competition.

Arisu quickly scanned the girl, not feeling even the slightest inkling of intimidation, she turned her violet eyes back to Yuuma, who stared back without flinching. Although she had never seen the man in her life, she could see his man fit right in with the others in the group. She slightly smirked as she uttered, breaking the silence in the room.

"Hmm... I heard there were white room students participating in the competition. By any chance, you are one of them?" Arisu questioned Yuuma with a sweet smile, as if her mouth was not spewing poison at the moment.

"White room.."

Ryuuen snapped his head towards Yuuma faster than one could blink. His magenta eyes darkened as he inspected the stranger, with a scheming gaze.

While Ryuuen did not know much about that goddamn institution, he was aware that that place was linked to the origins of Ayanokouji.

Ichinose's blue eyes widened in recognition.

Hirata and Nagumo stared at others, confused as to what was going on.

Hikari's anxiety was not doing well under such a stressful situation. She was visibly sweating, having trouble breathing.

Yuuma laughed.

"Are you from white room?" Ryuuen demanded, his eyes promising hefty consequences if he should choose not to answer.

"I-" Yuuma slowly started, not bothered by the barrage of eyes directed towards him.

It was then.

The door burst open.

Two tall figures made their way towards the centre of the table, taking their respective seats while others stared in a mix of amazement and intrigue.

"I apologise for the delay. We had an unexpected guest who insisted on meeting the Supreme Leader." Manabu spoke on his boss's stead, while straightening his glasses.

"Now shall we go over the matters of the-" Manabu abruptly stopped scanning everyone present in the room.

"One of you are missing."

Author Notes:

So things are getting heated up.

Lots of characters introduced this chapter. Characterisation of some of the characters might not be so accurate since it has been a while since I read cote. But I think I did a decent job.

I think I am done with all these background things. Next chapter, things will properly start from Kei's side of things.

I cannot promise when they will meet. But I did write like a teaser kind of thing from Kei's POV.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

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