Story Ideas

By WhovianJC

382 6 25

These are just my ideas for potential stories in the future If I can they will likely contain a rough draft o... More

What if Naofumi was Captain America
The One Punch Hero!
Deku the New Knuckleduster
The Viridian Speedster (Flash Deku)
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 1
Godzilla Deku Story
Ben 10 Deku Part 2
What if Deku was Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
The Gerudo Hero
Ben 10 Deku Pt. 3
Zonai Deku
My Son of All for One AU.
(MHA x One Piece)

The Return of the Strongest Avenger

47 1 0
By WhovianJC

New York Avenger's Academy Campus  

         "And here my fine esteemed Hero Prospects is the resting place of the Mjolnir, Legendary Weapon of the Original Avenger Member Thor." A tour guide of the Campus said to a large crowd of potential students. "The Dean himself has assured me that anyone who successfully lifts this hammer will be admitted with a full scholarship to the hero program here. Though no one has been worthy in the almost 4 centuries that the Hammer has rested here." 

         "Can we all try Sir?" a student asked raising their hand. 

         "Of course you all can try if you want," I said. 

Japan, Musutafu UA Facility USJ Vigilante Vermillion Hare POV: 

          I was staring down a whole horde of Villains and beating them down easily. I am Izuku Midoriya, Quirkless Teenage Vigilante not that they can charge me with anything since Vigilantism was redefined nearly 4 centuries ago. All I had was my wit and my Martial arts experience and they weren't failing me.  

          "Nomu, Take him out." A villain with hands all over them said. Suddenly a hulking beast of a Villain came before me and Punched me sending me backward and into the stairs. 

          "Oh, nice punch. Big boy but I ain't out yet." I said jumping up an punching it in the beak it did nothing. It grabbed me and began to squeeze me, I felt my left arm brake and I felt like one of my lungs were punctured. It threw me back at the stairs an Erasure head came down to check on me. 

           "Kids take him back up with you," He said to the kids who came down with him. "I have some villains to fight." 

           "I don't think he will make it sir he is dying!" A brunette said. 

           "Ochako is right sir." An armored man said. 

           "I will fight to my last breath to save anyone in trouble" I said.

New York Avengers Campus

           "And that is the last of you guys, see It just isn't possible to lift it. It doesn't even react to anyone." the tour guide said. 

           "Uh, Sir something is happening!" A future Student said. I looked around and saw what he meant the blessing of Odin was visible someone somewhere today is worthy. Suddenly the hammer sparked and lifted up shattering the glass pedestal. The Hammer flew off to god knows where.

back to Vermillion Hare

            I was fading in and out of consciousness, I felt something pulling itself to me. I heard a sonic boom, "Am I seeing that for real." I asked one of the students carrying me, the armored student looked up.  

           "Ochako put him down help is coming to him trust me." he told her. 

           I reached my hand up and into my hand came the legendary Hammer of one of the first heroes, Mjolnir.

--- Basically this and for clarification the Nomu would have a mouth laser beam like the Destroyer sort of has ---

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