By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


169 19 14
By dreamerinmaking

A/N I just wanted to introduce our main characters individually, so that is why the first chapter is from Andrew's POV. The rest of the book will be from Kate's POV.

Enjoy reading. And don't forget to leave your reviews. :)


It had been two years since my last visit.

NY was still the same and so was my sneezing. It was chilly at this time of the year. New Yorkers were always winter ready. Sure, it was cold, much colder than Cape Town ever got but the sky was an electric blue, the sun shone and the snow blanketed the city in a cushion of white.

I put on my black David Buffalo Bitton Jacket and black Solective boots. I hope that my outfit was appropriate for this meeting. I was wearing a silver monteau dress. I didn't want to dress very formally.

I had a meeting with the Editor of The New York Times. This meeting was very important for my campaign. If this deal was done then so many people would be provided with help. I just wish that it's a done deal.

I collect all my files and head out.

Whoa! It's freezing out here. I quickly take a cab. I have missed this place so much. This was home. I knew every street, every food place and every corner of New York. Central Park had always been my favorite. I used to ice skate at the Wollman Rink, on the south side of the park, when I was a little. I look out the car window and notice the New Yorkers. The women are dressed in waist-hugging designer coats and their winter hats. Men are all suited up and heading to their work places. New York is always busy. This place never rests. There is always something that goes on here.

I arrive in about 10 minutes in front of the tall mirrored building of The New York times. I am nervous. Am I dressed appropriately? Will I get the deal? There are so many questions on my mind. I don't think that I ever think so much on an average basis.

The floor to ceiling glass provides a view of the lobby. I make my way inside. The interior is breathtaking. It looks so sophisticated and grand.

I go to the reception desk and there I'm greeted by a very pretty blonde girl. After I give her all my specifications, she tells me to take the elevator to the 18th floor. As I reach the 18th floor I am taken aback by the commanding view of the cityscape. New York looks beautiful from here. I meet with another girl who escorts me to a big cabin with a board on the door which reads "THE EDITOR". I knock and enter.

I see a man dressed in a grey suit standing, facing the window. He is talking on the phone. I look around the office. It is very well furnished. There is a couch at the left side of the room and a glass topped table in front of it. The office is all white and there are a few framed articles on the wall. I look at the desk which is in front of me. It is really neat. Everything is properly kept and all the files are neatly stacked. I wish that he would hurry with his call because I was tired of noticing the interior of the office.

I shift my attention to the man in front of me. He is tall. I can make out that he works out. He seems really fit. He has perfectly styled brown hair. His voice seems very light and pleasant. There is a very familiar vibe about him. It makes me feel a bit uneasy.

As I am staring at him, he cuts the call and turns towards me. I catch my breath.

"Kate." He looks at me with utter disbelief.


I can't believe it's him. It has been so many years since we had last met. He looks really nice. He is nothing that I had expected him to be. Gone were those nerdy glasses and baggy, faded jeans. He looked smart and the suit sure fitted him very well. He looked like one of the models from the fashion magazines.

He walks towards me and picks me up in his arms. He really does work out. His strong arms are wrapped around me. The way he holds me makes me feel so fragile. He gently releases me. I can feel my cheeks redden. Damn this feeling. I must be looking like a tomato. I look down and smile.

"Look at you. You look stunning."

"Thank you, David."

"I mean it, Kate. You are as beautiful as you were. Actually much more beautiful now." This is definitely not the David I knew.

"So, do you mean to say that I wasn't that beautiful back then?" I nudge him playfully.

"You know I don't mean to say that." I laugh at the expression on his face. He really looks serious.

"You didn't forget to tease me, didn't you Kate?"

"Old habits die hard." I tell him. We both look at each other and laugh. His eyes look so innocent. Our eyes were of nearly the same shade. His was just a bit darker than mine.

"Now we have a lot to talk about but before we go down that lane, let us talk about the meeting." His tone was very formal now.

I had totally forgotten about our meeting because of this little reunion of ours. I take out the file and give it to him.

"So, tell me about your campaign?" He questions me.

"I've been living in Cape Town for over two years now and during my stay I traveled to the remote places of South Africa. And what I came across was heartbreaking. The conditions at some of the places are really poor. People don't have a place to live. Some of them don't even get food to eat. The kids don't have a school to go to. They are deprived of even the basic necessities. After I surveyed all the places, I decided to launch a campaign to help these people. I have already established a few medical help centers, shelter homes and a school is under construction. But even you know that these types of projects require a lot of funding as well. I have been doing all that I can but I need a little more help so that I can set up these projects at other places. I approached you guys so that you could help me to spread the word around. I need a medium to spread this message and I couldn't think of a better way than "The New York Times". I've already contacted other dailies and magazines of other countries which will be helping me out. So now I need to know if you will be helping me out."

I wait for him to reply. It seems like he is trying to analyze something.

"If you already have the help of so many other newspapers and magazines then why do you need our help?" He questions.

"New York times is a widely spread and a very well reputed post. I need this campaign to reach everyone. And I don't think there's a much better way to do it."

"What if we decline this proposal?" He looks at me intently.

"To be honest, I won't mind. I am not here to beg for help. This campaign is to help the people. This is a cause for humanity. I feel that everyone needs to help each other. We are all in this, Together. If you wish to help then let me know."

I didn't want to plead for help. I just hope what I said won't create a problem.

"Being the Editor of this renowned post I think that helping is such venture is very important. We are ready to help you. Let me know about all the details and then we can figure out something good." He gave me his enigmatic smile.

"Thank you so much. This is going to be really helpful for our campaign." I shake hands with him. "Here are the files which contain all the necessary information. Whenever you go through them then we can fix our next meeting." I hand David the files.

He keeps them away and looks at me.

"Now coming to the other meeting."

I can't get what he is telling. I look at him quizzically.

"Which meeting?"

"Forgetful as ever, aren't you, Kate?"

I still couldn't remember about any other meeting.

"I am talking about the meeting when you are going to tell me all that I have missed in these past 6 years."

"Okay. Now I get it." I really feel foolish.

"Yes. So what do you suggest? Dinner, tonight?" Will it be alright if I go out with him? It's just old friends hanging out together. Nothing more. He looks at me patiently. And anyways I've nothing to do.

"Sure. Dinner it is." I smile at him.

I get up and pick up my things. David gets up as well and comes and stands close to me. He is really very tall. He smells of spicy cologne.

"It was nice to meet you Kate." His voice is low and husky.

"Same here David."

He pulls me towards himself and hugs me. As he lets me go, I turn to leave. What I saw made me feel out of place. Everything seemed wrong.

"Kae." He called out to me.


There he was. The most precious gift that I had lost.

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