Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian Jo...

By ASongOfIceAndFandoms

23.5K 1K 228

Book 3 of the One of You series Henry is in danger. After Greg and Tamara's attempted destruction of Storybro... More

Only Be Dark
The Heart of the Truest Believer
The Heart of the Truest Believer pt 2
Lost Girl
Lost Girl pt 2
Nasty Habits
Good Form
Dark Hollow
Think Lovely Thoughts
Save Henry
The New Neverland
Going Home
New York City Serenade
Witch Hunt
The Tower
It's Not Easy Being Green
It's Not Easy Being Green pt 2
The Jolly Roger
The Jolly Roger Pt 2
A Moment in the Woods
A Curious Thing
Snow Drifts
Snow Drifts pt 2
Snow Drift pt 3
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home pt 2

The New Neverland pt 2

696 32 2
By ASongOfIceAndFandoms

Calling Regina, they got a blanket to cover Mother Superior in before they could deal with her. Neal turned up shortly after, Emma having called him about the incident. As Regina came to the nun's home with Henry at her side, she looked on the scene, gaping when she saw them covering the dead body of Blue. "What the hell happened?" Regina asked as she reached their side.

"The shadow killed her," Y/n said, looking from Blue to Regina. "Pan's shadow."

"I trapped it on the sail," Regina stated, slightly confused.

"Yeah, well, it got free," Emma said, her voice low and quiet.

Regina looked down, feeling just a little bit guilty her spell didn't hold it there as Neal said, "Hook, let's go back to the ship and get the candle. If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it." Hook nodded, and the two of them, with Tink, set off towards the ship.

"Pan's behind this, I know it," Emma said as she stood up.

"Well, he's trapped in a box under the floor of Gold's shop," Regina stated.

"Who else would be doing this?"

"So, Pan can still hurt me?" Henry questioned as he gained their attention, voice quivering just enough for them to hear.

"We don't know that," Regina soothed him.

"But we have to assume he's still a threat," Mary Margaret said.

"And that he's after Henry," Emma added on.

"Then what am I doing here?" Henry suddenly burst out, making Y/n narrow her eyes. Never, in the near two years she had known Henry, had he ever wanted to back down from helping them fight the enemy. Even if his own life was in danger, he would still go against their wishes and fight. It became quite the hassle sometimes, but right now, because he wasn't doing it, that just made Y/n even more suspicious of her nephew's behavior.

"He's right. He's not safe out in the open," David stated, not catching the oddity of Henry's outburst.

"You'll protect me, right?" Henry rounded to Regina, who looked on compassionate for her son as Emma tilted her head with crossed eyebrows.

"Yes, of course!" Regina exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug.

Shaking her head free of the thoughts, Emma nodded to Regina and said, "Go. We'll take care of the shadow." As Regina headed off with Henry on her hand, Emma called her once more. "Regina, wait." As Henry kept going, Regina turned to Emma as she said in a lowered tone, "Keep a close eye on him."

Confused, Regina hesitated before saying, "I already said I would."

"I know... he just doesn't seem quite himself," Emma tried, not wanting to seem like she was unintentionally insulting Regina.

"Really? You mean because he asked for me?" Regina shot back, Emma's attempt failing.

"No! I-I didn't... I didn't mean that."

"That's exactly what you meant," Regina cut her off, and Emma visibly deflated. "You can't face the fact that I'm his mother, too. And maybe, just maybe, he wants me when he's frightened. You forget, I have ten years of soothing his nightmares under my belt. He's fine."

"It's not about you, Regina. I just have a gut feeling," Emma told her, trying to fix the tension.

"Well, maybe you can use that gut feeling to find the shadow instead of obsessing over who's gonna comfort our son," Regina said, and turned around to lead Henry away from the scene.

Emma stepped back to her family, Y/n waiting with crossed arms as she watched Henry and Regina walk away. "Emma," she called, getting her sister's attention. "Have you noticed Henry's... odd behavior lately?"

"You see it, too?" Emma asked, glad to know she wasn't the only one.

"Since when has Henry ever wanted to stay out of the crossfire?" Y/n asked her sister.

"I know, I know," Emma said, and sighed. "But we don't have time for that right now. We have to find Gold to see if Pan is still locked in that box."

Taking a dreadfully saddened Mary Margaret away from Mother Superior after the nuns had taken her, they four Charmings ran as fast as they could back to Main Street to Gold's shop. Just as they got there, they arrived just in time to see him closing and locking up shop, Belle at his side like she often was. When Gold saw them all running right towards him, he stepped back and held up his hand.

"No, I'm afraid we're closed. Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day."

"Rumple," Belle scolded him slightly.

"Pandora's Box. Give it to me," Emma demanded, not bothering to explain.

"And why would I do that?" Gold questioned her, looking as if she had grown a second head.

"We need to open it." Y/n stated. She knew the idea sounded mental, but they had to discover what was going on, and they would need Pan for that.

"And let Pan escape? What, are you crazy?" Gold said as he looked among the family.

"Somehow, he's controlling the shadow from inside the box. Henry's life is in danger," Mary Margaret said.

"And you think letting Pan out will change that?"

"Yes. Because we can stop him. Finally. And forever," Emma said.

"All due respect, Miss Swan, we barely succeeded in apprehending him the first time," Gold stated, although not much respect in his tone. "If I've learned one thing, it's not to tempt fate."

"I am not looking to apprehend him. Wouldn't you rather be sure he's gone?" Emma asked, tempting to the darker side of Gold, and herself.

Gold seemed to consider this, asking, "Well, what do you have in mind?"

"We bring him somewhere he can't hurt us. Somewhere he can't use his magic," Emma told him, and Gold caught her meaning.

"You wish to release him at the town line?" Gold deduced, and Emma nodded. Gold let out a sigh, looking to Belle before walking back to his door and unlocking it, going inside as they followed. Undoing the enchantment on the floor, Gold grabbed Pandora's Box, and the six of them headed out towards the town line in their cars. Gold had his shawl he used for getting past the line, looking to himself to do the work as he got out of his car. "There's no magic beyond the town line. If we release Pan outside Storybrooke, he'll be powerless to fight back."

"Uh-uh," Emma stopped him, holding out her hand. "I'm doing this."

"I can cross the line and retain my memories," Gold fought back.

"It's not about that. There's no magic over there. All due respect, the real world is my expertise," Emma stated, and took out her gun before crossing over the bright orange town line. "I'm gonna deal with Pan on my terms."

"He is my father."

"It's my hunch," Emma said, preparing herself for Pan as she stood outside Storybrooke. "If I fail, you're more than welcome to pick up the pieces.

"Emma, be careful," Mary Margaret said.

"Good luck," Y/n called to her sister, who nodded and prepared her gun.

Gold, staying behind the town line, waved his hand over Pandora's Box. The gears on the sides turned as the red jewel lifted, and Gold placed the box on the outside of the town line just before the red smoke started the flow from it. Those behind the line stepped back as Emma raised her gun, and watched as Pan formed on the ground, laying down on his side. Emma quickly cocked her gun as the others flinched back a little bit, Pan looking around in confusion as he got up from the ground. He gave a startled look to those behind the line, who glared at him, before he turned to Emma, seeing the gun pointed right at his face.

"Mom?" he said, suddenly confusing all of them.

"What?" Emma responded, but she didn't lower her gun.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot him," Gold insisted, growling out as he looked at his father.

"Don't! Please! I'm Henry!" Pan said, making Y/n look at her sister, who looked back, before both of them turned their gaze to Pan. "Pan, he switched our bodies!"

"You expect me to believe that?" Emma snapped.

"Don't listen to him. This is one of his tricks," Gold claimed as Belle held tightly to his arm.

"No, it's not!" Pan insisted toward Gold, before looking back at Emma again. "He did it right before Mr. Gold captured me in the box. I swear!"

Pan went to step towards Emma, who let out, "Ah! Don't come any closer."

"Shoot him," Gold said once more.

"Maybe he's telling the truth," Emma said quickly. "Y/n, maybe that's why we can't shake the feeling something's off about Henry."

"Is that even possible?" Y/n questioned, warily looking at the boy who claimed to be Henry.

"Maybe that's what he wants you to believe. If he steps over this line, we're all dead," Gold said very quickly.

"All right. If you are really Henry, prove it. Tell me something only Henry would know," Emma demanded, her grip on her gun not loosening.

"I-I got trapped in the mines. I tried blowing up the well. I like hot cocoa with cinnamon!" Pan began listing off.

"This proves nothing," Gold snarled.

"He's right, Emma. Henry could have told Pan all of this in Neverland," Mary Margaret said.

"Pan might know facts, but life is more than that. There are moments. He can't possibly know all of them," Emma said, recalling her conversation with David from before about her and Neal. "The first time you and I connected, you remember that? Not met, but connected."

Pan gave a little smile that seemed completely foreign on his face, and said, "Yeah."

"Where was it?"

"At my castle, right after you and Aunt Y/n came to Storybrooke," Pan recalled.

"And what did you tell me?"

"That I knew why you gave me up."


Pan gave her a soft smile and said, "Because you wanted to give me my best chance."

Emma lowered her gun, knowing only her son could know that was the moment they connected. Y/n visibly deflated in relief when Emma lowered her gun, and when Emma and Pan/Henry shared a hug, she knew that her suspicions from before were right. Henry was not Henry. It was Pan. Looking back over at Gold, Emma said, "Promise you're not gonna incinerate us when we step over the line."

Emma picked up Pandora's Box as she and Henry stepped over the line, Y/n rushing over to give her nephew a hug. "Oh, my God! It really is you, Henry," she gasped.

"I'm so glad to see you again, Aunt Y/n," Henry said, and she grinned as she pulled away from him, letting Mary Margaret and David take their grandson in for a hug.

Emma gave Pandora's Box back to Gold, who nodded, and looked to Henry and said, "I'm sorry I doubted you, Henry. And I'm sorry I put you in this box in the first place."

Henry gave him a little grin and said, "It's okay. I would've done the same thing."

Emma urged Henry back to the cars, and as she did this, David said, "He's all the way out here, where's Pan?"

"I think it's clear where he is," Y/n said, looking to face her parents. "With Regina, in her vault, most likely."

"Well, then, we'd better hurry over there before something happens to her," Mary Margaret said, rushing out her words before they all started back to town.

As they walked towards the cemetery, after she called Neal to tell them what happened, Emma tried calling Regina over the phone nearly three times. But each time, she was met with the voicemail message. After a fourth try, Emma said, "Regina's still not answering."

Turning to Gold, Henry said, "When we find Pan, remember, he's still in my body. So, if you have to throw a fireball or something, at least avoid the face."

"I'll do my best," Gold said, and they finally saw Regina's family mausoleum in the distance, Neal, Hook, and Tink waiting beside it's doors.

When the three of them heard footsteps approaching, they turned to see the six of them walking towards the mausoleum, and Neal looked at Henry in slight awe. "Henry. Is it really you?" he asked.

Henry let a smile burst onto his face as he ran towards his father and took him into a hug. "Dad!"

"Did you find the shadow?" David asked Hook and Tink as they stood beside the doors.

"Not yet," Tink answered, arms crossed.

"But we'll be ready for when we do," Hook said, and held up the bound coconut in his hand before handing it to Neal. The very one they used to capture the shadow the last time.

"I think it's Pan we should be concerned about now. Why are we still up here?" Gold asked as he looked between the three already there.

"It's locked up tight," Neal told him.

"Really?" Gold rhetorically asked. Holding up his hand, he tried to use his magic to get past the doors. But as a humming came from them, there was a small jump in Gold as he put his hand down, the doors still closed tightly.

"Well, told ya," Neal said to him.

"Fair enough. This is gonna take some time," Gold told them, and started to use the same magic to disintegrate the protection spell set upon the doors.

Emma stepped away from the work, and went off to brood by herself, as she often did in moments such as this one. As usual, Mary Margaret and David went off to follow her to try and give her their usual Snow White and Prince Charming 'you can do this' pep talk. Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts when Gold called her over, making her walk over to him and look at him, confused. "Yeah? What is it?" she asked.

"I thought maybe we could see just how powerful your magic is, dearie," Gold said, and Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You're gonna help me break down this spell."

"I'm not using magic," she stated in surety, making Gold give a grin.

"Well, then, I hope you enjoy the precious minutes we're wasting up here, not looking for Pan," Gold manipulated, as he does with everyone. Y/n gave a silent huff of a breath, and Gold said, "Just think of how much you want to get through those doors, how much you want to get to Pan. How much you want to stop him. Let the emotions it gives you fill you up, and let the magic happen. Don't hold it back like you've always tried to do."

Y/n gave him a glower before turning away from him and to the doors, giving a side glance to Hook, who was watching their exchange. Hook was not happy with the Crocodile and his incessant need to control those with power. Hook watched with a clenched jaw as Y/n raised her hand and closed her eyes, doing exactly what Gold had told her to do. Her hand began to shimmer lightly, like Gold's, as the humming from the doors once again started up from the opposing magic. With their combined power, Gold and Y/n managed to force the doors open, the woman staring wide eyed at the work she had done. "My, God," she whispered slightly, and stared down at the open doors.

"Shall we?" Gold said evenly, and immediately made his way through the doors.

"Y/n, did you just use your magic?" Emma questioned her, not having seen her sister's exchange with Gold. "I thought you weren't going to use it, ever?"

"We don't have time to discuss this right now, Emma," Y/n brushed her off, rushing past the others as they headed into the vault.

When they went down the stairs to Regina's vault, they saw it was trashed. Books and vials of potion ingredients were strewn and thrown all over the place, and among it all, Regina lay on the floor. She was unconscious, and when Mary Margaret saw her, she quickly rushed to her side.

"Pan's gone," David said, looking around for the boy in Henry's body.

"We're clear down here!" Emma called back up to the others, who had waited for confirmation of Pan's missing presence.

They surrounded Regina, and Gold motioned for Mary Margaret to move before waving his hand over Regina's head. She glowed purple for a moment, before Gold finished his spell and stood as she came back from her slumber. "What happened?" she asked in slight panic, looking around for Henry.

"It's Henry. Somehow, Pan switched bodies with him," Emma informed her, and Regina gaped slightly before looking down in disappointment of herself.

"And I fell for it," she spoke, her voice downtrodden and full of regret.

"We all did," Mary Margaret said.

Regina let out a sigh and said, "I wanted to believe what he was saying so badly, I missed all the signs. I just wanted to believe he still needed me to be his mother."

"I still do," Henry said from behind Emma, having finally entered the vault.

Regina gasped a little, and a gentle smile etched onto her face as she said, "Henry?" The boy walked through the room to reach his mother, taking her in for a hug they both needed desperately.

"So what exactly did Pan come down here to get?" David questioned as he looked at the bottles and books all over the floor. Gold flinched away from a box that was held in one of the stone cubbies, looking at it disturbed and drawing in the attention of the others. "What?" David asked.

"Please tell me you didn't keep it down here," Gold said, and looked to Regina.

"Where else would I keep it?" Regina asked, and the horror dawned on her as well as Gold.

"What is it? What did he take?" Y/n questioned as she looked between the two mages.

"The Dark Curse. Pan has the Dark Curse," Regina revealed, and the daunting fear that was held in her eyes soon passed to the rest of them. "Why would Pan even want the curse? I already cast it."

"And I broke it," Emma said.

"Well, that doesn't mean he can't cast it again. And this time, without your parent's true love woven in, even you would be powerless to break it," Gold said, gesturing to Emma as he spoke.

"I don't understand. We're already in this land," David stated.

"What exactly would casting the curse in Storybrooke do now?" Mary Margaret asked him.

"Once again, everyone will forget who they are. Time will stand still, and this time, it will be Pan running the curse instead of Regina. We will all be at the mercy of his wishes, powerless to stop him," Gold said to them. Their fears were becoming a reality. Of course it wouldn't be as easy as they thought to defeat Pan. He was too clever, and would most certainly have a backup plan in case his first one failed. With this curse he was now given, Pan was going to make Storybrooke his new Neverland.

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