the book tour

By jjlookatme

73.7K 2.1K 83

When Kennedy is invited on her girlfriend's 3 month, international book store tour the relationship shifts in... More

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4.2K 94 2
By jjlookatme

°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°

Driving through the city was amazing. I usually walked and had to keep my attention on all of the people and make sure I was going the right way but in the car, I could look up. That's the one thing my dad told me before I left for Edinburgh- don't forget to look up. He wasn't wrong. The skyline was stunning in the city and it blew me away every time. I could feel Lia's hand in mine and her thumb made circles on the back of my hand. I appreciated her so much. I looked over and saw her head in her phone. She'd been looking up for ten years so I suppose her wonder for the city had gone down. Not only that but she knew it like the back of her hand, she could walk from one side of the city to the other with her eyes closed if she needed to! Her book series was set in Edinburgh too. It made sense due to the immense history that the city holds.
Her book series followed a family which was once incredibly popular and famous within the city but now the living generation are not popular and just normal people. In the first book, some ghosts of the old family visited them, resighting the family's forgotten values but then when one of the family were killed, the ghosts started to help and practically solved the case. The books then follow the 'unforgotten ones' helping the twins of the family solve all of these crazy murder mysteries throughout the city. Her series was incredible and it just - it was like a Sherlock Holmes adaptation but so much better.
"Are you alright munchkin?" She asked me, glancing at me. She knew I was looking at her. I nodded and carried on looking out of the window. I was alright, more than alright. Lia came into my life at a time I least expected it. Although I told Josie and Juniper we met on Tinder, it was a huge lie. I had a tumblr account for my little side and she had a caregiver one- well more of a writing one but she followed a few littles- me being one of them. In the lead up and process of moving, I was hardly active and she noticed my missing presence and would message me but then when I got settled in with Annie, I posted a picture of the castle in which she messaged me the view from her kitchen. After that, knowing we were close to each other, our relationship just sparked.
A few weeks after me being here, I accidently bumped into her whilst grocery shopping. We'd shared snapchat with each other so I knew who she was immediately. Although I'd been talking to her for a while, it was crazy to see her in person so I froze and ghosted her for a good few days until she walked into my bookshop. I couldn't avoid her then and we hugged and stayed hugging for a good three whole minutes! Then, the rest was history. What I adored about my relationship with Lia though was- well a few things. Firstly, we jumped into it with her knowing I'm a little. She knew, she understood and although she hadn't experienced it in person, I had let her into a huge part of my personal life which I knew she accepted. On top of that, she understood that big me and little me were different. She's in a relationship with big me, she can do as she likes, she loves me equally as a girlfriend but when I'm little, she takes charge as my caregiver. She was an experienced caregiver too so my little was learning to be loved in the exact right way. I'd never had a caregiver, at least an in person one, properly despite being little since around eleven years old.

"Right, we're here baby," she muttered as the car came to a stop. I looked out of the window to see where we were and I couldn't figure it out. I just knew we were near the Royal Mile. I turned to look at her. There were lots of people around- and buses.
"Mama," I mumbled, moving closer to her. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my head. She then reached into the bag she packed. I didn't know what she was getting so I just waited in her arms.
"Here, love," she said- taking out my headphones. I smiled. She connected them to her phone and gently put them on my head. She adjusted them and I watched her face of concentration, it was so full of care and love that I just wanted to melt. Once they were on, she tapped on her phone and music began playing through them- my favourite playlist. I leaned into her again and kissed her cheek, my thank you.

°˖✧✿✧˖° lia °˖✧✿✧˖°

As soon as we were out of the car and public and in the museum, she began to realise where we were. Apparently, she had been asking Annabelle to come here with her for a while, just for the dinosaurs but Annie was a busy person.
"You good?" I asked her softly as she looked at me. Her headphones were still on and they'll probably stay on the time we were here. She needed the steady music to help keep her calm and I had no qualms about that. She was my baby and if that's what she needed, that's what I'll give her. She nodded and moved closer to me anyway. I kissed her cheek and held her hand tightly, walking us through the entrance and up the stairs. I loved this museum. It was so full of little quirks and it wasn't the traditional dark and grumpy one- it was bright and open and I just adored the atmosphere. One of my books is set here- yes, the whole book- and I have spent way too much time here to get the story absolutely correct. As a writer, I have to be able to imagine the story as I write it and I immerse myself into that world. My office, at home, is huge, simply so I can act out my whole book as I speak it and then edit the speech to text. It's not a common writer way but it's my writer way- also the reason no one can be there when I'm writing.
"Are de dinos here?" she asked me, leaning in.
"They are baby! Which one do you want to see first?"
"The steggo," she said, very matter of factly, nodding her head with finality. I smiled and headed towards the stairs again. The stegosaurus was on the third floor- ironically in the children's interactive section. However, I loved my baby but she wasn't all that confident, especially when little so I knew she wouldn't go and get too visibly excited. We walked up the stairs but I let her take her time, taking things in and really just soaking up where she was. She was so carefree when it came to these things though and I adored that she trusted me. From the get go, the very first time we properly hung out with each other, her trust in me was secured and I had never been more grateful.

A few hours had passed and I was sat on a bench as she sat in front of the steggo, drawing him. I thought it was insanely cute when she asked for her sketch book and I wasn't going to say no. She had her headphones on still and I was just enjoying the beautiful view of my baby. She'd look up and then down and her face was so full of concentration and focus. Her tongue stuck out slightly as she drew and my god, I wanted to hold her and protect her forever. However, I knew I needed the toilet and my belly was beginning to rumble. I never eat breakfast, I never have- although I make Kennedy eat it. I was just used to a late breakfast, early lunch. I stood up and walked over to her and then crouched down beside her. She glanced up at me and gave me a pearly smile and I chuckled. I ran my hand over her hair and slowly pulled her headphones off her ears and let them rest around her neck.
"Hewo," she said to me, still sketching. Her drawing was beautiful. It was so intricately detailed that I was surprised she'd managed to do it from here.
"Hello," I replied. "I love your picture."
"Fanx, it almowst finished."
"That's okay, how's your belly feeling? Has she told you she's hungry yet?"
She thought for a moment then nodded her head. "She want icecweam," she giggled and threw her head back, looking at me with her cheeky grin. I opened my eyes wide.
"Does she really?"
"She does mama! We getted it her?" She got excited now, thinking she was getting icecream.
"I think we should give her a sandwhich first and then icecream! How does that sound?" She huffed and her face instantly fell. She even dropped her pencil, just to cross her arms. I chuckled.
"She no wan sandwitch!"
"She doesn't? What about... some soup?"
"No mama! Icecweam," she grumbled.
"Hmm, maybe a panini?" I suggested. She huffed more and turned away from me, spinning on her bottom. I shook my head, obviously she gets grumpy now.
"Well then, you need to tell your belly that she won't get icecream until she has something savoury first," I said simply. She sighed and closed her sketchbook, still frowning at me. We stayed sat there for a few minutes whilst she processed what she wanted.
"I just hav cwisps?" she asked me, lifting one shoulder up.
But I shook my head, "not if you're wanting icecream too bub. You've got to look after yourself haven't you?"
"I wook aftwer myswelf wif icecweam," she grumbled. I sighed and stood up.
"Let's go to the bathroom and then we can decide on food- yeah?"
She sighed but stood up next to me. She handed me her sketchbook but kept the sad look on her face. "Otway," she sighed as I took her hand. I kissed her temple as we walked out of the stegosaurus section.
I walked us into the disabled bathroom. "Do you need to go?" I asked. She shook her head but blushed madly. "Have you already gone?" I asked her, keeping mmy voice neutral. I didn't want her to be embarrassed- accidents happen to babies. She nodded softly and turned on the balls of her feet, away from me. I smiled softly and pulled her pull up bag out of the bag.
"Come here then little love," I took her hand gently and lifted up her skirt. She stayed quiet, letting me clean her up.

We decided on pizza then icecream. Although it wasn't the healthiest option, it was what she wanted and I knew she wouldn't pick anything else. I told her savoury and she picked savoury. The pizza restaurant was busy so she had her headphones on as she ate in silence but I didn't care. Her bunny was on her lap and I occasionaly ran my hand through her hair. She was my princess and I couldn't wait to take her on tour!

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