Outlawed (SOA)

By _Queen_Reina_

10.8K 189 24

A young eighteen years old girl who goes by the name Athena Graceland has run away from her small town home i... More

The Little Runaway
Agreements and Troubles
First date
First date pt.2
Trouble in mind
Constant Anger
The truth pt.1
Truth pt. 2 (coming home)
Next opportunity
Anger issues
Next step
Set up
Gemma's truth
Tully's story
Tully's Home
Family matters
unspoken answers
cleaned up and low
Heading home
farewell to outlawed

Hell of a woman

315 6 0
By _Queen_Reina_

I got up out of bed were Kozik layed soundless and still but of course that's what sex does to a busy man, I threw on his Samcro t-shirt and headed to the front porch to look out and the emptiness of the outside world as I slowly escape the demon's in my head.
I normally didn't smoke but I felt different inside as my fear boiled in me I lit a cigarette and sat in silence when the floor board made a creaking sound I jumped swinging my arms but someone grabbed me.

"Holy shit baby calm down It's just me sweetheart. " I spoke as I caught her arms and pulled her to my chest wrapping her arms around me and combing my hand through her hair, she seemed off lately but I don't know what it could be,"Hey you doing okay sweetheart? " I kissed her head as I whispered in her ear; she looked so damn good in my shirt it kills me slowly with a fire in my chest,"Baby its chilly for onces out here let's take you inside. " I pulled her along but something was wrong with her I could tell by the way she stood avoiding my eyes. 
She didn't really need to say anything but eventually she did,"So you wanna tell me what's going on?" I side eyed her once we made it inside and the rain came down fast and no one was expecting it.

   He kept asking me the same question eventually I spoke up,"I'm scared that things with the Silver Crows ain't over and I feel like I dissapointed Chibs by having sex with you, after Jax I think Chibs was tired of seeing me hurt."
  I felt his side eye and I watch the rain pour down from the kitchen window, it was six thirty in the morning and there was a soft knock at the door.
I walked to the door with Kozik behind me, I nodded and opened the door to see Chibs, Tig, and Bobby; "Ah hey dad, Tig, Bobby what are you guys doing here?" Chibs stepped in allowing the two others to follow he closed the door and locked it then pulled me down the hall and to the back porch and closed that door too,"Dad what the hell is going on?"
Chibs pulled me into a hug then whispered in my ear,"Sweetheart you can't go out alone anymore because the Silver Crows ain't finished with you yet and you know that." I nodded and hugged him tighter and slowly cried which only made him sit down and hold me closer, "Dad are you dissapointed in me for the choices I've made?" I whispered and he just stroked my hair and rocked in the chair we sat on but eventually he spoke up.

"Athena lass I'm your dad and all I wanna do is protect you, I will never be disappointed in you Kozik on the other hand is a different story but he treats you well and takes care of you so I don't have to kill him yet."
I held her close wondering what brought that thought on and when I looked down she was out so I went back inside and placed her on the couch then headed to the garage looking for the guys. "Aye Kozik you don't leave her alone and she doesn't go out alone ya hear me boy don't pull a Jackie boy on me." Kozik nodded and got a beer for all of us then sat down at the table, he put a piece of paper in my hand then went back to his beer.
Opening the paper and reading it only made me worry for my little girl more,
Hey Chibs I know Athena isn't your blood but you love her like she is your blood but something more is wrong with her than she's telling and I don't know what to do, I found her outside this morning and she almost killed me so what am I gonna do man I need your help.
- Kozik
I looked up and he, Tig and Bobby where starting a game of cards, I git up and walked back into the house to check on Athena who wasn't on the couch anymore," Athena lass where are ya, sweetheart? " I heard sounds in the bathroom so I walked down the hall and found her laying on the floor in a puddle of sweat with vomit on her face,"Aye lass your sick ain't ya?" She nodded and reached for my hand I grabbed a towel and sat flown with her in my arms, she cried from the pain but I wasn't sure what to do with her.
Eventually I walked to a guest bedroom and put her down they layed down beside her and I must have been tired and worried because we both fell asleep.

We looked around for Chibs but couldn't find him then I heard Tig call me and Bobby down the hall where we found Chibs passed out with Athena cuddled in his chest, I saw a flash then Tig laughing and send a picture to everyone in the club. I had to admit it was cute, when I walked to the bathroom I understood what was going on and that clearly Athena was sick again."Shit man she's sick again and didn't say anything. " I cleaned up the bathroom with the help of Bobby as Tig ate whatever he  could find in my house," Thanks Bobby the help was appreciated. "
He nodded and we all walked out to the living room and watched whatever was on until I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall and I knew it was Chibs,"Hey brother how's she doing?" He nodded and sat down.

"You should get her checked out brother Kozik said she's been sick a lot this week." Chibs nodded to me the got up and walked back to the room where Athena was resting, he took the keys to the truck that Kozik had in the yard and carried Athena out to the truck and he most have been going to the hospital because he was gone for a while.
Five hours later Chibs called
Chibs: Aye brother the lass is having a wee one so will be home soon but could you find something to make her to eat?
I hung up the phone telling the others what the doctor said and Kozik blacked out on the floor so we slapped him in the face until he got up but the panick was showing and we went to the kitchen you put some food together when we hear a bike take off all of a sudden, "Damnit Kozik you piece of shit bastard." Myself and Bobby ran outside only for him to take off, I told Bobby I'd follow him and bring him back sense Bobby was a better cook then all of us.

Writers message:
Hey everyone sorry I haven't wrote in a long time, I start my last year of high-school next week and I'm nervous and worried that I won't make it but I'll try my best and I'll try and publish more of my work even though it's all very shitty, but if you have ideas please feel free to comment them and I'll find a way to add them in, thank you to everyone who supports me your amazing.
~Desi ♡

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