FW & GW: One Shots & Imagines

By Hufflepuffsnow30

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I've been looking for a lot of good One Shots and believe me, it was outstanding. So I decided that when I'm... More

A/N: Description
Her - FW
One-Two-Three: GW
*Dancing: GW
Bad Habit: GW
*Roommates: GW
Drunken: FW
*Tutor: GW
*Tutor 3: GW
Fallen 1: FW
Fallen 2: FW
Fallen 3: FW
Fallen 4: FW
Fallen 5: FW
Cinderella: FW
Surrender: FW

*Tutor 2: GW

1.7K 19 1
By Hufflepuffsnow30

A/N: The long awaited second part of this series. Sorry for the late updates I have been busy with life but I sort of had motivation to write again. But enough said, hope you all enjoy.
(FemReaderxGeorge, Slytherin) -4K words

WARNINGS: foul language, sexual content, drinking, and also a mini mention of flashing lights*


You hated it.

That feeling of wanting more and being absolutely desperate.

You hated how you'd think of him at night or even when you'd daydream in class. When you'd hear other house mates talk foul about him, you thought other things.

It wasn't any serious feelings, it was just you craving his touch. You hated that you got so hungover the way he felt when the two of you literally only did it once and unexpectedly.

It had been almost a full week. You were supposed to be tutoring him three times a week but George missed the second session of tutoring and you were angry at first but you didn't mind since you knew it would've been awkward.

Aside from that, you would see him around more. In halls, when meals would start and finish, and even outside of school.

Today was also the third scheduled session you had for him and you hoped he'd show up. Not because you wanted to do other things but because you genuinely didn't like your time being wasted.

"Still on for tonight?" Theo whispered away from his test the whole history of magic class was taking.

Turning  to your right then looking in front to make sure the professor wasn't looking you said, "What are you on about" you narrowed your eyes at him.

Theo straightened himself with his desk in the professors view to make it seem like he wasn't having a conversation with you. "Tonight's party, Blaise said you're making the special concoction"

"The what?" you whispered as his eyes moved away  from his test to look at you.
"Friday night party- our house. You're making the bloody punch"

"Cant, I'm tutoring"

"Bail it" he shrugged.

"I can't" your eyes now focused on the professor to see if he'd look at you two and think you're cheating. "I did a hand shake. It's a done deal"

"You're a plonker" he whisper shouted. "you rather tutor probably a second year instead of having fun with your best mates on a Friday night- taking down shot after shot after-"

"Mr. Nott is there something I can help you with" the professor asked, finally noticing you two talking away. The students around all turned, attention on him.

"No—I'm all good—" he smiled innocently and everyone continued to remain quiet and do their test. Theo waited a few seconds then turned once more. "All I'm saying is, you're missing out." He turned away, actually taking his test now.

Truly, you didn't think you'd be missing out on anything. You also thought about George on whether he'd show up this time or not.

Your mind went to straight to overthinking on whether he just fucked you to prove a point or he did it just for the spite.

You brushed it off.

You needed to be more strict. So you told yourself that if he didn't show up this time, you'd go straight to McGonagall and tell her that he wasn't serious about his grades.

From the first day you told him time, dates, and what to bring. So if he didn't take it seriously, why should you?


Just as you suspected.

It was already half an hour into the tutoring session and there was no George.

You paced slowly, walking back and forth in the room as you waited for him to show up once again.

When ten minutes passed you thought "oh well maybe just quidditch" then twenty minutes passed and you were sure he'd walk in those last seconds but when it hit the thirty minute mark, you just about lost your patience.

"Screw this"

You picked up your books and robe, leaving the classroom and locking it up. Just about over it, you made your way to McGonagalls office but unfortunately she was out.

Whining silently and groaning at the fact that you just wasted loads of time now, you were just gonna sleep it off and wait till the morning.

Finally making your way into the dungeons and reaching the black stretch wall, you said the passcode and waited while looking down at your old vintage watch.

"Eight forty five, just bloody perfect" you rolled your eyes.

In the halls it seemed dead silent, but as you slowly entered the common- the whole atmosphere changed.

The dark Green room had different colored lights flashing along with the bass and beat of the music that was playing. People laughing and shouting came into play as well.

Making it through the crowd of students from yours and different houses, you managed to see your two best mates standing near an empty-wide glass bowl.

"No, last time she used fire whiskey and the fruit punch- I remembered how it taste" you heard Blaise shout over the music to the as you saw Theo's hands grabbed the two bottles out of Blaise's .

"You're wrong" he laughed. "It was Fruit punch and Rum, it was a sweet drink. Plus she literally told us as she mixed it" he motioned , getting ready to pour the mix in the bowl.

You got closer to them, stopping Theo and placing the bottles down. You looked at the table they set up and found the actual mixture you were looking for.

"One whole bottle of fruit punch" you poured the red juice in the bowl and grabbed another bottle. "Half a bottle of fire whiskey" you said as you looked at an amazed Blaise. "Half a bottle of Daisy Root Drought" you gave the bottles to Theo, letting him hold them as there was barely room on the table. "Ah! And for the sweetness you mentioned theo- it's three shots of Chocolate Liquer" you stirred the bowl and added ice
to the dark red mix.

"And there you have it—" you smiled once more, pouring the mix in two cups for the boys. "Bloody Punch" you gave them the cups, nodding as well so they could try it.

After cheering and almost taking down the whole cup, they shared a similar bitter face reaction that soothed down to a calmer one. That's how the drink was supposed to make you feel, sour till you turned sweet.

"You're a genius y/n, and I also didn't listen that time so I need that on paper next time" Blaise grinned.

"Nope, should've listened" you chuckled as you grabbed a cup and filled it for yourself.

"Since you're here, I'm guessing the Demon child you had to tutor was too annoying?" Theo asked as him and Blaise laughed and took another sip out their drinks.

You turned around from the bowl and stared at them with irritation in your eyes. Not at them but at what happened a few minutes ago. "No, the bloody bloke didn't show up." You said before downing almost all the punch in your cup. "Total waste of my time" you swallowed, mirroring that bitter to calm expression.

"Welp" Theo placed his right arm around Blaise's shoulder and his left around yours. "We're all here now so let's just enjoy it" he shouted as you laughed and moved yourself away. Him and Blaise walking away and moving somewhere else to find someone to dance with.

You laughed to yourself once more at your two best friends before pouring yourself some more of the toxic mix in your cup.

Turning around and scanning over the dance floor, no one really stood out to you- no one that you wanted to dance with.

You took a sip out of your cup again, swallowing what tasted like an alcoholic chocolate bar. And as soon as your cup tilted back down, you saw exactly the person you would've been tutoring at this exact time.

Anger washed over you and that bitter feeling started to take over a little.

You were furious, pissed even.

"This arsehole wasted my time by showing up to a party—- in my house Common room?"  You thought to yourself as you saw him against the wall with some girl's back facing you as she stood in front of him.

His hand was on the small part of her back as she seemed to be grinding on him. You watched as his hand slowly moved down to her ass and rest there.

You shook out the thought and some feeling you felt in your stomach when you seen her dance on him. But with the bloody punch in your system, you wanted to step right up to George and confront him.

And that's exactly what you were gonna do.

Taking down the rest of your punch and slamming the cup on the table or anywhere at this point, you walked and even pushed away some of that crowd that danced in your way.

Hearing the girl laugh at something George was saying had made you feel that weird feeling in your stomach but again, you pushed it away.

"Weasley" you enraged.

George's eyes looked away from the girl and his met yours. He seen the expression you put on and even with just seeing you there, he knew what he did.

"One moment" George told the girl and she scoffed as she moved away. You moved further away to a corner where no one could really hear or see since it was out of the view from the party, George following you behind.

You turned around and seen George's eyes quickly move off your skirt and now at your face which was full of anger. You pushed off his expression and just continued.

"You're a foul Git you know that" you pointed harshly at him. "Seriously George? Do you even care that you're wasting someone's time" you spat with nothing but anger in your tone.

"If it's your time, I could care less" he scoffed.

Before it ticked you but now it really set you off. "You're selfish, arrogant, and so full of yourself" you laughed at his face.

George started to match your anger now.

"And you're nothing but a snobby princess" his brows furrowed as he crossed his arms, eyes wandering over your body and just completely raking over how angry you were. He would hate to admit it but it turned him on just a little.

"You could kiss quidditch goodbye George, because the first thing I'm doing in the morning is marching right up to McGonagall" you walked up to George as close as you could, showing an example. "And I'm gonna tell her that she can cut that carrot dick head off her team" you whispered lowly, looking up at him as he towered over you.

George's eyes seemed to darken more and you could feel his chest start to tense up.

"What" you scoffed and took a step back "Someone mad they have to watch from the tent now?" You mocked.

"Just shut the hell up already" he tensed up, taking a step forward and looking down at you. Him being the furious one now.

"Oh! Actually you can't watch from the tents, so have fun watching your brothers play from outside the field" you had fun making him mad now, forgetting why you were mad at first but still having this built up feeling inside you.

You chuckled a little in his face, that being an after effect of the alcohol punch. "You're just mad I didn't come to the tutoring sessions to turn that heater on again." He smirked, trying to get under your skin.

Your laughter stopped as his smirked washed it away. "Atleast I'm not the one who actually needs the sessions" you washed that sneaky smirk off his face and broke down that tough Barrier he had up.

You weren't calling him stupid, but that's exactly how he took it.

He took that last step forward on the gap that was between you and him. He looked down at you and you felt his chest rise up and down from anger. You could practically feel the body heat move on you now.

"Get rid of that bitchy attitude" he spat with fire onto you.

But something else took over, it seemed like it was time for the mixtures sweetness and calmness to take over.

"Yeah?" you perked your eyebrows up once at his face, eyes moving from his eyes to his lips and then back to his eyes again. George seen your eyes go from anger to lust within seconds.

"Why don't you get rid of it for me"

George groaned just at your words before slightly and roughly grabbing your wrist.

He basically carried you upstairs to a random room and pushed the door open, mentally thanking whoever that the room was empty.

Pulling you into the room but not closing the door just yet, he walked up to you and undid your house tie that wrapped around the collar of your shirt. He went back to the door and tied it on the outside of  door knob before closing and locking it.

Now anyone would be sure not to walk in to him completely having at you.

Not wasting anymore time, George walked back to you and pulled you in by the hem of the skirt he kept eyeing on you. His fingers hooked on the hem as his lips met with yours.

The anger and heat from each other's body now formed into a fire that was ready to be put out by the makers itself.

His kisses were aggressive but so were yours. You would slowly take in his bottom lip to bite it and receive a groan from him that went straight to your lower body.

Meanwhile you were undoing his shirt button by button to slide it off his shoulders but he was the opposite. He grew impatient and just tore your shirt apart, buttons from your shirt flying and falling in the ground.

"Arsehole" you pulled away from his lips "that was my favorite button up shirt to wear" you looked down at the now ripped shirt on your body.

"See" George said as he shrugged the shirt off your shoulders then tossing it somewhere behind him. "Such a princess" he rolled his eyes before smashing his lips onto yours, keeping you quiet and so you wouldn't protest against what he said.

Taking off your bra as his lips didn't leave yours, you  grew even more hungry now from his actions. You let your legs weaken and fall onto the bed. You sat in a seating position now as George remained standing, towering over you like always.

George leaned down, kissing you heavily as your hands hooked on to his belt- quickly undoing it. After throwing his belt to the side, you hooked your fingers in his pants and his boxers- pulling them both down.

Your eyes widened at his size right in front of you. Groaning and Drooling at the thought of him slamming into your mouth.

Looking up you watched as he gave you that cheeky grin. "Your turn" he whispered softly as he picked you up by your waist just after the two of you rushed out of the shoes. George moved your skirt up and pulled just your underwear off, leaving you in just your skirt.

"This stays on" he said breathless, panting from all the hot kissing you two have been doing.

"Unfair" you groaned. "You rip my shirt and now want me to stay in this- " you didn't get to finish your sentence since George placed his lips on your neck, leaving you breathless and filling the room with soft moans.

His hands slid down your back to grip your ass just before moving further down to lift you up by your thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning at the feeling of his sweet sloppy kisses and the feeling of his dick rubbing against you.

You thought he was gonna throw you on the bed but instead you turned around and walked towards a dresser that was the perfect height to place you on.

But you just bout had enough of him doing things his way. "George" you whispered furiously, he moved away from your neck and looked into your eyes breathing heavily. "There's a whole bed over there and you want to do it on the desk again?".

George rolled his eyes as he started stroking himself from all the built up tension. "How do You still have that fucking attitude y/n" he groaned.

Placing your hands on his jaw first, you pulled him in for a hungry kiss. You slid your hands down till it met with his and you moved his hands away that was stroking himself. You began to stroke him instead, him moaning out of the kiss and moving to watch your hands stroke him.

"You haven't fucked it out of me yet" you said, finally replying to his question. This turned him on so much, he was already hard but you could feel him tense up in your hands.

Leaning in, it was your turn to leave sloppy wet neck kisses as you jerked him. His moans of curse words and also his moans of your name went through your ear and found it's way all the way down to get you even more puddled up than before.

"M' need to feel you" he moaned as he pulled you closer off the edge of the desk by your waist with your hands on his chest and around his dick.

You moved your lips to his ear, and your hands off him to place them on top of his hands that were placed on your waist. "Then feel me George" you whispered so seductively In his ear as you slid yours and his hands down from your waist to your thighs and then finally slipping it under your skirt and onto the center between your legs.

Moaning when you felt his soft touch on your most aching spot , your voice like sugar being sprinkled.

"You're so—" George started but couldn't focus as you started using his hands to touch you. "—y/n you're so addicting" his insults changed into compliments.

The room was being filled constantly with both moans and groans, yet no one has even been fully touched yet. One of his hands remained on your thigh as you still guided the other hand to rub on you. "Please -" you begged as you wished for him to use his energy now.

But George enjoyed it so much. You being desperate for him, you begging, but what turned him on even more was the fact that you were using him how ever you wanted. "You're the Tutor y/n" he said as he moved your hand away and finally gave in with slipping two inside of you. "Teach me how you like it".

Godric this man knew what he was doing. The anger was finally gone but both bodies were still tense from all actions and movements. "Just like that" you moaned as he sped up his pace of his fingers inside of you.

George was looking down, watching as his hand disappeared under the skirt and coming back into view repeatedly. But he needed to feel it for himself, feel it on himself .

It was as if you knew exactly what he was thinking. Surprisingly it was you who removed his hand, groaning at the loss of connection.

"I wanna feel you George" you looked deeply into his eyes with your voice heavy and breathless.

George didn't waste anymore time. He lifted you off the desk once more and finally plopped you into the bed. You didn't even have to ask twice for him to just fuck you cause as soon as your body fell onto the comforter, George slipped himself inside of you.

Legs were open so wide for him and his hands were on your thighs prying them and making sure they don't close. Watching him tilt his head back was a sight that made you want to just set that firework inside of you off.

George was just pounding into you recklessly and you had no words to respond.

He didn't slow down not one bit but he would look down at you, watching you as you would tilt your head back while moaning his name louder and louder from every stroke.

The room was filled with noises that went in and out of his and your body.

"Feels so good" you manage to say as he pulled onto the skirt while you felt weak. The skirt he was pulling down and back up was as if you were sliding and fucking him back. That's why he wanted you to keep the skirt on, plus he just couldn't resist himself.

You opened your eyes and propped yourself on your elbows to watch him slide in and out of you repeatedly and sinfully. Pulling your skirt up helped for you to see and also for George too. "My' Hell you're so good" George moaned softly.

He took the chance to go lower onto your body, meaning he felt deeper than before. More sloppy kisses were shared and moaning into the kiss was just the cherry on the top.

"Don't stop" your eyes closed as he continued to go deeper with every sloppy thrust. His moans and the way you watched him go deep inside of you had you shake beneath him.

It was the most immense euphoric feeling for you. It was long awaited satisfying feeling you craved after the first time you were with George.

You opened your eyes as your vision couldn't focus but the sight of him losing control inside of you, could make you literally come undone again.

He knew he was super close now since he was becoming uneasy and a moaning mess. You praised him till he was cursing out more and sharing more sinful words.

Instead of undoing the knot inside of you, he pulled out. "Y/n" he said your name tiredly and you knew what he wanted. You placed your hand around him once more and started to stroke him again. It didn't take that much time till you felt him shoot his cum all over your chest.

Just by this you could feel yourself getting wet again but you were all tired out just like George.

"Come here" he smiled as he pulled you up, kissing you deeply again.

After a few more moments of settling from each other's high, the two of you cleaned up and the guilt from doing the deed in someone's random room had the both of you laughing quietly.

  George was in his pants again and you were in your skirt and bra, looking on the floor for the buttons of your shirt so you could just do a repairing spell. George watched you for a second before picking up his shirt and pulling you towards him so he could put you in it.

"I think it looks great" he held back a laugh as the memory of him ripping your shirt played in his head.

"I hope so, I'm not walking out there with just a bra on" you laughed as George returned a laugh as well.

For a moment it felt soft. No arguing, no unexpected insults or rude banter. Just laughs and smiles In the dark room.

George looked at your soft expression when you laughed and it was like he felt this pull in his gut. But he pushed it to the side thinking it was "after math from sex".

"I'll take it more seriously" he blurted randomly, as you placed your feet back into the shoes you wore. "The lessons, tutoring sessions and all that" he cleared.

You looked up to him, his eyes glistening now as it gotten a whole lot lighter than earlier. "Yeah" you nodded your head as a reply too. "Wouldn't want your house to lose a good beater from grades" you grinned, not thinking anything of your comment but George felt that gut feeling again at your words.. but still he pushed it away.

"Since it's settled how about Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays." You asked him while opening the door, checking if anyone was near first before removing your tie off the door knob.

"Fine by me" George said he exited the room as well, making sure it was clean before leaving. "Oh and y/n, keep wearing that skirt to tutoring" he chuckled before you told him to sod off.

Closing the door, George waited for you till the both of you hit the bottom of the stairs. You went left on your way to your room and he went right, back to the way of the party.

Tonight was just the beginning of fresher feelings and sooner It was only a few more days to pass that you two would be in a room together again


Lmk if there's any mistakes or errors and I'll fix them , ty!

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