One-Two-Three: GW

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A/N : don't really know where I was going with this but it's been in my head for a while. Sort of put two ideas together but I hope you all enjoy.

Plot: y/n runs into a shop that is owned by a former friend from Hogwarts.
-This story will actually be in Second person POV maybe Third too I'm not sure  (it's my first time writing this way, sorry if it's off)
-Also, I've aged them up by a year so example would be the twins and y/n being 18 already in year 5 ( just personal preference)

WARNING: Implied smut (mentions it but not actually happening) Also not really a warning but this will be a long story, about 6k words.

Walking on the pavement of Diagon alley was easy for you since you were used to it by now. You even trusted the path so much, you'd be looking down at your feet since you knew this route.

Then it stopped. Your feet just, stopped.

It was an unfamiliar feeling but you knew what it was. Here you were now, standing right outside of the exciting shop you've always avoided till now. But it wasn't that, no. It wasn't the shop you were avoiding, it was a person inside.

Pushing all that to the side, you opened the door to the shop and both bodies stepped in just enough to stand on the welcome mat.

"I have plans in a bit okay, so be quick" you said nicely to the adorable little boy that was holding onto your index finger since his hands were too small to hold your whole hand. "I'll be right here by the door, you go ahead and grab whatever you'd like" you told him with the sweetest smile plastered on your face.

The little boy you've been watching over didn't share any words, but instead shared a huge smile before running off into the colorful sections of the store. His quick actions did make you chuckle though.

You felt bad that he was running around the store when you knew that kids liked taking their time to make sure they've seen absolutely everything before leaving. You felt bad because you lied about having plans when really, you were in a rush and didn't want to be seen.

Avoiding all contact in the store, you just turned around to face the door and walls to 'read' posters about fireworks. But you weren't reading at all, you were really thinking about his face.

  The face you've seen all over Hogwarts, the same face of the boy you were deeply in love with, but also the boy you hated the most, the same boy who is a man now and most likely married to that girl who is a woman now. Probably the woman of his children, the woman he loves and cares about more than y-

"Y/n?..." A deep yet soft and raspy voice spoke, the voice you recognized to be his. "Y/n is that you?" He repeated.

Well of course it was you. George recognized you in the crowds during quidditch games, how could he not recognize you when you're only a few feet away?

But Godric he knew you just by your hair, your back and your lovely scent that slowly filled the store from how soft yet strong it was. For Godric Sake, he could recognize you from miles away and you were a foul to not realize it.

  And here you were, in his store and he never thought a day like this would come. Before even approaching you, he was at the counter when suddenly he heard your laugh. The sound he loved most, it was the laugh he heard whether he made a joke or when you were the one pranking him.

  Turning his eyes to where your laugh was heard, he watched a little boy run off with a huge smile on his face. Looking back to you, he couldn't see your face since you were turned around but it sure was a sight for sore eyes.

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