By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 27

3.2K 113 81
By Lancelot1864

Tessia Eralith POV

I woke up the next morning in the tent, while laying next to Art with my head on his shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes, and heard him breathing rhythmically next to me. Hearing him sleep, feeling his chest rise and fall, I felt like I could stay like this forever.

My thoughts went to the kisses we shared last night, and I couldn't help but smile brightly. I finally got to kiss Art, And not only that, we are boyfriend and girlfriend now. Just thinking about this made my heart flutter, filling me with bliss. I slowly looked at his face while he slept, and smiled. I couldn't help but think about how handsome he is, good thing he's mine now.

I heard some voices outside the tent, and thought Sebastian and Alea must be awake. I decided to gently shake Art awake.

"Hey Art, I think the others are awake, we should get up too." I said in a soft voice.

Art stirred a little before he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the tent, until his eyes locked onto mine. He gave me a warm smile and said, "good morning Tess, sleep well?" His voice sounded tired which I found cute.

"*giggle* I slept pretty well, you?" I asked.

"Better then ever." Art said as he leaned forward. I felt as Art gently pressed his lips to mine, as we shared a loving kiss. We broke the kiss, and we smiled brightly at each other. As we looked at each other, we heard the voices talking outside again.

"Alright, let's see what they're talking about." Art said as he sat up.

"How are you feeling? I know you were pretty sore yesterday." I said as I sat up as well.

I watched as he moved his arms around fluidly. "I feel ok, I don't feel sore anymore. It was my first time using my second phase, so it took a lot out of me, even with my body being half dragon. But luckily I heal fast, so the soreness is gone." He said smiling.

Art then reached over and picked up Sylvie. Sylvie slightly woke up, as Art placed her on top of his head. Once on his head, she laid her head down and immediately fell asleep again.

I laughed at this. "Her favorite spot." I said smiling at them.

Art patted Sylvie's head with a smile. "Dragon or not, she still likes to use me as a resting place." Art said as we both laughed.

"You know, I can hear you two laughing. If you're done sleeping, come on out here already. We still have to pack up camp, and then we'll start our journey to Elenoir." I heard Sebastian say.

"Oh Sebastian, let them have their fun. It's not everyday you get to sleep under the stars with your lover." Art and I blushed at this comment, but the voice was not Alea's. Art and I looked at each other as we recognized it.

We both made our way out of the tent, and looked around. Our eyes fell on Sebastian, Alea, and Aya, who were all sitting down in a circle around the camp fire.

"Aya? What are you doing here?" Art asked as I was also wondering the same thing.

"Are you saying I can't come and spend some quality time with you when I want, my dear Arthur? Maybe I just wanted to share a tent with you too." Aya said in a teasing tone.

Art blushed at this while I subconsciously wrapped my arms around Art's left arm, holding him close while my eyes narrowed at Aya.

Aya noticed this, and her brows raised as she smirked. "Hahaha, my my, someone is protective over Arthur isn't she?" Aya said teasingly.

"Aya, you are not to touch my Art, he's my boyfriend now." I said with some nervousness. I could see Art smile out of the corner of my eyes, as I called him my boyfriend.

Aya and Alea smiled at this, while Sebastian seemed a little surprised. "Hahaha, you heard her Aya, no touching Arthur." Alea said with a smile.

"I don't know, I might test him in the future. Just like how I'll test Sebastian." Aya said looking at Sebastian, who was still looking at Art surprised.

"What?" Art said a little annoyed at seeing Sebastian staring at him.

"Oh nothing, just a little surprised you actually confessed. I didn't think you had it in you." Sebastian said matter of factly as he shrug his shoulders. Aya and Alea laughed at this. Art just blushed a little.

"I helped him a little bit." I said smiling at him. Art looked at me as he smiled back. I then looked at Aya again. "So Aya, what are you doing here? Not that I don't enjoy your company or anything." I asked.

"Your mother sent me. When Sebastian and Alea were knocked unconscious, it sent an emergency notification to her ring. She immediately sent me to assist. Though, it seemed you guys finished the fight before I got here." Aya said matter of factly.

"I see, well at least someone could've retrieved our bodies if we died." Sebastian said.

"Wow Sebastian, that's a bright mindset you got there." Aya said laughing a little.

"What can I say, I'm a realist." Sebastian said shrugging.

"Anyhow, let's start packing everything up, then we will start heading back to Elenoir. This way we can rest a little when we get there." Alea said as we all nodded.

We all began to break down our camp, when a thought crossed my mind. "Hey Aya, did you let my mom know we were fine?" I asked a little concerned thinking about my moms state of mind.

Aya looked at me and smiled. "Yes I did, she's very happy you're all safe. Although, I'm sure you're gonna have to convince her to let you return to the beast glades again." She said shrugging.

I mentally facepalmed since I knew I was going to get bombarded with questions when we get back to Elenoir. Well, I have to take a break anyways. With the beast will Art got me I'll have to assimilate with it, luckily grandpa can help with that.

We finished packing up our supplies, and put them away in our rings. We made our way to the teleportation gate, and stepped through to Elenoir. There, we were greeted by guards and two carriages.

"I notified the royal family we were coming. It's not surprising they sent an escort." Aya said.

We all nodded and climbed into the carriages. Alea and Sebastian got into the first one. Aya got into the second carriage with Art and I, since she wanted to ask us about our relationship. Art and I sat next to each other, with me on his right, and Sylvie on his left. Aya sat across from us, as her eyes flicked between the two of us.

"So, how did you two sleep last night?" Aya asked with a smirk.

"We slept just fine." I said while smiling, as Art and I took each other's hands.

Aya nodded still smirking, as her eyes flicked to Art. "So Arthur, how far did you two go?"

Art looked at her confused. "What do you mean? We were in a tent. We couldn't go anywhere, there wasn't anyplace to go." Art said confused with a head tilt.

Aya then bit her lips between her teeth, trying to contain a smile as she chuckled a little. "Oh you two are so cute. To be so young and innocent." Aya said as she looked at us with a warm smile. 

Art and I looked at each other confused, and just shrugged. I laid my head on Art's shoulder, as Art gently laid his head on mine. I closed my eyes and smiled happily as we continued our carriage ride.

We rode the carriage until we made our way to the front of the castle. I could see mom dad, and grandpa waiting for us out front. The first carriage stopped letting Sebastian and Alea out, who bowed to the royal family.

Our carriage came to a stop, and Aya got out first and bowed. Sylvie jumped on Arts shoulder, and I followed Art out. As soon as we stepped out of the carriage, mom took us both in a tight hug. Mom nearly knocked Sylvie off of Art's shoulder.

"I'm so glad both of you are safe, I was so worried. My heart stopped when the ring activated." I heard my mom say as she cried. Art and I immediately returned the hug.

"I'm sorry we worried you mother." Art said.

"Ya, we're sorry mom. But we're ok." I said reassuringly.

Dad walked over to us and joined in on the hug, saying how he was glad we were all safe. We broke the hug, and I saw as grandpa was patiently waiting for a hug as well. I walked over to him, and gave him a hug.

"It's good to have you back little one, and I'm glad you're safe." Grandpa said.

Grandpa broke the hug as he walked over to Art, and gave him a hug as well. Mom, dad, and grandpa asked Art about the white fox on his shoulder, and he explained it was Sylvie who could change her form. Sylvie just "kyud" in response getting a laugh out of mom.

"Alright, how about we all go inside, and you can tell us what happened." Dad said as he looked at Alea and Sebastian. I could see Alea and Sebastian flinch a little at dads intense gaze.

We made our way to the dining table where we all sat down to talk about our recent adventures, and why moms ring went off. It was the same table we sat at when Art brought me back the first time we met. I sat right next to Art, and he was holding my hand which was laying on the table. We were sitting close enough that our shoulders were touching. I couldn't help but smile brightly as I held his hand, and I could see Art smiling too.

Sylvie was laying down in the middle of the table just relaxing. Mom seemed to notice how close Art and I were sitting, and she was eyeing us curiously while smiling. I don't know why she thought it was weird, it's not like Art and I haven't sat this close together before.

Sebastian and Alea began to recount what we've been doing recently. He eventually told them about our most recently dungeon dive, and our fight against the Hydra and the forest queen.

Mom and dad were shocked and upset that we almost didn't make it out of the forest queen fight. Grandpa seemed a little upset, but he was impressed that Art was able to break into his second phase, and kill the forest queen.

"We were able to get the beast core from the hydra. It has a beast will that would be perfect for Alea, and her water magic." Sebastian said.

"Good, it'll make her stronger. I will help her assimilate with it, just like I helped Aya." Grandpa said. Art then looked at me and smiled. He then turned to grandpa.

"Hey gramps, I also have a favor to ask." Art began. Grandpa looked at him with a raised brow.

"What is it brat?" Grandpa asked curiously.

"Well it's about the forest queen. When I killed it, I was able to get the beast core." Art said.

"You did? But I thought it was destroyed." Alea said a little confused. Art shook his head, and took the beast core out of his ring.

"It wasn't destroyed. In fact, it contains the beast will of the forest queen. I was hoping you'd help Tess assimilate with it." Art finished with a smile as he looked at me.

Grandpa shot up from his seat, and walked over to Art. He gently kneeled down next to him, and looked at the beast core in awe. He was in shock, after all, it's not every day you get to see a SS class beast core with a beast will. Not only that, it's a forest queen, which is the best beast will for a plant and wind user, which is what I am. I looked over to mom and dad to see they were also staring at the core in awe. Sebastian, Alea, and Aya were all smirking at Art and I.

Grandpa stayed there frozen for a few seconds, before laughing like a mad man. He then gave Art and huge hug, being careful not to hit the beast core.

"You really are something aren't you brat. Saving my granddaughter. Being a dragon tamer. And now, giving my granddaughter one of the best beast wills there is. I'm proud to call you my disciple." Grandpa said with a warm smile.

Grandpa then looked at me, and gave me a warm hug. "Of course I will help you assimilate little one. Did you thank your husband for the gift?" Grandpa said teasingly as he broke the hug.

"Grandpa!" I yelled as I pulled his beard, and he yelped in pain. I saw Art blushing but smiling while looking slightly away.

"Well elder Virion, they might be married sooner then you think. Especially, since they're boyfriend and girlfriend now." Aya said teasingly trying to hide a smile.

"Aya!!" Art and I yelled jumping out of our seats.

"I knew it! You and Arthur were practically flowing with happiness sitting next to each other that close!" Mom said smiling happily as she shot up from her chair. She then walked around the table and gave Art and I a hug. "I'm so happy for you two." Mom said.

Mom broke the hug smiling, and I saw dad and grandpa give each other a nod. "Arthur, could my father and I talk to you for a bit in the other room." Dad said.

Art nodded at both of them, then turned to me. He handed me the beast core which I stored in my ring. I watched as the three of them walked into the other room. I grave a worried look to mom, who patted my shoulder.

"I'm sure it's fine, they're just gonna have a little chat." Mom said as she sat next to me on my left.

"If you don't mind your majesty, I will take my leave." Sebastian said as he stood and bowed.

"Of course, and thank you lieutenant." Mom said. Sebastian nodded and walked out. Alea followed him, and Aya just stayed in the corner like usual while keeping a watchful position.

Mom then smirked at me. "So sweetie, tell me about you and Art. Have you two kissed yet?" Mom asked. I felt my face grow warm instantly.

"W-well, we..... y-yes." I say embarrassed, and stuttering looking away from my mom, who was staring at me with a huge smirk.

"And? How was it?" Mom asked.

I couldn't help but smile. "Amazing." I whispered. Mom heard me and smiled brightly.

She brought her hand up and caressed my face. "I'm happy for you sweetie. I know how much you love Art, and I can see how much he loves you." Mom said.

I looked at her. "You can? How?" I asked.

She just smiled. "By the way he looks at you. His eyes sparkle every time he sees you. And every-time he talks about you, he smiles. I knew you two would end up together one day." Mom said happily.

Mom and I continued to sit there while I told her about our adventures, and all the fun times I had with Art. While we were talking, Art, dad, and grandpa came back.

Grandpa had a smug look on his face, while dad looked like he was just happy their conversation was over. Art on the other hand was completely red faced, eyes wide open, and eyes to the floor. Dad and grandpa took their seats at the table. I watched as Art just sat down next to me slowly on my right side.

"Art, are you ok?" I asked taking his hand. He slowly nodded. "What did you talk about?" I asked a little concerned. Mom also had a confused look on her face, as she looked at Art. Aya's eyes where flicking between Art, grandpa, and dad.

"Um...." Art began. "Just some stuff about birds, and bees...." His eyes then flicked to grandpa. "And cactus." I tilted my head a little confused. I heard Aya burst out into laughter. I looked at mom who looked shocked. Mom then turned to dad and grandpa, while giving them a scowl.

"He's eleven you know." She said a little irritated.

"Soon to be twelve. He was bound to find out sooner or later. I suggest you have the same conversation with Tessia." Dad said as he looked at me.

Mom looked at me while deep in thought. "*sigh* Very well. Come on Tessia, let's go have a little chat." Mom said as I got up and followed her.

"Wait! Let me go grab my notes!" Aya yelled as she ran off.

Mom looked at Aya with a raised brow as she ran off. "Ya, that's not happening." Mom said.


Arthur Leywin POV

I sat at the table in shock, while gramps was just making fun of my reaction. Father was just happy our conversation way over.

Aya stood in the corner pouting, as she couldn't stay with mother and Tess, as mother wouldn't allow it.

I waited there for what felt like an eternity, until mother and Tess returned to the room. Tess wasn't in any better shape as I was. Her face was as bright as a tomato, eyes locked to the floor. She slowly walked around the table, and sat down next to me.

"A-are you u-um ok, uh Tess." I said nervously. She slowly nodded. She looked at me for a second, blushed even harder, then immediately looked back to the floor.

"Oh great, we broke them." Gramps said laughing. Tess and I both glared at gramps. After gramps recomposed himself, and wiped his tears from laughing so hard, he got our attention again.

"Alright you two. Now, we need to speak with you about something else." Gramps said.

"Recently, the three royal families of every race have come together. We decided to run this continent as a whole together, and form a council. And with this decision, we have decided to open the academy in Xyrus to all races." Father said.

"The three of us have talked about it, and we decided it would be best for you two to go and get some experience with the other races. Arthur, I know you are half human, but you spent most of your life here in Elenoir." Mother said.

"I am good friends with director Goodsky of Xyrus academy, and have already spoken with her. She is very excited to meet both of you. Brat, I didn't tell her about your abilities. I just told her you are incredibly strong, and she will be surprised." Gramps said with a smug smile.

Tess and I looked at each other still blushing a little. I could tell Tess was excited about going to the academy. To be honest, it sounded like fun to me too. We both looked at mother, father, and gramps.

"Ok, it sounds like fun." I said with Tess nodding in agreement.

I then looked at gramps. "But gramps, what about Tess' beast will?" I asked.

"I will help her assimilate with it. You still have a little more than a year before the academy starts. So I will help her get assimilated, and then we will get you ready for the academy." Gramps said matter of factly. We all nodded at this.

"And you said you didn't tell this director about my abilities. Does that mean you're ok with me using all of my elements in front of others? While adventuring I only used all of my skills when it was only Sebastian, Alea, Tess and I, since you didn't want anyone else to know what I was capable of." I said.

"I know, and that was when you were younger. Now, you are older and can protect yourself. So I am ok with you going all out. Just don't kill anyone. Besides, this way people will have second thoughts before messing with you, or trying to flirt with your girlfriend." Gramps said with a smirk.

"Grandpa!" Tess yelled in embarrassment. I however thought about this and smiled. At least I can make sure other boys stay away from my Tess.

"Sounds good gramps." I said. Tess looked at me, and I saw her blush a little with a smile. Gramps just nodded happily since I didn't retort at him calling Tess my girlfriend.

"Now, we will get started on your assimilation tomorrow little one. For now get some rest, I'm sure you're tired from your trip. Then, after your assimilation is complete, we will send you two to Xyrus academy. We'll send both of you a little earlier then when the school opens to all three races. You will both be under the direct tutelage of director Goodsky." Gramps said.

"Why's that?" Tess asked.

"Because after talking with the director, we have decided that since it will be the first year all races will be together, there should be a non human student council president. Since you're a princess, we decided you should be the president Tessia. Plus, this way it will help you on your leadership skills." Gramps said as Tess nodded. Though, I can see she was a little nervous.

"And brat, the director decided that since there is bound to be racism at this school, a disciplinary committee should be created to protect everyone, no matter their race, sex, or social status. And since you're a human who was raised in the elven kingdom, we decided you should take charge of this as the disciplinary committee captain." Gramps said.

I thought about this and nodded. "Ok gramps, I can do that. I can't stand seeing others being bullied after all. And me being a quadra-elemental will help." I said with a shrug.

Gramps nodded. "Good, now go get some rest you two."

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