Motel 66 - Paul Walker Fanfic...

By carhnival

8.8K 250 49

Motel 66. More

Chapter 2 // Lemongrass
Chapter 3 // Spotted with a Legend
Chapter 4 // I Have A Confession To Make
Chapter 5 // 2 Foxes & A Rabbit

Chapter 1 // Motel 66

2.8K 63 12
By carhnival

Hello everyone, so as we all know, Paul Walker was an amazing man, he had helped so much people in his lifetime and yet, he died in a horrible fatal car accident. I'd like to think of it as he's just .. retiring from acting.

I'm making this story dedicated to him, not the 2012-2013 of Paul, but the 2002 version of him, which is younger and more lively.

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"Claire!" "Claire!" I shouted, frantically looking for her in every direction. "Where the hell could she ran off too?" I asked myself, beads of sweat running down my forehead.

Hi, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Emma. I come from California & well, earlier today- about 2 minutes ago, I was shouting, looking for my best friend- Claire. We're on this road trip thing, but except using cars, we're using our feet! Pretty fun ain't it? Try something new for once.

"Claire! If you're hiding, I'm going to walk to that Motel about 2 Kilometers away! If you hear this, please meet me there!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I started walking- jogging to be precise, to the small motel I see not so far from where I am, I looked down at my watch, it's 6:40pm and it's about to get dark. That's where the coyote's come out.. right? Monsters.


I gasp for air as my feet carried me a step closer to the motel. Only 10 steps away, you can do this Emma!

I ran as fast as my short legs could carry me and collapsed in front of the motel door.

I looked up and read the sign behind the glass door. "Open," I smiled to myself in relief. "Thank god, that was a heck of a hike." I gradually got up, making my way towards the counter where an old, grumpy looking lady sat.

"Hey,"- "We're CLOSED!" She barked in my face. I raised an eyebrow, "then why does it say open in front of the motel?" I placed my hand on my hips.

"Listen-" She eyed me up and down, "Skank, there's no more rooms in this motel, and if there was, I bet you couldn't even afford to stay a night in it! So why bother." She chuckled evilly, smirking at me.

I got out my purse and went through my money- it costs $60 a night. I got out my 5 dollar bills and 10 dollar bills and counted them together. "10,20,25,27,30,45,55," Sh*t, only 55 dollars in my pocket.

"Umm.. I have only 55 dollars, can I just please have this one night?" I begged, putting the money on the counter in front of the old lady.

"No, if you don't have enough then that's that. You can go sleep so where else." She threw my money back in my face.

My face bowels in anger- "Hey listen lady-"

"Here, $120 for us both." A man spoke behind me with this beautiful tone of voice.

"What?" I scratched my head confusingly.

"Here's $120, miss.. Danielle. I'm paying for this lovely lady too." He gave the money to the counter and 'Danielle' sweetly smiles at him.

He looks at me in the eye, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkled with the reflection of the light. He smiles at me, flashing his beautiful $100000 dollar smile.

Wait a second.. I recognize him.. He's..

"Hi," He held his hand out, "My names Paul Walker."

I gladly too his hand and smiled. "I know,-" shoot did I screw that one up? "Um, I mean I don't know, I mean hi, my names Emma." He laughed at my silliness, making me smile widely knowing that I didn't screw this chance up with my celebrity crush.

"Listen, Paul and.. Skank," Danielle groaned. "There's only 1 room so you 2 will have to share."

"That's okay with me" Paul replied instantly.

"Bad news is, there's only 1 bed- a king sized bed. Okay, goodnight."

I started to walk towards the stairs up to the second floor where mine- er 'and' Paul's room was.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked Paul who's still retrenching the keys from Danielle.

"Yeah, hold up!" He rushed to me and we jogged up the stairs like little kids in a candy store.

"Heads up!" Paul hollered in my direction, he threw the keys and I caught them right before they hit my face.

"Dang, you're pretty good at catching." He complimented me. "Thanks." I winked at him, making him let out his memorizing laugh.

"Listen, Emma, I'd really like to know more about you." He said as we made our way through the door and into the bedroom.

"I'd like to get to know you too Paul." I giggled, closing the door.

I plopped my backpack down on the ground near the door and proceeded to the bed.

I face planted myself onto the bed in exhaustion, letting out a tired sign.

"Someone's tired." Paul chuckled, laying down next to me on the bed.

"Yeah," I rolled into my back, placing my arms on my stomach and staring up into space. "I've been walking all day."

"Nah, you're kidding me." Paul rolled onto his side, making eye contact with me.

"No, really I have. I started from California and now, I'm just finding my way to wherever the road takes me."

"Cool. I- you know, just happened to be driving and my car ran out of gas, so I walked to this Motel and that's when we met."

"Cool. I kinda want to go with you tomorrow, back to the city. Just follow wherever you're going." I blushed, playing with my fingers, waiting for an answer like: 'no.' or maybe a 'I don't know you.'.

"Sure, I'd like that very much."

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