Chapter 2 // Lemongrass

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Songs Recommended

Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj

(listen with earphones for more feels😂)


"You know, you're really pretty." Paul looks over at my and flashes that adorable smile of his.

"Why thank you Mr.Walker," I took a bite of a cookie I've been holding on for days, "Not so bad yourself." I winked at him

"I'm pretty?" He pointed at himself, cocking his eyebrow.

"I mean-" I mentally face palmed, "Handsome."

He chuckled, "Ah, you're funny, Emma."

I smiled at myself as I took another bite of my chocolate chip cookie.

"So, I'm gonna have a shower now, I don't know about you but- I'm sweaty as hell." I stood up, finishing up my cookie and wiping my hands on my shorts.

"Sure, you go first. I'll go after- or do you want me to join you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Haha, come on! We barely know each other!"

"Well, I did tell you I wanted to know more about you, so,"

"Shut up, dork" I laughed whilst waving him off and turning my back on him, heading into the miniature bathroom.

"Dork! Call me that from now on." He yawned whilst tilting his head back and resting it on the pillow, sweet and soundly.

I stripped off all my cloths and ran the shower. I grabbed the small canteen of shower gel and squeezed the small amount of gel left onto my palm.

The smell of lemongrass rushed through my nostril, spiraling down my lungs.

"Ahh," I signed, "I missed you lemongrass." I whispered to myself.

"I can hear you!" Paul shouted from outside the bathroom.

"I'm not weird I swear!" I shouted back at him, cursing "s*it" under my breath.

"Yeah, are you sure?" He chuckled. I just rolled my eyes and proceeded to rub the shower gel around my chest. It felt so relaxing and comforting.

I haven't had a shower in days! I don't know how people would've done this.. It just seems impossible!


Hey guys! Sorry this was soooo short😂 it's only 300+ words.. I had to rush it because people were asking for an update and I'm super busy writing a assignment for English class! I'll update another longer chapter next week, love you xoxo

Motel 66 - Paul Walker Fanfiction (2002)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon