Daddy Issues- Joseph Quinn

By Distantthoughts4

56K 1.2K 950

Random hook up in a bar? That's normal for a girl with daddy issues. Random hook up in a bar is what she thou... More

Can I buy you a drink?
Working for the 'media'
One kiss
Just friends
Don't overthink this
Champagne and a hottub happened.
Alice in wonderland
A beautiful soul
So needy
Things you need to hear
Jane Austen
I miss the old car
You call that fine?
Can you even play?
Rose coloured glasses.
Too personally
Spider-man, Captain America and Iron Man
Look after you
Magical or something
Verdicts and opportunties
The red box
-more issues-

I know some people

2.7K 58 17
By Distantthoughts4

Costume trials consisted of the pair changing in 30 different outfits and posing for pictures so the costume designers and director could debate what they found appropriate for the character.

Mabel found herself in her thoughts most of the day. Thinking about how she should never have agreed to a friends with benefits relationship because she's more scared of hurting Joe than him hurting her. She knew commitment was not her cup of tea and that Joe deserved someone who could commit. She reminded herself this was his idea and not hers so if anything happens the blame is on him.

Mabel is torn away from her thoughts by Joe laughing with a woman who was designing his costume. During the conversation she saw the woman place her hand on joes arm and throw her head back and laugh. Joe then placing his hand on top of hers and telling another joke. Mabel couldn't help but view the girl as extremely desperate and rolled her eyes, which Joe caught in the corner of his eye. He excused himself from the woman and made his way over to Mabel.

"I saw that" Joe stated sitting on a chair next to where she was standing.

"Saw what?" Mabel asked innocently.

"You rolled your eyes at me talking to another woman" Joe chimed unlocking his phone.

"No I didn't- I had something in my eye I had to get out" Mabel lied through her teeth.

"Sure" Joe scoffed while scrolling on his phone.

Mabel decided payback is always fun. She slowly undressed from her costume carefully placing her discarded clothes on the chair next to Joe. She noticed his eyes drivert from his phone to her body. Feeling his eyes burning on her skin she decided to drop a ring she was wearing just so she had to bend down in front of him in nothing but her underwear which thanks to the costume crew was a scarlet red set.

Joseph couldn't keep his eyes off the brunette in front of him, her every move was mesmerising and he couldn't look away. The red lace laying upon her tanned skin, her brown hair lightly curled hitting her lower back.

Mabel was now fully aware she had every ounce of his attention and was thriving in it. She got up from her bend and reached for her satin robe that was placed over her privacy screen. She slipped the robe on effortlessly and tied it around her waist turning her attention to Joe.

"Can I help you Mr Quinn?" She teased.

Joe swallowed hard for a moment and breathed out.

"You'll be the death of me Mabel Mae" he smirked leaning back in the chair his hands behind his neck. Mabel couldn't help but stare at his arms flexed like that. She decided to roll her eyes at Joe and walk over to her best friend.

"The entire studio just saw your ass i do hope you know that" Kristen shook her head at Mabel as she was biting into an apple.

"I think the entire worlds seen my ass I'm not shy" Mabel chimes in grabbing a doughnut from the snack table her eyes resting on Joe who had diverted his attention back to his phone.

"I don't know what you two are doing, but just be careful you're working together for the next six months" Kristen reminded her best friend. Mabel groaned in Response.

"You're no fun" Mabel pouted to Kristen.

"I'm fun but you're the one playing with your career." Kristen shrugged walking away from the brunette towards the other staff.

Mabel took another bite of her doughnut and sighed. Kristen was right, she'd had issues after issues in the media and was probably only one more scandal from it collapsing from under her. She decided to grab another doughnut and offer it to Joe.

"I got you this" she smiled handing the doughnut over.

"Thank you darling. Sit?" He instructed pointing to the chair next to him that contained Mabel's discarded clothes from earlier. She mentally groaned at her earlier actions and moved the clothes to the floor sitting beside him.

She glanced at Joe's screen to see looking at a news article. She noticed the picture was of her and the random man in the nightclub last night followed by several more pictures of her with Joe.

"You're fucking kidding me" she groans grabbing the phone from Joe. He glanced at her sympathetically while her eyes scan the article.

"Mabel's new men? Has Mae decided one isn't enough anymore" she reads the title outloud. Joe can help but feel guilt for having it open so she could see.

"Where do they even get these pictures?" She groaned locking Joe's phone and handing it back. She threw her head back in frustration and Joe turned to face her.

"Mabel- it's just an article you're okay" he said reassuringly rubbing her arm.

"It's not 'just an article' it's the 10th one in two months" she whines looking at Joe.

The man can't help but feel like he's useless at helping her. He has an idea and excused himself from Mabel for a minute.

Joe reaches his phone and scrolls through his contacts to his friends number- a friend that just happens to be a lawyer. Joe recalls the terms of the event was to include no photographs in the club and any taken were illegal and against contract.

He dials his friends number and it rings once before a hello rings through the line.

Joe explains the situation and asks what grounds do they have and if there's any rights. His friend explains as the contract stated photographs were prohibited inside the event that they can threaten to sue the tabloids and have them removed. Joe thanks his friend for the advice and asks if he could sort all the logistics to which his friend says he'll get on it asap and have them taken down within the hour. Joe hangs up the phone pleased with his efforts and heads back to Mabel who is now fully clothed and ready to leave the studio.

"Leaving so soon?" He asks the girl.

"I need to get home I'm just done for the day" she weakly smiles.

"Text me when you're home?" Joe asks the girls

"I uh- lost your number" she smiles apologetically. Little did she know Joseph knew she'd thrown it out.

She added Joe as a contact into her phone and gave him a hug goodbye, thanking him for his efforts at the club the night before.

Joe watches the girl walk out the studio and can't help but admire how his clothes suited her so well.

He reminded himself no strings attached, however he knew in his head he could make her cave.

Back home Mabel got out of Joseph's clothes and into her own pyjamas. She sighed at her reflection in the mirror unhappy with how she looked.

She looked at the clock and saw it was only 3pm. She decided to put the tv on and watch an episode of Gilmore girls- her comfort show when anything went wrong.

She found herself googling her name to see the article again but to her shock it wasn't there. She scrolled for some more time desperate to find it but it was like it was lost.

She switched to her phone app and clicked on Kirsten's number. It rang a few times before she answered.

"Mabel?" She questioned.

"The article from earlier it's gone" the girl explained.

"Thought you might've been looking for it. Joe got it taken down" Kristen stated.


"You heard me. Joe got it taken down" she repeated.


"Yes- I told you meant to be" she chimed through the phone.

Mabel groaned at her cringy comment and said bye before hanging up on her friend.She decided to send Joe a text.

Hey Joe it's Mabel. I just wanted to ask how you got  the article taken down. Also thank you.

J: Hello Love, you're welcome. I just know some people. Don't worry about it. X

Mabel sighed at the reply. She thought about their arrangement and decided to see if joe was free.

You wouldn't happen to want to come round? I'm bored. X

J:bored or horny? I can see right through you Mabel Mae

Is both an acceptable answer? I'll be waiting upstairs, the door is unlocked ;)

J:See you soon love x

Mabel sighed and realised she only had about 15 minutes before he'd be here. She rushed to her closet and scanned her selection of lingerie looking for something that says sexy but not desperate. She settled upon a black lace babydoll that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.

She ran to her vanity and looked at her reflection. She decided to clean her face up a bit adding some mascara and concealer. She noted Joe likes a red lip so she pulled out her favourite. She pulled her hair down from its messy up do and sighed at her final result. Not bad for 5 minutes. She glanced at all her candles and decided to light them covering all surfaces and threw herself on the bed seductively. She heard the door click open down stairs and shut before hearing the lock. She mentally prepared herself for Joe to make his way upstairs.

Joe made his way up the stairs bottle in hand ready to open her bedroom door.

"So I've taken a bottle of champagne with me because it's been sitting at my apartment forever and I feel like you'd- oh" he stopped abruptly dropping the bottle from his hand. He mentally thanked the floor for being carpeted and gazed upon the fantastic sight in front of him.

"Hi" Mabel breathed out standing up from the bed and making her way over to him. She slid her arms inside his coat sliding it off his shoulders then discarding it to the ground. She seductively unbuttoned his black shirt looking up at him through her eyelashes.

Joseph had never had a girl be so insanely attractive all for him. His hand brushed up her arm and to her neck lightly gripping the back of it before connecting their lips.

Mabel tossed joes shirt into the growing pile of clothes and and pulled him to the bed.

She laid down and he hovered above her, their kiss not breaking. His cold chain he wore around his neck now dangling down brushing against Mabel's skin.

"So. Fucking. Hot" he mumbled between kisses.

He took a piece of lace from her lingerie between his fingers. Pulling away from the kiss.

"Hope you don't mind but I think I'll fuck you with this on tonight" he seductively whispered in the girls ear.

She tossed her head back in pleasure as his mouth found it's way to her thighs nipping the skin between his teeth. His hands fumbled into her panties slipping his fingers slowly inside her earning his a very pleased moan. Her moans were like heaven in his ears. His fingers curling as she begged him to go faster to which he happily abided. Her moans became louder as her orgasm reached its peak. Her tightening on his fingers. He kept going as she rode down from her high.

He slowly removed his fingers placing them in his mouth. Before leaning down and kissing her softly.

"My turn" she smirked flipping them over so she was now on top, him leaning against the back of the bed slightly sat up.
She pulled both his jeans and boxers completely off before wrapping her red lips around his length. He gasped in pleasure glancing down to see her big green eyes glancing up at him. His hands found their way into her hair holding it up while she goes up and down on his length.

She puts his dick right down her throat her eyes watering in response.

"Fuck" Joe moaned as she did it faster. He tightened his grip in her hair and pulled her head up off his length.

"As lovely as your lipstick stains are on my cock I'd love to be inside you right now" he sweetly looked into her eyes.

Waisting no time she pulled a condom from her side table and slowly rolled it onto him before straddling his waist lining herself up with him before slowly sitting adjusting to his length. She moans in pleasure while riding him slowly. After a while joseph grabs her hips and begins to fuck her roughly which she thoroughly enjoyed.

Puffing and panting in pleasure, curse words tossed into the air the pair both hit their highs and rolled down them enveloped in each other's embrace.

With Joes hands on the small of Mabel's back and hers playing in his hair they gave each other one last kiss before pulling apart and sighing in relief.

"Is it me or are we great at this" Mabel gushed to the man beside her diverting her eyes to his.

She admired how his pupils had the ability to enclose his whole iris only showing a slight speck of colour. Joe admired how Mabel's eyes would change with her mood. Every time she smiled her eyes would glow more green than before. A minute had passed of them just staring into each other's eyes before Joe poked her nose and stated he was going to clean up and headed to the en suite.

Mabel sighed heavily taking in the events. Touching her skin where he touched she was reminded how intoxicating his touch was. She smiled to herself before getting up and going into her closet to grab something more comfortable and get changed.

She made her way to the door to head downstairs and get a drink laughing at the sight of the bottle of champagne still tossed on the floor, picking up and carrying it downstairs.

In the bathroom Joe was staring at his reflection in the mirror. Red lipstick smeared across his face, down his neck. He touched each print basking in the memory of how Mabel's lips felt like electricity every time they touched him. He hesitantly washed the lipstick off splashed his face with cold water before heading back into the bedroom.

As he entered the room Mabel appeared through the door in gym shorts and an oversized T-shirt holding 2 glasses of champagne.

"Since we were a little busy earlier" Mabel jokes handing the still shirtless man a glass cheersing with her as she always does.

They both sipped the bubbly liquid and smiled at each other before laughing.

" We've got filming tomorrow I should go" Joe reluctantly stated. The girl looked up at him in confusion.

"You can stay you know" she said sipping her drink.

"Thought that was against your rules?" Joe wiggled his eyebrows at the girl.

"Did I or did I not just have sex with you for the second time" she laughed to the boy.

"Your point is absolutely valid" he said tilting his glass towards her.

Mabel decided to get into her bed with her champagne in hand.

"You joining me or am I going to watch Gilmore girl alone" she questioned.

Joe stood there a smile plastered on his face at the girl tucked up in bed. He climbed in beside her copying how she was half sitting against the bed.

"You know I've never actually watched Gilmore girls" he whispered to Mabel.

"Shut up'' she exclaimed with her mouth wide open.

"Well fasten your seatbelt Joey boy because you're in for emotional rollercoaster." She excitedly said patting his bare chest.

"For the record- please never call me joey boy again" Joseph cringed at the nickname.

"Thought I could call whatever I wanted" she teased.

Mabel pressed play on the pilot episode of Gilmore girls and Joseph watched her face light up. He finds himself mesmerised by her joy.

"Joe the tv is that way" she laughs noticing his stare on her.

"I can't wait to find out if you're team dean, Jess or Logan" she squeals in excitement.

The pairs eyes flickered between the tv and each other laughing away to the first episode.

The night goes on and 5 episodes later Joe is signing along with the theme song.
2 more episodes and the sweet girl beside him had fallen asleep. He looked at her for a moment and questioned his ability to refrain from falling for the girl.

He sighed and grabbed the remote turning the tv off before laying down ready to sleep.

"Goodnight Mabel" he said so quietly.

His eyes became heavy and into sleep he fell ready for a full day of filming.

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