The Prophet And The Redeemer

By treble_maker1212

708 71 42

Andy has hit rock bottom. His band is all but gone and he has never felt so alone. How will a sweet, handsome... More

Andy in the hospital
Gran Gets it
London Bridges
Eyeliner is Flirting
I've Got a Crush, it's Crushing Me
Just Out of Reach
Now What Indeed

So You Kissed Me...

65 8 13
By treble_maker1212

If Andy wasn't so caught up on what had just happened, he would've laughed at that reaction.

"Yeah." Andy replied, feeling strangely calm about the whole situation. It made sense. They have been dancing around each other for a month if not more. Of course it would lead to this.

Andy was scared. Of course he was! But... he loved Lonny... it was like after that moment between them, every fear Andy had and every 'what if' disappeared and all he saw was Lonny. All he wanted was Lonny.

"Yeah? You just told me Eagleton kissed you and all you have to say is fucking yeah?!" Jesse exclaimed, practically jumping up and down in exasperation. "I knew you had a thing for each other, but I didn't know it's escalated to kissing already!"

"You knew?" Andy asked curiously. He felt like every moment between them was just over exaggerated in his own mind so hearing that other people saw it was shocking to him.

"Andy, everyone on this damn bus knows. Hell, everyone on this damn festival knows if they've seen you around each other for more than eight seconds." Jesse said with an eyeroll, clearly over this. "Buddy, I've known you for almost a decade, I know those puppy eyes when I see them."

Andy chuckled slightly. "That is fair." He replied with a shrug, sitting down on the couch. No point in denying it now.

"You like him a lot, don't you?" Jesse asked, sitting down next to him. He's seen Andy in love before so he knew the answer already, but he still wanted to hear Andy say it.

"I do yeah." Andy sighed, a ghost of a smile on his lips. Jesse gagged, shoving the singer playfully. "Gross! You're in love with him!" He laughed. He was happy for Andy.

"Maybe." Andy mumbled, still smiling.

"Go after him then, dipshit." Jesse said. "You've dealt with a lot of shit, you deserve to be happy." He said more seriously, rubbing Andy's back.

Jesse had been there for everything. He was on that second tour bus with Andy during the Resurrection tour trying to keep the singer in one piece and not kill the band's bassist. It was a rough tour on everyone, but BVB was Andy's. He built thar band from the ground up since he was sixteen. Watching it fall apart was killing him, and Jesse did the best he could to help him through it.

"But what if he-." Andy started to say, but a slap to the back of his head shut him up.

"He fucking kissed you? Are you stupid?" Jesse said, shoving at the singer until he stood up. "Go find him, tell him how you feel and then make out with him."

Andy laughed, making his way down the bunk alley. "Okay, okay! I'm going."

"If he breaks your heart, I'll break his dick and make it squirt blood!" Jesse called after the younger man with a laugh even though he meant every word of it.


Lonny was doing his damndest to avoid Andy. He knew it was childish, but he was embarrassed. How the hell was he supposed to go about explaining this.

Andy hadn't tried to approach him yet, which was good. Lonny wasn't ready to talk about that... well, ever. Let alone in that moment.

He didn't know why he did it. He just wanted to comfort Andy. They were so close, and Andy's lips looked so perfect and soft.

Lonny liked Andy so much it physically hurt. He didn't know what to do anymore at this point. He's crossed a line and he can't take it back. Now he knows what Andy's lips felt like against his own and he'll never be able to look at Andy again without thinking about it.

He was currently hanging out- not hiding, definitely not that- in Sage's room. The younger man thought it was odd that Lonny wanted to stay in there, but he didn't question it.

"I'm gonna grab some Starbucks. I'll be back." Sage said, grabbing his wallet and his key card before he left.

Lonny was sitting on the bed, staring at his lap as he tried not to think about what had just happened. This could ruin his career. If word got out that he was kissing talent then no one would hire him. He was going to have to get a real job.

"Maybe I could start teaching? Yeah. There's good money in that. I'm good with kids." He said to himself out loud.

He was tempted to start looking for jobs. Lonny knew he was being dramatic, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Lonny's phone buzzed, and he saw it was a text from his friend, Beaux.

Beaux: 'hey! Tour is almost over for you, wanna hang out when you're in LA?'

Lonny smiled at the message. Beaux was the one that got him this job in the first place. He recommended him to Andy's team.

Lonny: 'yeah, man. That sounds great.'

Part of him wanted to ask for advice. He knew Andy for a lot longer than Lonny. He would know how to navigate this.

Maybe if he left out the kiss part? No. That was the entire problem.

Lonny tossed his phone aside with a loud sigh, and laid back. This was so stupid.

There was a knock at the door before it opened. Lonny shot up in the bed, but sighed when it was just Niles.

"Hey, man." He greeted.

"Hi, buddy." Niles replied warmly. "What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing, just hanging out." Lonny said with a shrug, hoping to sound casual.

Niles nodded, sitting down on the other bed. He started to grab something out of his pocket before he cursed.

"What?" Lonny asked, looking at the bassist curiously.

"I left my damn phone in Cam and Frank's room." He huffed, standing up to retrieve it.

"I can go get it if you want." Lonny offered, standing up. Their room was on the same floor as this one so he wasn't worried about running into Andy by accident.

"You sure? You don't have to." Niles said, but looked grateful at the offer.

"Of course, man." Lonny smiled. He liked helping people out when he could.

"You're the best, Lonny." Niles said, pulling out his laptop to start editing some of the photos he had taken over the past couple of days.

Lonny left the room, and made his way down the hall towards Frank and Cam's room. It was at the other end of the hall down a corridor, but it wasn't a huge hotel so it wasn't a far walk. He found the right room fairly quickly and knocked, waiting to be let inside.

"What?" Frank yelled from the inside of the room. Frank was a gruff, funny, and incredibly friendly Italian man from New York city. He was a great guy. Lonny liked him a lot.

"It's Lonny. Niles left his phone in there and I said I'd grab it for him." Lonny yelled back, amused by the tour manager.

There was a few beats that went by before Lonny heard rustling and then the door opened. "Hi, Lomy boy." Frank smiled, stepping aside to let the younger man in.

"Where is it?" Lonny asked, looking around the room. He didn't want to dig through their stuff unless given permission.

"I don't know, probably on Cam's bed or on the mini fridge." Frank said, gesturing towards the bed in question.

Lonny scanned the rumpled duvet, stopping when he saw a phone. He picked it up, but it had a black case just like almost everyone else on this tour so he turned it on. To his relief, the lockscreen was a photo of Niles and his girlfriend.

"Found it!" Lonny announced, turning to the older man to show him. "Thank you for letting me grab it."

"Dude, it's fine." Frank waved him off. "I'll see you at the bus." He said, opening up his duffel bag to grab a shirt to change into.

"See you later, Frank." Lonny nodded with a smile. He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Lonny made his way down the hall, but stopped dead in his tracks when the one person he had been trying to avoid rounded the corner.


Lonny debated on turning and making a run for it, but remembered that the elevator was  the other way.

He was stuck.

"Lonny, there you are." Andy said, he looked relieved to have found Lonny. The guitarist didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Yeah. I need to get this to Niles-." Lonny started to say but Andy interrupted him.

"Niles can wait. We need to talk." Andy said. His voice was calm and steady, but his heart was racing a thousand beats per minute, he was sure of it.

Lonny's blood ran cold. God this was going to be mortifying. Best case scenario was going to be that neither mentioned it ever. Now all he was hoping was that he gets humiliated and bullied the rest of tour. Worst case is that he will get fired for sexually harassing the talent. Neither were great options at all, but that was his own doing.

Lonny swallowed hard, but nodded. Might as well rip off the proverbial bandaid now and get it over with. "We do yeah." He agreed.

"So you kissed me..." Andy started. He really wasn't sure how to go about this conversation at all.

"Yeah..." Lonny mumbled, his face bright red. Hearing Andy say it out loud was somehow more embarrassing than he could ever imagine.

This sucked, this was the worse thing ever. Lonny wanted to go back to Canada and never return.

"Did you mean it or was it a weird solution to get me to shut the fuck up?" Andy asked. The question caught Lonny off guard. He stammered a bit, trying to find his voice. How the hell was he supposed to answer that?

"A bit of both I guess?" Lonny said slowly, staring at the singer like a deer in headlights. He wanted to run away, but his feet was glued to the floor and wouldn't budge no matter how much his mind begged for them to do so.

Andy stared at him for a few beats, nodding to himself before he seemingly came to a decision. What that decision was? Lonny had no clue, but he was nervous.

"Okay so I can do this." Andy said and before the guitarist could react, Andy grabbed the back of his head, and kissed him. Lonny flailed his has around for a few moments from shock, but eventually melted into the kiss. He gripped Andy's shoulders, moving his lips against the older man's languidly.

Andy pulled away, resting his forehead against Lonny's. "I really like you, Lonny." He said simply, smiling at the younger man.

"I- I really like you too, Andy." Lonny replied. He felt so giddy and elated. He couldn't believe this was happening.

"I want to be your boyfriend. Is that okay?" Andy said. He didnt care anymore. He wanted to be happy and he was tired of being afraid. He was smiling like a fool, but he didn't care.

Andy was so in love.

"More than okay." Lonny laughed, pulling Andy closer to him. "I want you and only you. Being your boyfriend is everything I could ever dream of."

Andy kissed him again, cradling his cheek lovingly in his hand. "So how is this going to work?" Lonny asked, breaking the kiss. "I live in another country, we'll have different touring schedules-."

"We will make it work. It's only a three hour flight and you'll be in LA a lot for work plus I can think of a few ways to get you in LA a lot." Andy replied, cutting Lonny off. "I want to make this work, Lonny. I'm willing to try if you are."

"I am. I want this, I want you." Lonny replied, wrapping his arms around Andy's neck. He kissed him softly, running his fingers through the hair at the nape of the singer's neck. "What ways?" He asked against Andy's lips.

"Hmm?" Andy hummed, nipping softly at the guitarist's bottom lip.

"You said you had a few ways to get me to LA. What did you mean?" Lonny clarified, pulling away.

Andy merely smiled. "You'll see." He sing-songed before kissing him again. Lonny was very confused and more than a little bit suspicious, but Andy was a good kisser so he was well distracted.

"Dude, where are-." Niles said, rounding the corner, but cut himself when he saw the two men. "Oh. Never mind." He said. He was looking between the two men with wide eyes, but he looked happy.

"Shit, sorry. Here's your phone, Niles." Lonny said, his face bright red as he pulled the phone out of his pocket. He started to pull away from Andy, but Niles moved over to them quickly and took the phone from him. "Don't mind me. Continue." He said with a dopey smile before he turned on his heel and disappeared down the hall.

Lonny and Andy both laughed, the singer burying his face in Lonny's neck as he hugged him close.

Yeah, they could make this work.


Tis finally done! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the story as a whole. Today was rough and I got aggressively sexually harassed at work so if any parts of this is janky, I'm sorry. I'm a little rattled 💀 I love you all and I will see you in the next story!

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