
By Markthenewkira

246 21 1

This story follows a young boy down a horrific path of murder and cannibalism This story was somehow deleted... More

chapter 01: confinement
Chapter 03: Family
Chapter 04: Capture
Chapter 05: Escape
Chapter 06: Estate
Chapter 07: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 08: Betrayal
Chapter 9: Trunk
Chapter 10: End

Chapter 02: First Blood

25 2 0
By Markthenewkira

The next day was filled with much more noise than normal. Between interviewers and psychiatrists trying to dip into mind mind. They thought they saw right through me but the reality was they were more revealing to me. The way i was able even behind thick bulletproof glass was able to rip away their prideful fascades and reveal the pigs underneath. I loved how i was able to get under their skin and toy with their mind. 

The newspaper deemed me the real life Hannibal, much to my amusement. The irony was pushed even further when they bound and forced a muzzle on my face. Many times when the newer recruits came around i would quote the dialogue i remembered from the movies, catching the employees of gaurd. 

It was true that in some views that me and the fictional doctor Lector were similar. The very fact we both enjoyed the taste of human flesh. Then again that would also mean that me and the chainsaw weilding Leatherface would be placed in the same category. The difference was that I was nowhere near his age when i was captured, nor did i begin my canibilistic killings out of revenge. 

I didn’t grow up in a war torn country nor was i raised by a bunch of rednecks with a taste for human flesh. I was raised in a rather normal household, much to people’s confusion. The press pondered how a boy around the age of nineteen leave such a high bodycount and what was my story. They came up with so many ideas ranging from insanity to being cursed by the devil.The truth is much simpler than you would expect. You see all of these crime shows speaking of serial killers with complex backstories of abuse or rape. 

I grew up with a forensics investigator for a father as well as a psychiatrist for a mother. Both of them would be what you would call perfectionists as well as workaholics. When i was younger my parents would spend most of their time working and when they were paying attention to me they always seemed to try to mold me into what they would consider a perfect child. I Both mother and father wold teach me the loops of their professions in hopes of encouraging me to join them. I was like a puppet to my parents and If I refused my mother would use her therapist skills to manipulate me. I found it much easier to play the perfect role.

I would be forced to work hard, making straight A’s in any of the classes i attended, if not i would be lectured on the poor image that i would give to them. I simply continued all of the classes my parents picked for me, did my chores, and listened to what they taught me. I played the role as their perfect poster child, at least until i grew bored of it.

It was around the age of thirteen i began to break the mold my parents expected of me. It was a day when my Psychology teacher attempted to make a mockery of my report on The human mind. He was what most call radical in his views, i saw him as nothing more than an idiotic child. He tried to shame me for my arguments in his logic. He resorted to violence, attempting to strike me with his ruler. I pulled it from his hand and struck him across his face.

When i got home i explained my resoning to my parents and i was sent to my room after my lecture. Even to this day i can’t help but smile as i remembered the man’s face. From that point on i made sure to test the man’s patience through penmanship. I recalled my paper on Cannibalism got a rise out of him.

If we were being honest cannibalism was a topic that interested me for a while. Many say that they are people to have a part of them. Others are people to demonstrate power or for some sexual gratification. I began to wonder what a person would taste like compared to there meats. The vein popped out in his head and he once again drew his hand to try and strike me.
I watched as he drew back a hand, preparing to strike me across the face. As his hand drew closer i raised, the very pen i wrote the paper with up and watch him jam his hand into the sharp end. He howled in pain, falling back to the floor, taking a few desks with him. It reminded me of a wild hog squealing and kicking around. His fowl language was the icing on this cake of pure vile. 

My mother and father who expected nothing but perfection from me were not too pleased when they had to attend a parent teacher meeting over my actions. I sat with both of them on either side of me as the principal explained what that poor excuse for a teacher had told him. The smile never left my lips as i looked the man dead in those deep brown eyes. I could tell that he too was angry as well as my parents.

“We do not tolerate violence at this highly regarded establishement.” He exclaimed in frustration, his gaze shifting back and forth between my parents, not daring to meet my gaze. To be honest this annoyed me sllightly but i wouldn’t let him know that. “This is a place of education not some zoo, and if you cannot control your child i-.”

“Parden my interuption sir but what you are saying is truly tiresome.” I interupted standing from my seat to look at him. I would not allow him to talk as if i were some child who did not understand the concepts of right or wrong. “It is amusing how you have the nerve to talk about me as if i were not in the room. I am fully capable of explaining myself without the need of my mother and father here or you waisting our time.”

“Really? well then boy explain to me what excatly gave you the idea it was ok to stab one of your teachers?” He asked in a mocking way, expecting to rile me up with such childish methods. “That is not something a well behaved little boys do.”

“To start off addressing me as a child does nothing more than make you look like a fool, so if you would kindly adress me properly.” I say watching him grit his teeth in annoyance. I clear my throat before continuing. “As for your argument, i found that I wasn’t particularly in the mood to be slapped by that disgusting pig of a teacher simply because we share a disagreement.”

“Are you trying to imply that he was the one who started this quarell?” The principal asked, doubt spread across his features. “I honstly find that hard to believe.”

“No i am not denying that i started this, however for a school who doesn’t believe in resorting to violence you do have a tendency to let your animals run free.” I say resting my hands on the woor of his desk. “If i did not defend myself like i did then i could have filed an assualt charge which would inevitably bring up questions about this “Prestigious” school’s integrity.”

At this point i knew i had the man backed into a corner. There was no escaping, the only thing he could do was submit. I managed to make my parents a bit more irritated at my behaviour but by no means were they going to stop me from trying to clean up the mess that they felt i made. They watched, unamused as i managed to blackmail my nervous principal into keeping me in the system.

Long story short i returned back to school the next morning with a contempt smile on my face. Of course after school i was once again confronted by the same imicile and two of his freinds. I frowned as they had the nerve to touch my uniform before dragging me into the back woods behind the school’s lacross feild. The boys were bold enough to throw me to the ground, soiling my clothes in the process.The Leader of this bunch smiled as he took an old bat preparing to swing it down on me.

I should have been scared of the three but all that i could feel at that moment was excitement. My heart raced and adrenaline pumped through my veins. At that moment i felt something other than the constant boredom that filled my life. He brought the bat down, which i deflected with my arm. I could hear the bone crack but i didn’t yet feel the pain. I took hold of the bat with my good hand, pulling him into me, He tried to yank the bat from my grasp when i let go, watching him fall backwards. 

I stood to my feet kicking him hard in his nether reigons and pick up the discarded bat. The two boy’s came at me, wanting to defend their freind, swinging their own wepons. I blocked one of the bats with my own, the sound of aluminum clashing together, while grabbing the bat with my injured hand. This of course caused more damage but i was having too much fun to even think of the pain. I pulled the bat away bringing it down on one boy’s knuckles. 

He dropped his weapon to the ground giving me the time to hit the other in the leg. He fell and i brought my bat down on his face, repeatedly until it was completely unrecognizable. The other boy who clashed weapons at me was holding his broken hand, a look of fear on his face. I was grinnning like a chesire as i pulled the aluminum weapon from the first boy’s face.  The blonde haired boy turned to run but i brought the bat down on his shin, listening to his loud scream of agony. 

He fel to the ground, staring at how his now deformed ankle practically poked out of his skin. The fear in those blue eyes, his sobbing whimpers as he tried to back away from me, it was all so delicious. I swung the bat down, listening to the loud crack of his neck breaking. Blood spattered onto my soiled clothing. 

Te sound of leaves crunching brought me back to the moment as i watched the final boy running further into the woods. I smiled at my prey’s attempt to flee and began to follow, letting my first hunt beingin. He ran as far into the woods until he made it into a clearing. Those days of cutting gym must of caught up to him because when i caught up he was wheezing like a little piggy. I Stalked around the clearing watching him jump and turn at the sound of any noise. I could practically smell his fear as i crept closer.

I made sure to walk quietly so he wouldn’t hear the leaves under my feet. Soon i was so close i could hea his heavy breathing and smell the vile cologne that he bathed himself in every morning. I raised my bat a let out a low chuckle. He turned towards me with shock in his eyes as i slammed the bat into his face. He fell to the ground, spitting out his broken front teeth. He pleaded with me to spare him, apologising for all he had done. 

Sadly this was not about revenge, nor about payback. This was simply about showing these boys their place. In this moment they were my pigs to slaughter as i pleased. Even if i felt sympathy for them the words of a pig were worth nothing to the hungry wolf. 

I lifted my bat once again, silencing him with a few good swings to the face. I chuckle wiping the blood from my face and looking at my surroundings. I was looking for a good place to dump the bodies to keep the suspicion off of me. That was when i spotted the old, withered cabin. I smiled walking closer to inspect the place. 

The wood stood tall with the trees, The windows were coated in a thick layer of dust. I walked around the old rotting until i found a door. I turned the knob, pushint it open to be greeted with the purtid smell of something rotting. I frowned making my way further inside. I looked to the left to find a set of stairs that seemed to be in decent condition and to the right were two rooms that took up most of the space. 

I walked to the first door, pushing it open to find a standard bathroom. The next door i found something a little more interesting. Hanging on every inch of the walls were photographs of most of the boys that attended our school, some even of me. While i was flattered by the images i felt that the love dolls that stood in the middle of the room, wearing various articles of stolen clothing a bit repulsive. I turned back closing the door deciding to check upstairs.

At first i was reluctant, not wanting to fall through the flooring and iinjure myself any further. Of course My curiousity pushed me further on. The layout upstairs was similar, two large rooms to the right. The only deration in the hall was an old mannequin sitting in an old rocking chair. Of course when i walked closer i realized by the flies that buzzed around the blonde hair that this was infact a corpse. 

I grimaced at the mutilated victim but moved to the first room. There sat an old bed that had three more corpses draped in lingere. The blankets and pillows were fashioned out of rotting skin as well. Each boy someone i knew who dissapeared from the school. I gripped my bat tighter, repulsed by this sick display. Didn’t anyone tell whoever was responsible not to play with their food. I stepped out of this grotesque display and decided to check the last room.

This room was much different than the last three. The main reason being instead of being decorated with defiled corpses, this room had a variety of weapons and restraints inside. I hear a muffled voice and see in the corner a very much alive boy, bound and gagged to a chair. I walked forward Untying the cloth from around his mouth, tears filling his eyes.

I remembered this boy from my Bilogy class, Mathew i believe his name was. He was one of the few people who i could hold an educated conversation with and seemed to enjoy as company. He had dissapeared two days ago but i just assumed that he had moved away.The corpses of his parents in the corner told a different story though. 

I was about to untie him when i heard the front door open and slam shut. I looked at him before motioning to be silent. I drew an old meat cleaver from the wall of weapons before taking cover under a large desk. I listened quietly not daring to breathe as the loud footseps made thair way up the stairs. The door swung open  dropped my three victims from earlier.

I frowned in distate at what i assumed he planned on doing with my kills. I heard Mathew wimper as the man undid his belt, letting it drop to the floor. I looked at those blue dress pants drop to the floor and i knew who it was without a doubt. I peek out to see none other than our security officer Mike pull off his shirt revealing his hairy and muscular body. The next thing to go were his bottoms leaving him in his naked glory. 

“You know what time it is boy.” He said, smirking down to the terrified Mathew. I crept from my hiding spot as he sat on the scared boy’s lap, kissing his tear stained cheeks. My hands gripped the cleaver blade tightly. I felt the pain in my broken hand but i knew this was more important. “you ready for some more fun my plaything?”

“The question is are you?” I say startling the man before reaching around to slice off his vile manhood. He screamed falling to the ground clutching the wound. I smirk at this man’s pain choosing to slice through both of his achilies tendons. He reached up, grabbing onto me with anger. I take the time to lodge the cleaver into his wrist, watching him release me.  I stand up, brushing myself off with a smirk. “You are a poor excuse for swine, thinking that you were a true hunter. The truth is you are nothing more than a fat boar who was hoping to make a name for himself before a real hunter comes along.”

He looked up at me froze in place as i brought the blade to his throat. He was too weak to fight back, blood loss was getting to him. I looked up to Mathew with a slight smirk. He watched with wide, tear filled eyes as i sliced his tormentor’s throat. I step away from the corpse, making my way over to the bound boy. He seemed just as terrified as i held the blade to his face.

“This will be our little secret ok?” I say smiling as i slice off his gag. He gasps for breath as i continue to cut through his restraints. He weakly stands up looking to me with a relieved look in his eyes. I reach out a hand with a smile. “Do we have a deal?”

“Deal.” He says taking my hand and giving it a firm shake. After that all of the peices fell right into place. We planted the aluminum bat into the killer’s had, making it appear as if he was the one soley responsible for all of the murders. Mathew and i had ran back to the school, calling up the police. When they arrived we both gave the testimony and i played the role as the innocent victim turned hero. After that my family took in Mathew after the death of his parents. This gave me the oprotunity to monitor the boy and make sure he keeps my promise.

Through the months he grew an attatchement to me, everywhere i went he was sure to follow. He seemed to see me as the protections from the world, and i saw him as respectable company. Sure he knew my true nature but he didn’t seem to mind when the body count began to pile up. He however was the opposite of me in almost every regard. While i was similar to a ravenous wolf he reminded me more of a soft and scared bunny. 

The two of us had made it to our senior year of high school and many people began to question our relationship exactly. Of course strangely i questioned that aspect as well. Mathew seemed to be the only person who would make me feel things that i wasn’t used to. The way his big blue eyes stared at me when he was scared or that big smile when i would buy him a new gift. This further peeked my interest of the boy. 

Howver the month after our graduation things seemed to change for the worse. The news of how close the two of us were reacher my mother and father. They saw this as a big tarnish to their precious image so they sent planned to send Mathew away for a few years to a catholic reform school.They also had plans to send me to an old convent in Italy. 

That night Mathew had snuck into my room, crawling under the covers with me. A held onto the older boy as a wild storm unleashed it’s wrath outside. I felt Mathew pull me into his embrace, connecting our lips. His skin was so warm and i felt myself crave the boy more than i thought i would. 

All through my teenage life did i feel any need for sexual or emotion contact with anybody. I guess that came from me seeing disgust in all of the people who surrounded me. Mathew was different however. He was a precious pey, one i wanted to sink my teeth in for different reasons. 

That night i made This boy, the only one who saw the real me mine. I didn’t know if this was to spite the ones who talked of us or simply something i wanted for myself. For the first time in my life i let myself fall victim to my human nature. The next morning i woke up in my bed alone.

I left my bed, placing my sleepwear back on before making my way downstairs. To my disappointment the blonde haired boy who knew the real me was already gone. However the bright side to this was now i was able to make preparations for tonight.

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