teenage kicks- eddie munson x...

By eddies_whore1986

286 2 0

'Another girl in the neighbourhood Wish she was mine, she looks so good' when Marrianne Henderson moves back... More

relationship moodboard (for later)
killer queen
looks that kill
people are strange
angel eyes
i think were alone now
daydream beliver
twist and shout
enjoy the silence
Jessie's girl
A/N 2

creeping death

10 0 0
By eddies_whore1986

(Song for this chapter is the wild boys- duran duran)

Tw: graphic descriptions of gore and violence

After watching horrified the three remaining on the boat dived in after them. Nancy first then eddie and robin following after her. Beyond the gate a swarm of bat like creatured began mauling steve and marrianne. Each creature ripping into their skin with its large fangs and tearing away chunks of skin. Blood began to seep from the ever weakening teens bodys. Both of them struggling to ward of the creatures, they continued to gnaw at their flesh maliciously.

The two continued to struggle against them until the others joined them beating off the current bats. Steve and marrianne eventually jumped up to help. Once any immediate threats were eliminated nancy and eddie began to help the two wounded.
Both of the injured denied any harm stating that they were merely flesh wounds are were causing neither of them any more discomfort then they could bare.

"Uh. Do you guys think these bats have... uhh.. like rabies." Robin started "its just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And i think we should get you both to a doctor like really soon because once the symptoms set in, its too late. You're already dead" she concluded her voice shaking slightly with worry.

As she finished a swarm of more bats began approaching them with ear piercing squeals and cries. Ar first there was around 6 but as they prepared to fend them off a huge group began to flock around the gate. The group started sprinting away and towards the woods in the distance. They reached skull rock and stopped waiting for the creatures to pass overhead.

Once the coast was clear they began to leave only to find marrianne and steve much weaker and almost unable to stand now the adrenaline from the fight had worn off. Nancy quickly began assessing both their wounds. Noticing the amount of blood being lost at a fast rate she demanded that they sit down.

Robin joined her meekly spurting out more facts about the symptoms of rabies and something about punching her which to marrianne sounded like a great idea in that moment.

"Robin" steve began "i kinda wanna punch ya." Making robin chuckle lightly. Nancy then started ripping at her clothes to make tourniquets for any deeper wounds. Eddie stayed a distance and then climbed a rock to ask about the upside down and while doing that almost giving away their hiding spot.

After breif explanations and talk they headed to marrianes and Nancy's to collect guns. All 5 kids struggled to remain calm. Marrianne watched her best friend and eddie talk about ozzy Osborne up ahead. "Yeah but to be fair to him munson he thought the bat was rubber." She spoke up yet eddie continued to compliment steve and talk to him like they were close to eachother. Both boys putting their fears and insecurities into the open.

The conversation then turned to eddie talking about his own cowardice then to nancy loving steve. The ground then started shaking yet it didn't deterre the hell bent nancy from walking towards her house and guns. Their safety.

The went to marrianne's first amd found he 5 custom franchi spas-12's. Which even shocked nancy. They then went to wheelers but were there was no weaponary at all to be found. The house seemed to be frozen in time 3 years prior when will went missing.

Steve amd marrianne remained downstairs in the kitchen. Upon hearing dustins voice beyond the walls steve and marrianne shoutsd for him trying to gain the younger boys attention. This caught the attention if the others as they went to investigate the shouting.

After 5 minutes of frantic shouting they figured out that using lights was the best way off  communicating . All five of them reached towards the light.

"Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy questioned.

"Does SOS count" eddie asked. Eddie keept signalling sos through to the house. They remained in the house trying to signal for further help. They eventually resorted to using holly wheelers light up toy to spell out messages. With eddie continually talking at the board like they could hear him.

After dustin began ranting both eddie and steve began discussing his ego. "Its a henderson thing" steve added "marrianne is just as bad at times."

"Shut up dipshit or I'll tell heidi or whoever your with now about how your a man whore" she retorted

"Do it and I'll tell nance and eddie about tommy h"

"Don't you fucking dare that was a bad time in my life dont even start" the pair continued bickering until nancy split them up.

"How far is your trailer?." Nancy asked turning to eddie.

"7 miles" he responded. At that the teens headed out to use the wheelers bikes to get there faster. Marrianne on the back of steves bike as there was 4 bikes and 5 people.

"Steve harrington you bike worse then you drive"

"You pedal then"

"No you're too heavy"

"Then shut up"

If people didn't know better it would be assumed that marrianne henderson and steve harrington were dating. But if you asked them even the thought of it repulsed them. This didn't mean eddie munsons heart didn't ache any less watching the two argue like an old married couple. He understood they were friends yet he longed to be able to joke about with her. He wanted it to be him whos bike she got on and him who's waist she clung to tightly for fear that if she didn't she would fall.

But to him it was just wishful thinking. He had already ruined anything with her before it begun. The group pedalled the whole way to eddies trailer hoping to find another gate so that they could escape the damp and dreary town that sat below hawkins.

Once they entered the trailer the gate was evident. A gaping hole sat on the roof of eddies trailer glowing blood red.

"This is where chrissy died, like right where she died" eddie spoke into the silence. The gate began writhing before it collapsed outside its self revealing eddies normal trailer in hawkins and the now 4 younger kids.

Max and lucas grabbed eddies mattress while dustin tied up sheets to help them escape.

"Those stains are uhhh." Eddie stalled looking at the mattress  "i dunno what those stains are" 

"God do you suck at getting girls that bad?" Marrianne chuckled teasingly. "You're almost as bad as steve" this caused her vest friend to make a swipe at her.

Dustin threw the sheet up to them. Robin going first and marrianne going after. Eddie then following her. Steve then began to help nancy climb through. The second she hit the mattress she went blank causing steve to quickly follow after. She remained un-moving for a while until she snapped out of it her breathing heavy and her face contorted into a grimace.

The second they were sure nancy was okay marrianne pulled dustin into a large hug. "Why did it have to be you and your nerdy aviaton club that got involved in this shit. You guys scare me to death constantly. You two sinclair so come here" she said dragging lucas into the hug. She may not have veen the most outwardly emotional person but she cared deeply about all of the kids. Especially as she was their official babysitter including babysitting erica and Tina who were a difficult pair.

After calming down they all set up to rest for the night at max's as it had been and exhausting last few 24 hours.

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