angel eyes

9 0 0

(Song for this chapter is ace of spades- motörhead)

She spent the remainder of lunch and the last two hours of school replaying the scene of eddie munson calling her sweetheart. As she heads put a desperate dustin approaches her.

"Ria please sub in for hellfire tonight or eddies gonna kill me, because lucas is playing basketball and no one else i know can actually play."

"Is that Gareth kid going to be there because if so I'll come he's actually alright to talk to and i also want a shirt. There my conditions, okay?" He just nods at her and drags her back into the school to some dingy classroom.

As she opens the door looking back at her is a gormless eddie munson "what, who do you think taught little dusty bun here how to play" she forces bitterly. "Well anyway we should start" she states sitting by Gareth who immediately begins a conversation with her. She remains closed off to the others for the rest of the game only giving useful imput where needed. Not even joining in with the boys jokey chants.

Eventually the results are down to both the henderson siblings. Marrianne then calls for a conversation to decide upon their fate. The debate of logic v.s courage drags until eddie interjects with some bullshit about not fearing cowardice and running away. This only drives rianne more so she agrees to keep fighting with dustin.

Dustin rolls first and rolls an 11, basically a miss. The tensions are high amd everyone in the room watches intensely as marrianne prepares to roll the die. After what feels like a decade the dice comes to a halt and the boy let out a breath they didnt realise they were holding. She did it, marrianne henderson did it she defeated vecna.

She turns to eddie and lets out a soft chuckle at his wide grin and animated movements. He holds his arms across the table as if to proudly display the results of the game. At this marrianne's breath catches in her throat and she just smiles awkwardly at him glad for the darkness of the room to be masking her face which was growing redder by the second. There was just something about him that rianne couldn't understand but it made him insanely attractive to her.

After a while of celebrating they all head home going there separate ways. Marrianne could have sworn she saw eddie leave with crissy cunningham but told herself that she must have imagined it.

The whole drive home she just ignores dustins rant about the game to encapsulated in the idea of eddie munson leaving with the chrissy cunningham. How could she compete with that chrissy was the epitome of beauty with beautiful blonde hair, a slight figure and perfect well proporioned features. If she was eddies type then marrianne had no chance with him at all

Once she arrived home marrianne went straight to her room and just sobbed softly until the next sunrise. Not even a thought about sleep her mind just invaded with thoughts of him and how she'd blew her chance. She spent the whole night reminding herself that she should swear off boys because they've only ever caused her hurt.

Due to the fact she didn't leave her corner of her bed until dustin needed her, Marrianne was never made aware of the murder of chrissy cunningham until she got to family video. Throwing on saftey pinned leggings a baggy tshirt and not doing her hair or makeup she took dustin to family video. where she was met with a frantic steve who warned her and a determined dustin of the murderer. This frightened marrianne a little yet dustin remained insistant on using steves work phone.

The trio of very confused older kids eventually coerce dustin into admitting that hes attempting to prove eddie munsons innocence. Something which steve had many issues with. The older henderson remained impartial and watched her brother and max frantically search for clues on eddies whereabout.

Marrianne eventually began to browse movies while waiting on them to figure it out and when they eventually did she followed them to a cabin in the middle of a forest by lovers lake.

"Reefer rick?!" Dustin shouts wayyy to loud only to be reprimanded by steve. Rianne kept her eye on max who disappeared around the corner.

"Guys?" She calls catching the rest of the groups attention. They approach the boat shed with caution calling for eddie softly as they do. The group head inside. The room so silent it kinda freaks the older henderson out.

"Dustin,remember when i told you that about eddie at the start of senior year" marrianne whispered

"What that he was soooo fucking attractive and you'd die for him if he asked?" He exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah well i dont agree anymore i quite like my life. Death seems lonely" she murmurs. "Steve what the actual fuck? She asks looking at steve whos now wielding an oar like its the most dangerous weapon on earth. He then proceeds to prod at the boat in the centre of the room with it very harshly.

This causes a very distraught dustin to start an argument with steve over this. Leaving the 3 girls a little confused and extremely bored with the task at hand. Still wandering the girls spot a surface littered with bottles and wrappers.

"Maybe he got spooked and ran" robin interjects.

"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar" Dustin snarks causing marrianne to giggle and steve to retaliate.

"I know you think you're being funny henderson but considering everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times. Personally- i don't find it funny in the slight--" hes cut off by a wail as a figure jumps out of the boat and onto steve. This causes marrianne to cackle almost manically at the scene. The eddie munson their trying to prove the innocence of attacking someone instantly. Not a good look at all.

"Woah, woah woah. Eddie... eddie stop. Its me. Its dustin, this is steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right steve?" Dustin reasures eddie a sense of threat in his words when directing them at steve. Steve just complies with dustins rules yet, clearly scared, eddie continues to hold the bottle to steves throat.

At this point marrianne steps forward "hey eddie" she whispers sweetly "We're not here to hurt you i promise, we just want to help. If you want some of us to step outside for a second we can. We can talk about this. Please dont think we're here to call the police, we just want to know what happened. I know im not the person you'll want to talk to the most right now and thats fine. And i honesty dont blame you for threatening steve he does kinda look like a giant gorilla which in itself is a bit creepy without the persistently poking you with an oar" she steps a little closer to him and takes his hands gently, letting the bottle hit the ground. "We just want to know what happened okay?"

Eddie just nods and holds her hands tight, the warmth of another person providing unimaginable comfort. Especially if its from her the girl he's wanted since the moment he set eyes on her last summer.

The group watch as a broken shell off eddie munson slides down the wall a genuine fear in his eyes. Dustin and robin crouch by him.

"We just want to know what happened" robin states softly.

"You wont belive me" he replys his vouce shaking and tears brimming in his eyes

teenage kicks- eddie munson x ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora