Orion's Body 2: He's Back

De HeavyMetalRebel

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5 years have passed since the horrific fire and murders that shook the small town of Unicron's Kettle. Now a... Mai multe

Chapter 1: Five Years Later
Chapter 2: Welcome Home
Chapter 3: Auto-Bop
Chapter 4: Disciples of Orion
Chapter 5: Sacrifice
Chapter 6: X
Chapter 7: Optimus
Chapter 8: First Blood
Chapter 9: Discovery and Investigation
Chapter 10: Maneater
Chapter 11: Good Talk
Chapter 12: Ranting and Raving
Chapter 13: It Wasn't Me
Chapter 14: Roller
Chapter 15: Putting Pieces Together
Chapter 16: Hunting Fair Grounds

Chapter 17: Orion's Revenge

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De HeavyMetalRebel

Orion was quickly rummaging around, looking for a top, thankfully he didn't get any energon on his pants, the best he can find is cheesy t-shirts found on the fairgrounds, in bright pop colors that were neon pink, orange, yellow, green or blue.

He misses his hoodie. It looked so cute on him too.

With a groan of disgust he snatched a neon pink shirt and put it on, tying it around his waist to show off his waist, it clashed against his black and purple armor and studded belt.

Meanwhile, back at the fun house, Megatron was busy trying to pick out the shards of mirror that dug into his metal skin. Roller was stitching up the stab wound in his side. He was halfway through when he saw the metal sealing itself up and smoothing out.

"What... the fuck..." He muttered.

Megatron saw and shrugged, "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. Before I killed Orion, he bit me. And apparently, I found out that if you get bitten by a demon and live, you inherit some of its abilities."

Roller looked at him, "And you didn't tell me this why...?"

Megatron shrugged, "Never came up in conversation."

Roller sighed, "I need a high grade after all this."

Megatron looked, "Make that 2, we need to find Orion right now."

Roller nodded and walked with him, "You never really went into detail about what happened to the Seekers."

Roller knew the Seekers were dead, murdered before the first show on their national tour in their hotel room. Unicron's Kettle mourned for weeks when their deaths were announced, the radio played 'Through The Trees' like it was the national anthem, to the point that even everyone's grandcarrier was familiar. It felt like a gray cloud was hovering over the town.

But slowly that cloud lifted, everyone moved on. The memorials for the dead students stayed up, but the flowers wilted, the candles were snuffed.

Megatron looked at him as they walked, "I killed them."

Roller did a double take, "What? Why?"

Megatron swallowed a lump, "Because they killed Orion."

Roller kept looking at him, "You know, for someone who has a huge hate boner for him, you act like he's the second coming."

Megatron made a sputtering noise, "I do not!"

Roller arched a brow, "Really? When I met you you were following him around like a lost puppy."

"That was 5 years ago!" Megatron fought back.

Roller nodded, "Yeah, but the point still stands."

Megatron looked down at his moving pedes, "We were amica..." He said it meekly, like he didn't want to admit it.

"Oh, that big?"

"Yeah, you know, back when I was in high school, I had a saying, 'sandbox love never dies'."

Roller nodded, "And now?"

Megatron shrugged, "I was a fucking idiot back then."

Roller interjected, "You were also a kid, a kid who was going through shit. You should have worried about prom dates, grades, and acne, not who's gonna die next."

Megatron shot a pointed look at him, "How would you have reacted if I went to you in the station and said 'Hey my amica you have been fucking on the side is really a bot eating demon who has killed two of our classmates'."

Now it was Roller's turn to pause, he had a point. He probably would have locked up Megatron and shipped him off to the loony bin earlier.

But at the same time, Megatron was still only 17 when it happened.

Megatron sighed, "Still, we had those sturpid amica necklaces and everything."

Roller nodded, "So, how do we stop Orion?" He asked, changing the subject.

Megatron looked at him, "Well, given he had just fed on some poor kid, he's got some strength, we have to wait until he's at his weakest."

Roller listened, "And then?"

Megatron answered, "We drive a blade through his spark."

All Roller gave was a simple nod.

Meanwhile, through the sea of fair goers and little bots running to and fro, Orion was walking to a large building, it was big and had big lights waving around on top. He saw Cybertronians anxiously piling in through an opening, the same flier he saw in the washroom taped up on the door.

He looked around for another entrance, and found one off to the side, far back.


With a quick stride, he walked over to it. He saw no one else was there, no security or stagehands or interns. Perfect.

He tugged at the door, locked.

Well, at least that won't stop him. With a simple slightly harder tug, the door was ripped open, the lock busted now.

He walked inside.

In the green room, the Disciples of Orion were preparing to go onstage, they could hear the screams of fangirls and such in the distance.

"Looks like it's gonna be a full house." Jazz commented, tuning his guitar.

"Oh yeah. No more college radio and cheap bars!" Ricochet fist pumped, his arm guards decorated with stickers of sparkly stars and beaded bracelets.

"Not quite there yet, guys." Blackarachnia chimed in, fixing the spiked choker around her neck cables.

"She's right boys," Getaway added, "We need one more willing victim."

"How are we gonna find a virgin in all of that?" Ricochet asked.

Getaway looked at him, "Easy. Groupies."

"We can pick one from the VIP party we're having backstage." Jazz offered.

Getaway paused from his preening, "Excellent idea Jazz!" He smirked.

Once they were satisfied with their looks, they got their instruments and went onstage, unaware of someone watching them.

They see the lights dim down to add dramatic flourish, Ricochet clicks his drum sticks together to count them off. Then their first song played.

(Finders keepers, losers weepers)

The crowd goes wild.

Welcome to the end of eras

Ice has melted back to life

Done my time and served my sentence

Orion sees them onstage and removes his neon shirt, carelessly tossing it into a bin, he snagged a different shirt, this time it was a low cut sheer top, meant for a backup dancer.

Dress me up and watch me die

He walked onstage, feeling the rush of exhilaration, he last felt this when he won the Snowflake King. He sees the band, the crowd with their comm cells out, flashing pictures or recording videos. He easily blended in, he went for the guitarist first, Jazz.

If it feels good, tastes good

It must be mine

With a clawed servo, he gently stroked Jazz's shoulder while standing behind him, who kept playing and looked, he was mesmerized by Orion's beauty, Orion saw this and smirk, he escalated by kissing Jazz's neck cables, Jazz leaned his head back, exposing his cables to Orion.

Foolish bot.

With a hiss, Orion's jaw widened and opened like a cobra's, sharp dentae emerging, with a roar he chomped down and ripped. Jazz weakly screamed, but went limp, his pink life liquids dripping down Orion's chin.

Dynasty decapitated

You just might see a ghost tonight

The other members saw what happened, but couldn't stop playing, not now, not when they're so close.

Orion made his next move, striding over to the keyboardist, Blackarachnia.

And if you don't know now you know

She had a look of terror on her face, her black derma quivering, Orion saw and smirked, he decided to toy with her. He circled her like a big cat circling a wounded gazelle. She watched, her digits now shaking as she kept playing. He soon stopped right next to her, and with a glossa still wet with energon, licked her cheek. She visibly shuddered.

Then he pounced.

I'm taking back the crown

I'm all dressed up and naked

I see what's mine and take it (Finders keepers, losers weepers)

He grabbed her arms and pinned them to her sides, he smirked and let his demonic jaw open. He let out a hissing screech and bit onto her neck and tore open, energon sprayed out and stained the stage and himself.

Oh yeah

The crown

So close I can taste it

I see what's mine and take it (Finders keepers, losers weepers)

Oh yeah

Orion smiled and licked the energon, he always went after mechs, so this was a nice change.

He does go both ways, after all.

He soon set his sights on the drummer, Ricochet, who was playing with his optics closed, pounding away on his drums. The bass had their logo plastered.

Sycophants on velvet sofas

Lavish mansions, vintage wine

I am so much more than royal

Snatch your chain and mace your eyes

He sauntered up there and decided to watch, Ricochet still didn't see him.

If it feels good, tastes good

It must be mine

Heroes always get remembered

Orion soon leaned in and was right next to Ricochet's audio, and with a gleeful smirk, sang the next line.

But you know legends never die

That caused Rico to open his optics and look. He saw a tall mech, with black and purple armor, wearing a mesh shirt, covered in energon. He saw out of his peripheral the bodies of Jazz and Blackarachnia laying on the stabe, their energon pooled around them.

He tried to scream but was stopped when Orion grabbed his throat cables, and tackled him to behind the stage, their silhouettes enlarged and shown on the big wall set, separating the stage from the back.

And if you don't know now you know

The large shadow of Orion's mouth opened wide, extended its dentae, revealing sharp points, droplets of energon dripping from them, and that demonic screeching hiss.

I'm taking back the crown

I'm all dressed up and naked

I see what's mine and take it (finders keepers, losers weepers)

Oh yeah

Then shadow bit down on Ricochet's, who started screaming and flailing in pain. He could see Orion digging into his chassis with his teeth, energon flying everywhere. He then felt Orion's servo reach in and grab his spark, and with a good yank, ripped it out, Rico's body flopped to the floor, his optics dimming.

With a smirk and a tilt of his head, Orion held the spark aloft and squeezed it, it exploded into a mass of glowing liquids, and he licked it all up.

The crown

So close I can taste it

I see what's mine and take it (finders keepers, losers weepers)

Oh yeah

Getaway was halfway through the song until he got pounced on by Orion, still sporting that demonic jaw, Getaway was on his front, and he started screaming when he felt Orion's claws dig into his back armor, leaving deep gashes that were bleeding energon, Orion leaned in to whisper into his audio.

"I'm flattered with the band name." His whisper was more like a purr.

Getaway's optics widened in realization, he was about to speak until he was cut off by Orion digging his claws back in, he ripped his back to shreds, exposing the internal mechanisms, and then he felt his spark get gripped. He let out a final wail of anguish as it was ripped from his body.

Orion happily gripped the still beating glowing orb and was about to squeeze it until he got shot in the shoulder.

He looked to see Roller and Megatron in the wing, he saw Roller's blaster was still smoking. He growled.

"Drop the spark!" Megatron shouted.

Orion glared, "Fine." He dropped it onto the stage, then crushed it under his pede. It made a squish sound.

Megatron growled and rushed at Orion. Orion easily dodged him and shot up into the air, he saw Roller staring at him in shock.

He smirked, "Still a small time Gomer, huh Roller?" He taunted.

Roller took aim and fired, but Orion dodged. He was laughing the whole time.

"Primus, you graduated from the Academy with an aim like that? I should have known thanks to how many times you shot me in the face!" He taunted.

Megatron looked at Roller, "I'll wrestle him to the ground, you find a blade!"

Roller nodded and saw Megatron begin to float. He hovered up into the air and was at level with Orion, the crowd watching were amazed.

"Copycat." Orion snarked.

Megatron smirked, "I learned from the best after all, you gave me this when you bit me."

Orion scoffed, "Whatever."

Megatron glared, "I'm gonna do to you what I did 5 years ago."

Orion growled, "Bring it on."

Both mechs flew at each other and clashed, and began a cat fight. Orion clawed at Megatron's face, Megatron barely dodged and got swiped, leaving bleeding claw marks on his face.

In response, he punched Orion in the face, Orion grunted and kicked him in the chest, Megatron flung back and hit the metal support beams, causing a stage light to become loose and crash onto the stage.

Roller looked up above to see the two of them fighting in the air, and rushed to look for something sharp, he knocked over tables and rummaged through drawers.

"Come on! Come on!" He said to himself.

Then he found it, a boxcutter.

He grabbed it and rushed from the wing. He saw the two mechs were still in the air, Orion sporting a few good dents in his armor, Megatron was bleeding energon from his olfactor and intake.

"Megatron!" Roller shouted, and held the boxcutter up for him to grab. Megatron saw and reached for it but was stopped when he felt claws digging into his shoulder, he cried out in pain and saw Orion was knuckle deep with his sharp talon like digits.

"I am not dying again!" Orion roared, it was intimidating but at the same time, Megatron could see the fear in his former amica's optics.

Megatron grabbed Orion's head and flipped him over, ripping himself free from the claws, and kicked him down, Orion was almost to the floor, but he shot back up and with a scream of anger, swung a punch right at Megatron's face.

Roller saw and quickly grabbed his blaster, he aimed at Orion, and fired.

Orion yelped in pain as he felt the bullet hit his side. He looked down to see the wound. It wasn't closing.

In a growl of rage, he went to attack Roller, who kept firing, bullets hitting Orion in the shoulder and chest. He was about to tackle him when Megatron pounced and pinned Orion to the stage floor.

Roller handed Megatron the boxcutter, Orion kicking and screaming under his grasp. Megatron took it, with one arm occupied, Orion seized the opportunity and rolled over, and landed a good claw swipe at Megatron's cheek.

Megatron's head recoiled from the swipe, and soon sat on Orion's waist, straddling him. This brought back a flashback to the first time he killed Orion, in his bedroom.

He remembers grabbing the amica charm necklace and ripping it off of Orion's neck, who froze upon feeling it. And seemingly lost his will to fight back.

But this time is different, their friendship is gone, no more, dead. Dead like Orion should have been.

"I'm sorry." Megatron said simply and prepared to stab him, the boxcutter blade out and shining under the stage lighting.

Orion looked at him, optics wide with fear, "Please..." He whimpered out. "Let me live."

Megatron gave him a glare, "You didn't let Starscream live."

And with that, he swung down and plunged the blade into his chest, right where the scar was.

Orion let out a wail of anguish that petered off, he looked at Megatron with optics that were fluttering shut.

"Fuck you..." He wheezed out.

Megatron merely shook his head, "No, fuck you and good riddance."

Orion let out a final breath, and his body went limp.

Megatron got up, and looked at Roller, "Let's go." He said simply, wiping his intake and olfactor.

Roller nodded and they left the stage.

When they reached the exit and walked out of the amphitheater, the crowd was screaming in horror at what they just saw. 

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