
By Prickly_Thorns

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A pair of fraternal twins are taken into a prestigious noble family to maintain good face in the snobbish ari... More



3K 188 45
By Prickly_Thorns

I was donned in lavish materials almost drowning in all the ridiculous accessories that Lady Faintree insisted that I wear.

She was adamant that I needed to be covered from head to toe in everything and anything that could be used to flaunt the Faintree wealth and power as this wedding was to be attended by very high-ranking nobles.

The Waisend family alone was the second most powerful family in the Kingdom, and I was on my way to marry the very head of that family.

Cassius Waisend. The young Duke.

He became Duke at the mere age of fifteen inheriting the powerful position from his father and has maintained it for four years.

The duchy has been doing very well under his reign and is more powerful than it has ever been.

The previous Duke of Waisend was said to have been assassinated in a neighbouring kingdom during a march to form diplomatic relations with their King.

When Cassius's mother heard the news of her husband's death, she hung herself within the first week of his passing unable to go on in this world without him at her side.

I remember that time as clear as day.

Upon receiving the news during the early hours of that morning, Lord Faintree had been acting strangely.

He began drinking before the sun was even up and was a mess by the ninth hour of the morning. The man was stumbling around and throwing things violently at anyone who he caught sight of.

Many servants tried to calm him in futile attempts which only resulted in physical injuries as the Lord lashed out at them.

He was on a savagely destructive rampage destroying everything and everyone in his path. He was like a rabid dog.

Lady Faintree had been with me at the time scolding me on my sloppy calligraphy skills beside a sharp featured tutor who held a strong ruler covered in slight traces of blood from viciously hitting my knuckles every time I made a mistake.

When Lady Faintree got wind of her husband's outburst, she personally made her way to stop him.

The tutor and I followed just steps behind her on orders that she had given.

I wish I had not seen it.

I wish I had not been there when Lord Faintree raised a hand towards Lady Faintree beating her to the ground in an overly aggressive manner.

I may have hated her, but no women should ever go through what she did that day. No women should ever have a hand raised against them by their spouse.

Lord Faintree broke three of her ribs that day and spitting slurs and profanities at his wife.

I stupidly stood frozen as I witnessed the whole scene play out before me. Fear would not let move to help her, to stop this abusive act.

The tutor was no help either, she had scurried away like a frightened dog hiding in the room next door.

The murderous onslaught of punches was finally stopped when I eventually gained control of my senses and let out a high pitch scream alerting the surrounding servants and guards.

I felt so pathetic in that moment. I was so frozen in fear that I was unable to react sooner.

In that sense I understood why Lady Faintree did not like me even more after the incident.

Perhaps in her mind, to protect her sanity and hide from the truth, she concocted an extended hate towards me and indirectly blamed me for the unspoken incident.

Everyone who witnessed that incident was sworn into secrecy. Lord Faintree personally made certain of it.

The Faintrees only cared about their public image.

I was a prime example of this as I sat in an overly decorated white carriage on my way to my wedding.

My dress, although ridiculously expensive, was a complete overkill.

It was so heavy, and all the accessories clashed.

My hair was done up like a beehive and my make up felt like thick icing on a cake as it was layered on so thickly that every expression I made threatened to crack it.

I looked and felt like a court jester.

This was not by choice.

However, it could prove to be a good thing. Hopefully, the Duke would take one look at me and call off the wedding.

I was still confused as to why Cassius Waisend had not done so already. I was certainly not the best match for him. I was far from it.

"Listen here girl, if you mess this up, you can say goodbye to your brother's treatment." Lady Faintree threatened.

I was surprised that she could still speak over all the fabric from my dress that seemed to take up nearly all the interior of the carriage.

"I dare not to Lady Faintree." I almost grumbled out not at all pleased with the current situation.

She gave me a harsh look before looking out the window again as we neared the chapel.

I wish I had gotten to see Rourke again, but I was not permitted to.

I tried putting up a fight, begging Lady Faintree to allow me to see him one last time as I did not know when I would be able to see him again, but it was futile. I was not getting through to the stubborn woman.

Fortunately, my begging irritated her, so I did manage to succeed in one thing. It was not exactly what I wanted but I would latch onto anything if it meant I could communicate to Rourke.

I was allowed to write to him but only one short letter a week.

The carriage came to a complete stop and slowly the doors opened where a strong hand reached out for me to take. I gently placed my own hand in it and regretted it immediately.

It was Archibald.

His strong hand clenched tightly around my own almost bruising it as he roughly yanked me out of the carriage causing me to stumble and almost fall.

Fortunately, he did catch me placing his hand on my waist to balance me.

I wanted to pry it off and hold it over an open flame at the disgust that I felt.

To anyone watching, it seemed like he was a sweet brother helping his little sister. It seemed like he was protective and caring.

I wanted to vomit.

"You have gotten fat. I am surprised that mother even got you into this dress." He tormented me to softly for anyone else to hear.

I gave him a harsh glare unimpressed at his very existence.

"Ah! Archie, just in time." Lady Faintree stepped out the carriage behind me giving the biggest smile she could to her awful son.

"Ruth, my dear daughter, Archie has asked special permission to walk you down the aisle." I could hear the insincerity leaking off her voice. Her false joy and façade were sickening.

"Be good now, I will see you inside." Lady Faintree laughed as she pulled my veil over my face and headed up the steps and through the large wooden doors of the magnificent chapel.

"You look so ugly. I do not even know why mother wants me to walk you, you are ruining my good image." Archie rolled his eyes before hooking my hand around his upper arm and pulling me forward.

The dread I was feeling was horrible.

I wanted to turn around and run.

Every step felt like a thousand needles pricking my feet.

Slowly the wooden doors opened before me as the soft melody started to play.

This is for Rourke. If this is the price I need to pay for his treatment, I would do it a million times over.

This was the last reassurance I gave before taking a deep breath and stepping through the doors.

From this moment forward, my life would be very different. 

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