A World In Need

By KrazyKat945

24.5K 690 198

teen wolf power rangers. When Stiles is kicked from the pack. Him and the only people who backed him up head... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Twenty Seven

110 8 2
By KrazyKat945

Isaac's POV

We decided to teleport back to the warehouse because we didn't want anyone to follow us.

Liam was definitely not on board with my plan, and he had every reason not to be. Stiles was dying. Everyone knew it even if no one wanted to admit it. But if we don't give this our best effort then he'll die, and we'll know that we could've done more for him if we had him fighting with us.

"Alright Stiles time to wake up." I said as I slapped him across the face.

Jackson, on instinct grabbed me and forced me against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"I'm waking him up. What else would I be doing?"

I forced myself out of his grasped and pushed myself off of the crate and back to Stiles.

Liam was standing off to the side, as he knew what I was doing, but he didn't support it. Even though he didn't support the idea, he knew that I was right.

Stiles woke up after a couple more slaps, but he was way more out of it than I thought he was going to be. His eyes were flickering between their normal hazel, and blue, but he didn't seem to notice so I wasn't going to bring it up to him.

"Just a couple more minutes dad." He said and then turned over on his side away from us.

This was going to be way harder than I initially thought it was.

"Stiles if you don't get off the floor right now then you're going to die and everyone else is going to die because the monsters will take over. Do you want that?"

That seemed to be enough, and barely a second after, Stiles was being helped up to his feet by Lydia and Jackson.

He stumbled over to the table to grab his morpher that had been set aside by someone, but you could easily tell that he wasn't too stable on his feet.


"No. Liam, we need his help, and you know we do."

He didn't seem to believe that what I was saying was right anymore. If anything he believed the exact opposite of it now.

"I'm not risking his life when he's already close to losing it! We're lucky that his evil magic spree has somehow vanished, but I'm not going in there knowing that he's not at full strength!" He yelled at me.

He really did care about Stiles, you could tell. Even when Stiles was a magic wielding maniac, Liam stuck by his side because he knew it was the right thing to do, and because he knew that Stiles was still in there somewhere.

But this wasn't the time to care for someone.

This was war.

"That's why Gaylor chose me to be the leader of this team."

"What team Isaac! There's only three of us here and I'm pretty sure we all told off Gaylor before we came here so don't give me your crap leader complex. Here we're equals, which means we make the decisions together for our team. This isn't a dictatorship, and if that's what you're looking for then I'm pretty sure Gaylor will take you back."

I stood there completely stunned at what Liam had just said to me. I mean, he wasn't necessarily wrong, but at the same time, this wasn't the time for this. If he wanted to yell at me about dictatorships then he chose the worst time to do it. But I could play by his rules if it kept everything at bay for the time being.

"Fine then. We'll take a vote on whether Stiles comes with us or if he stays."

Liam thought about it for a moment, but in the end nodded.

"Who votes that he stays."

Only Liam's hand went up, and I knew that Stiles was with it enough to know what we were talking about, so he felt that he should be coming with us too.

"Who votes that he comes with us."

Both Stiles and I raised our hands.

Liam was definitely disappointed that Stiles didn't choose to stay behind, and you could tell by the way his face dropped at Stiles's raised hand.

"You know you could die right?" He said with his head still down, but his voice was concerningly calm. Like he was disappointed, but he didn't want to show that he was disappointed.

"I'm already dying Liam. Why not get one last fight in before I bite the dust."

That was definitely not the answer to give in the moment, because Liam looked up like a kicked puppy, raised his hands in surrender, and left the warehouse.

We all knew that he wasn't going to get far, he wouldn't leave a short distance from the warehouse, but he was still upset.

"I'll go talk to him," Stiles said and slowly made his way out the door.


Liam's POV

How could I have actually thought that Stiles would be smart enough to stay behind and let himself rest? He's never selfish and this is the reason he's always in danger of dying.

If Isaac hadn't said anything then Stiles would still be resting right now and we would've been fine with what we had. Now he's in even more danger than he was in before.


I knew who it was without even turning around.

"Go away Stiles. You're like the last person I want to be talking to right now."

There wasn't any footsteps so I knew that he hasn't left, but I needed him to leave me alone or I was going to punch him in the face.

"I need you to understand why I voted with Isaac on this one."

I was sitting with my legs dangling above the water, and soon I felt him sit beside me.

"This might be the last chance I get to do something like this. I'd I do die, I want to go out fighting, not laying on the cold warehouse floor."

This wasn't about me not understanding. I did understand. I just didn't like it.

"I don't want you to die." I said it so quietly that I hadn't thought he'd heard it.

But he did.

"Trust me Liam. I don't want to die either, but I'd rather die knowing that I did everything I could, rather than knowing I could've done more."

I nodded and we both stood up before walking back into the warehouse where Isaac sat waiting.

"Now we gotta get the girls."

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