Siren Dragon Slayers

By SyrenDragons

18.4K 490 121

Two sister, trained in the middle of the sea. No one knew about their existence until the biggest storm of th... More

Alone but Forever as One
A Delivery from Heaven
The Calling of Dragons
Water and Ice Above All
Those In between
Split by 'Death'
Forgeting the Pain is a Hardship
A Dragons Wrath
They Always Come In Pairs
A Familiar Taste of Poison
It's All For You
I'm Not Dead!
Not My Type
Frost Among Those Silver Eyes
She's My Dragon Too
Strange Encounter
Darkness Falls
Ocean Soul
Promising Future
The Upgrade
It's HERE!!

Sirens From Above

1.4K 37 2
By SyrenDragons

Grey POV

As the song ended, I felt like it was echoing inside my ears. This was crazy, creatures that could control people with their voice. The very thought sent shivers down my spine, that never happened to me. I looked around and watched as the other guys snapped out of their trances. Natsu was the last one to come back to us, and he for some reason was incredibly upset.

"Ahh! Someone was messing with my brain!" He complained running his hands frantically through his hair. "Man this is such a weird feeling! It's like they have control."

"Dude chill out, its not like they are still singing or anything." I shot at him, standing calmly a few feet away from him.

"That was actually a really weird feeling." Wendy commented. "I agree when Natsu says it feels like they were in my brain. It was almost as if the song itself was implanting instructions into my brain."

"Wait!" Carla exclaimed flying out of the hotel. "Wendy, are you saying that you felt the effects of the song?" Her tone was full of worry and wonder, which is an odd combination.

"Well yeah....didn't everybody?" Wendy now had panic seeping into her voice, Carla was good in most situations, but if she didn't know was going on she usually brought Wendy to a panic.

"No child, usually only men can hear the call of a Siren." Carla shook her head.

"Sirens are mythical creatures that were created to lure sailing men to their death. Usually they are also very attractive, and with that and their voice it is very easy for them to lure men into the depths of the ocean." Natsu yawned as Carla gave her mini lesson on Sirens.

"That is just freaky." Lucy commented, showing over exaggerated chills.

"Why am I the only girl to be effected?!" Wendy shrieked, catching all our attentions and putting the conversation back on track.

"Wendy brings up a good question." Erza popped in, nodding her head. "I have no idea why though."

"Enough talking!" Natsu exploded. "We can talk about this weird situation later, right now we need to go and end the problem at hand!"

"And how do you pla-Where the hell did he go?!" The mayor was back in the conversation.

"Come back here you idiot!" I yelled running after Natsu. Soon the entire team was following. Everyone that was called to the city, and those who weren't, had all worked with Natsu at one point or another. "We should make a plan first!"

"Why plan when you can just punch things?" He questioned turning his smiling face towards me. He was such a stubborn fool.

"Aye Sir!"Happy speed past me so he could fly beside Natsu as he stormed towards the shore.

"We're going to leave you in the dust Grey!" Wendy nagged as she shot past with Carla at her side.

"When did this become a race?" I questioned to myself as I kept my pace.

"It's always a race with you people. Gez man, I am knew and even I knew that." Gajeel laughed at me as he and Pantherlilly both passed me.

"Ha, guess I should have seen that one coming." I laughed as I speed up.

I passed the two people that had passed me earlier, and I managed to get to the shore second. The only person that I would ever be okay losing to was Natsu, but I would never tell him that. I looked around the beach but I couldn't seem to find Natsu or Happy. I knew I hadn't passed them, there was no way when he already had such a lead. The others gathered behind me slowly and they started looking too.

I knew the guy had a bad sense of direction, but I didn't think it was this bad. As I walked around the shore, I slowly found that I wasn't walking on ice but sand. It wasn't until I was five feet out that I noticed I wasn't on land at all anymore. I was on a think layer of ice. I looked out to the ocean in front of me and saw a scene that I was all but used to. Natsu was floating on a giant ice chunk and was doubled over about to hurl over the edge.

"Guys I found Natsu!" I called onto the beach. Soon everyone came running.

"Honestly, that boy needs to get a hold of that motion sickness!" Carla complained from the ground beside Wendy.

"Aye! He really should." Happy pouted by my feet.

"Why are you not with Natsu?" I asked looking down at the blue cat.

"I lost him to. He went onto the ice and poof!" The cat made a gesture with his paws. "He was gone into the clouds. Good thing you guys showed up or he might have been lost forever!"

I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe the flying cat didn't bring his friend back to shore. I made my stance to start my magic circle. "Ice make, bridge!" I placed my hands down on the already large ice shell, and watched as a long wide strip of ice connected Natsu's floating ice chunk to where we were standing.

"Wow thanks bud!" Natsu was up and walking within minutes. "I thought I was a goner, why did you wait so long?"

"It's not easy to find you on such a big beach you know!" I gave Natsu the dirtiest look I could muster, what was his deal? I just saved him found endless puking.

"Guys....I think there is something a little more important that we should be focusing on...." Wendy broke in. I looked back at her before following her gaze to its origin.

My jaw must have hit the floor, never before had I seen anything more beautiful or scary. A huge castle, made of ice, was a few hundred feet away. It was so beautifully crafted, that was something my maker magic could never do.

"Grey my love, you're drooling." Juvia creepily whispered into my ear.

"Ga! Juvia!" I freaked jumping away.

"Do you blame him for drooling?" Erza laughed. "I mean it is a giant castle made of ice, that couldn't have been easy for anyone to make. I bet that took years to make."

"It's just ice, there is nothing special about it." Rouge was glumly standing on the shore with the other Dragon Slayers.

"Yeah, what is so impressive about it?" Sting questioned from beside Rouge.

"To a maker magic user, this would be like a mini paradise." Lucy decided to way in now. "Grey must be in an ice heaven."

"Well, shall we get going?" Erza asked, requipping into what looked like a snowman suit.

"How are we going to get there?" Sting and Rouge asked in sink.

"We didn't bring our exceeds with us, we didn't want them to get hurt." Sting complained. I knew where he was coming from, I mean just a few weeks ago he had almost lost his little cat.

"Is that how you two always travel around?" Laxus asked, he must have been truly curious to break his silence.

"Pretty much." They answered together.

"How else are we supposed to get from place to place without motion sickness?" Rouge asked the question as if the answer was totally obvious. I noticed the look Laxus was giving him, and noticed that he shrunk down a foot or two.

"We take a boat." Erza announced. All the dragon slayers but Wendy shuttered.

"Uh-" I cut in. "I could make a bridge, they don't seem to be that far away."

"Please let him do it!"

"He would be such a help!"

"Doesn't matter to me either way."

There was a jumble of replies from the dragon slayers. Most good, of course there was Laxus' forced reply. He acted like he didn't about wither or not we went into a vehicle but we all knew he had motion sickness, every dragon slayer did.

"Well Grey, guess you have your answer." Erza looked over at me and gave me her warning look. The one that told me not to use to much magic energy.

I made the ice bridge, using the lowest amount of magic energy that was possible. Happy, Carla. and Pantherlilly carried their dragon slayers along the path. I was confidant in my work, but was happy that they were taking precautions. It took a good fifteen minute walk to get to the front door. When we got there we were all out of breath, who knew that walking could be so much work?

"We finally made it to the castle." Erza was even slightly out of breath. "Where do you think they are hiding?"

"Erza why don't we camp for the night and look for them in the morning?" Lucy asked as she collapsed to the ground. "My legs are killing me, and I need to rest."

"Man you're such a baby." Laxus complained.

"No Laxus Lucy is right, us who came after you walked most of the way." Erza defended. "So I think that they do deserve a break."

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong its on your hands not mine." He warned.

"I think I can live with that." Erza smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I will find some place where we can settle down for the night without being found."

It took Erza a while to find a place that she deemed safe, I was surprised she found one at all considering the entire island was made and kept by whomever built the ice palace. When she brought us back to the spot she picked, everything was already sit up for the night. Seemed liked she didn't trust us enough to make our own sleep quarters.

"Alright this is how I have it set up.... Wendy, Lucy, Juvia, and I are in the blue tent. Natsu, Grey, and Gajeel you're in the green tent. Lexus, Sting, Rouge, and Cobra you're in the purple tent."

"And what if we don't like this plan you have made?" Sting asked, crossing his arms and looking sourly at Laxus and Cobra.

"These tents have protection spells on them, if the Siren song is sung you boys and Wendy wont hear it. Also if the singer does walk over here we wont be seen by them. So unless you boys want to destroy everything, I suggest you put up with my sleeping arrangements for the night." Erza didn't leave any room to argue, though she rarely did.

"Guess that answers your question." Laxus finished off for her, I hope it didn't become a habit for him because it was really annoying. "If there is any funny business from any of you tonight I will roast you." Laxus grunted as he slipped into the tent.

"Good luck tonight boys!" Lucy sang as she slipped into her own tent, pulling Wendy with her.

"Erza, where do the cats sleep?" Happy asked, flying up to her ear.

"Don't you all usually sleep with your dragon slayers anyway?" Erza raised her eyebrow.

"Aye!" Happy replied, flying up almost like a jumping jack. "I just needed to ask in case you made us some hidden tent or something."

"Don't be ridiculous Tom-cat." Carla scolded as she flew towards the female tent. "How would she be able to do that? Use your head every now and than." She huffed before she flew into the tent.

"Ye-Yes Ma'am!" The only time Happy didn't call someone Sir, was when he was answering to Carla.

Soon we all found ourselves in our respective tents. I can't say we all went to sleep at the same time, between the three tents, we all made our fair share of noise. Honestly I was surprised that the person or people inhabiting this ice island didn't find us just from that. But little did I know that that night, would be the last almost calm night that any of us would have for a long time.


"Grey wake up!" Natsu was shaking me like a mad man. "Grey we have to get out of the way!"

"What are you talking about idiot?" I asked in a haze, as he or Gajeel started dragging me out of the tent. I soon got up on my own after they got me out of the tent. I turned around just in time to see a magic circle appear, and a giant ice storm along with it. "Holy ice man!" I yelled as I ran behind my friends.

Our tents were soon frozen over as mini ice pellets froze everything they touched. As they froze the grew into giant snowflake flowers. It was beautiful to see someone's magic take on a life of its own, but it was oddly scary. There was no control behind it, it was almost unstable who ever was doing this had little control of their magic abilities. If I thought the ice was the most amazing thing I would see I was wrong. I looked up just in time to see a girl fly up with water wings, she had an army of fish made out of water that hit another girl flying around with ice wings.

"Erza, do you see...." I trailed off.

"Yes Grey, I think the town and their legend are very clearly true." When we were a safe we all looked back at the two girls flying around. "We have two maker magic dragon slayers."

"That water magic, it's like nothing I have ever seen before." Juvia marvelled from behind me. "It's like she has complete control over the element, not in the way element magic's almost as if it respects her."

"Juvia, water doesn't have a brain." Happy commented.

"Look at you Tom-Cat, using your brain for once, I am proud." Carla smiles down at him as she flew beside Carla.

"Lady Erza, what is the plan of attack?" Pantherlilly questioned.

"I am not in charge I have no power over the operation." Erza sounded calm, but I knew that the two girls were freaking her out as much of the rest of them. As we were silent, we heard the faint sounds of two people yelling at each other.

'You have no respect!' one girl yelled, I was guessing it was the ice wizard because all of a sudden a wall of ice shot out of the ocean. 'You just leave me here and go on your adventures alone?! I learned to fly so I could go with you, but you're still leaving me here!'

'You don't have enough flight time to make the trip!' The water user fought back as the fish flew over and exploded on the other girl. 'You learned how to fly yesterday! It took me years before I could even reach the main land without falling into the ocean! And you have a low tolerance for cold water, which is ironic but anyway, I am just looking out for you!' She was soon bombarded with a giant snowflake.

'You're only thinking of yourself! You don't want to have me come with you because you are embarrassed by me!'

The bickering kept going, both obviously saying things that hurt the other the most. They truly were siblings, fighting over nothing. But these two were dangerous. Their fights were causing the shore line of Dawn City to be hit with huge waves, and freezing the coast line. They didn't know how to argue without fully using their powers. Natsu and I fought all the time, but we only used physical strength and we always keep magic out of it.

"What are we going to do about these two guys?" I asked watching the two land blow after blow. "They look like they could go on for hours."

"Why don't we try to talk to them?" Wendy suggested. "They don't seemed to be causing these problems on purpose guys. They seem like um....reasonable people."

"Wendy, if you haven't been watching, I don't think they are really up for talking." Lucy bent down to Wendy's level.

"Yeah I guess you're right, sorry." She rubbed the back of her head shyly.

"Don't worry child, it was a very good plan." Carla comforted while glaring at Lucy.

"Hey Natsu, do you ha-" Sting looked around for a missing Natsu. "Where the hell did that fire brain go?"

All the others looked around, but everyone in Fairy Tail already knew where the fire dragon slayer was off too. He was already running towards the two girls, honestly that guy can never stay in one spot for long.

"Come on guys or we will lose him!" I scrunched as I ran towards The trail following behind Natsu. Some how I was able to catch up to Natsu, maybe he was letting me? I doubted that, slowing down isn't really his style.

"Grey...." Natsu turned to look at me, maybe he did let me catch up. "Something smells off about these girls, if they were born with lacroma they would smell different like Laxus or Cobra. But these two smell weird almost as if they are infused with the dragons themselves."

"What are you saying Natsu?" I had never seen Natsu scared before, but the way he was trembling wasn't making me feel any better.

"Look at those two, they are flying, they have or they made wings. Even Sting and Rouge can't fly and they are third generation dragon slayers." Natsu swallowed hard.

"I think I can shed some light on what is up with them." Lucy was beside us suddenly as if the run was nothing, I was about to give her some credit when I realized she was on the back of Virgo.

"Lucy, you know something about this?" Natsu asked wide eyed. For how long he has known Lucy, you would think he would see her as smart.

"Well I just found out about this last night, so I can't say I have known this for a while." She laughed nervously. "I talked to Grandpa clock last night when everyone was asleep, turns out these two are more than they look. You see two young girls but they really are the opposite. It's weird, it's as if their aging has slowed down. They think, and as far as anyone else is concerned they are sixteen and seven teen. But according to records, they were born hundreds of years almost three hundred I believe."

Natsu and I stopped dead in our tracks. "They are how old?!" We yelled in sink.

"You heard me clearly the first time!" Lucy retorted. "Anyway, to get on with my explanation. They are both over one hundred years old. They are sisters, born one year apart. Trained by their dragons and by their parents, when they were alive."

"Wait, they knew their birth parents?" Natsu almost seemed sad, though Igneel was his father, he knew he had birth parents some where.

"Yeah, until the sisters were four and five, they lived with their actual parents." Lucy could see she shouldn't dwell on the topic for long, though Natsu would never admit it out loud he did wonder about his actual parents every now and than. "The Dragon sisters, who were already like their parents took them in as their own and the girls grew up normally. But the dragon sisters wanted to make them the strongest dragon slayers to roam the earth. So they made an alternate universe where they trained them for probably hundreds of years. To the girls have been training in something kind of like the spirit world, where time flows differently. So twelve years to them was about three hundred or so years in our world."

"That's crazy." I commented looking back at the two op young girls.

"What's worse...." There was still more? How many more facts were packed into this story? "The legend says they are fourth generation, literally. But in the ranks of actual dragon slaying, they are about sixth generation. They have dragon slayer magic, along with maker magic, along with the fact that they were born with lacroma and they had another inserted into them. They have other secrets as well, but grandfather clock only knew this much. These two are a force to be reckoned with, we need to be careful."

"I bet that's why they smell so weird." Natsu stuck his nose in the air. "Well whatever the case, let's go!"

And with that we started towards the eye of the storm, and the two dragon slayers that were older than any of us could imagine. It was scary seeing gramps power, seeing these two at full power was something I never wished to see. As we ran, closer and closer to the tower I swear I could hear the crying in their voices and I couldn't help but wonder how long these two have been living alone, superheated from society. Watching them fight was weird. There always seemed to be a tail of ice or water following and than it hit me, these girls have probably almost never left the island of ice that they called their cloths.....were made out of their elements?!


I hope you enjoyed this segment of The Siren Dragons! Please vote and share this story, and sorry again for not posting for so long!

~ The Author

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