Everything started after that...

By inaavadanii

16.7K 234 2

Gia Kim, her parents are divorced, her mother finds a new guy that he's the boss of Mercedes at F1. Gia and H... More

Something new
The dinner
That draw
The party
Meet again
Our talk
Lucky race
Scared to confess
After the Canada Race
Thinking about us
The rain
Panic attack
Perfect date
Tomorrow i will go
Falling apart
Creating your own destiny
Boxing and race
Don't try to balance things
Again at the paddock
Minho will leave
Ha-Kun with his girlfriend
Draw again
Anthoine Hubert
See you again
Back home
Something worse
Forget him
They need you
You, again
My last pain
If you knew...
In the stars
Again at the therapist
They meet again
They are so cute together
You hate him because you still love him
You are with me now

Talking with the past

177 4 0
By inaavadanii

Days had passed, and mom was in depressed, always she was crying. Minho was sad too. And me, you know how my feelings are. I had to do something, but what? I was in my bedroom, thinking. But then I thought about everything. How it started all this mess. Dad, Kim Shen. He was the one who didn't want to sign those papers, then it camed. I had to meet him. I grabbed my little backpack, and I went straight to the hall, and open the door. I didn't have time to explain everyone why I'm going outside. First thing I went to my mom's lawyer, because I need the divorce papers, and the mom's lawyer had them. It was a big building, then I went in, scared that maybe they didn't have a those papers, I'll do it scared. I told someone that I want to meet Mr. Hill. Then they took me in his office. I was standing there, and he turn to me like he was in the Mafia boss.
"Hello Mr Hill" I said.
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Well you know my mother"
"Before you say your mother name take a sit"
"Oh, ok" I sit quietly.
"Now, you can say"
"My mother's name is Kim Jiwoo"
"Oh, I know her. Her case was very difficult, with Kim Shen, and you are Gia Kim"
"And what do you want from me?"
"I want the papers that they didn't sign"
"Because I need them, actually dad"
"Ohh, thank god that someone really needs them. I was about to throw them in the garbage"
"Thank you"
"Your welcome"
"Bye Mr Hill"
"Bye miss Gia Kim"
I left the big building, I was so happy that I have the papers that can change my whole life. Then I went to my dad's house, it was a big one. I was scared, to meet him after five years. I knock on his door, my heart was beating so fast, I need to say what I want from him. My hands were sweating. Then the door opened, and I saw my dad.
"Uh...... hi" I said.
"Gia..... hi" said dad and hugged me.
"Come here" said dad.
"No, I'm fine. Can we go in another place?"
"Yeah, wait here to get ready"
I waited for dad to get ready. Then we went to a restaurant. It was a big silence, then I break the silence.
"You may ask yourself why I camed here to visit you"
"Yes, there's a big reason to be here"
I put the papers on the desk.
"This. This I want you to do it"
"What's this?"
"The divorce paper, that it can do you and mom, apart"
"But, Gia-"
"No dad. Before those papers. Me, Minho and mom were so happy, mom found a guy, and I fell in love. But those fucking papers destroyed us"
"Gia. I thought that you guys are going to be happy that we are together with papers"
"No, no we are not. Dad, if you fucking love us,you signed those papers"
"I love you, and your brother"
"No you don't!" I screamed at him.
"You know that. You didn't have time for us. For me, for Minho. You didn't camed when Minho was born, because you had a party. You didn't call me when was my birthday, or Minho's birthday. I tried so hard to, to love me, for once. But your life was boxing. I don't judge you that you love boxing, I judge you, that you forgot about us. We are the one who supported you, for your career. But you forgot, you forgot what we had. If you weren't that fucking selfish, we weren't in this situation. You fucking ruin my life twice, you didn't sign those papers, because everyone will think that you are a villain, the fans will think that you are just a selfish villain that he's just fighting for money. You cared more about your fans than us. That's why we hate you. Even though you didn't care about us, right now you started to think about us" I said with angry tears. I was so mad at him.
"Gia, I'm so sorry. But everything is about money, even love"
"After a Long Talk, after Everything i told you. YOU JUST CAN'T TALK ABOUT MONEY?"
"After everything I've done, for you, for your mother. You still treat me like I'm a criminal"
"No dad, everything that you did. You did it for yourself, not for us"
"How can you be so mad? That I do my dream"
"I'm not mad that you do your dream. I'm mad that you forgot about how we helped you to be this successful. You forgot the nights when mom was helping you to heal, after a match. Or when mom was in every match with you. Drawing at 12.am with "I love you, my hero" all that was gone. Or when we were celebrating your victory at home. Not on Party with bitches on your lap, and beers and loud music"
"Well that's not my problem. That was from the past. And now I have a girl that loves me very much. And I don't need the information from the past"
"So, you forgot about us. And who is that girl?"
"Her name is Alice"
"And how old is she?"
"She's from college" whispered dad.
"WHAT! And exact how old is she?"
"20" whispered dad.
"Dad, you know she's using you. And when you will go down. She will dump you"
"Why you don't want me to have a good life"
"I want you to have a good life . But you made my life is miserable"
It was silence.
"If you want to meet me again. You can't meet me if those papers aren't signed"
Then I stormed out there. I was so mad, I had angry tears. I went to Lolo's grave, I was so mad, crying, thinking if dad will ever signed those papers. All he thinks is about money. I hate him, he destroyed my life twice. I was watching Lolo photo grave. He was smiling, like he didn't know what's happening to everyone. But up there, he knows everything.

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