When I Came Back

By heartlockbrock

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Colby's best friend Tessa comes back to LA after being gone for a year, and she finds out why Colby has been... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Chapter 2: The Surprise
Chapter 3: Letting Go
Chapter 4: Tension
Chapter 5: The Moment
Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 7: Planning
Chapter 8: Jealousy
Chapter 9: On The Road
Chapter 10: More Jealously
Chapter 11: Setting Up Camp
Chapter 12: The Thrills of Camping
Chapter 12
Chapter 14: The Next Location
Chapter 15: The Investigation
Chapter 16: Things Are Changing
Chapter 17: The Plunge
Chapter 18: Things Are Okay
Chapter 19: Getting Closer
Chapter 20: Round Two
Chapter 21: The Next Step
Chapter 22: The Perfect Day
Chapter 23: The Livestream
Chapter 25: No More Anticipation
Chapter 26: Realization
Chapter 27: Butterflies
Chapter 28: Lust
Chapter 29: The Big Plan

Chapter 24: Confessions

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By heartlockbrock

I went to my nightstand and plugged my phone in while Colby put away the games. I sat down on the bed and watched him, my eyes glanced down his whole body as I admired him. I couldn't believe we had kissed 4 times. He was so attractive, he was my best friend, and we both liked each other but were too scared to admit it.

When he was done putting the games away he came over and sat next to me. I couldn't help the thoughts running through my head.

"Do you think your fans got mad when they saw that?" I asked, not turning my head to look at him. I heard him let out a breathy laugh.

"Do you know how many people have wanted to see us kiss? Most of them will probably be overjoyed."
I smiled to myself, letting my fingers play with my rings in my lap.

"But they also hated my last girlfriend and she liked to post stuff about us a lot" he added, "but they love you so..."

I felt my stomach turn and I looked over at him to see him looking down shyly.

"Yeah cause I'm awesome" I said quietly with a small smile.
Colby's head turned up towards mine and he smirked and nodded.

"Yeah you are."

He looked at me for a few seconds before he sighed and slapped his hand down lightly on my thigh.
"Wanna go watch some YouTube or something?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, and we both got up and went out to my living room.
I grabbed a blanket and Colby grabbed us some water, and we met back at the couch and sat down.

We decided to watch some funny prank videos for a while, and we eventually stumbled on some specific youtubers that I subscribed to and we went through their videos. Everything seemed normal, we sat and watched and talked and for some reason I got into a really giggly mood.

"Dude are you high or something?" Colby said with a laugh as I wiped some tears after laughing so hard at a video.

I shook my head and tried not to wipe the makeup off my face that Colby had put on. Eventually my goofiness rubbed off on him and we were both finding everything funny. In between one of our laughing fits Colby reached up and placed his finger over my lips.

"You need to stop" he said as he shook his head, his other hand coming up to wipe his eyes.

"Why?" I said through my pursed lips, a small giggle slipping out too.

"Cause, my stomach hurts" he said as he slid his finger off, he was leaning forward and his head titled back to look at me from the corner of his eye. I slowly leaned forward and locked my playful eyes with his.

"Come on laughing is good for you" I said as I pushed into him a little.

Colby breathed out deeply.
"But I don't laugh like that very often, my body is mad at me."

"Then You just have to do it more often."

He smiled and me and looked down at the ground.
"I only do it around you, and it's been a while since you've acted like this."

I shrugged, "what can I say, it's been a good day."

He looked back up at me and he nodded. "Yeah it has, a really good day."

I smiled at him and sat back on the couch, bending one knee and letting the other one down to the floor.

Colby then scooted against me and sat back, turning his body towards me a little. I looked up to see him a lot closer than I expected him to be.

I didn't get nervous this time, probably just because the atmosphere was so light that I felt really comfortable. I didn't know why he had turned towards me but I waited patiently and just admired him as he looked at me.

His eyes suddenly looked down at his hand that had been placed on my leg. I watched his face turn a little shy as his eyes followed his hand that was moving slowly up my thigh.

I smiled as he got to my hand that was laying in my lap, and he slowly turned it over and slid his fingers in between mine. I felt my heart beat as I slowly closed my fingers over his, my eyes working their way up into his. He had just looked up at me as well, and he licked his lips and seemed to be wanting to say something.

I waited a couple seconds and still nothing was said, and I began to wonder what was on his mind.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked.

His expression didn't change.
"How pretty you are" he said, his voice soft.

I felt a warmth in my body as I made an 'Aww' face, my eyes dropping from his. Suddenly I knew what I wanted to say to him, but I hesitated. Readjusted my hand in his.

"Do you wanna know what I can't stop thinking about?" I finally said.

My eyes looked up to meet his, his full attention was on me.

"What?" He asked.

"Kissing you."

The words fell out and I held my breath, watching his expression turn into the one that makes my stomach turn.

"What about kissing me?" He asked. His eyes were a little playful but also curious and I knew I couldn't be shy in this moment. I could feel a little tension rising.

"I don't know, you're good" I said with a shrug, causing him to laugh a little.

"That's it? I'm just good?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you're really good, I know I shouldn't think about it but..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"Why not?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I just feel like I shouldn't..."

His eyes were staring deep into mine, his face was serious.
"Is it because you don't think I think about it? Because I do" he said, "I've probably thought about it more than you."

I just stared at him blankly. This was the first time Colby had been so open about his feelings, I was a little caught off guard.

"You can kiss me whenever you want," he added with a small airy laugh, "I wouldn't mind at all."

I was still speechless. Did he just give me permission to kiss him? Like, this was going to be a normal thing?

I swallowed hard and I nodded.
"You can kiss me whenever you want too" I said, licking my lips to hold back a smile.

A smile grew on his face and he bit his lip.
"Starting now?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

My mind was racing, my stomach was turning.

Instead of answering, I slowly took my hand out of his and brought it up to his face as I leaned forward. He smiled and leaned towards me, our lips meeting softly in the middle.

The butterflies filled my body as I tried to let the moment sink in. I felt Colby's hand slide up to my waist as we pulled away, only for a second until I kissed him again.

His hand on my waist sent chills up my spine, he's only held me in that area after hugging sometimes. His hand was on my bare skin below my cropped shirt for longer than it's probably ever been as he readjusted our lips.

His lips were so warm and soft against mine, and just knowing I was kissing my best friend again heightened the nerves, and also the tension.
I could feel the tension coming off of me, but I could also feel it from Colby.

Colby pulled back, taking a second to study my face to make sure what we were doing was okay. I smiled and slid my hand behind his head, guiding him back to me as I placed my lips back over his. I felt him smiling against my lips, and as we readjusted our lips the pressure between the two of us became stronger.

With the next kiss Colby sucked lightly on my bottom lip, letting his tongue graze across.

This sent an extra feeling through my body. Obviously he's done it before, but not like that. I could feel myself holding back, knowing that making any noises might be a little weird at first.

I opened my mouth against His and he didn't just lightly touch my tongue at first this time, we skipped to like kiss number three. His tongue met mine and I felt him exhale, his hand gripping a little harder on my waist.

The tension was rising fast as we began to make out, my breathing was getting a little choppy. I couldn't help the thoughts going through my brain as things started to heat up, I could feel Colby's demeanor changing and It was changing mine.

I decided to be a little bold while in the moment. As our perfect rhythm continued I slid my hand from the back of his neck to the front of his hoodie, gripping the fabric tight in my hands as I pulled myself closer to him, letting my bottom lip fall below his as I sucked and pulled a little at the same time.
As I did this Colby inhaled deeply against my lips as he pulled away, a small moan humming in his throat as he opened his eyes wide.

"Whoa.." he said breathlessly as he looked at me, my expression becoming shy as I slowly untightened my grip on his hoodie. He looked down at my hand then back up, a dark smile appearing on his face that sent a chill down my spine.

Things just got real. I made him feel something and he had to pull away. This boosted my confidence a little, knowing he was into it. I slowly licked my lips and let my eyes turn dark too, my breath was still coming out a little shaky. I wanted him to see how I was feeling.

He studied my face and we just stared at each other, the air around us was thick. My hand was still up on his chest and I could feel how heavy his breathing was.
His eyes were questioning. I let my lips curve into a small smile as I bit my lip, letting my eyes glance down at his lips and go back up.

As I did this Colby slid his hand off my waist and brought it up to caress my face, and he started leaning back in.
I waited for his lips to press against mine and I kissed him back, leaving my hand on his chest as I leaned into him a little more.

His lips were a little more forceful against mine as he readjusted them, my mouth was already open to let him in.

We started making out, my body was feeling so many emotions it was almost too much to handle. I don't think I had ever been this attracted to someone in my life.

I could feel Colby's breathing change as his chest rose and fell unevenly, the tension almost unbearable between us.
I started slowly running my hand down from his chest, passing over his stomach and ending down on his thigh.

As I passed his stomach I felt Colby readjust his lower half, and his hand moved from my cheek to the side of my neck to get a better grip. 

Things were getting intense, I knew both of us were feeling it. I didn't know whether or not to make a move, but I ended up just letting myself enjoy the moment.

We sat there making out for a long time, I'm not exaggerating when I say it was probably 5 minutes straight. The tension was high but both of us were too scared to do anything more. I knew he wanted it, and he probably knew I did too. That was so weird to think about. To think I wanted my best friend, and he wanted me.

When lots of time had passed Colby pulled away a bit, giving me small soft kisses until he finally leaned away. I opened my eyes and immediately looked down at his swollen red lips, wondering if mine looked the same way.

Though it was nice to have a little break, my lips missed his immediately and I felt my body almost begging for more.

I looked up into his eyes and he exhaled deeply. No words were said for a minute, I think we were both just taking it in. I contemplated what would happen next, it could go two ways. I knew what I wanted, but I was also scared to make a move.

The pause between us lasted a long time, the tension was high.
Colby's hand slowly came off my neck and he ran it through his hair.

"I Uh..." he said, his voice cracked causing him to clear is throat.
"I don't really know what, um..."

"Me either" I said with a shy breathy laugh.

He copied me with an airy laugh and he licked his lips, both of his hands clapping together in his lap. I had a feeling I knew what he was trying to cover, and it just made my stomach turn even more.

I fixed my hair and leaned away from him a little, though our bodies were still at a close distance.

"Well that was..." I started, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah it was" Colby finished, he smiled and looked down.

I took a deep breath.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom...". I said as I got up.

I felt bad leaving him like that but I couldn't control what I was feeling, I needed to cool down. I got to the bathroom and I just stood there for a minute, trying to slow all the thoughts going through my head. I've never had a make out session that long, that hot, and never with my best friend.

As much as I understood both of us stopping, I wish he could have just been brave and made a move. But the thought of it was also terrifying.

Another minute later I went back to the living room to see Colby still on the couch, his legs pulled into his chest and his phone in his hand. When he heard me he looked up at me and smiled shyly, and he held eye contact the whole way back to the couch.

I sat down right next to him and turned towards him a little, my eyes having a little excitement in them.
His eyebrows rose and he stared at me.

"So what did you think of that?" I asked. I needed to know. His smile turned into a shy smirk as he shrugged.

"It was hot."

I found myself smirking and laughing a bit as I looked away.

"You know I thought it would be more awkward but I don't think it is" he added. I looked back up at him and nodded.

"Yeah it's only awkward if we make it awkward" I said.

I looked away again and fiddled with the ends of my sleeves.

"Can I be honest with you?" He said, his voice low.

I looked at him and nodded.

He licked his lips and looked down, a really cute, sexy expression on his face appeared as his eyes flicked up to mine.
"I'm like, really turned on right now."

That same feeling twisted in my stomach and I couldn't help but smile, I wasn't expecting him to admit it.
Hearing him say he was turned on by me out loud escalated the feelings like twice over.

"I am too" I said softly, biting my lip as a blush made its way to my cheeks.

Colby was looking at me in a way that was so sexy, yet so admiring, his eyes looking back and forth with mine.

"I guess that's what happens when we are attracted to each other" he said with a laugh.

I nodded, something in my head began to make its way forward. I held my breath.

"I think it's more than just being attracted to each other Colby."

I spoke softly and lowered my eyes slowly, knowing I had just said something pretty important. I was scared to look at him.

It was silent, I was getting worried so I slowly looked up to see Colby smiling, and right when my eyes focused on his he sat up a little and turned towards me.

He licked his lips.
"Do you have something to tell me?" He asked, an excited smirk on his face.

I could feel my face burning.
"Do you have something to tell me?" I said, trying to be a little playful to calm the nerves.

Colby rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Nope I asked you first."

I sighed and looked down. The words were there but I couldn't get them out. To actually say it out loud to him seemed so weird. Who knew id have actual feelings for my best friend. My thoughts were scrambling together, I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"I'm falling for you Colby."

I slowly let out the breath I was holding as I watched his reaction.
He smiled and looked down, letting out a small airy laugh. He licked his lips and looked at me.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear that."

I swallowed hard and looked at him intently, tilting my head to the side.

"I fell for you like right when we became friends."

My mouth dropped and I quickly closed it, trying to take in what he just said.

"I know that must be weird for you" he added with a laugh, "we just became best friends so quickly that I just never said anything."

I was still kind of in shock.
"I always thought I wasn't good enough for you" I said.

It was Colby's turn to look shocked.
"What? Tess, you're perfect. For me at least" he said, his face serious.

I didn't know what to say, I just smiled shyly. Him saying that made my heart skip. He thought I was perfect.

"I kind of had a feeling you started to like me when you came back but I wasn't sure at first" he said as he shifted on the couch, "but I still tried to drop hints that I liked you cause I couldn't help it."

I smiled and him and nodded.

"Yeah I mean when I first came back I just realized how much I missed you, cause I mean you had a girlfriend so I just kind of pushed some feelings off..."
I paused for a second.
"When you guys broke up I could tell you were acting different around me and I knew I felt something different towards you, but I wasn't sure. But when we kissed..."

I trailed off, remembering our first kiss and all the emotions I felt.

"It was amazing" Colby said, starting to smile even bigger.

I smiled and nodded.

"And when you kissed me again Friday night when no one was watching, I kind of hoped that meant you had feelings for me" he said.

I felt my cheeks turning red again and I nodded again.
"It's just crazy, we've been friends for so long..."

Colby shrugged, "yeah, but I feel like things are kind of still the same, It just feels like we've gotten so much closer."

"Yeah that's true. Friends don't normally turn each other on though" I said, causing him to laugh.

"Well no, but you know what I mean."

I nodded and fidgeted with my sleeves.
"So what does this mean then?" I asked, hoping he knew what I was getting at.

Colby smiled and shrugged. "I mean we are still best friends, I don't want anything to come between that. But we like each other, we like kissing each other, so.... should we just see what happens?"

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. That was the best answer he could have given. Not that I didn't want to like be a thing, but letting things just fall into place sounded like a good idea. That way we weren't jumping into anything.

"Yes, let's see what happens." I smiled at him and he smiled back before exhaling deeply.

"Well now that we got that out of the way..." he trailed off and looked back down at his phone.

"Dang it's already midnight?" He said.

"Yeah time flies when you're having fun" I said with a smirk as I stood up from the couch.
I held out my hand and he grabbed it so I could help him up. Once he was in front of me I walked into him and wrapped my arms around him. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled my whole body against him, letting his head rest against mine.

He felt so good in my arms.
When we pulled back slowly he looked down at me and glanced at my lips.
I smiled and stood up on my tip toes, and when I started leaning in Colby did too.

When our lips met I was half surprised when Colby kissed me pretty hard, hard enough that my head was pushed back a little. I giggled against his lips and readjusted mine, letting one of my hands slide up his chest and to his face.

I instantly started feeling a little hot, probably since our bodies were pretty much pressed against each other.
I could feel Colby smiling against my lips as his hands slid off my back and grabbed firmly onto my hips.

I couldn't help but continue to kiss him, my body was overpowering my brain. I was given entrance immediately and we started to make out.

It didn't take long for me to notice the space between our lower half's getting a little cramped, which made it hard for my brain to process anything else besides what was happening.

Once again I found it hard to keep a steady breath as my other hand moved around to his hip. This caused him to immediately push forward against me, Causing me to really feel what was going on in his pants.

It made me inhale against his lips and lean away a little. Colby's eyes slowly opened to mine, a smirk playing on his parted lips as they lingered over mine.

"Colby.." I said softly.


"This is getting a little too much for me..."

I watched his smile falter, his grip on my hips loosening.

"It's not in a bad way" I quickly added, "it's in an overwhelming way.."

He studied me for a second, his eyes still focused on mine.
"Do you want to stop?"
His voice was low and gravely.

I was caught with conflicting thoughts in that moment, feeling a little pressured to answer something I wasn't sure about. My body was telling me to say no, I wanted him so badly. It ached for him.

My mind, however, was overwhelmed with so many thoughts and feelings that I couldn't think straight. I didn't want to rush into anything either, which made me worried that I'd disappoint colby if I told him to stop.

Being the best friend that he is, he saw me fighting with myself and smiled and slowly backed away from me.
"It's getting late, how about we just go to bed" he said.

I smiled and nodded, "okay."

He really was the best.

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