Fire and Ice(a power rangers...

By Thunderstrike2002

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After their school gets sucked up into the sky and their fellow ninja students are kidnapped by a ruthless ni... More

Jessica Blaze
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:Thunder Strangers
Chapter 4:Thunder strangers part 2
Chapter5:Thunder Strangers part 3
Chapter 6:Nowhere to grow
Chapter 7:Return of Thunder part 1
Chapter 8:Return of thunder part 2
Chapter9:Return of Thunder part 3
Chapter 10:Boxing bop-a-roo
Chapter 11 a samurai's journey part 1
Chapter 12 A Samurai's Journey part 2
Chapter 14:I love lothor
Chapter 15 Question of loyalties part 1
Chapter 16:Question of loyalties Part 2
Chapter 17:Good Will Hunter
Chapter18:Sensei Switcheroo
chapter 19:Brother's In arms

Chapter 13:Scent of a Ranger

127 3 0
By Thunderstrike2002


It's been a week since Cam had become a ranger and we were all training on the beach.I felt a lot better after sleeping for a few hours my headache was gone and like I promised sensei I had not used my shield since that day.

Me and Kailey were sparring against each other neither getting the upper hand when all of a sudden we heard someone hit the sand behind is and we turned to see Cam getting back to his feet the weird thing is that it didn't look like anyone had touched him and from what the others were saying he was trying to show off and it went wrong.

"Maybe we should call it a day."I pointed out to Shane as because he is the leader and he nodded."Yeah maybe you're right he nodded.You could tell that Cam was not happy about it but before he could object our morphers beeped and we all turned to Shane who answered the call."Gopher, Shane."and sensei's voice answered."Shane can you ask Cam to return to ops there's something wrong with the computer I think I might have pressed the wrong button."Cam sighed at his father's voice.

"You know I told him not to touch it."He mumbled and then he ninja streaked back to ninja ops."You know I feel sorry for Cam he never gets any time to relax."I said.They all nodded and me and Kailey went back to training till finally she managed to sweep my feet out from underneath me and she won.


The next day I was back at work just finishing tidying up the shop before I finished my shift when everyone but Cam came in and walked up to me.

"Hey what time do you finish."I looked around as Hunter spoke and checked the clock."In about ten minutes why?"I asked and they whispered to me."We were gong to ask Cam if he wants to come to the beach with us you know to get him out of ninja ops for a little bit."I sighed."Guys I'll catch up with you later on there's something I gotta do first."They frowned but nodded and didn't comment.which is good because I knew neither them nor Sensei would approve of what I'm going to do but I need to try.

After I finished my shift I went back to the old fire and ice ninja academy and when I got to the entrance I did the sign to enter. When the academy was running we used to have this machine that would shoot hard little balls at us to learn to be agile and quick to dodge.I was going to use this machine for another purpose.If it was still here.I went to the area where we used to keep the training equipment and I found one that wasn't broken.I pulled it out of storage and took it to the academy training rings outside these were blocked off so I could make sure that the balls didn't go too far.

Before I even went near the machine I sat on the floor and just relaxed.When I was completely relaxed I thought about my shield and the first two times I had used it.I had been angry or scared of attack both times and my theory is that is why it was so powerful.Maybe if I can create one of my own free will why relaxed I can lessen the strength which means I lessen the power and pain for it.So I imagined the color of the shield a pink fiery flame and I imagined it as a bubble of fire.This fire I could blow up to make it bigger but I could also control it.With my eyes closed and while completely concentrating on the color of my shield I raised my left arm and concentrated.Taking deep breaths I imagined expanding that bubble sending it through my arm and out in front of me.I felt a slight tingling sensation go through my arm.I opened my eyes.There coming out of my hand was a fiery wall that was my shield.It was a faint magenta in color and not as bright as last time but it was there I concentrated again and it expanded so it went a little further out from my hand and so it was a bit wider.I giggled and just as I was going to try and make it bigger my morpher went off.

"This is Jessica."and I hear sensei's voice over coms."Jess there is a monster attacking Blue Bay can you meet the others there I'll send you the coordinates."I nodded and replied."got it sensei."and I stood up my shield had gone when I had lost concentration but I know I can do it but I'm not telling the others till I have complete control of it. Raising my morpher I called.



When I arrived on the scene after flaming around the corner I saw the strangest thing ever.Six out of the seven rangers were fighting kelzacks and a monster but Cam was too busy in clothes that I never thought I would see him wearing in my life pretending to be driving a red car as I ran over to Cam I heard the others sigh in relief."Cam are you nuts the others are over there and they need your help.Get your butt over there and morph already."He just ignored me so I growled at him and went to assist the others I took on kelzacks as the others all tried to take on the monster as I finished off the kelzacks with Kailey we turned around just in time to see the others turn into perfume bottles."no let them go."Kailey yelled and I went running at the monster but before I had the chance he blasted me and disappeared.I got up with Kailey's help and I stormed over to Cam.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU"RE DOING CAM, YOU SHOULD HAVE HELPED US DON'T YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED!"I snapped at him with venom clear in my voice.Kailey who was calm then put a hand on my shoulder and addressed Cam trying to not shout at him herself."Cam she just took off with the other rangers."Cam just looked at us like we were in the wrong."Why you bragging on me I didn't do anything."I went to grab his shirt."Exactly you-."Kailey stopped me and turned me away from Cam,"look we do not have time to deal with him we'll sort him out later right now we've got to find the others.I nodded and we asked sensei for assistance and he gave us the coordinates.

Time skip

When we got to the coordinates it looked to me like an old perfume factory."Yeah I would say this is definitely the place."She sniffed up catching my drift."Yeah I agree with you there."So we slowly snuck in so the monster didn't try anything stupid like destroying the others.As we got into the entrance we heard footsteps and Cam came in behind us this time with his ninja uniform on.I had to work hard to contain my anger.This was not the time or place.

"Guys I'm here to help."he said and I snarled at him."Forget it we don't want or need your help, just get out of here."He looked at me for some reason with shock on his face like he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.As me and Kailey turned around and started to walk away we heard another set of footsteps and a new voice that said."Girls why did you bag on me."Me and Kailey turned in shock to see another Cam this time in the motocross gear that I had yelled at him in earlier enter the room."What?"I looked from one to the other in confusion when the moto-gear one came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.Out of reflex I flipped him over and he landed on his back hard and the other one stopped me."Jessica he's not a clone he's a virtual replica I created him to work around ninja ops but I guess he got out of control."I nodded"gee you think."I half joked stilled annoyed at the replica as I pulled him to his feet as Cam sent him away the perfume monster appeared."You annoying little pests you have found my secret hideout,"We all fell into fighting stances and I looked to Cam."Just so you know, she's got the others."He nodded and the monster growled as we fell into formation.

"FIRESTORM RANGER FORM HA."I called out morphing into my ranger suit.

"WINTERSTORM RANGER FORM HA."Kailey called out morphing into hers.

"SAMURAI STORM RANGER FORM."Cam morphed as well and we all began to fight the perfume monster as me and Cam called out or weapons I turned to Kailey."we'll hold her off you go find the others and she nodded.I turned to help Cam again.As Cam jumped away from the monster I hit the ground and tried to sweep the monsters feet out from under her she managed to jump away from me and as I cartwheeled away from her she sent a fireball my way I knew I couldn't use my shield as I was not ready for the others to know so I ducked and so did Cam.Unfortunately it went through the door that Kailey went into and a second later it exploded.

"KAILEY!"I yelled in worry.Has she found the others were they all ok."Oops sorry was the white ranger in there."Both me and Cam stood"You're gonna be."I said and me and Cam attacked her again and I called my weapon.

"DRAGON SABER."And as Kailey came back I sighed in relief as she released the others and Cam went into super samurai mode."What do you say Kailey teamwork."The two in question nodded as Kailey called her snow spear."Cam how about a little samurai ranger power."He nodded and replied."Gladly."

"Ready."I called.

"Aim."Kailey called.

"FIRE!"Cam commanded and we all fired at the monster as out attacks cut straight through the monster I shouted.

"RANGER STORM STRIKE!"and the monster went down and exploded.Next minute she grew 30 feet tall.

I turned to Kailey and Cam."We'll take this one."And the others nodded.Me and Kailey called our Zords and Cam called his copter and formed our megazords



We fought the monster as individual megazords but it wasn't working and when both our megazords hit the ground for the third time I turned to Cam."Cam how about a combo.And he nodded and his zord replaced one of the arms on ours.

"ARCTIC FIRE MEGAZORD SAMURAI STAR FORMATION."And with our combined powers the monster was gone within minutes with a final strike from the copter blades.

Fast forward

After the battle I decided to go with the others to teach Cam how to motocross after they had explained to me how much trouble cyber-cam had caused.That's what Cam's computer twin was known as now that he was actually doing his part in working at ninja ops properly.Why he was practicing Shane came and stood beside me."So where were you today."I looked at him in shock."What."He gave me a look."You told us you would meet up with us later that you had something to do first but you never showed until sensei had called you.Where were you?"I looked at him in shock that he was demanding to know where I was."No offense Shane but that's none of your business,I was there for the battle and that's all you need to know.He glared at me."I know you are hiding something from me and I promise I will find out."

As he said this Cam pulled up and I walked up to congratulate him.I was going to have to be more careful.I didn't want them to find out yet.

Hey guys well Jess did gain some matter of control over her powers but Shane wants to play all detective to try discover her secret she will gain more powers later on also if you haven't noticed already in a few of my earlier chapters I've made a little bit of a mystery and left a few hints as to the answer this mystery is who is Jessica's adoptive father he's an already established character just so you know and I will reveal the answer in a cross over chapter that I will do in a fanfic later down the line I did have this fan fiction started but unfortunately my rough drafts were deleted after my school computer was wiped to get rid of all school software after I graduated out of highschool along with it it wiped away all of my google drive documents related to my school gmail i was able to save a few of my fanfics due to them either being stored elsewhere like the few i already had uploaded onto wattpad or one that I had screenshots saved of the work i had done up to that point and just needed to recreate it but unfortunately the one including this crossover was erased and I havent found the time to recreate it normally I tend to upload my fanfics to wattpad once I have at least 5 well written chapters that I have thoroughly checked over myself to ensure theres no mistakes then I copy and paste them over to wattpad feel free to see if you can guess the answer to my little mystery and also feel free to comment your answers if you like this is just a fun little mystery that I thought would be a fun brain teaser for my readers its not any kind of contest or anything and you can still feel free to read normally well have a nice day and stay morphinominal.

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