The Class of Monsters(COTE Fa...

By HikariSan_351

123K 3.6K 948

Class E, also known as the Classroom of the Elites, has never been used by anyone, as no one seemed to fit th... More

The Class of Monsters
Volume 1 - Chapter 1
Volume 1 - Chapter 2
Volume 1 - Chapter 3
Volume 1 - Chapter 4
Volume 1 - Chapter 5
Volume 1 - Chapter 6
Volume 1 - Chapter 7
Volume 1 - Chapter 8
Volume 1 - Chapter 9
Volume 1 - Chapter 10
Volume 1 - Chapter 11
Volume 1 - Chapter 12
Volume 1 - Chapter 13
Volume 1 - Chapter 14
Volume 1 - Chapter 15
Volume 1 - Chapter 16
Kaori S.S
Horikita S.S
Volume 2 - Chapter 1
Volume 2 - Chapter 2
Volume 2- Chapter 3
Volume 2 - Chapter 4
Volume 2 - Chapter 5
Volume 2 - Chapter 7
Kushida S.S || Arisu S.S
Volume 3 - Chapter 1
Volume 3 - Chapter 2
Volume 3 - Chapter 3
Volume 3 - Chapter 4
Volume 3 - Chapter 5
Volume 3 - Chapter 6
Volume 3 - Chapter 7
Volume 3 - Chapter 8
Volume 3 - Chapter 9

Volume 2 - Chapter 6

1.5K 56 25
By HikariSan_351

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt the Trial was freaking prolonged?!" Karma said as he complains when Ellen-sensei explained the situation. Almost everyone was at least expecting to get points now but unfortunately not.

But why did they have to Delay the other classes' points too?

"Yeah... But let's leave them at that. Since we finished the lessons earlier than expected. Let's do a quiz." Ellen-sensei said with a small smile.

Seriously? This is just probably to test if we were actually listening(Bro you joking?) and not just dazing off at the lesson. So I do guess that this does not have an impact on our grades nor on our points.

Or at least that is what I hope.

This quiz was different from the MidTerms and the other Quiz we did last month. This time there were no hard questions at the end and it was only the questions about the lesson. This'll be easy. I wonder why people complain about Quizzes? It's fun.


"Hey, Kiyotaka!!" Hm? Now that's a voice I've never heard in a while. I turned around and saw Kazuto with his usual smile. Though I wonder why he looks so feminine? 

"... You were just thinking something weird aren't you?" Kaori said with a deadpan on her face. What does she mean? And how did she know that?

I have a lot of questions.

"Female intuition I assume?"

"Very much so," Kaori said with a proud smile. What in the world is that?

"If she says so then it's probably weird. Oh, and can I get your help for something?" Kazuto said with such a teasing smile that I can't even believe it was him. Like he never showed a face like that. I really do not know my classmates much do I?

Anyways, I shook those thoughts off and continued with the conversation.

"Help? What is it?"

"Well--- I bought some electronics and I need your help setting it up. I would've asked Kaori but...." Kazuto trailed off, with a visible strained smile on his face. I turned to Kaori and she lightly scratched her head.

"I have to do something. I swear it's something important!!" Important? What will she do I wonder?

"It's fine but why not Tatsuya? He's a fellow technician?"

"Bro, you're easier to approach than him... No offense to him but he barely talks to us unless in Lessons and he's quieter than Shiro. So you're my best bet and Kaori." Kazuto explained. Although I can't really disagree with him...


"So, what were the electronics that you wanted to set up?"

"..." For some reason, Kazuto stayed quiet and still walked. I lightly narrowed my eyes at him and Kazuto flinched a bit.

"Bro, I was only thinkin'.. So why the heck are you glaring at me?" Kazuto says with a deadpan mixed with a terrified expression. I was glaring?

"Huh? I was?"

"Yes. And to answer your question... That thing I said earlier was a whole made-up lie. I just wanted to show this to you without our Classmates knowing." He said as he handed me his phone. I read it and it was a screenshot of a Message. 

What message you ask? It was a conversation between Ryuuen and someone else that had their name blacked out. It was a deal similar to mine and Ryuuen's, but more simple and with no points involved.

It also contained a full video of the fight against Sudou. So Ryuuen wasn't lying at all, he fought for me.

The sender was anonymous although I do have an odd feeling about who it is.

"This is certainly weird. Send me both the Video and the Sender's I.D number. And does Kaori know this?"

"Okay. And yes, she does. But she told me to leave it to you since she has to meet someone." Someone? I wonder who... But what are we going to do with this...? I made a deal with Ryuuen so what should I do...? Risk my points? 

No... I'll use Kushida... This will benefit her anyway. But I still got to make sure that Class E has some punishments.

"I think you already know what to do with this...?" Kazuto must've known that I won't submit these by myself with the face he is making. I simply nod and watch as Kazuto sent me the Video and the Number.

"But I wonder... Why did this person send this to us instead of Class E?"

"I wonder too. But the more interesting question is how did this person know your number?" Kazuto's eyes widened in realization. He never gave his number to anyone. Not even Kaori nor me. 

Of course, it was easy to ask a Sensei and bribe them but let's not talk about that.

"Y'know what? My brain is exploding. Bye." He said as he left. Exploding? Then how did he get such high scores on the exam if these things confuse him? 


I opened 'Blue Line' and immediately messaged the guy.


(Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)

Hey... Just a question but why did you send that evidence to our Kazuto instead of Class E?


Huh? What do you mean?

(Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)

Stop pretending. I know it's you who sent it to him, Hikigaya Hachiman.




Yep, my guess was Hikigaya himself. There was also Sakayanagi and Ichinose but why would Sakayanagi help Class E and why would Ichinose send this to us and not Class E?

I doubt any second years or third years but Kiyuuin Senpai knows any of the First Years' numbers(Kiryuuin has Kiyopon's) so it has to be on the First Year.

There are a lot of students but my main Suspect to me is him because he got Kiryuuin's attention. And based on my observation about Kiryuuin, she doesn't take any interest in any students easily.



I'm surprised... But not at the same time.


Just rename yourself, feels fricking weird talking to someone with their username as "Unknown_0398475"


Oddly specific but okay. Also, How in the world did you know my name?






Anyway, why send this to us?

*Video Attachment*


I'll keep that a secret for now.


Bruh -_- I'm leaving. Bye.

Ayanokouji went offline.


I can't help but facepalm at our conversation. It felt like it was useless... But at least I now know it came from Hikigaya.

I stared at the video for a minute then sent it to Kushida. I didn't edit it because the video was recorded with a digital camera. And the audio wasn't that audible.

The most probable outcome is that they will get accused of editing this and the evidence will also make Class D guilty. So they'll both get punishments.

I also know Kushida won't sell out my name easily since she probably knows that she has better protection by being with me.

Now, let's once again think about the thing that I was thinking of long ago... Should I expel Horikita?

Yep. Let's do that. But when?

I'll just think about it for now...


"... So, what is this about? Sakayanagi?"

"Fufu~ Glad you could join me today...Hironaka Kaori-san."


Left off with a small sneak peek at what the next chapter will be😎.

And, about Ayanopapa, I was wondering if he will support Kiyopon or not. Because I want to make it different from the LN where Ayanopapa actually supports Kiyopon.

And was it just me who thought season 2 of COTE was weird? I mean... It's cool but Zodiac became Planets💀

I heard it was because the students were less in the anime but I hope the VIPs are still the same. And Smug-looking Karuizawa looks so cute.

Oh, and no Karuizawa in the harem because that's what you guys said.

And, I finally made a Discord Server. Pls join cuz I need friends T^T. This has been a template for a long ago sooo.... The Link is in the comments.

Sayonara :3

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